Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1350: Sword Devil ancestors...death [third! 】

Gently patted it up.

Hairy, fleshy, full of elasticity, with a warm feeling.

Some of the gray-green hair steps have enjoyed this feeling.

A slap was gently photographed on the buttocks of the little fox, and the three tails of the little fox suddenly swayed.

The eyes are wide.

In the mouth, it seems that there is a big horror brewing, and it continues to bulge.

It took about two or three seconds to brew.

Later, Xiaohu opened his mouth.

In the mouth, it is constantly condensed by the golden brilliance.


A loud bang rang and the roar of the blast blew.

The waves are flying.

The fat meat of the little fox is shaking at this moment, and the white hair on it is also flying like a grass.

In the mouth, the energy emitted by the cockroach is rushing past the sky in the distance.


It is a huge energy ball, very large, about eight meters in diameter.

When it is ejected, countless energy is entangled in the energy ball, and the sound of nuisance constantly reverberates.

The huge recoil broke out, causing the small fox neck to shrink back.

The gray-green hair step is also a small step back. The original half-baked eyes are unreasonable and obviously stunned.

After eating the cake, what did the little fox squirt?

Attacked from Gatlin for the eight-meter plus howitzer?

The steps in the spiritual sea are also convulsive.


Huge energy cannonballs are like cathartes.

Very fast.

I rushed out of the rain cover.

And the thousands of swords smashed over the tortoise shell, but the constant splashing, making the turtle shell extremely incomparable and blazing.

Jianguang was fascinated by the eyes of the sword ancestors on the Scorpio.

However, he only heard a loud noise!

The voice was like the anger of the heavens, and the thunder of the bursts exploded.

Later, he was wide-eyed, and he looked incredulously at the turtle shell wrapped in Jianguang.

Rumble! ! !

Numerous swords were torn, and the shell was suddenly raised.

It is like a ball bursting out of it.

Countless swords were torn apart and smashed.

Finally, a blazing golden giant energy ball is in sight.

The speed of the energy ball is fast, and the call is approaching.

With great oppression, with a very horrible suppression of breath.

The sword ancestor’s face was sluggish, and he never thought that the turtle shell actually spewed such a thing...

The incomparable horror of the energy contained in this huge energy ball is a bit like a magnified count of beef balls.


Who has seen such a big beef ball?


Depressed air, a hurricane that suddenly ran away.

The torn sky, the wind blowing up is terrible!


The sorcerer's ancestors whispered a little, and then suddenly stunned, the madness of the sword flying, and shot away in the distance.

However, he never imagined that the shell was too fast.

All of a sudden, it is approaching his body...

boom! ! ! !

A loud noise.

The energy suddenly swallowed his body, only accompanied by his terrible terror.

And the clothes that broke on him...

Bang! !

The energy ball fell to the ground.

The whole **** seems to be able to feel this tremor...

After violent shaking, it is violently venting with the ring-shaped energy of the ring.

The smoke is rolled up, the smoke is like a wave...

boom! ! !

All the people watching the battle, the heart is going to stop beating.

At this moment, their ears seem to be deaf, and everyone is squatting on the ground.

Countless dust and sand rolled up and buried them underneath...

However, they are not afraid of the burial of these levels.


The power of this aftermath is terrible.

Some of the more closely-knit small sages were suddenly smashed and rolled hundreds of meters in a row.

They were afraid of the aftermath of the great communion, and they were far enough away.

But never thought of it.

Still suffering.

I was shocked by the energy, some people were injured, and the hemoptysis in the mouth was not...

It's hard to imagine how bad the sword ancestors of the energy supply center are.

In the black temple.

The green energy shield slowly dissipates after the residual wave is blocked.

The picture inside is exposed.

The gray-green stalks squinted and smirked the little fox in his arms.

After the fox slammed a shot, it was a big mouth, and it was full of flesh.

The mouth seems to have blue smoke floating out of it...


Xuanwu possession is lifted.

The gray-green hair is also slowly dissipated and turned black.

Stepping on the little fox, the little fox smashed up and carefully groaned.

Gatlin adds a cannon...

