Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1345: Hong Hao chicken feet [second more! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】


Huang Quancheng.

In the early morning of the next day, the air is moist and has a unique freshness after the rain.

The sun shines, shining on the leaves that are stained with crystals, and the radiance of thousands of rays.

It looks quite dazzling and eye-catching.

Huangquan shop.

At the entrance, there are long queues. These people come from the door of the family. They moved from their respective cities to this place, so that they can queue up to buy the cakes in the store.

Of course, they started out just to make cakes, but after a while, they were attracted by the food in the restaurant.

Therefore, they line up, in order to be able to eat delicious dishes.

The economy of Huangquancheng also climbed rapidly because of a small restaurant.

Like a tacit understanding, those stalls that are very prosperous at night will not be stalled during the day because they know that during the day... it belongs to that restaurant.

However today.

The queued team is a bit embarrassing.

Because on weekdays, when the time is up, the restaurant will open.

Yesterday, the restaurant has been resting for a day, but today... it is still not open, which makes many people a bit strange.

The voice of the discussion was very loud.

Some people speculate that the step boss is late.

Some people speculated that the step boss went out.

But no matter how guessed, the restaurants are still not open.

Some people have not waited, turned and left the team that has been in the queue for a long time.

However, not long after leaving.

The restaurants are open.

Everyone is in the spirit and looks at the past.

A graceful figure stood in front of the door.

The small black hair hangs down and the long eyelashes tremble slightly.

"Don't wait, the business is also suspended today."

Xiao You said.

A sigh rang out loud.

The diners who lined up all felt a little pity and unwilling.

I thought it was the step boss who opened the door, and the result waited for so long, actually got such a news.

Xiao You is very cold and concise.

After saying what to say, it was to close the restaurants.

And she also frowned, feeling a little confused.

Where did the step go?


Black temple.

A winding palace is situated among the mountains.

The black temple was very worn, as if it had been silent for tens of thousands of years, dust was piled up and covered with dust.

In fact, this black temple has just been worn out for half a month.

The reason why it is so worn out is largely due to the influence of the power of the law.

The power of the law seems to be somewhat similar to the time array method, but it is more profound than the time array method.

Because before this, the strong man of the Black Temple did have activities here.

But because the Lord of the Forbidden Land fell.

All the creatures in the black temple were smothered, and the black temple seemed to be ruined for thousands of years. Those creatures never lived in the black temple.

This is the mystery of the power of the law.

It erases the traces of the living beings living here, as if those people had fallen for thousands of years.

The dust is everywhere.

Step by step, and slowly proceed.

When the sole of the foot is stepped on the ground, it will cause the dust to float.

The silent black temple is like a sleeping beast, which converges on the minions.

Step by step in the black hall for a while.

Make all the black temples clear.

The black temple is very large. It was a powerful and unparalleled force thousands of years ago. Today, although it is dead, many things are left behind.

In some secret rooms, the step-by-step found some practice books for practice.

Of course, there are also books that record the history of thousands of years ago.

It is a pity that the history recorded in those books has disappeared from the death of the Black Temple.

Even if the information recorded by later generations is also erased by the power of the law.

So in fact, there is nothing to gain.

However, there is an unexpected surprise.

The Steps actually found the kitchen belonging to the Black Temple in the Black Temple.

The kitchen in the black hall is large.

There is a neat row of cooktops inside.

This cooktop is relatively primitive.

The method of manual ventilation was used, and some wines were found in the wine cellar of the kitchen.

Take out a jar of wine.

I took the cover.

A rich wine suddenly floated out.

This wine is not good, but because of the precipitation of time, the quality of this wine has been greatly improved.

Originally, these wines should have been drunk before they were finished.

However, it is because of the power of the law, everything is back to the first second of the forbidden land that the black temple turned into a thousand years ago.


Stepped down a glass of wine.

The wine is transparent and quite sweet.

A sip of wine into the abdomen, spicy, but with a strong bouquet of wine, make people feel refreshed.

Compared with the best Huangquan Nai wine, this wine is nothing.

However, it is actually a good wine.

Mainly there is more time to precipitate.

Some wines, the longer they are, the more delicious they are.

Take all these wines away.

In a short while, the convenience is to come to the hall.

In the hall.

Huang Quan is standing on the recliner and holding his jade jar, playing with beauty.

Suddenly I saw the appearance of the steps, and the eyes could not help but grow up.

"Where did your kid find so much wine?"

Huang Quan Da Sheng took a breath.

Looking at the steps seems to have moved a wine cellar, and suddenly surprised.

In fact, the step is indeed to empty a wine cellar.

"Come on an altar?"

Step by step, took a look at Huangquan Dasheng, and directly threw a jar of wine in the past.

"Where does this ordinary wine have this holy Xiaoqing?" Huang Quan Dasheng took the wine, but he smiled, and he did not care.

The step is to be too lazy to pay attention to him.

Take out the white tiger Tianzao.

With wine, it is natural to have a drink, and for the sake of the next step, there are still some experiences.

Oh, la la la.

The stove was lit and the water was poured into the pot.

Let the water in the pot slowly boil.

On the other hand, the starting point is to start preparing ingredients.

He has exchanged some chicken feet with the system. These chicken feet are not too big, medium or small, too big to be easy to taste, too small and boring.

This medium chicken claw is just right.

The keel kitchen knife rotates in the hand, as if there is a golden light shining through it, dazzling and dazzling.

Da da da……

The knife speed of the step is very fast, to a familiar level.

It should be the so-called practice to make it happen.

The knife light flashed, and the sharp claws of each chicken claw were knocked off.

Then pour it into the tub and start cleaning.

This cleaning is also tricky.

Pour vinegar into the water, the sour taste spread, so that the distant Huangquan Dasheng could not help but sway the nose.

