Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1375: Dog's claws [fourth more! One thousand five updates, ask for a monthly ticket! 】

Two dog claws emerged behind Pluto's possession.

Not only is the King of Heaven hidden, but even Alpha is at this moment, creepy.

That's right, at that moment, the breath above Alpha's body was suddenly washed away.

That is the reason for the two half-powered strongmen.

Two dog claws, from the side of Pluto's possession, slammed from the left and the right, the speed is extremely fast, as if to smash the void.

Just in an instant, the starry sky is blasting, and countless voids are rushing in it.

However, in the face of the emptiness, the two dog paws did not care.

The claws are small and exquisite, and they are shot towards Alpha.


Alpha made a burst of blast, above his body, and the brilliance of the cockroach suddenly flourished.

Above his head, there is a small world emerging.

The small world is ups and downs, exuding the supreme atmosphere, and suppressing the world.

There seems to be a force of law.

The demigod is already able to comprehend the power of the law, but it is still worse if you want to comprehend the power of a complete law.

In the face of the two dog claws, Alpha can't avoid it.

The same is a half god, who is not empty.

After blocking all the retreats of Alpha, the two were suddenly huddled together.

Bang! !

Alpha's palms collide with two dog claws.

The horrible explosion was so sudden that the air and waves seemed to open the whole world.

The surging airflow keeps the emptiness around you from being pushed open!

The prince of the prince was snoring and screaming, and his figure flew out like a boat, and he was unable to turn around in the huge waves.

After a long time, it was the stability of the figure in the void.

Even so, he is also a big mouthful of gasping.

Looking at my chest, the metal material there has been pinched and broken...

A loud bang!

Alpha's body was on top of the battleship.

The battleships were shaking for a while.

The violent tremors made the sound of the humming sound on the battleship.

But unfortunately... The sergeant and the singer have a good grasp of the claws, but they have never killed Alpha.

Alpha climbed up from the battleship, above his body, full of breathless breath, incomparable oppression and terror...

"Well... I want to kill me! Two dogs are really bold!"

Alpha wiped the blood of his mouth and his eyes were cold and cold.

He also had a big idea, and he was accidentally heard and the **** dog was concealed at the same time.

Almost was blown up.

However, since the two dogs did not blow him up, it means that... he still has a chance.

"Give you the opportunity, you don't want to, choose this extreme way, discuss it well, why must you use force?"

Alpha is very angry.

He thinks that everything is done correctly.

After learning that this piece was originally a chaotic world, he actually became a big world, and he did not choose to grab it.

It is a very reasonable exchange of equivalents.

But what?

These two dogs actually planned to put him to death!

He is really almost overcast.

Mainly because he did not expect this small world to be born, there will be two and a half gods.

Even if the understanding of the law is not very thorough, but after all, it is a god.

The same level of existence as yourself.

The void is torn.

Hearing and the dog are all out of it.

Since it fails, you don't need to hide it.

The fat meat of the dog's body is trembled, taking an elegant catwalk.

Hearing is still shrouded in black gas, but the four short legs are not concealed.

In short... this is two dogs.

The two dogs are so invincible, but it gives a little bit of funny feeling.

At least, Alpha couldn't help but want to laugh.

His Alpha is the messenger from the great world and is recognized by the strong in the gods.

His identity is honorable, condescending to this barren area, but it is almost life and death.

That being the case, you don't need to keep it.

Let this piece of heaven and earth be completely turned into dust.

boom! !

Alpha's eyes are suddenly bright.

The next moment, his figure disappeared instantly.

When I appeared again, it was in front of the dog, and the point was pointed at the head of the dog.

"A good fat dog... my big kitchen knife is already hungry and thirsty!"

Alphasen said coldly.

Only when this palm fell, the figure disappeared again.

It is really the kind of disappearance without warning, not because the speed is too fast to disappear.

This is the application of the power of a law.

The fat on the dog's face is lingering.


Raised the exquisite dog's claws and slammed it toward a position in the void.

boom! !

There, a figure suddenly emerged.

A punch, a claw collided together.

The void is broken,

The dog’s body is full of flesh and blood.

Alpha's figure disappeared again and again.

"You can't help me... The law of my understanding is the law of teleportation... It is a kind of law under the law of the highest law. How can you block two dogs in your area?!"

Alpha's icy sound is clear.

After a blow to the dog, the figure disappeared.

When it reappears.

Actually, he was listening behind him. It was really as he said, moving in an instant, and he was gone.

Hearing the black mist.

The small paws were also shot and hit with Alpha.

Both are vibrating retreats, obviously not at all.

If you want to achieve a half-god, you must begin to understand the law, but it takes a lot of time and energy to understand the law and condense into a god.

This is considered a demigod.

Pluto's Tianzang was originally because of the lack of time, so he gave up the impact of the demigod, so he chose to conquer the prison.

I did not think that the prison had not been conquered successfully, but instead made it life and death.

Alpha understands the law of teleportation.

What is the law of the singer and the singer?

Pluto Heaven is somewhat curious.

He is suspended in the sky in the distance.

At this level of combat, he is no longer eligible to join.

The wound on his chest began to slowly gather, and soon it condensed.

His eyes turned and fell on the battleship.

Look at the battle and hit the sly Alpha.

A heart move.

The figure came out.

The bang came on the battleship.

The metal door of the entrance to the battleship was opened, and the Pluto sky was rushed into it.