A little magical, it seems that there is no white raising this little fox.

The little fox was picked up and placed on his shoulder. The stepping head turned to look behind him. The invisible vortex was constantly rotating. Obviously, the dog lord should have begun to break through.

Step by step, spit out a breath.

A shake in the hand.

Suddenly there were several bursting bovine pills.

The bovine pill was stuffed into the mouth of the little fox, and the little fox was eaten deliciously.


The smoke is blowing.

The crowds watching from afar are standing up.

They looked at the ground and they all took a breath.

The inside of the black temple has already collapsed, and it is full of broken lines.

At the moment, there is a huge deep pit in the middle, and it is braving straight blue smoke...


On the sky, the clouds rolled over.

Later, a few figures, slowly falling from it.

Pluto, Haha, Ice, and...

Step by step holding a small fox, looked up, looked at the few people floating in the sky, the eyes suddenly appeared in doubt.


The ruins shook.

The sorcerer's ancestors climbed out.

His body was black and his clothes were broken and he looked very miserable.

He saw the sky, and suddenly his eyes burst into brilliance...

"Heavenly! Kill them! Kill them all!"

The sword ancestor screamed.

He knows that this day is a horror of the ancestors sent to help him, the strength of the horror, his help, all worry-free.


The gaze of the sky turned, and slowly fell on the body of the sword ancestors.

After that.

The waves are flying, and the impact of the impact behind it is slowly weakening.

The day is in the side of the sword ancestors.

"What are you doing?! Go kill them! Come on!"

The sorcerer's ancestors saw that the sky was falling on his side, and a slight glimpse, then his face changed and he smashed!

The dynasty Erha and the ice saint fell and fell to the side of the step.

They looked at the unseen ground that was destroyed, and they all took a deep breath.

What did the step-by-step party do to be able to bring the sword ancestors to such a terrible blast?

The shot just now should be equivalent to the power of the nine-turned Great Holy Land...

There are some doubts in the steps. Seeing the look of Pluto Erha and Bing Sheng, this doubt is deeper and deeper.

"There was a good show."

Pluto smirked his mouth, raised his hand, pulled his hair, and turned his head to the step.

far away.

The sorcerer's ancestors are screaming at the sky.


The face of Tianzang smiled slightly and pulled at the corner of his mouth.

This arc almost did not stop the heart of the sword ancestor's heart!


The sword ancestor stagnation, Zhang big mouth, very unbelievable.

He raised his hand and pointed at the sky and stunned. Was he just blinded?

Actually saw this smirk...

I have said that my ancestors have been... his embarrassment, never laugh!

Tian Ming raised his hand and slammed it.

Called on the face of the sword ancestors.

The sword ancestors were taken a few steps back and stunned.

"what are you doing!!!"

Sword demon ancestors.

However, in response to him, there is still only a slap in the sky.

"Who do you say kill?!"

"Who are you calling?!"

"Are you still not recognizing Lao Tzu?!"

A slap in the palm of the hand, every slap in the palm, and finally the face of the sword ancestor is swollen...

And the sword ancestors squatted, sitting on the ground, watching the sky in horror...

"You...you...not heaven! You are...the king of heaven?!"

The sword ancestor is the truth.

He finally said the truth.

But this truth... but it made him chilly!

Why is this happening?

Pluto Tianzang is dead, and death cannot be resurrected! Even the corpse was taken by the ancestors as a cockroach... Why can this guy be resurrected?

What is the resurrection of Pluto Heaven? !

Even when Tianzang was summoned by Pluto, he was not so shocked.

That is the soul of the sky, and it cannot stay in the world for a long time.

But... At this moment, the sky with the face of Pluto's heavenly face utters a voice, but it makes him feel like the most terrible nightmare in the world.

"I am still more grateful to the old man. If it weren't for him, I might not really have the flesh to be resurrected..."

Pluto Tianzang said.

Of course, it is too early to say that the resurrection is now.

After all, his soul is summoned and can't exist for too long in this world.

Once time is up, he may have to dissipate again.

So I have to find a way.

