Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1361: The end of the ancestors [third! 4 million update, seeking monthly ticket wow ~~]

Everyone was stunned by the white operation of Xiaobai.

Even the steps are a bit unexpected.

This is a model of small Boda, courage, eyesight, and perseverance are the peak!

No one thought of Xiaobai's shot... Actually, the chicken thief would take away the baby source stone of the ancestors.

Of course, there are also ancestors who have lost their wisdom because of the outbreak, but it is undeniable that Xiaobai’s operation, the step can not help but raise the thumb, praise, show.

More stimulating is that... after the white baby's baby source stone, he also mocked the bell-like laughter and stuffed the source stone into his stomach.

Xiaobai is forced to install, fresh and refined... not artificial.

The corner of the corner of the step was a little bit, and he nodded with amazement.

The sound of bang suddenly broke out!

Twelve spider legs were mad around, smashing the ground and puncturing the ground.

When every spider's leg like a spear swept across the void, it would make the void constantly bursting out, very terrible!

After Xiaobai ate the source stone wrapped in gold wire, the brilliance in the mechanical eye was constantly changing.

Later, dragging the body of the pothole that was pierced by the spear, it was running in the direction of the step.

The anger of the ancestors was angered, the golden source stone was taken, her chest suddenly became hollow, and the golden wire of one root fell down, and the gold wire that creeped on her face was also scattered.

Crazy killings are surging.

The ancestors mad at the general chasing in the position of Xiaobai, to recapture the golden source stone.

The golden source stone is the secret of the ancestors, and the secret of their sorrow.

There is absolutely no loss.

far away.

The body of the Pluto, which was trapped by the spider web, was originally suppressed, and it was like a shackle.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

Later, there seemed to be a flash of fire in the eyes.

Tear off.

The spider web was completely shredded by him.

It was turned into a piecemeal piece and scattered all over the floor.

boom! ! !

The terrible momentum broke out from his body.

Raise your hand.

A suction burst from his hands.

When I was in the throne, I was in a hurry.

It was discovered that the bent Pluto suddenly rushed toward the position where Pluto was hiding.

A bang.

It was caught in the hands of Pluto Heaven...

"Xiaoha, the old man borrowed from you to use the Pluto."

The prince of heaven is faint.

The sound suddenly resounded in the sky.

When I was listening to this, the eyes suddenly stood up, stood up, rubbed my hair, and patted my chest: "Daddy, you use it casually, Pluto King is very well maintained, just just accidentally bent. ”

"Bent?" Pluto's mouth is a little bit of tears, some cold and proud.

"It’s okay to bend, just straighten up..."

The words fell.

Tianzang is holding the king of the princess, slowly exerting strength, and the princess is actually being straightened by him...

The re-straight Pluto has once again restored that terrible power.

The weapons that once accompanied Tianzang to kill the prison have re-started, and the power of Tianzang seems to have increased a lot.

Looking at the ancestors in the distance.

The eyes of Tianzang suddenly glimpsed.

The figure crossed across the sky and appeared momentarily.

Pluto rushed out.

I screamed.

The repressed sound of emptiness shocked the world, and people felt that the mind was not shocked.

The old ancestors sensed this breath.

A spider's leg is slammed out.

A tear is made, as if the void is piercing a big hole.

A bang, collided with Pluto.

The ancestors who lost the golden source stone seem to be weakened a lot.

Was swayed by the Pluto, and his body shape continued to retreat.

"You can do this?"

Tianzang said coldly.

He held the Pluto, and swept it out gently. It was a squatting, and it set off a curve, and it was unreasonable to go to the ancestors.

Lost the suppression of his body.

There is no fear in Pluto.

He is not in a hurry, and he will defeat the ancestors of the ancestors.

far away.

Xiaobai has already ran back to the side of the step.

Seeing the appearance of Xiaobai, the step is also taking a breath of air.

This appearance is indeed miserable.

At least, the body is covered with dense holes, which seem to have a thundering beat.

Every strike is extremely deadly for ordinary people.

But for Xiao Bai, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

His mechanical eyes are flickering, as if he is still immersed in the sneak peek of the source stone.

Step by step is also a little bit smirking.

He found that Xiaobai seems to be more and more humanized.

The previous white was so cold and proud, people called the madness of the clothes, now the white... oh, it’s hard to say.

A stone is happy like a fat man of three hundred pounds.

However, the pace is also somewhat doubtful.

Generally, the normal cockroaches may not be able to work after being so smashed, even if it is a meditation, because these cockroaches need to work hard.

Once the heart of the heart is destroyed, it means... the ability to control the loss.


Xiaobai does not seem to conform to this concept.

Look at the dense holes in his body, afraid that there are hundreds of them, and they have been smashed by hundreds of ancestors.

But Xiaobai is still alive and kicking.

That problem is coming.

What is the heart of Xiao Bai’s heart?

Can actually make Xiaobai comparable to Xiaoqiang?

I patted the belly of a small white round toot.

Xiaobai's mechanical eyes flickered, and then he stood in the same place. The mechanical eyes were silent, and they did not move. It seemed to have settled into the process of digesting the source stone.

The step side understands that the source stone is definitely a good thing, and it can make the ancestors of the sorrows become the benchmark of countless ambiguous hearts.

There must be a huge coming.


The ancestors of the ancestors always reveal a sense of technology, perhaps related to this source stone.

This state of Xiaobai is quite familiar, and it should be in an evolutionary state.

How long does this state last? The step is not known.

But if you want to come, it should take some time.

And these times.

Step by step, you can look at the ancestors of Pluto.

Before the Pluto Tianzang was suppressed, the convenience of the step was related to the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty.

