Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1386: Do you want to try? [Second more! 】

A dog's claw, across the sky.

The dog's claws are completely different from the dog's claws.

The terrible power is pervasive, which is condensed by the gods and has great power.

The average person does not even dare to resist.

The shadow of the gods of the step is suspended behind him, his eyes open and his eyes are clear.

It seems as if the brilliance of the brilliance is constantly ejected from the eyeballs and projected on the claws of the slap.

God is fighting against God...

Is the gap at the level really irresistible?

The demigods and the ones who are with the gods are all condensed with the gods, and the gods are the highest level in the spiritual cultivation method.

As for the more up, the system did not say anything.

The knowledge of God is also hierarchical, and the specifics have not arrived, and the steps have not been understood.


The golden **** whispered, and the black and white gas appeared immediately below.

It was two figures, one black and one white, hovering in the air, playing with claws and playing with each other.

From the earliest soul of the scorpion, it is transformed into the black and white yin and yang of today.

The two rotate, as if the intangible energy of the influx has poured into the shadow of the gods.

The concealed god's phantom is becoming more and more solid, just like a golden man is in the world.

God read the shadow, raised his hands, and hands to heaven.

A bang!

The sorrowful **** dog claw slammed down.

The roar of the roar trembled the soul.

That is the means of attack on the soul!

The wind is constantly whistling.

The boasted dog hairsuits that are suspended in the air are constantly drifting.



The light of the singer is condensed.

He looked into the distance.

He thought that God knows a claw, enough to smash the **** of the step to the smash of the shoot, completely killing this guy.

But did not think that the step of the gods actually blocked his knowledge?

"How can this be……"

I am whispering in the mouth...

An incredible color appeared in the eyelids.

far away.

The stepping gods imaginary shadows, hands to heaven, actually supported the claws of his slap.

Although under his sacred attack, the mind of the step seems to be in jeopardy.

But no matter what... After all, it is blocked.

God's awareness against God's thoughts should be achieved by crushing. This is the gap in level, just like the gap between God and people!

Why is the step ahead of this gap? !

Even that person is not possible!

The shock in the eyelids gradually disappeared, and the eyes became dignified.

The corners of the mouth are slightly raised, revealing a lovely dimple.



I heard the words fall.

His knowledge was once again condensed. The next moment, a white short-legged dog seemed to appear behind him, roaring toward the steps.

Another claw, a heavy slap down.

boom! ! !

The invisible tremors seem to have broken the void.

Step by step, the hand is standing in the same place, and his face is also dignified a lot.

The golden **** is imaginary, and the golden scorpion is like a scorching sun.

Hands to heaven, once again blocked a hit...

Under the stable and nourishing yin and yang, the mind of the step is beyond the imagination...

This can't be done... although his mind can block the gods, it consumes too much.

Steps must get rid of this state.

After watching the gaze, I watched it. Afterwards, I grabbed the Xuanwu pot and went out to the position where I heard it.

In the Xuanwu pot, the yin and yang two airflows turned, making the original heavy basaltic pot, even more heavy.


The sound of the cymbals rang, the air was collapsed, the voids were broken... there was a turbulent flow!

boom! !

Hearing the palm of the fat toot, and colliding with the Xuanwu pot.

In a moment of contact, the face of the audience suddenly changed.

It is no wonder that the ancestors of the sorrow will be blown up by a pot.

The weight of this pot is hard to imagine. He is feeling heavy in the semi-god...

Looking at the black pot, the black and white yin and yang fish that flowed, and the more and more condensed eyes.

A bang.

Xuanwu pot was shot.

Fly towards the location where the step is.

Stepping into the void, the Xuanwu pot will be caught, and the gods will disappear.

Step by step toward the starry battlefield.

Huang Quancheng is naturally not a place to fight. Once the fire is fully opened, the entire Huangquan City is afraid that it will be destroyed.