But even if he dissipated again, the day could not be used, because the spiritual brand in the heavens was wiped out by him.

"Impossible... How can you resurrect against the sky! How can you break free from the power of the law?!"

If the sword sorcerer is insane, he will pull back and climb.

The face is full of incredible.

He raised his hand.


The flying sword that fell in the distance started.

Grabbing the flying sword, the sword demon ancestors rushed toward the sky!

The sky is faintly watching.

Then raise your hand.

The sound of the sound is loud.

The metal plate is open...

Red energy is gathering...

"I have to say that this means of attack is really not ordinary..."

Tianzang said that the words fell.

The red-red rays suddenly burst out.

It seems to be able to penetrate all the rays, and it is extremely fast.

The sorcerer's ancestors gaze.

Raise the flying sword to stop.

However, the cruel fact is to make his heart cool...

Even the man with the sword was worn by the ray, and the eyebrows showed a pit of the size of the index finger.

There is a soul in tragic, the power of the ray is terrible, the soul is burning, and it is completely burned for nothingness...

I sighed.

The body of the sword ancestor fell to the ground and raised the dust...

Another ancestor of the prison, fell to hell.

The sound of the sound is loud.

Tianzang came to the black temple.

For this body, he seems to be very happy.

Looked up and glanced at the closed palace door.

"Is the **** dog taking that step too? This step is not easy..."

Tianzang took a deep breath and said.

Step by step holding a small fox, watching Tianzang, this is the first time he has come into contact with this legendary man.

The old man of Pluto, the lover of the ice saint.

It is also the father of Xiao You, hey, it’s a foster father...

Tear off.

The void is torn.

The Nether boat sailed out of it.

Xiaoyou sat on the board of the Nether ship and walked out.

She saw the sky and it was unbelievable.

Xiao You did not think that Tian Zang would actually be resurrected in such an alternative way.

The step looks at the body of Pluto's celestial beings. This body is somewhat similar to Xiaobai, but it looks more mechanical than the white obese.

"Use the made pie to summon the soul of Pluto's possession, and then the soul of the soul occupies this flesh?"

The stepper touched the head of Xiaohu and looked at Tianzang and others and asked.

Tianzang nodded.

Others have changed their face when they listened to the steps.

Yes, what they worry about will happen.

The soul that is summoned with the cake is time-limited, and only a short time is in this world.

It should be dissipated soon...

"After people die, they will enter a chaos. I don't know why I was summoned. I feel that there is a supreme power in my life that pulls my soul.... In this world, I am right there. The memory of the place is blurred, faintly remembering... calling the place for... reincarnation."

Tianzang raised his hand and licked his head and said.


The eyebrows of the step are picked, is there really a place in the world?


The eyes of Pluto's celestial collection began to flicker.

The brilliance of machinery emerges from time to time...

"Time is coming..."

The sky is very calm, and he knows that the time to summon the world is limited.

The faces of Pluto Erha and Bingsheng suddenly changed.

Xiao You also emerged an anxious color.

"Steps... Do you help the Pluto adults?" Xiaoyou suddenly grabbed the arm of the step, and some prayed for the step.


Step by step looked at Xiao You, the first time I found this feeling of Xiao You.

I looked at the sad look of Pluto Erha and Bingsheng.

Steps gently spit out a breath.

He does not know if he does not become...

As Pluto's Tianzang said, there is a power of power on his body. This power may be the power of the so-called law.

Just like the power of the forbidden land suffered by the landlord and others.

And want to suppress the power of this forbidden land... Maybe only that thing can be done.

"You help me and Pluto Heaven to protect the law... This time can't be disturbed."

The step hand handed Xiaohu to Xiaoyou, and then said seriously.

Everyone is a stay.

Is there a way to do it?


Near the body of the sword ancestors.

The void slammed open.

The horrible temper is entangled in it.

A figure that squats back and walks slowly.

The terrible atmosphere filled the audience.

The old ancestors came out of it, squinting at the ground and squinting at the swordless ancestors.

Then I looked at the black temple in the distance...

In the murky eyes, there is a terrible force of destruction in the sweep...

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