Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1365: Battle of the demigod

The strength of listening is beyond everyone's imagination.

One trick is to bury the Pluto Heaven in the blast, making the latter... no resistance.

This power is indeed unprecedented.

Many people are shocked and think that the hearing may have transcended the realm of the Great Holy Spirit, and above the Great Holy Spirit, it is the existence of the gods.

God, this is a confusing word. Unlike the so-called true deity, God is God, a realm that transcends the shackles and is not bound by the heavens. It is a supreme realm.

Did you hear that it has become a god?

If it is really a god, then no one can resist it. No one in the whole sacred world can hinder him.

God is beyond the realm of man.

It’s obvious that you can’t stop listening to the tricks of Pluto’s Tianzang’s shackles.

The heart of God has an indescribable effect on hearing. At the beginning, he left the heart of God to the ancestors of the gods, in order to protect the ancestors and use the power of the heart of God to cultivate.

But he never thought that in the ruins, someone could take away the heart of God.

Because of this, it is the arrival of hell.

God's heart can't be lost, he must take back the heart of God.

His knowledge is locked in the white body.

He skipped the steps and skipped Xiaoyou, even though the identity of the two was not normal.

The former is the inheritor of the man, and the latter is called the cursed goddess of a epoch.

However, they have not grown up today.

What really caught his attention was the white, stealing the white of God's heart.

A dog's claw rushes out of the black mist, and instantly attracts everyone's attention.

This claw, as if the world is faint, everyone feels the tremendous pressure on the body, this pressure, they can not help but kneel on the ground.


The pressure of the waves, like a slap in the face, was bombarded on the body of Pluto and others.

They were shocked and surprised.

The small white mechanical eye flickered and raised his head.

At the moment when he heard the claws, he climbed up from the ground.

Flying fast and galloping away.

The metal wings spread out, but the metal wings at the moment were pitted and covered with cracks. Obviously, after suffering a bombardment of the ancestors, his injury was not easy.

The bird is a fan, and the white figure is turned into a meteor like a scorpion shot from the sky, and it is far away and rushes into the distance.

I want to avoid the claws that I listen to.

However, this claw seems to cover one side of the world.

No matter how you run, Xiaobai can't run out of this claw range.

This move is somewhat similar to the Buddhist kingdom in the Western Buddhism.

"Swallow my heart of God, you can't run away..."

The sound of indifference sounded on the sky.

Everyone was silent.

I can only look at the claws that I heard and crash.

Step by step raised his head, and his eyes were flashing.

His gods have enveloped the golden droplets above the recipe.

The magic droplets broke out, and the steps should be able to stop this trick...

He couldn't watch Xiaobai being beaten by a paw and smashing it. After all, Xiaobai grew up with him all the way. In the point of step, he was like a brother.


Just when the step is going to crush the droplets.

Among the black temples.

The invisible vortex of the rotation stagnates and does not rotate.

In the vortex, there is a black paw that is slowly shot from it.

It is a dog's claw, painted black, small and exquisite.

Explored from the black temple.

The one that does not hide and the one that hits it collides.

The same is the dog's claw.

The dog's claws are yellow and white, but the claws are shorter and more exquisite.

The black dog's claws are a bit more British.

In the weird eyes of the people, the two dog claws collided so without a fancy.

Collision between dog claws and dog claws.

This is the most terrible collision that everyone has seen so far...

A bang bang!

The white body was suddenly thrown away by the swell of the air, and the body seemed to be playing on the ground like a ball.

The bomb fell into the distance.

He looked up in a circle, and the palm-like palm touched his head.


Above the sky.

The screaming in the black air suddenly made a scorn.

He had never paid attention to the **** dog that broke through in the black temple.

Unexpectedly, this **** dog will actually claw at this moment.


Without hesitation, the gods shrouded and rushed toward the black temple.

I want to explain the situation clearly.

He knows that the **** dog is also breaking through, but as a person coming over, he is very clear that once the breakout process is interrupted, it basically represents the failure of this breakthrough.

If you want to regain the feeling of a breakthrough, you need a chance.

The black temple seems to be shrouded in a layer of fog.

The ignorance of the gods shrouded the past.

It was rebounded by a force.


The face that you listened to seems to have changed. Of course, most people can't see it.

The gentle voice resounded again.

"Does the dog dog be absent, bully the dog's man? Is it true that the dog is a vegetarian?"

Among the black temples.

Energy sweeps, as if there is energy lingering.

The energy is separated from the sides, and there is a figure that slowly walks out of it.

It is a black dog.

The black hair is not stained with the slightest dust.

A enchanting catwalk, not appearing slowly.

This appearance immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

Cerberus? !

Is the **** dog out?

The great saints of the prison are all changing.

They never thought that the **** dog would go out so quickly, and it is said that he is not the same as the general impact of the supreme realm?

How come now, are you out?

It’s not a surprise to hear them out. After all, it’s been almost a hundred years since I heard the breakthrough.

However, this **** dog has only stepped into a breakthrough state in the past few days.

"You want to stop me?"

In the dark fog, the gaze of the audience flashed.

Later, he moved.

Small short legs move.

