Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1374: Two dog claws [third more! 】

Xian kitchen world.

The Nether Ship rips out of the void and floats on the top floor of the fairy kitchen.

The fairy tree swayed and fell down a little bit of brilliance.

The intensity of energy in the kitchen is much stronger than before.

In the past nine years, it has been said that the short is not short, but the length is not long, but it gives the Xian kitchen industry enough time to recuperate, making the Xian kitchen world more powerful.

At least not like nine years ago, even a second-rate world is not as good.

In today's fairy kitchen world, the little holy strong has already had a lot more, and the Great Saint is no longer just a single person.

Go down from the secluded ship.

Step by step to feel the rich scent of the fairy kitchen, nodded slightly.

I looked up and looked at the huge fairy tree that towered into the sky, as if I couldn’t see the top, and took a deep breath.

Oh, la la la.

Above the dome, the leaves are floating.

Afterwards, there was a burst of noise.

The leaves of the fairy tree hang down.

The twigs smashed together, and the branches fell down, as if they had turned into a tread.

The step is a slight glimpse. Does the fairy tree mean that he is stepping into it?

Step by step, I did not hesitate to step on it.

Suddenly the branches were surging, supporting the body of the step, and heading over the dome of the fairy tree.

After a while, it disappeared.

Xiao You is holding a small fox, Xiaohua is standing behind Xiao You, Meng Qi is also standing on the side, a few people are silent, watching the steps taken by the fairy tree.

The Ditai community has come from the main models. Today, the Ditai community has grown a lot, and it is so powerful that it is hard to see.

His breath is very calm, of course, except for the hobby of the red fruit body has not changed, other changes are quite huge.

Among the fairy trees.

The step does not know that Xianshu is so anxious to summon him back to what is called.

But the step can feel that the 100,000 people from the fairy tree are in a hurry.


Surrounded by the branches of the fairy tree, soon, the picture in front of me has changed.

It seems as if a light bursts out of the darkness.

The next moment, everything in front of us became obvious.

A figure slowly floated out of the darkness.

That is the spirit of the fairy tree, the image of the human being condensed by the branches.

The spirit of the fairy tree looked at the steps, and there was a little deep in the eyes.

"The man is coming back..."

The spirit of the fairy tree.

The steps were slightly stunned, and I didn’t think of an opening. The fairy tree said such a sentence without a head.

Who is coming back?

"The one who is like you is coming back... He was deprived of everything, and now he is coming back to master everything he has." Xianshudao.

The spirit of the fairy tree said seriously to the step.

His words seem to mean to the step by step.

"The same person as me?"

When I stepped in, I was shocked. What do you mean? What does this fairy tree know?

The same person as him, is it... the previous generation of the host?

He is a prisoner, and he is very jealous of him, whether he is a ancestor or a singer, because he is very similar to the one in their mouth.

The step knows that since the only possibility is that...the one in the population is the host of the previous generation!

Did the previous generation host not die?

Still back?

Step by step blinked.

He felt that things seemed to be a little embarrassing.

The man I saw before in Yufu was the host of the previous generation?

But Xianshu seems to know what he thinks in the mind.

"Ten thousands of years ago, the man fought against the strong man from the big world. He was seriously injured and suffered a sneak attack on the strong people of the nine prisons. The body was silent, and the soul was slumbered and sealed by the power of the law in hell..."

"The man is the character of the last era. Because the flesh is dead, the soul is sanctioned by the power of the law, but his strength is still full of heaven, blinding the heavens, turning the power of the law he has realized into a fairy tree... It was me who created the fairy kitchen world, which made the original poor kitchen industry flourish."

The fairy tree is quietly telling.

The step is listening to the slightest shock.

Is the fairy tree actually the power of the laws of the previous generation?

"The difference between God and the demigod is whether or not to grasp the power of a complete law. This is also the difference between God and the demigod. I am the power of the law. Now I am born with wisdom and I am not willing to annihilate... So hope you can help me……"

The fairy tree swayed and the tone became somewhat sincere.

Step by step is digesting the news provided by Xianshu.

The fairy tree means to help him, but how can he help...

According to the meaning of Xianshu, the previous generation of the host should return from the outside world. If it is returned from the big world, no one knows the strength of the previous generation of hosts...