After all, the body of the sky, that is, the heavens, is made by the ancestors of the dynasty. The so-called heart of the meditation should also come from the golden source stone.

Therefore, being suppressed is also normal.

However, Xiaobai, a god-like teammate, actually made a kind of **** operation among the impossible.

The golden source stone was taken away.

It makes the Pluto Heavenly Re-release from the bondage, the combat power is restored, and, more and more violent.

Perhaps it is because it has been suppressed for too long, and it feels a little lost. It is trapped by a spider web and can't break free.

If it’s not a small white wave of the creation of the clock show, what will happen in the end, I really don’t know...

One step was to be smashed by a spear of ancestors.

That day, Tibetan really had to climb to the toilet wall and cried. The salted fish that had been turned over was turned over again by a wave. What a tragic thing.

Therefore, Tianzang is now very angry, even the Pluto is used.

He used the Pluto and was much more violent than the use of Pluto.

Every hit seems to break the void.

After all, Pluto is his weapon to fight the Quartet. He casts it like an arm.


Although there is no golden source stone.

The suppression of Pluto's possession disappeared, but...there was no obvious decline in the ancestors.

Although all aspects have been reduced, it is still able to block the attack of Pluto.


Tianzang can perceive the consciousness of the mad ancestors of the original madness, at this moment... seems to be clearer!

boom! !

I swept in front of me.

A red-brown half-moon arc swept past, and the blast of the ancestors was shot in the distance.

This is going on.

A bang.

Mars is splashing.

A spider's leg suddenly broke.

The incision was flat, and it flew away, and the cockroach fell on the ground.

The spider's legs are very heavy, and the ground is sag, and the spider's legs are deep into the ground...


The blood in the eyes of the ancestors of the ancestors finally dissipated.

After she recovered her, she was left incredible.

Because she saw the Pluto Heaven, she also saw the expressionless step...

They are not dead!

She broke out the "God of Heart" fragments, why haven't they been erased?

She thought that she would be lost in the supreme power of the fragments of God's heart, and eventually fell with these guys.

But now... it’s awake.

She touched her chest, and it was empty, leaving only a few dry gold wires hanging there...

What about the fragments of the heart of God? !

The ancestors are sluggish, and they are all ghosts!

When she lost, what happened!


A roar.

The cold eyes of the sky are swept away, along with the terrible bombardment of Pluto.

Eight spider legs are stacked together.

Turned into a shield.

However, by this smashing, the ancestors suddenly flew out and plowed a deep ditch on the ground.

In the void.

The sky was condescending and looked down at the ancestors who had been swept away by him. He was slightly disappointed.

Lost the golden source stone, this filial ancestor is too weak...

"You let me down."

Pluto Heaven hides and feels.

The body of the sky is so beautiful that the strength of the sky is now... strong to some numbness.

With one hand holding the Pluto, then, suddenly slammed into the position where the ancestors were, and threw them down.

Pluto suddenly ejected.

The front end seems to have a burning flame, a rolling flame, and a raging fire!

With a bang, I came to the position where my ancestors were.

The old ancestors were frightened.

Eleven spider legs are flying fast, and the figure is hiding.

A bang.

Pluto squatted on the ground and flattened the ground again...

The power of destruction spreads out.

In addition to the old site of the Black Temple, around the battle, the radius is nearly a thousand miles, all for the ruins.

The big city tens of thousands of miles away is constantly tremble.

This is the power of destruction of the Great Holy Land.

This is still the case when they suppress their power.

Did not go to the prince.

Airflow behind the Pluto.

The whole person turned into a curve, descending from the sky, and suddenly fell around the ancestors.

Explore with one hand.

Let the latter be inescapable, and one hand is caught by him.


When Pluto was in possession, a punch was taken out, and the head of the ancestors was banged up.

A bang.

The eyes of the ancestors of the ancestors were so large that they felt distorted again.


The madman of Tianzang has made a slap in the face of his own watery spirited sister!

The ancestors are almost roaring...

However, what made her desperate happened.

Tear off.

Tianzang facelessly grabbed her a spider's leg and smashed it.

With the horror, the eyes of the ancestors seem to be covered with bloodshot eyes.

She is a half-skinned body, and the pain still exists...

The spider's legs were squatted, and the pain made her scalp numb.

A spider's leg was squatted.

The ancestors are all shaking...

The burly sky, the palm-like palm of the hand grasps the head of the ancestors.

The eyes are indifferent.

For this guy who dares to make his own body made into a skeleton, Tianzang will not have much mercy.

Even if the other party is a woman, but in the eyes of the sky, it is just an old demon, the beautiful woman he saw more, not the old demon one.

The ancestors never thought about it...

I will have fallen to such a miserable end early on...

Both the earth and the people are being bombarded.

I seem to be a prisoner.

The sky is like the look of an ant, and the humiliation of this woman is a little crazy...

Unfortunately, she has no strength to go crazy.

The strength of Tianzang’s palm is getting bigger and bigger.

The ancestors felt that their heads would soon be crushed.

Once it is pinched, her legendary ancestors are afraid to be completely degraded.

"Really... not reconciled..."

The old ancestors coughed up blood and opened their mouths.

"From the time you dare to refine the king's body into a cockroach... you are destined to be sanctioned by the king."

Pluto said that the sky is cold.

next moment.

The palms slammed hard.

The ancestors mourned.

Above the head, suddenly slammed, and cracked...

The blood flowed down and crossed her fair skin.

At the moment of almost death.

The old ancestors opened their eyes, and the blood left from the top of their heads passed through her long eyelashes.

It’s a tough breath in the nose and mouth...

The trembling and powerless spit out a sentence that pinned her all hope...

"Hey... listen..."

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