The figure suddenly disappeared in the same place.

When it appeared again, it was at the side of Xiaobai.

A bang.

Xiaobai feels that he has been hit by a huge force.

Suddenly skyrocketed.

A white dog's claw slowly slammed towards him.

Want to pierce the white chest and take out the heart of God.


The figure of the dog is also disappearing at the same time.

The black exquisite dog's claws are raised and collide with the white dog's claws.

boom! ! !

The gas surges and vents everything.

Oh la la...

The black air dissipated, revealing the physique of listening.

And the figure of the dog, also at this moment, more and more clear.

In the void.

A yellow-and-white short-legged dog collided with the dog's dog's claws, and the terrible energy continued to roar.

Explosive energy.

The ground was once again collapsed, as if it had been completely broken.

At this moment, everyone saw the figure that was heard.

For a time, everyone was wide open and felt incredibly unbelievable!


Hey, listen... actually a dog.

Although the dog's legs are short, it is still a dog.

The struggle between the two dogs made everyone fall below the eye.

I do not know what to say.

Is this a war between the first dog in **** and the first dog in hell?

The look of listening is very cute, it is difficult to connect his fierce means and look.

The dog pouted and gave a shit.

Hearing is a fluttering of the fluff and a shit.

The two **** seems to have merged into a terrible energy, and the momentary impact is together, and an explosion has exploded!


One white and one black and two figures, while separating.

The collapse of the void, the black temple at the moment, densely scattered everywhere is scattered and empty.

boom! !

On the body that listened to it, there was a sense of oppression of terror, and the voice of **** became more and more urgent.

The short short legs are moving in the void.

Rushed into the starry battlefield.

The dog’s gaze is also a condensate, taking a catwalk and gracefully stepping into the starry battlefield.

Two dogs, stepping into the starry battlefield, seem to agree with each other in this battle.

The battle broke out instantly.

The dog's claws traverse in the starry battlefield.

It is like a dog's claw in the mountains. It is like a **** in the dragon's mouth. The black and white figure constantly collides and traverses in the starry battlefield.

Every collision will cause a terrible roar and explosion.

The broken star collapsed and the meteorite cracked.

Stars seem to have been knocked down.

This battle is like a peerless battle.

Although only two dogs were launched, the volatility of the battle and the horror of the battle made everyone silent.

The steps are suspended and the eyes look far away.

This is the most important thing in a battle, even more important than the battle of Pluto and the sound of listening.

Because from the battle, it can be seen that the two are a level.

One is beyond the level of heaven.


The entire ruins seemed to be shocking.

Hearing into the supreme realm, and the **** dog can actually be as good as listening to it, is it...

This **** dog has also stepped into the supremacy?

For thousands of years, what did the ruins of humanity simply do, was done by two dogs?

Looking at the dog and dog battle, many people look a little weird and speechless.

The pace is calm down.


The sky is suspended.

His chest was smashed and he was beaten by a claw.

However, it is harmless and elegant. After all, the body of Tianzang is just a shackle.

The material used is also a kind of mysterious material, which is slowly recovering.

The sky is falling on the side of the step.

"They are out of the big sacred place?"

The step party asked.

In the presence, in addition to the system and the spirit of the body, perhaps only the King of Heaven is the clearest realm of the dog and the listener.

"It can be said, but it can be said that it is not. The so-called detachment is so simple... However, beyond the great sacred place, it can be called as such."

Pluto Tianzang said.

He once touched the edge of that level, but he chose not even to try, and instead assembled the army to attack the prison.

Unfortunately, in that battle, he died and he lost the qualification.

But for that realm, he is the most vocal.

"We can call them above the Great Sacred, and that realm is generally called...the demigod."

Pluto Tianzang took a deep breath and his face was very dignified.

Half-god is the meaning of a half-step god.

Only half a step is to be able to accomplish the gods and prove the gods.

Even the weakest god, but that is also God... is an invincible existence, a different source of life.

"Demi god……"

The gaze of the step was condensed, and he heard that the spirit of the instrument was also shocked by the name of the singer.

Perhaps the demigod is the realm above the Great Holy Spirit.

"They didn't dare to let go of their battles in hell. After all... the power of the demigod is beyond everything."

Pluto Heaven and Tibet.

boom! !

Starry battlefield.

The battle between the dog and the singer is getting more and more hot.

But the power that erupted was to make everyone scared...

Collision between dog claws and dog claws.

The shape of the two dogs was traversed in the air.

The air waves are sprayed out of the air, and the energy that is vented from each channel seems to be able to tear the nine-turned sacred tears!

"Do you really want to stop me?!"

The eyelids that are listening are gradually reddening.

The smell of the body is also more and more violent, a shit.

His body shape changed and suddenly expanded, and the image of the beast was looming on his body.

There is a mysterious force around the body, as if it was turned into a river like him.

And the dog, the original obese body is also changing.

Suddenly become as big as a mountain.

The eyes were red, and two heads appeared on the neck!

When the three heads open the dog's mouth at the same time, they will all make a deafening roar!

This is a worldly battle of demigods.

Listening to the violent, listening to the complete body of the three-headed hell!

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