After that, the convenience is to start cleaning these chicken feet...

These chicken feet are the claws of a low-grade spirit beast.

After soaking and washing the vinegar, and the sputum of the step, some impurities on the vinegar will be eliminated and the bone removal effect will be achieved.

After drowning, drain all the water, place it flat, and wait for the halogen.

After doing this, the next step in the step is to make the braised soup.

Braised soup is the essence, and it is also the top priority of this dish.

Cut a large piece of rhinoceros.

When it comes to this piece of meat, there are some doorways. This is what Huang Quan Dasheng has missed in the starry battlefield...

Tanning braised soup is also quite a doorway.

First prepare the cooked broth, where the broth is made from rhinoceros.

After the soup, it is a medicine soup.

The medicinal soup is made with 18 precious elixir, and the broth is golden brown.

Prepare the braised soup, first prepare the broth, pour the broth into the broth, and put the rhinoceros in the broth into the period, condense the oil juice...

The next step is the production of the fragrance.

The control of the scent is just a matter of hand.

His understanding of spices is quite superb. After adding spices to the braised soup, he puts in the cracking of the fire pepper and the **** of the mother and so on...

The braised soup is soon formed.


The braised soup with boiling heat is boiling and constantly scenting.

It is a scent of medicinal scent, quite awkward.

Look at the braised soup.

The step is to pour the processed chicken feet into it.

From the fire to the small fire, mainly the fire is boiling, the skin of the chicken feet will burst, in that case, it will affect the beauty and taste.

Temperature control is also a matter of learning.

Next, in the process of halogenation, it is convenient to take a variety of ingredients into it.

Octagonal, mother ginger, dried pepper, etc...

Join them together and cook, there are some spices and so on.

When boiled, the broth became sticky and the chicken feet rolled in it. The original white chicken claws slowly converted to tan after tanning.

It looks quite appetizing.

It seems to be wrapped in a layer of sugary juice, and it is full of brilliance.

Oh la la...

Drain the soup.

Step by step all the chicken feet out of the pot, placed in the blue and white porcelain plate.

The chicken feet are stacked together and exude a rich taste.

The skin of the chicken feet is full of elasticity and looks quite bright.

Huang Quan Dasheng has already seen it.

Smelling the scent is a feeling of hunger in the belly.

This paw... He couldn’t help but squirm his mouth.

"Step by step, what is this dish? Is this what you said?"

Huang Quan Da Sheng wiped a mouth, and could not wait.

This is a chicken claw cooked with a soup made from rhinoceros.

That rhinoceros is the meat of the nine-turned sacred... absolutely extraordinary.

This kind of food is exciting when you think about it.

The step sits on the chair.

I took a can of wine and slanted it, and looked at Huang Quan’s sacred eyes.

The step did not say anything, grabbed a chicken claw.

Squeaking hard, rubbing, the elastic chicken feet are the entrance, the bones of the chicken feet will not be very hard, the bite will be broken, the roots of the chicken feet will be attached to it, and it will be chewed after coming down. sense.

A chicken claw into the abdomen, violently and a hard drink.

The mellow wine, together with the delicious chicken feet, is awesome.

"This claw... is called a chicken claw, and the chicken feet are served with wine. It is a perfect match."

Said the step.

After that, continue to lick the chicken feet and drink.

Huang Quan Dasheng has long been eager to wait, grabbing a chicken claw is chewing.

He didn't even use the bones, but he rubbed the bones and swallowed them.

After pouring a sip of wine, screaming!

It’s refreshing to watch.

The two held the jars and began to eat and eat around the chicken feet.

Chicken bones on the ground, and empty bottles.

If the dog knows the happy life of the two at the moment, I am afraid that it will be enchanted by the next second.

Let you come to protect you, not to let you camp...

Of course, at this moment, the dog does not know.

And the steps and others, there is no such awareness.

Wipe and rub.

The bones of the chicken bones, and the sound of drinking, echoed in the silent hall.

From time to time, it was also heard that Huang Quan Dasheng had a full voice.


The sky of **** suddenly rips open.

A silver sword light whizzed past and suddenly went away.


The pressure of terror spreads.

It is suspended above the sky.

Above the silver sword, it was held by a gray robe old man.

The old man's waist is not a gourd, the gourd is worn out, it seems to have some sense of time.

But this gourd is the source of confidence for the old man in the grey robe.

The ancestors of the hegemony died in the hands of the step, and he could continue to seek death without ignorance?

If there is no such gourd, he will not come to death unless he is arrogant.

But with this gourd it can be different.

This gourd is what the man left behind...


With speeding.


The sword ancestor saw the majestic black temple.

Above the black temple, it seems that there is an invisible vortex that rotates.

"There is nothing wrong with the speculation...the dog is really breaking!"

The sword ancestor squinted.

The next moment, he was suspended above the sky, his eyes suddenly condensed.

Crossing the main hall of the road, looking directly at the steps of the drinking pot and the Huangquan Dasheng above the main hall...


"Sure enough, someone is guarding it..."

The sword demon saw the steps and thought of the ancestors who were killed by the steps... the body could not help.

Later, he grabbed the gourd and swayed as if the sound of the collision of the juice was ringing.

Grabbing the gourd.

Open the stopper of the gourd, suddenly from the gourd, there is a drop of crimson juice floating out...

"Taking the sky to make wine... I can finally drink it."

There is a craving in the eyes of the sword ancestors.

Later, after a shot, the crimson liquor was drilled into his mouth, and the rich wine scent broke out instantly...

boom! !

On the scorpio, the terrible breath suddenly filled.

The step of drinking and licking the claws and Huang Quan Da Sheng suddenly condensed, looked up and looked at the sky!

His eyes fell on the sword ancestors who were on the sword.

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