Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1366: Dust settled

This is the first time that the dog has shown its complete body, and the three heads have emerged at the same time. The whole body is surrounded by hellfire that seems to be twisting the void.

The terrible pressure, lingering on the entire battlefield of the stars, makes everyone stunned and afraid to have any movements and resistance.

The screaming in front of him has also undergone amazing changes. The body is huge and the legs are short, but there is a vicious posture on the body.

There are dragon shadows, tigers, leopards...

All kinds of gestures are displayed, and people can't help but **** in the air.

This is a peak collision, a battle between the demigod and the demigod.

Of course, many people don't know what the so-called half-god is, but they can feel the terrible pressure from the singer and the dog.

In the face of this pressure, they can only retreat.

Heaven and earth seem to be bleak and lonely.

The glory of the stars is dark and uncertain.

The struggle between the two dogs spurred the entire starry battlefield to be undulating.

Both the Prison side and the Hell side are constantly paying attention. This battle is extremely important. Winning and losing is definitely the dominant position of the future of Prison and Hell.


Someone's face has changed.

Watching two big dogs like mountains are fighting.

Many people feel some uneasiness.

They are too strong, and they seem to be out of the limits of this world.

Above the sky.

There is a black hole emerging.

The dark black hole is incomparably mysterious, rotating, as if to **** away the human heart.

Someone exclaimed, raised his hand and pointed at the black hole.

However, the hand that has just been lifted is a directly weird twist. When it is rubbed, it is a broken fracture.

The pain made the person's complexion distorted.

This situation has attracted the attention of many people.

The brows of the steps were wrinkled and looked at the black hole. They became more familiar and seemed to have seen it.

Later, when I thought of something, I turned to look at the Pluto Heaven.

Isn't that the reincarnation of the previous King of Heaven?

"No... this is not a reincarnation. There is a law in this black hole. The power of this law is attracted by the battles of Hell and the Hell Dog. The law is supreme and cannot be humiliated!" Tian Zang said with a serious face.

He directly said the mystery of this black hole.

This black hole appeared not from the search for the sky, but because of the battle between the dog and the dog.

The strength of both dogs is beyond the limits of this world.

Therefore, it is naturally explored by the power of the law.

boom! !

This kind of voice, the dog and the listener are also perceived.

Both of the hairs are upside down, as if they feel the supreme crisis.

A loud bang.

After the battle between the two, it caused a burst of energy.

It is to take away.

Suspended in the stars.

They are all vigilant looking at the power of the law that appears.

It seems that if they continue to fight, the power of this law is to sanction them.

Hearing a black hole in the dark law.

I took another look at the dog.

Later, the body was suddenly shrouded in black air, and the body shape disappeared into the starry battlefield.

For the law black hole, even if it is listening, it is also very taboo.

It is taboo, so I don’t want to fight with the **** dog to kill you.

I didn’t think that the **** dog could reach this level.

This is a big deal beyond his expectations.

It is very difficult for a **** dog to want to get back the heart of God.

Therefore, I didn’t listen to it, but I left and disappeared into the sky.

The battle between the dog and the singer shocked the starry sky, making the entire ruin boil.

The two-god war of the half-god, although the momentum is huge, but who can not help.

Since they can’t help each other, they are not wasting time and choose to leave.

As for the heart of God, I can only find a way to get it back.

With the end of the battle.

The dog was suspended above the scorpio and stared at the distance.

The huge body of a mountain, slowly shrinking, gradually turned into the appearance of the fat dog.

And the law is a black hole, rotating in the sky, slowly... gradually... dissipating.

The war ended.

But the people of the entire ruins are shocked.

Hell and the prison, actually fighting for the same.


The most shocking thing is.

Hell seems to occupy a sneak peek.

This time, Hell gained a big advantage.

In the battle of the prison, the loss is huge.

Let's not say the dead sword ancestors.

It’s just the days when the ancestors lost their sorrows, and the meditation and the meditation of the people are enough to make the prison suffocate.

Every meditation can be equivalent to a great perfection.

This is simply an unbearable price for the prison.


The ancestors have not died yet.

As long as the ancestors have not died, it means that there is still a chance to make a comeback.


What must be acknowledged is that in this battle, the prison has fallen into the wind and suffered a loss.

The half-god's **** dog and the resurrected Pluto's celestial beings make the rise of **** again, and the entire ruins are no longer the time of the prison.

There is a hearing in the prison, but **** also has a **** dog.

Who can’t help but who.

The black hole dissipated.

The great saints of the prison have turned and left.

The Great Saint of the Wing Man Valley snorted, the holy glory sprinkled, and the twelve wings behind it slowly fanned, and the body broke open and vanished.

The Buddha on the top of the disc is a combination of ten hands and a gentle smile.

Amitabha also left as soon as he said.

The entire starry battlefield once again fell into silence.

The prisoner has retired.

The **** of the strong, after a brief silence, issued a deafening cheer.

Their cheers seem to blow up in the starry battlefield.

The dog in the void, yawning lazily, the eyes of the dog's eyes fell slightly, as if a pair of sleepy look.

Step by step to look at the dog, the corner of the mouth can not help.

Pluto Tianzang looked at the dog, and his eyes were sharply condensed.


This war ended.

But the aftermath of the battle was spread throughout the ruins.

The small worlds in the ruins are aware of this battle.

Xian kitchen world.

The fairy tree runs through the entire kitchen of the fairy, exuding the glory of Ying Ying.

Above the fairy tree, a figure of red fruit with its body is standing on it, and its eyes are deep and profound.

The eyes of Ditai's landlord have been calmed down a lot, and the smell of his body has become much stronger.