In the void.

The dog's continually took Lingling's claws.

Hearing is also like learning a dog, shooting his claws.

No matter how Alpha moves in an instant, you can't help them.

For a time, the battle was a little bit hot.

In fact, Alpha is also a little scared, because now, these two dogs have not exposed the power of what they understand.

This makes Alpha somewhat wronged.

He felt that he was a little bit stunned.


Alpha's figure disappeared into place, and when it reappeared, it was on top of the battleship.

He looked at the two dogs, his face was indifferent, his chest was violently ups and downs.

"No matter what, I want to kill me... I have to die!"

Alpha growled.

The next moment, the knowledge of God is surging.

The buzzing sounds.

Above the battleship.

Suddenly there was a huge crossbow emerging.


When the crossbow appeared, the color of Morihan appeared on it.

The rare method of attacking this warship is actually not an energy cannon. It is actually a crossbow...

"This is the **** of the gods! Although it is a simplified version... but killing you two dogs, it is more than enough! After you die... I will let Azhuang peel you and cramp, thoroughly stewed!"

Alpha grinned.

In the void.

The dog's dog's eyes are slightly glimpsed.

Hearing is also a cold cry.

"Who is that Azhuang..."

"Take him who he is, and he can die with a slap."

Hearing and the dog, you said one sentence, although the two of them are only temporary, but the anger of eating dog meat is the same.

Alpha's cold laughter resounded through the stars.

next moment.

He waved his hand.

On top of a huge arrow, the arrow suddenly shot.

The arrow is very large, and it is engraved with mysterious lines, and the materials used are not ordinary.

So this shot of an arrow, the speed is fast.

If you want to wear a hole in the dog's hole, you will listen to it.

That arrow went straight to the dog.

far away.

Alpha is laughing wildly.

The dog's dog's mouth suddenly stunned.

"I don't know who gave you such confidence..."

The gentle and magnetic sound of the dog is full of sound.

The next moment, his body changed.

Suddenly turned into a huge three-headed dog, with a hellfire in his mouth and a **** in his mouth.

A paw was shot again.

The void is distorted, and the inch is broken.

The roar of the whistling, causing a emptiness of the emptiness, toward the dog's head is a slap in the face, want to wear a hole.

far away.

The void is distorted.

The Nether ship tore out from it and slowly drove out.

On the ship of the Nether.

Step by step and Xiao You quietly sit and watch the battle in the distance.

The terrible fluctuations have already caught the attention of many powerful people around.

This is a half-god fight, it is difficult to draw attention.

As soon as they appeared, they saw the scene where the dog’s paw collided with the arrow.

The sound of Alpha's laughter came to an abrupt end.

Because he saw the claw of the dog, and shot it on the arrow, it was unscathed.

Instead, his arrow, from the inside out, began to collapse...

A bang, a complete explosion, turned into a thousand pieces of debris, drifting and continually.

"Damn! How is this possible?!"

Alpha’s eyes widened incredulously.

He was shocked when he looked at the scorpion and was smashed by a dog.

Although he is only a copy of the gods, but the power should not be so weak...

Is the law understood by this black dog very powerful? !

Stronger than his teleportation rule?

How is it possible that a dog in a remote place can comprehend a rule that is stronger than his teleportation rule?

Why is he not even a dog?

"No! It must be those smuggled guys who sold fakes!" Alpha was snarling.


The sound of a series of slaps resounded.

A scorpion scorpion shoots out from it, and the speed is very fast, and it is approaching the dog and the singer.

Just like to run the dog and the singer at the same time.

The power is indeed unmatched.

How does Alpha think that this is a fake...

But the black dog, still waving the dog's claws, his arrow is constantly being smashed...

It seems that he should have really bought a fake arrow!

There is no arrow, unless you go to fight with the two dogs, but an enemy two, he Alpha is really not sure to win.

Think about it for a moment.

Alpha is ready to retreat.

The arrow is a fake, and the warship can't be a fake, but it cost him almost all of his body to buy it!

This battleship is a battleship from the gods, and its defense is invincible!

The half **** can't break it!

Alpha stood on the deck and spurred the battleship's defensive formation.

Suddenly, a layer of arc-shaped brilliance suddenly shot and wrapped the battleship.

Alpha is standing in the battleship and watching with sneer.

He was the first to encounter this situation.

A group of indigenous people dared to act on the messenger of his god.

"You are dead... Wait until the ambassadors of the dynasty's frontiers come, all of you will die! Intent to kill the ambassadors of God... This is a felony of destruction!"

Alpha raised his chin and sneered.

The brows that I heard were wrinkled.

The dog is also a poor eye.

The two bombarded again and attacked the battleship's defensive array, but it was really impossible to break!

The dog’s gaze is condensed, can’t he break through the rules he understands?

Looking at the Alpha who was laughing and laughing in the battleship.

The fat of the dog's body is a tremor.


In the distance, a stream of light came from a ray of light.

The dog was puzzled and looked over.

It was discovered that a steaming cake was suspended in front of him.

The dog’s face suddenly looked at the distant steps.

Step by step, said with a blank expression: "When you eat a piece of cake... Maybe you have the luck to break this defensive cover?"

Alpha saw this scene as if he had heard the most funny words in the world.

Want to break his battleship defense when eating a piece of cake? Still telling him luck?

Really when he bought a fake warship?

Indigenous people are indigenous, really stupid!

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