Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1351: Sit down and hold [first! 】

"Guarding the law?"

If you step by step, let the princes and other people in the eyes suddenly shine. Is there really a way to do it?

This kind of thing is very against the sky. To let a dead person survive, it is tantamount to acting against the sky. The matter of life and death is originally related to the laws of the world, the power of the law, can the ordinary people be able to defy?

Even if it is a great sacred sacred, even a great sacred, it is impossible to fight against the law.

After all, this kind of power is not only a plane, but also a layer of power of the family. It is a force of the universe!

Even the great saint is nothing but dust in the universe.

Can the steps really do?

Of course, no matter whether the steps can be done, they have to try it.

Nothing else, just for the only hope that exists.

Both the body and the soul are at the same time, which may be the only chance for the resurrection of Pluto.

Once the wrong opportunity, the legendary figure of Pluto Tianzang, fearing that it will disappear forever in the long river of the years.

So this hope, they can't give up.

If even hope disappears, what is the difference with salted fish?

and so.

There is a dignified color in the eyes of Pluto Erha and Bingsheng.

They have withdrawn and withdrew from the scope of the Black Temple.

Among the black temples.

It is only the rest of the world, the Pluto and the steps.

The atmosphere is so embarrassing.

Pluto Heavenly Tibetans do not know the steps. After all, he is a man who lived in the past. At that time, the steps did not appear.

Just as he was in the sea of ​​stars, the step still didn't know where to play the kitchen knife.

One is a legend and the other is an unknown cook.

Getting along, there is always some embarrassment.

However, Pluto Heaven is very curious, he looked at the steps, always feel that this little cook has an unparalleled charm.

"I can return to the ruins, it should be your credit. I heard that the cake you made can be artificially made?"

Pluto Tianzang looked at the step, and the corner of his mouth was slightly twisted and said.

Because he is a sly face, he laughs very hard.

Even though most of the cockroaches are the flesh of Pluto's celestial beings, after all, this flesh does not belong to him, so it is still a little jerky to control.

It is difficult to achieve the degree of arming.

This is also because the soul of Pluto's celestial beings is not really fused with this flesh.

Steps are thinking at the moment.

It seems to have heard the words of Pluto's possession, looked up and looked at the latter.

"Oh, everyday operation."

Step by step, said with no expression.

The king's mouth is suddenly smug, and this little cook is really welcome.

However, it is really against the sky to be able to cook the cake.

Although it is luck to make cakes, there are some people who are lucky...

Moreover, Pluto Tianzang also feels that this creation is also related to the obsession in the heart, and it is not only luck that can be done by pulling himself out of the reincarnation.

"What should I do?"

Pluto said, Resurrection... He certainly wants to be resurrected.

As a dead person, he knows how painful death is.

Reincarnation, dark and chaotic, I don’t know how old.

That taste is not good.

Step by step raised his head again and saw a look at Pluto.

"You... don't talk."

Pluto Heaven: "..."

A very cold little cook.

The pace is now running rapidly in my mind.

He is thinking about ways to save the King of Heaven, there is absolutely a way, because the heart of the step seems to have touched something, but it is a little worse.

The so-called power of reincarnation should be exactly the same as the power of the law.

For example, those who are forbidden are trapped by the power of the law, otherwise they would disappear with the destruction of the last era tens of thousands of years ago.

The forbidden powers have had hopes too.

What they want to get crazy...

That is……

The eyes of the step are slightly bright, as if there is a meteor in the mind.

That's right!

Just forget the lotus!

Whether it is the golden building of the sacred cave, or the black devil of the black temple, it is the endless love lotus.

For them, forgetting the lotus is a key, a key to open the force of the law, in short, is the means to blind the power of the law.

But... things are not that simple.

Steps don't just think that forgetting the lotus can solve the problem.

After all, Pluto Heaven and the Lord of the Forbidden Land are different.

The king of heaven is a dead man, and the power of the law to be blinded will be terrible.

Perhaps it corresponds to the power of different laws.

The power of the law of death corresponds to reincarnation, and reincarnation is the power of the so-called law.

What seems to be caught in the mind of the step, the eyes are shining more and more.

Step by step.

After that, the spirit is in the spirit sea.

He is suspended in the spirit sea, the spirit of the sea, nine whirlpools in the constant vortex, bursting with a horrible atmosphere.

White Tiger, Shenlong, Suzaku, and Xuanwu are all suspended in it.

They look at the steps, they know what the steps are going to do...

"Small host, do you really want to do this? At your current level, you are exposed to the power of the law... not good for your future..."

Xuanwu opened up, among the four spirits, only Xuanwu is the most mature and stable.

And once he spoke, it explained the seriousness of the matter.

"Then you think my guess is feasible..."

Step by step looking at Xuanwu, a slight pick of the corner of his mouth, asked.

“The road to the kitchen is difficult and dangerous, but if you walk step by step, the danger is not too horrible, and within your tolerance, you still have a chance to survive, but once you break the rules, it is not enough. Levels involve higher and deeper things, which will make the future difficulties become more terrible... even forever reincarnation, it is difficult to surpass."

Xuanwu said.

He also said so much, and more, he can't say it.

Xuanwu lived for a long time, and there were many hosts that he had experienced.

For the step, he appreciates it, but he only appreciates it. It is enough to do things that do not touch the rules within the limits of his ability.

Step by step looking at Xuanwu, looking at the four spirits, the corner of the mouth slightly.

"Since it is certain that it is dangerous, then it is dangerous and dangerous. What is the difference?"

Said the step.