Blending with the fairy tree, his training has achieved a rapid rise.

However, it is precisely because of this that his cultivation is fixed and can no longer grow.

However, he has no regrets.

If not, the kitchen industry may have collapsed under the attack of the Prison Army.

Thoroughly encroached by the prison.

Hell has always wanted to form a big world.

It is a pity that it seems that this idea is going to fail.


There is no slight relaxation on the face of the Ditai Lord who combined the fairy trees.

His eyes were deep and he looked at the innocent starry sky and spit out a long breath.

"If the ruins do not make a big world, they will eventually be sensed by other big worlds... at the same time, it is also a disaster."



Before the black temple.

Around the black temple at the moment, it was completely ruined.

The black temple stands, but around the black temple, it is turned into a huge canyon, originally surrounded by plains.

However, because of the battle of the nine-turned Great Saint, the surrounding terrain has changed.

This is the ability of the nine-turn grand sacred level.

In the void.

A huge golden scorpion was hidden in the void, and the **** ghosts were beating in the eyes. He looked at the figure in front of the black temple. He seemed to feel something, and turned and tore the void.

In front of the black temple.

A group of people gathered together.

Pluto Erha, Huang Quan Dasheng, Ice St., and Ying Long Prison.

There is also a blood dragon with a dragon head down...

Xiao You held the little fox and sat on the ship.

The step is to take the hand and lean on the edge of the Nether boat.

Before the dog was in the black hall, the sky was standing with a burly body.

The wound in front of his chest is slowly converging. This is the strangeness of the heavens. Unless it is completely destroyed, it will slowly recover.

Covering the battle of the dog's breakthrough, **** is a big win.

The prison is a blood loss.

Not only died of the sword ancestors, but also lost the ancestors of the heavens and the earth three people.

Of course, the price of **** is not small.

Ice St. is seriously injured again, and the face is becoming awkward.

The dying of the dynasty, and the excessive outbreak, made his sequelae somewhat serious.

At this moment, he was holding a spicy strip, and he was shocked, but it didn't matter.

The step lost another drop of divine power.

This loss is huge.


To the surprise of everyone, the biggest beneficiary of this battle is not the prison, not the hell, nor the dog, not listening...

Instead, it’s all white that everyone doesn’t pay attention to!

That's right, that's the little white chicken that turned into a chicken thief.

One operation, smashed the heart of God that made it sound for everyone.

The heart of God can actually let you listen to madness.

Everyone is also a little curious.

"The heart of God is an energy source stone, not produced in the ruins, but from a more powerful big world... There are records in the historical materials, and I don’t know much about the dog."

The dog yawned and said.

In fact, this war is a loss, but there is no loss.

He originally wanted to break through to the supreme realm.

There is a law, a thousand years, let him achieve the realm of God, but it is also possible.

Of course, it can also be a failure to a large extent, and it is still half-god.

Although the demigod and the **** are only one word apart, it is a different day.

"The ruins are only a small world after all, not a big world. It is easy to become a god..." The dog sighed.

Bing Sheng glanced at the dog, and looked at the King of Heaven.

Said: "The heart of God is actually the product of the last era, is a supreme being, killing the invaders from the big world, what is obtained from the great world power, the big world, in the stars Very strong."

As the owner of the forbidden land, Bingsheng knows a lot of secrets.

And this is to make everyone even more surprised.

Everyone looks at Xiaobai’s eyes and becomes a little weird and envious.

"It’s no wonder that you will be crazy... The energy source stone from the big world is enough to make you crazy..."

The dog spit and spit out his tongue.

Step by step and others are deeply sympathetic and nodded.

The steps of the square flashed, and I learned a lot from the words of Bingsheng.

However, he did not care.

He is just a cook after all, some things, he doesn't need to know too much.

The people left.

The dog lord continued to be in the black hall, and he needed to consolidate his cultivation.

The dog is also clear, and the same is true for the next step, otherwise it is easy to fall back to the Great Saint, so that it will not be worth the loss.

The people did not disturb the dog, leaving only the dog brother alone in the black hall.

Consolidate and repair, you don’t need to be guarded by the steps.

And the entire ruins, I am afraid that there will be no unopened people who dare to offend the dog.


Huang Quancheng.

After the people left the black temple, they all returned to Huangquancheng.

Ice St. returned to the mountains of God.

She is a forbidden place and cannot leave without permission for too long.

The prosperous Huangquan City is a surprise to the resurrected Tianzang.

The most happy thing about the resurrection of the day is the Yinglong prisoner.

After all, it used to be the pride of the sky.

This old man is surrounded by the day of Pluto, and he is happy like a child.

Huangquan shop.

The store door is closed.

Step and others came to the store.

Many of the surrounding traders saw the steps, they all exclaimed, Huangquan shop to re-open?

They are rushing to the queue in front of the restaurant.

Opened the door of the restaurant.

Step by step took the lead.

Xiao You holding a small fox, followed by him.

Tianzang, Pluto Erha, Huang Quan Dasheng and others are all stepping into it.

The dragon prisoner, waiting for a few other prisoners, the big men of hell, have stepped into the restaurant.

When the step is sitting on the restaurant chair, it is breathable.

The Dragon Prisoner took the lead and crouched down to the sky.

The big man of **** crouched in front of the sky, everyone's face was very dignified.

Step and Xiao You are curious to eat melons.

"Please ask the Master of Heaven, regain the position of Hell's Pluto, lead me to hell, and re-honor the ruins!"

The dragon prisoner, crouching on the ground, jerked his head up, and looked very dignified.

Pluto Erha also bowed his head and looked at the sky with sincerity.

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