Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1360: Fierce white [second more! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

"Everyone...has to die."

This sentence came from the mouth of the ancestors, and it was like a thousand years of ice, with incomparable grievances and madness that never returned.

That's right, it's crazy, it's kind of listening, as if it's all crazy.

There is no doubt that the ancestors of the ruins were forced to the extreme at this moment.

She thought it would be enough to make a shot.

As a result, she was unexpectedly smashed by the steps, and even the person who hides her identity was smashed by the steps.

At this moment, she thought a lot.

I thought of a horrible existence that made her heart cover the shadows. The performance of the steps was too much like that.

The same is true, it is so terrible.

Thinking of that terrible existence, the ancestors of the ruins are somewhat unable to suppress the crazy ideas in their hearts.

That idea is the killing of the step.

In any case, you must give the step to kill the killing.

The man made her twist like a woman, but she had to admit that the man was against the sky.

So she has to kill the steps without paying any price.

Must kill!

Rubbing and rubbing...

A piece of clothing fell off her body.

As if quietly, it has faded the mystery of the body, and it is necessary to present the perfect body in front of everyone.

However, the truth is that nature cannot be like this.

The clothes are faded, but the brilliance that is difficult to cover up is revealed.

On the body, there was a golden light.

The robes of the ancestors' chest clothes fell off, showing a huge hollow.

The middle of the whole body was hollowed out, and the roots of the scattered radiant silks were entangled and wrapped around a source stone, and this source stone was the biggest secret of the ancestors.

This scene is a bit creepy.

Everyone who thought that the clothes would fall off would have been scared.

The ancestors are the ancestors, even if she becomes a woman, she is still a ancestors...

The burly Pluto's celestial collection, frowning at this scene, and seeing the shining source of light inside the ancestor's body, the eyes suddenly showed a dignified color.

far away.

Holding a small white heart, the mechanical eye suddenly flashed.

Staring at the source stone in the chest of the ancestors, it seems a little eager.

Sitting on the ground, the steps are also true, and the eyes are also revealing the color of doubt.

This ancestor is really embarrassed, and actually made his own body into a half-baked.

The source stone that radiates golden light is incomparably strange, as if it has a powerful power.

And the ancestors of the dynasty also began to climb rapidly with the explosion of this source stone.

The eyelids turned red.

The metal wings behind them slammed together.

Twelve wings rolled together, turned into twelve spears, twisted and twisted, squatting on the ground, like a spider's leg, to support the body of the ancestors.

The face of the ancestors of the ancestors raised, and it was the killing of the sky, and the endless grievances.


Consciousness seems to have been overwhelmed.

At this moment, the ancestors of the ruins only have the idea of ​​killing.

A bang.

Twelve spider-like spears slammed on the ground.

The figure is like a shadow, and it disappears instantly.

When it reappears, it is in front of the Pluto.

Tear off.

A spider's leg slammed up, and the body that was facing the sky was stabbed.

Tianzang eyes condensed and raised his hand.

Directly, the spider's leg was caught in the hand.

Spider's legs crossed the palm of your hand, and even a splash of Mars smashed!

The material of this spider's leg is the same as that of Pluto's celestial body. It is sturdy and can't be crushed!

"Done and die!!"

The ancestors are crazy!

Other spider legs are also rushing toward the sky.

The other hand of Tianzang has resisted.

Constantly resounding and roaring.

However, the speed of these spider legs is too fast.

Tianzang was actually exploded by the living thorns out of the scorpion Mars, and the hard-boiled beat retired.


The source stone in the chest of the ancestors has made the power of the spider legs much stronger.

At least, the sky is very difficult to block!

The golden thread spread from the body of the ancestors and spread to his body, like a small snake, under her skin, constantly squirming.

"What is this means?"

Tianzang is sucking in a cold air.

His mind can feel the terrible energy of the source stone.

That energy is even more unusual, as if to make Tianzang repressed and breathless.

Like the suppression of natural strength...

This should not happen.

Although the ancestors of the moment are very strong, they still do not exceed the level of the Great Sacred.

It is impossible for Tianzang to be beaten, but this natural suppression is to make the Pluto day hidden very unhappy.

“Is this a physical problem?”

In the mind of the sky, I thought about what I thought.

"Is it because you have a heart?" So, is the source stone in the chest of the ancestors' ancestors the source of all the energy?"

The meditation is good at making 傀儡, and their cockroaches are made by the secret method of the family.

Although others don't understand it, one thing is clear.

That is, every powerful encounter has a top-notch heart.

At the moment, the golden source stone in the chest of the ancestors is the template and source of the heart of the heart.

Perhaps this is the only way to make yourself feel suppressed...

Pluto Heaven hides frowns.

Feeling that the body is a bit heavy, the movement of the heart of the body seems to have lagged a lot.

A spider's leg stabbed again, and the void seemed to be blasted by the thorn.

The sky is hidden in front of the arms.

The spear was straight and stabbed, and suddenly there were countless fires.

The body of Tianzang took a step back and the holes were densely covered with holes.

And then, the remaining eleven spider legs are also coming.

Tianzang was suddenly thrown out by the shackles.

In prison.

All the great saints who are concerned about the battle suddenly showed excitement.

Looking at the old ancestors who pressed the sky to the ground, they could not help but make a happy call.

"Tianzang is resurrected, but his body is re-refined by the ancestors.... There are still some ways to suppress the ancestors..."

"I feel this is our chance!"

"Looking at the suppression of the sky, we will re-enter the hell! Kill all the holy saints of hell..."

The fire demon ancestors and the shadow ancestors and other strong people screamed openly, said so.

This idea was unexpectedly recognized by many people.