Later, the spirit of the sea suddenly changed.


The spiritual sea has changed instantly.

A roar.

The four great spirits have fallen into the four corners of the spiritual sea.

Yin and Yang poles and four elephant spirit sea...

The mental power of the step is highly concentrated at this moment.


The step suddenly opened his eyes.

Pastoral world.

Suddenly changed color.

The forgotten lotus growing on the fairy tree suddenly shook slightly, and then fell off a piece of lotus.

The lotus leaf exudes the brilliance of Yingying, and the brilliance surges.

The entire pastoral world seems to be shrouded in a peaceful glory.

Inside the grass.

The rushing Bazhen chicken jerked his head up, his eyes narrowed and stared.

The Babao pig licked the dirt and raised the nose of the pig, and there was mud on it.

In front of the wooden house.

Niu Hansan lay on the rocking chair and shook his head.

"Step boss...you have to do something again."



The step raised the palm of his hand.

In the palm of his hand, a piece of lotus flower suddenly emerged.

As soon as this lotus leaf appeared, the majestic essence was rolling.

I took a look at the distant Pluto.

Push the lotus leaf gently to him.

"Sit down, contain."

Step by step.

"Forget the lotus?!"

Pluto's celestial gaze suddenly shrinks, and his vision is naturally a recognition of what the step handed to him.

A lotus leaf that forgets the lotus.

Actually it is a love lotus... This kid actually has a love lotus.

Was the terrible existence in the bronze palace... was it released?

Forgetting lotus is the so-called key. Once picked, it means that the existence of the bronze palace... is out of trouble.

Take a deep breath.

Think of the terrible existence in the bronze palace on the Huangquan River, even if the Pluto Heavenly possession in the state of full prosperity is not sure to deal with, that guy... is a mysterious existence.


The eyes of Pluto Heaven are suddenly bright.

There are such things as forgetfulness, perhaps, is there a chance for the step to save him?



Outside the black temple.

The body of the sword ancestor was entangled in a black line.

The old ancestors squatted back and stood beside the body of the sword ancestors, and the eyes were full of indifference.

His sleeve glimpsed and suddenly fell on the head of the sword ancestor's head.

Oh la la...

A burst of sound began to sound.

From the sleeves of the ancestors, there was actually a small mechanical bug that climbed out.

These worms climbed out of his sleeves and fell on the body of the sword ancestor.

Climbing into the huge potholes on the forehead of the Sword Devil's forehead, and in a short while, there was a creepy chewing sound.

A sigh of black air sprinkled from the body of the ancestors, covering the body of the sword ancestors.

Later, the ancestors of the dead swordsman actually climbed from the ground.

The closed eyes are open, and the white eyes are completely black!

The old ancestors looked at the sword ancestors, and the corners of their mouths were slightly tilted.

"Just call you a sword... Although it has been made into a skeleton, it still retains your sword meaning..."

Said the old ancestors.

The sword ancestor did not respond.


In the sleeves, the palms of the dying ancestors emerged.

The five fingers are flexible and rhythmic.

Later, the body of the sword ancestors was the sound of a collision.


Above the ground, a flying sword rose to the sky.

The body of the sword trembled, and then, one step rushed out, wrapped in a flying sword, and killed the past in the black temple...

Before the black temple.

Pluto Erha, Ice St., and Xiao You are both standing.


A terrible black gas smashed down from the sky.

A strong pressure has swept through.

The look of Pluto Erha and others suddenly changed suddenly!


Pluto Erha bites his teeth.

He won't let people destroy the resurrection of his dad...

Holding the Pluto, there was a superb warfare in the eyes of Pluto.

A pedal stepped on the ground.

Suddenly the ground cracked open.

The shape of Pluto Erha rises to the sky.

Pluto was held by him, violently waving, and the mans swept across the sky, as if to make the whole world shattered like a bomb!

"Come on! Fight!"

Tsinghua Erha snarls the sky.

The effect of making cakes has not passed, and now he still has the fighting power of the nine-turned great holy!


Responding to him is a sword light.

The sword was so horrible that it collided with the mans and collapsed.


The sorcerer's ancestors wrapped up the flying sword and smashed it.

The prince of Erlang is shrinking.

"Sword Devil ancestors?"

He shouted, did the sword ancestor not be slaughtered by his old man?

Why is it resurrected?

The cold and ruthless swordsman ancestors came flying.

Later, in the face of Pluto, I opened my mouth violently...

The curvature of the mouth is very large, and the entire chin seems to fall off.

From his mouth, he actually sent out a sword, and the sword was light...

Pluto can't dodge, can only use the king of the king to force resistance...

Jianguang was on the coffin, and suddenly he was divided.

It turned into a thousand fine swords, cut open, on the face of Pluto Erha, on the arm, on the feet, all left a fine sword mark...

There are blood beads coming in from the wound!


The sword ancestor flew back.

The smoke is covered.

A sly figure slowly stepped out of it.

The footsteps are not loud, not urgent or slow.

After a long time.

Everyone is seeing it.

It was an old man with white hair and old-fashioned old man. The meat on his cheeks fell down because of the years, his eyes were heavy, his eyes were big, and his eyes were small.

"Tian Ming is the smug of the old man... please return to the old man."

The hoarse and old voice sounded through the heavens.

The old man squatted his back and held his hand, and the sword slid his chin in a large arc, suspended in his body.


All the spectators are taking a breath!

There is no doubt that this person is the maker of the sky...

One of the two supreme shackles of the Prison... the ancestors.

The strongest person in the midst of a mystery, a mysterious prisoner!

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