Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1344: Undercurrent [first! Ask for a ticket! 】


The words of the dog, let Huang Quan Dasheng and the step are shocked.

So pessimistic?

Isn't this like a dog?

Step by step, watching the dog's sticking out his tongue, and constantly licking his mouth, the more he felt in his heart, the fat dog, just wants to get drunk and ribs, what to eat before eating to get a drunken ribs, not worthy What the dog world has to do is all excuses for getting drunken.

"The realm is really dangerous. You should be careful... Also, once you start to break through, the scorpions of the prison will definitely find out that if you listen and swear through the ancestors, then we can really stop. Can't live."

Huang Quan said,

He knows a lot of things, so let's talk to the dog first.

That realm, nothingness and ambiguity, I heard that the fur-skinned dog was touched, but it is difficult to break through.

This is much more difficult than breaking through from the small holy to the great holy.

There are many difficulties in it.

Of course, this difficult point is not clear about Huang Quan. After all, he is still a little far from that level.

Even if he ate the cake, he was bald, and he was still some distance from that level.

Therefore, he can only slap on his face, and he can't say why he can do it.


After the dog was full and sipped, he yawned.

"There is a formation in the old site of the black temple. The law should be the product of the last era. The owner of the black house of the black temple originally wanted to rely on this formation to break through the realm. Unfortunately, the death is too sudden."

The dog said, his dog's nose was pumping. "The power of the law is incredible. It contains the power of time. I used to take the liberty of the dog, and when I entered the law, it was a thousand years."

One thousand a day?

Both the step and the Huangquan Dasheng are sucking a cold breath.

Is there such a means in the world?

"One thousand years... so the fur dog you practiced for a thousand years in the law?" Huang Quan Dasheng took a deep breath.

His life in Huangquan has only lived for tens of thousands of years, and half of it is in the grass.

Otherwise his repair will be even more terrifying.

If the world can go backwards, of course he will continue to choose to hold the grass, which brings him spiritual pleasure...

However, listening to the fur dog said that Huang Quan Dasheng is also amazed.

It is no wonder that this fur dog will touch the realm so quickly. It can be broken through the repair of the fur dog. It may be easier to let it touch that level in the millennium.

The step is sinking.

A thousand years, a few days is thousands of years.

Is it possible to control the time velocity of the array?

Is it the pattern that the previous generation of the host left to portray the food array [time]?

In the heart of the step, I couldn’t help but sink.

What he can now know is that the previous generation of hosts should be the characters of the last era.

It can be seen from the description of the ancestors of the nine ancestors of the Hell, as well as the black magic mouth of the black temple.

In the last era, absolutely something happened, causing the strongest of the nine people in the prison to kill the previous generation.

That problem is coming.

The ancestors of the Nine incarceration are themselves the strongmen of the ruins, or are they the followers of the host?

These may only be known to the ancestors of the previous generation of hosts and the Nine.

However, it is not this that is the point to be considered now.

It is the array of [time].

Can the original food array method be used like this?


Step by step, think again, and again sink.

He frowned and felt that things were not as simple as they thought.

Step by step in the pastoral world to test the [time] array method, this method can indeed control the flow rate of time, but once the character enters the time flow rate, it will gradually age with the passage of time.

The strength of the flesh, the power of the spirit of the gods will all age, and spend the millennium time.

However, the step by step against the dog, but there is no such sequela.

Although the body of the dog has a vicissitudes of thousands of years, but the body is exactly the same as drinking thousands of years ago, there is no recession in the spirit.

Even if it is the great saint, it has been spent for thousands of years. For the flesh, the aging of the gods is a side effect.

no doubt……

This array of methods is definitely more than one [time].

The atmosphere in the black hall suddenly stagnate.

After a long time, the dog’s brother broke the silence.

"Step by step, drunk ribs... Is there still?" The dog spit his tongue and looked at the steps, asking again.

"If you are full, you will have the strength to do things..."

Step by step, watching the dog's body fluttering fat, the mouth can not help but pump.