The high-ranking strong who blocked them were mainly Hell.

As long as you kill these high-level saints, you can conquer the hell.



Pluto Tianzang was once again beaten.

He felt that it was a bit difficult to move in front of a spider-like ancestor.

It was completely overwhelmed, and this feeling made him very upset.

Was he the first battle of the recovery of Pluto's Tianzang, was it so grievous to be beaten?

"What is that source stone?!"

In the heart of Pluto, I couldn’t help but want to sneak out.


The ancestors of the ancestors opened their mouths.

In her mouth, it is gathered by golden brilliance.

A blast came out.

He was on the body of Pluto, and he smashed the sky to the ground...

Golden brilliance spreads.

It turned into a huge spider web and trapped him on the ground.

The brilliance of the spider web shines, and it seems that all the struggles of the ancestors are struggling.

The metal plate emerges and the red-red rays burst.

Still unable to burn this spider web.


Turned into a spider's ancestors, suddenly moved.

The sound of the sound is loud.

Twelve legs traversed at a rapid speed.

Like a gust of wind, it rushed toward the position where the step was.

A spider's leg is raised.

The sharp spear pointed at the step.

The air blew and the air blew up.

The power of this spear is terrible.

I want to take a spear and walk through the steps.

The only resentment of the mad ancestors seems to be to kill the steps!

Therefore, the killing step became her only purpose at the moment.

The wind whistled.

A huge sense of oppression came.

Pluto Erha and others have already been overwhelmed by pressure.

The brows of the steps are wrinkled and the face is a little dignified.

Is this the reliance of the ancestors?

It seems that there is a bit of power...

Even the resurrected Pluto Heaven is not an opponent...

Feeling the sharp air of the pavement, the pores of the whole body seem to be in the sharp, tight.

Step by step, spit out a sigh of relief.

boom! ! !

The spider legs are approaching at a rapid speed.

Just when everyone thinks that the steps are difficult to escape, it is time to be hit by a spider's leg.

A strange scene suddenly happened.

The spider's legs were stagnant, stagnating one meter in front of the step, not forward.

what happened?

Everyone is shocked.

Looked carefully over the past.

It was to see a spider's leg of the ancestors, but it was caught by a rounded iron shovel.

Xiaobai held the spider's legs and slammed it open, and the hard-working ancestors gave the ancestors away from the side of the step.


boom! !

A few spider legs fell into the sky, as lightning-like slamming on the white body.

Xiao Bai suddenly was thrown like a ball, and the cockroach was in the distance, and there was a crack in his body.

A blow to fly white.

The old ancestors once again turned the scarlet, sinister and crazy eyes to the pace.



The action broke out again, and the twelve spider legs slammed on the ground, and the recoil of the eruption made her speed like lightning.


A burst of friction between the gold and iron.

Xiaobai once again hugged the spider's legs of the ancestors.

This time, Xiaobai is more direct.

Follow the spider's legs and climb up.

For such a "squatting ant", the ancestors angered to the extreme.

Twelve spider legs swayed under the armpits, and the ground was stabbed one after another.

But Xiaobai is still firmly climbing up...

This scene made everyone stunned.

The step is also slightly open, it seems a bit puzzled.

Xiao Bai is undoubtedly weak in the face of the ancestors.

Although the strength of the step has reached a nine-turn small degree.

After Xiaobai swallowed up a lot of jealousy, the combat power also reached the great holy place.

However, in the face of the great sacred ancestors of the great saint, it is tantamount to ants.

I was shot several times.

One of the spider's legs turned up and slammed down.

With a burst of sparks, these spider legs seem to pierce into the white body...

far away.

The Pluto, which is bound by the spider web, is constantly struggling, wanting to shred the web that binds itself.

However, it is still a certain time to break the spider web.

The back was pierced with a large hole, but Xiaobai did not care at all, the mechanical eyes flickered, and the steadily continued to climb.

No matter how the ancestors are, how to attack, they are indifferent.

at last……

Xiaobai climbed to the position of the body of the ancestors.

It is only one meter away from the source stone wrapped in the golden thread.

The small white-like fan-like hand clasped the spider's legs and held it tightly.

The steps and other people who watched this change were somewhat stunned.

And the step is to understand, Xiaobai’s goal is actually the source stone in the chest of the ancestors’ ancestors...

Thinking of this, the face of the step is extremely strange.

Countless sorrows, as well as the sorrows of the earth and the sorrows of the people, have been smashed by Xiaobai. Xiaobai is still not satisfied. Now the idea actually hits the source stone in the ancestors. go with?

When did Xiaobai become so fierce?

Boom! !

The general blade of the steel knife is squatted again.

The body of Xiaobai has already been ragged, like a scrap of iron.

But Xiaobai still holds the spider's legs tightly.


Everyone was shocked.

In the exclamation of Tsang Erha and Xiao You.

Xiaobai's mechanical eyes flickered, and the timing was right...

The legs jerked on the spider's legs.

Suddenly like a spring shot.

The big fan-like hand jerked up and grabbed the golden source stone in the chest of the ancestors.

boom! ! !

An invisible energy spreads.

Xiaobai’s palm suddenly caught the source stone.

Tear off...

The source stone involved the thread suddenly disappeared by the white.

With the free fall, the little white pelicans landed.

In the hands is holding the source stone.

The gemstone is entwined with golden silk thread, and the silk thread is connected to the body of the ancestors...


Twelve spider legs rushed to the position where Xiaobai was.

The white palm-like palm grasped the source stone, and the mechanical eyes shone with light, as if a brass bell-like laughter was heard.

Afterwards, the black hole in the abdomen emerged, and the source stone wrapped in the gold wire was stuffed into it by Xiaobai...

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