Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1373: Save people [second! 】

"Someone is peeking at me..."

Alpha's gaze forgot in the void of nothingness, and the corner of his mouth suddenly pulled up, showing a ridiculous and mocking smile.

For those who sneak in and peek at him, Alpha naturally does not care.

Moreover, in his capacity as the messenger of his gods, this is even more unintentional.

The silver warships are from the divine, strong and incomparable, and the means of attack are incomparably powerful.

Alpha never felt that someone in this remote and backward place could be slaughtered from the shelter of the warship.

Besides, his Alpha strength is not weak!

At both ends of the silver battleship, the split opened.

Later, the metal smashed the metal mesh and slammed open.

The indigenous people who were arrested fell from the metal net and fell into it, falling into the jail under the warship.

And all the metal scorpions have done all of this, they are all standing on the battleship, motionless, straight like a statue.

Alpha held his hand, the metal door opened from the bottom up, and he stepped into the metal door and walked inside.

After walking down the spiral ladder, it came to the huge and empty interior of the battleship. The warship was bought at a big price and smuggled. After the modification, although the appearance changed greatly, the interior was extremely luxurious.

There is a sense of the **** ship used by the great officials.

Sitting on a wooden table.

The moment that Alpha enjoys the most is the moment.

He raised his hand and his palms were shot together, making a scream.


Not a while.

The metal door opens.

A burly figure walked up from under the battleship.

"Dining time, I don't know Alpha, what do you want to taste this time?"

A brave man dressed in a chef's robe with a chef's hat but a very tall body, respectfully said.

Alpha's mouth twitched with a smile.

I thought that I could eat the food right away, and the haze that was destroyed by the metal was scattered.

“What food choices are there today?”

Alpha said with a smile.

The strong man straightened up, the height reached two meters, and his head almost topped the ceiling.

But the brawny did not care, he handed a small book to Alpha.

"Today's three main dishes, the first, the secret dragon dragon platoon, the second, the fairy fruit salad, the third... honey roast pork leg."

The brawny said.

He is the master chef of this battleship, and Alpha is specially recruited from the gods.

His cooking is very good, although he is not famous in the dynasty, but before he came to the battleship, he was also a chef of a restaurant.

Alpha looked at the menu and meditated for a long time.

Sometimes, choosing food is also a torture.

After all... people are greedy and want to eat.

"Today, come to a secret dragon dragon platoon. I remember that the dragon platter is the best food field that you are good at?"

Naa nodded nodded, confidently raised his chest, but it hit the ceiling and let him circle.

"Oh, do one more today, I remember I said that I would give a reward."

Alpha seems to think of something, and said seriously to A Zhuang.

A strong nodded.

I took an empty cup and poured a glass of orange juice into Alpha. Then I turned and walked towards the kitchen in the battleship.

Alpha is sitting in a chair and playing with a metal plate.

"Xianchijie...a small world made up of cooks? A little bit... One of the favorite things about my life is to eat. This world of cooks is very suitable for me. It’s time to go. Let Azhuang catch a few helpers back."

"And... the menus in the battleships are all overwhelmed. Although Azhuang is delicious, but every day, I always feel tired. I hope that this world of cooks will not let me down."



The dog-in-law crossed the void, and all the fat was trembled.

His breath is unbridled and the horrible atmosphere almost obscures the sky.

Not a while.

A black clouded figure emerged and floated in front of the dog.

Hearing a faint look at the dog, the dog is also watching.

This is the second meeting between two dogs.

The last meeting was still nine years ago.

No one knows what the two are saying, but this time, the two dogs did not fight together, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.



The jade in the hands of Meng Qi collapsed. It was crushed by the man in the picture, and the white smoke came out of it.

The gaze of the step is a glimpse.

Feeling a burst of pressure, yes, the pressure that the person gave him is really huge, it is a kind of mental pressure, no doubt, the man in the picture, the strength is terrible.

"Is Xiaoha just taken away by that person? He is not a listener. What did he do with so many people?"

The steps frowned and asked in confusion.

The people present are not very familiar with it.

Tianzang has even tightened his fists, and his eyes are filled with suffocation.

"The strength of that person is very strong, just like listening to it... When did the imprisonment give birth to such a strong person?"

Everyone is very confused.

Meng Qi was silent for a while, and finally she spoke. Her voice was very good.

"The Lord of the Lord, let me tell you... The crisis is coming, so that you can do it yourself... In addition, the landlord and the concession will return the boss to the kitchen industry... there is something to discuss."

Meng Qidao.

After everyone listened, they all stayed a little.

The step nodded. He knew that this might not be the meaning of the Ditai landlord, but the meaning of the fairy tree.

The fairy tree in the fairy kitchen is very mysterious. This mystery is different from the fairy tree in the pastoral world. The fairy tree in the kitchen is more mature than the fairy tree in the garden.

Tianzang and others are blind.

Because time is more urgent, so the step does not leave Meng Qi to eat in the restaurant.

The restaurant door was closed and the step was to hang a sign that was closed for business.

This behavior, he has already been familiar with the road.

Afterwards, the convenience is to take a small quiet, small fox, small flowers left the restaurant.