When the dragon meat was taken out on the spot, it was cooked.

In a short while, the fragrance lingered throughout the black temple.

A bowl of steaming, scented radiant brilliance, and once again.

Placed in the blue and white porcelain plate, handed it to the dog.

The fat meat of the dog’s body trembled, and the blue-and-white porcelain bowl was smashed.

Huang Quan Da Sheng seems to have a sense of heart, sighed.

He asked for three blue-and-white porcelain cups, took out the treasured jade altar, and poured three glasses of wine.

The clear wine is filled with the black temple.

People can't help but hear the word.

"Come, since you choose to embark on that road, then this holy holy will use the treasured wine to help you succeed..."

Huang Quan Dasheng a glass of wine, placed in front of the porcelain plate in the porcelain plate, said with a smile.

By the way, give a cup.

The colorful liquor sways in it, and the wine of the best of Huangquan Nai wine seems to be floating for tens of thousands of miles.

This glass of wine is very mellow.

The dog's head looked up, and the dog's nose seemed to be contaminated with drunken pork ribs, and the dog's hair around the corner of his mouth was stained with drunk juice.

The dog's dog's mouth sucked, and the wine in the wine glass suddenly got into the mouth.

"Good wine!"

The dog-in-law grinned, his tongue slammed, and he ate again with a porcelain plate.

The cup is a mess.

After getting drunk and ribs, the wine is finished.

After the dog’s father had a full meal, he squatted on the ground and didn’t want to move.

After a while, rest.

The dog is just turning over.

"You two come with me..."

Said the dog.

Later, the enchanting catwalk was ahead, and in a short while, it turned left and right in the black hall and came to one side of the world.

This is a secret room in the Black Temple.

This secret room is very secret. In the Black Temple, people who are afraid of knowing are also a minority. The death of the Dark Lord is indeed very wrong.

Otherwise, before he dies, he will definitely choose to fight together.

Step by step, Huang Quan Dasheng followed in front of his buttocks, behind the fat dog of the catwalk.

Stepped into this secret room.

Among the secret rooms, there is a place inside, like a brand new world.

There are mountains, water, and drizzle.

Small river otters.

But there is only this, there is no life here...

In the middle of the world, there is a complicated and complicated array.

"No, that is the method that the dog said. The dog is in the face, thousands of years, thousands of years have not eaten drunk ribs, can give the dog to the donkey."

Said the dog.

There is still some fear in my heart. He is really afraid. If he continues to sleep, he will not be drunk and ribbed for tens of thousands of years. He is afraid of being crazy.

Step by step, looking at the huge array.

There is some shock in my heart.

The rotation of the law, exudes the mysterious atmosphere, completely detached from this world, it seems that it does not belong to this world.

Huang Quan’s stunned look.

This array of methods is completely beyond his imagination.

It is like a miracle left by the gods.

"The ability to manipulate the time array... This is really a strange thing!"

Huang Quan’s great sacredness could not help but reach out and was amazed.

The step method senses this method, and can clearly feel the breath of the [time] array method contained in the formation.

It was like the way he was portrayed when he got the food box.

The breath is the same.

The difference is that this array of methods is not just a [time] array.

There are many different arrays.

This method, the step has not been sensed, it should be the food array, the remaining array.

However, the combination of the food array method is capable of forming such a superb effect.

The step is also a sense of heart.

His eyes lit up as if he had seen through the entire formation.

In the formation, the step saw several dishes that were spinning.

The dishes are located in the corners of the array.

The dog and the Huang Quan can not see, but the step is to see the true.

The four dishes, respectively, sit on the four corners of the array, and there are flashes of light on them, and the light converges, as if they were turned into four gods.

Dragon, phoenix, turtle, tiger...

The four gods are sitting on the four ends of the battle, maintaining the natural operation of the formation.

This is the four elephant array.

Steps regained their gaze and were shocked.

The pace of the previous generation of the host is really more and more curious.

The spiritual sea in your own mind is the result of the cooking of the kitchen **** recipes, which has become a four-image spiritual sea.