Even if the other party does not have a system, but it can be born again, returning to revenge, the strength is at least not too weak.

If it is a demigod, then it does not matter. If it is a god... then the steps are somewhat difficult. The step does not know whether the so-called **** here is a kitchen god. However, the step feels that the achievement of the kitchen **** should not be so simple. .

"Causal and grievances are all related to you. You will eventually meet with him. I just hope that you can help me in it. If I am still embarrassed, it will not matter if I force the law. But now I have the wisdom, I am The patron saint of this world, I can't disappear... Once it disappears, the fairy kitchen world will be wiped out again..."

Xianshu said with emotion.

His wish is very simple, that is, he wants to guard the fairy kitchen world.

This requirement is very simple, but it is not simple. In fact, it is only because of the private sentiment generated by the fairy tree.

"Causality? What is the cause and effect?"

The steps frowned.

"In hell, you release the soul that the man is bound to... It is you who help him to be born again, and it is also you who let him return."

Xianshu said.

Step by step suddenly fell into silence, his brain running fast.

The picture of memory is somewhat mottled.

Hell, the bronze palace on the Huangquan River.

At that time, I picked the lotus, and from the bronze palace there was a mysterious figure who escaped the bondage.

Is that figure the soul of the host of the previous generation?

It is also possible to vomit blood to vomiting Huang Quan Dasheng.

The steps are all speechless. I accidentally picked up Lotus, and actually made such a big event. No wonder the man told him so much.

"Cause is also the law... The law of the universe is supreme. If there is cause and effect, it will certainly not be able to escape. I only hope that you will be able to save me."

Xianshu said with a request.

Silence for a long time.

The step did not fully agree, because he did not know how strong the previous generation of the host, and did not know the other party's return, what is called.

He may be able to help him as much as he can, but... it won't be packed.

There are also many doubts at the moment.

Everything that Xianshu said, the impact on him is really big.

However, the ability to accept the steps is okay and not too shocking.

Oh la la...

Xianshu, put him down.

Not tied for too long.

Step by step, watching the swaying fairy tree, a slight glimpse of the eyes.

The fairy tree is kind, at least he brings the creation to the whole fairy kitchen industry, so that the fairy chefs in the kitchen industry can develop safely and live with peace of mind.

However, even so, the step can not easily believe what Xianshu said.

Of course, the step will also be silently recorded in the heart.

If there is such a day, he can save the fairy tree.

See the steps back.

Everyone’s eyes are bright.

Ditai landlord looked at the step, his face was smiling, and he hadn't seen the step for a long time. He missed it.

"Xianshu tells me that the people of the big world have come... before the exploration of the fairy kitchen world, the smashing of the slash by the fairy tree is the product of the big world."

Said the Ditai landlord.

"He asked me to suggest to you that **** and the kitchen world need to be united..."

The coming of the big world, the stepless expression of the step, the mind suddenly emerged before the person, perhaps that person is the comer of the big world, it is also him who took the Pluto.

What is his purpose for?

"Xianshu said, that person should be the messenger of the big world, specializing in the search for small world resources, the prison has made the big world, but the **** and the fairy kitchen are alone, they can gain the recognition of the law of the universe, **** and immortal The kitchen world is not recognized by the laws of the universe, so that person must attack us... let us prepare."

Ditai's landlord is very serious, and he has to be serious about the life and death of the kitchen and the hell.

"Small Ha has been caught..." said the step.

The eyes of Ditai's landlord suddenly condensed and sighed.



Beyond the stars.

Above the silver battleship.

The Pluto Heavenly possession was surrounded by a metal plaque.

Feeling a terrible air machine to block him, Pluto Tianzang is also serious.

He can feel the strength of these embarrassing powers, each fighting power is equivalent to the great perfection.

Even if it is a day, I don’t dare to take any care.


One is instigated.

He waved a spear, and the spear didn't know what material to make it, and it was chilled.

Smashed out sharply.

Pluto swept across and collided with the spear.

The terrible power broke out and the roar was loud.

Pluto Heaven hides his eyes.

A Pluto, the fierceness of his waving, and the spears collided, and the Mars was splashing.