Tianzang’s hand was standing in front of the restaurant, his eyes undulating.

Meng Qi sat on the Nether Ship, and the Nether Ship tore the void and walked away. In a short while, he left Hell and went to the fairy kitchen.

When Pluto Tianzang saw the steps and left, his eyes flashed.

"Dare to hurt me, even if the battleship is a dragon and a tiger, I have to go and see."

Pluto's eyes are still cold.

He grabbed the fragments of Pluto, which was collected by the Lord of the Dragon.

A heart move.

The fragments of Pluto's scorpion suddenly shimmered, and they began to slowly merge, eventually reborn as Pluto.

I saw the Yinglong Prison Lord, and many of the hell’s gatekeepers who were present.

Tianzang did not say anything.

Just stepping on it, skyrocketing, disappearing into the sky, rushing into the clouds.

Arrived in the starry sky.

The sky behind the sky is suddenly jetted.

Turn into a streamer and go further and further away.

Holding the Pluto in one hand, it’s terrible, sweeping the world.

The silver battleship floated before the imprisonment.

Tianzang is naturally familiar with this. After all, he is also brilliant in the prison.

In a short while, he arrived outside the prison, in the sky.

Looking at the huge silver battleship with a terrible oppression, Pluto's eyes are getting colder and colder.

"Small ha, is it in it?"

"Don't worry, the old man will come to save you."

Lifting his chin slightly, Pluto Tianzang took a deep breath, and the next moment, turned into a streamer and continued to look far.

Everything is going smooth.

The silver battleship did not have any defensive measures.

The moment of Pluto's possession is on the battleship.

The foot is actually a little soft, but it is soft, but with a bit of solid.

There is no doubt that the material of this battleship is absolutely a fetish.


Among the battleships.

The metal door opens.

A strong and sturdy figure was drilled out of it.

There was a huge plate in his hand, and the plate was covered with a round lid.

On the wooden table, Alpha has been sitting solemnly, and his collar is stuffed with a white cloth towel, which is elegant and noble.

A strong one hand behind him, slightly squatting, his face surging and respectful.

"Adult, the secret dragon dragon platoon you want is already finished, please taste it."

A Zhuang said.

After A Zhuang finished, he still carried a silver arc cup, the juice in the cup fell, and suddenly fell on the real dragon dragon row, making the dragon row humming.

The rich scent spreads and lingers throughout the room.

"Good fragrance... The pure dragon is delicious and fascinating."

There was a smile on Alpha's face.

Grabbing the knife and fork, using the knife to dial the juice poured on the surface of the dragon row, the juice becomes more and more crystal clear, and the juice penetrates into the dragon meat, making the fragrance even worse.

Cut a piece of meat and put it into the mouth with a fork, and Alpha narrowed his eyes.

"It's delicious... Azhuang, your craft has improved. It took you so much money to hire you. It's true." Alpha is very happy.

The metal door opens.

That came with the exposed women's money.

There is no life in the eyes.

She was sitting at the table in the wood, and A Zhuang put a small plate in front of her, uncovering it, and there was also a dragon row.

"My pets are all fed?" Alpha cut a piece of dragon meat that exudes Yingying Guanghua, and wiped his mouth with a cloth towel on his chest.

The woman nodded dullly.

"Good, then eat, this meal is for you." Alpha smiled.

When it comes to eating, the woman’s gaze suddenly shines.

A strong retreat and quit the room.

There was only a quiet meal in the room and the friction of the knife when cutting the plate.

Suddenly, Alpha's actions are the same.

The eyebrows are slightly picking.

"Is there a small reptile who wants to break into my battleship? Really... disturbing my interest in eating."

Alpha sighed.

God's knowledge surged.

Suddenly, the warship spread out.

After doing all this, Alpha continued to elegantly cut the dragon meat with a knife and fork and eat it.

As for the woman sitting next to him, the action is not urgent or slow, it is also very elegant, but after the entrance, the speed of the meat is a bit fast.

Explain that the woman’s desire for food is not calm.


Pluto Tianzang held the Pluto in one hand and walked slowly on the deck of the battleship.

Follow the picture presented on the previous jade.

Xiaoha is locked in this battleship, but this battleship is really huge.

Tianzang was slightly shocked. He didn’t think it was seen from the picture, but when he came in person and landed on the battleship, he realized how big the warship was...

Almost comparable to a Huangquan City.

Of course, Pluto Tianzang is also clear, this time, it is not a surprise.

The important thing is to save Erha.

Step on it step by step.

The eyes of Tianzang are a glimpse.

He raised his hand and rang over it.

The jets suddenly emerged above the arms.


A red-red ray ejected from the jet and ejected toward the deck of the battleship.

To cut the deck, break into it.


An invisible wave of waves spread.

Tianzang seems to have a feeling of heart.

The figure slammed open.

The position where he was originally stationed, suddenly a metal cymbal, holding a spear and slamming down.

The sky is condensed.

Those metal enamels are also raised, the mechanical eyes and the eyes of the sky collide, and they emit red awns...


A respectful jealousy is awakened.

In an instant, it is surrounded by Pluto.

A terrible murder, in an instant, it will cover the sky...

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