The step thinks that this is his own initiative. He did not expect that the previous generation of hosts seems to have developed this method.

Gently spit out a breath.

Steps took some ideas out of their heads.

I want to do so much, the soldiers will block, the water will cover the soil, he is only a chef after all, what he has to do is to cook.

All the fighting and maintenance is to be able to cook better.

"Well, the dog lord is going in... step by step, guarding the dog."

"Otherwise, I really can't eat drunken ribs again."

The dog writhed his **** and took a catwalk, saying like a smile.

A gentle, magnetic sound that blooms in the void.

Later, the dog lord took a catwalk and walked slowly toward the battle.

A method of entry.

The array method is triggered in an instant and starts up.


[Time] The brilliance of the array method flashes.

The four dishes that represent the four elephants are the sustenance of the array.

Step by step, standing on the outside of the array.

Looking at this scene, my eyes are deep.

Huang Quan Dasheng is holding a green jade altar and taking a deep breath.


In a short while, the array roared.

The brilliance of Guanghua is flowing in the formation.

The smell of the dog’s lord is completely gone...

Step by step and Huang Quan Dasheng looked at each other and did not say anything.

The two slowly walked out of the secret room.

The bang sounded.

The door of the chamber was closed.

Step by step and Huang Quan Dasheng came to the palace.

The plate sat on the ground.

It is natural for the dog to let them protect the law.



Listen to the family.

The terrible black vortex is constantly flowing, and the majestic energy is rapidly merging into it.

On the side of the black vortex.

Then there are two figures standing.

One of them is a thin old man, and the old man's eyes are sharp and sharp, as if to cut everything.

This person is the ancestor of the meditation.

Standing next to the ancestors, the sword ancestors stood.

Both look at the vortex and feel the terrible energy in the vortex.

"The realm is really supreme... it’s really enviable."

Said the old ancestors.

The sword ancestor bears a sword, but he has never spoken. He does not know what to say.

That realm is too far away from him. He only knows that it is the realm of supreme.

Of course, although he is far away from him, he is very aware of the horror of that realm...

He still remembers that when the last era was shattered, it was like a demon.

The solitary war comes from the supremacy of the great world.

That kind of power, destroying the earth.

Unfortunately, that person is still dead after all...

The ancestors of the ancestors slammed on the head of the sword ancestors, causing the latter to slow down.

"Don't be in a daze... In the starry battlefield, I played against the **** dog. The dog has already entered this realm. He should have resorted to some means of forbidden land."

Said the old ancestors.

"Just like we use the means of forbidden land in the imprisonment."

The sword demon ancestors nodded.

"However, we can't make him successful. In the ruins, you just need to listen to one person entering the realm."

Said the old ancestors.

His gaze is extremely impressive, looking at the black vortex, with a frenetic color.

Later, he looked at the sword ancestors.

A heart move.

The old gourd suddenly appeared in his hands.

"With this gourd, you go to hell, you must destroy the dog's breakthrough... Don't worry, there is this gourd, the wine in the gourd is enough to make your strength surpass the hegemony... but remember, you can't drink too much, in addition, I will also send a helper to you, this helper... they will be very surprised."

There is a sneer in the mouth of the ancestors.

The sword ancestor grasped the gourd, and his eyes were full of excitement.

He naturally knows what the wine in the gourd is.


The ancestors waved their hands.

The sword ancestors nodded, and their minds moved, and a silver stream flashed.

The foot stepped on the sword light and disappeared instantly.

The ancestors of the ancestors took the hand and looked at the endless black whirlpool and spit out a sigh of relief.

"Come on, it’s almost ready soon..."


After the ancestors, the void tears open.

A burly figure, wrapped in black air emerged.

"I worked hard to piece you together. You are my proudest masterpiece... You should also let the world know that you are there... Go."

The old ancestors had a hand and never looked back.

The figure wrapped in black air, the eyes suddenly appeared red.

The next moment, the void healed, and the shadows screamed with a roar.

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