Every collision will cause an impact of the waves.

Seven or eight cockroaches, the pressure of the Pluto Heaven and Tibet retreat.

This makes the sky raging from the heart.

Shouting out loud.

The three kings of Pluto waved.

A slap in the face swept across all directions, impacting everything.

A bang.

One of them was beaten.

Other cockroaches blinked and scanned the sky.

The next moment, the same means have been displayed, all of which are the powerful killings of Pluto III!

They are actually imitating the means of attacking the Pluto Heaven!

"What the **** is this!"

The sky hides and **** in air.

He is now convinced that these metals are not made by the ancestors of the dynasty. The latter does not have such a level at all. The shackles of the ancestors are compared with the shackles, which is the gap between heaven and earth.

The foot of the foot is on the battleship, but the battleship is unscathed.

Later, Pluto Tianzang rushed out of the battleship and stepped into the stars.

Those who imitated his way of fighting constantly oppressed him.

The body of Tianzang was blasted out of the crack.

The collision between the long scorpion and the spear caused the Mars to splash.

Although the Pluto Heavenly possession only has the soul in this body, it has also been angered.

The long squat sweeps and continues to oppress.

There is a gap between spear and scorpion.

Tianzang seized the gap and attacked a madman.

The three kings of Pluto are three consecutive, all three strokes are blasting on the raft, straight to the smashing of the falling frame, the body is cut into pieces!

There is white air on the body of Pluto, and it is the reason for over-promoting the flesh.

Among the battleships.

Alpha put down the knife and fork, raised the cloth on his chest, and wiped his mouth.

After that, I picked up the metal plate and looked cold.

"A ants in the district, dare to ruin my little baby... kill!"


The metal 傀儡 mechanical eye outside the battleship suddenly broke out.

After that, one of the statues is rising from the sky.

Raised his arm.

The buzzing sounds, their palms were turned into six rounds of barrels.

Accompanied by the sound of roaring.

Among the barrels, one bomb was fired.

The densely shelled shells fired from the sky above the sky and rushed toward the sky.

The eyes of Tianzang slammed, and he recognized this move, which was a trick to defeat Pluto.

Under the arm, the metal plate traverses and there is a white fire spray in the jet.

boom! !

The speed of the sky is suddenly erupted, turning into a white light that begins to move at a rapid speed.

Actually involved those shells chasing behind him.

"This is a cat-and-mouse game."

Alpha in the battleship smirked at the legs of Erlang.


His eyes condensed.

Because he found that after the traverse of Pluto, the trailing artillery shells were dragged into his embarrassment.

next moment.

The fire of the explosion swept the world.

Suddenly exploded above the battleship.

The mushroom clouds that burst open one by one cover the sky.

The loud noise, deafening, makes the eardrums humming.

A piece of cracked debris fell on the deck of the battleship. This explosion, his skeleton lost two in an instant, and the rest was seriously injured...

Some broken arms have a violent arc.

Some bodies are sunken, and the blackness is incomparable...

There is a sense of coldness and killing in Alpha’s eyes.

"Damn... I dare to treat my little baby like this..."

Standing up, Al-French's open mouth.

He carried his hands and slowly walked out.

The metal door automatically opens from the bottom up.

Step on the deck.

Alpha's figure instantly emptied, disappearing like a teleport, and when it reappeared, it was in front of the body of Pluto.

The terrible pressure is suddenly filled.

The air seems to be stagnation.

The killing is like a snake into the body of Pluto.

So that his body is forced by pressure to force...

This terrible feeling...

Pluto's eyes are shrinking, this man is actually... half god!

"Destroy my little baby, you will die..." Alpha said lightly.

Then he raised his hand and reached the chest of Pluto.

A terrible force suddenly broke out.


The metal material on the chest of the sky was suddenly pinched.

In the face of the demigod, the once-invincible Pluto Tianzang is also feeling weak.


Behind him, there was a sudden hollow tear.

One left and one right, at the same time cracking.

As if at this moment, it blocked the escape of Alpha.

From the crack.

Then there are two dog claws slowly shot.

a white dog claw, a black dog claw...

Two dogs come together, want to instantly kill the demigod Alpha!

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