Therefore, the step will lead the battle to the starry battlefield.

At the moment, there is a fire in the heart, fighting... He really wants to fight as much as he can.

Instantly break through the Dasheng level, and the step feels like a sigh of relief in the chest.

Starry battlefield.

Countless stars are flashing.

There are meteorites flying, and the void is turbulent.

Step by step, the foot on the starry sky, step by step up.


The clouds burst.

Hearing is also a negative move, slowly floating.

As he floated, the clouds bursting in the sky seemed to be rolling.

The terrible power of the gods surging, as if the entire starry sky was blocked.

"You are crazy... I really want to fight with me..."


The step is to turn the Great Saint, and even the great perfection of the nine-turn grand priest.

The growth of cultivation is simply against the sky, but... even in the sky, it is nothing but a great saint.

How does Dasheng fight with the half god? !

The oppression of God alone is enough to make the stepper feel desperate.

In the stars.

The two are suspended and confront each other.

I can’t listen to it.

It’s not so easy to be a god, the **** dog wants to be a god, I don’t know how long it will take.

As long as he solves the steps, he can easily destroy everything in the **** dog.

Therefore, the focus at this moment is the step ahead.

"Do you want to challenge God?"

Hearing and laughing.

Step by step, I took a deep breath.

After that, the Xuanwu pot disappeared.

What reappeared was the golden keel chopper.

A sly dragonfly rang through the heavens, and behind the steps, it seemed as if a golden five-clawed golden dragon was hovering.

Hold the kitchen knife horizontally.

Step by step to hear.

The outburst of the gods caused the pace of the steps to rise, as if going up the ladder.

Soon, it broke through the bondage.

God read the shadow, suspended.

He also holds a kitchen knife in his hand.

Learn the appearance of the step, and listen to it.

Imposing... very overbearing.

"One knife... 斩仙!"

Step by step.

The words fell.

If the sound is thundering, it will blast in the stars.

Countless knives burst into the sky, and finally thousands of knives gathered together.

That knife seems to fall from chaos.

Tearing down, the starry sky burst.

Numerous voids are in turmoil.

The strength of the step is shown in this moment.

Nowadays, the steps have finally stood at the peak of the ruins!

This knife is quite a kendo, and the sword is returned to the ancestors, and it is a combination of thousands of swords.

Such as the kitchen **** a knife.

Rumble! !

The huge knife squats, seemingly slow, but it is fast.

In an instant, it is approaching.

boom! !

Hearing and floating.

Looking at the knife, there was a smile on his face.

Dasheng is trying to kill the gods. It is indeed an idiot dreaming.

Even if he is only a god, it is not a step!

"Let you feel... what is the real god!"


If the sound is loud, it will ring in the stars.

The next moment, his whole body is a constant collapse.

It seems as if a light is falling down and lingering around him.

A breath that hangs down like chaos, spreads completely.

Knife light, come.


Hearing in the void, bathing in Guanghua.

Against the knife, bend a finger.

The finger of the fat toot was on the knives, causing the knives to tremble, and the sound of crispness was transmitted...


next moment.

Step by step, a fairy, a knife, actually in an instant, inch collapse!

Hearing around the palm of his hand, he was haunting a burst of mysterious runes.

Every rune text is so profound that when people look at it, the mind seems to be attracted.

"The reason why God is called God is because it has mastered the law, in the power of the law... you are like dust."

Hearing the palm of his hand, the runes on the palm of his hand are constantly moving.

"While I am not as good as the **** dog, he understands the law of the universe. I am not as good as him, but the law I understand... is not weak, the three thousand rules, my law... is... light."


The words fell.

Hearing is a slap in the palm of your hand...

That one hand is heavy and heavy, and there is a force of law on it.

"The law of light?"

Step by step.

"The light shines on the earth, and the light shrouds the heavens and the earth..."

"The backlighter, die."

Hearing his eyes dark.

The terrible cover of the palm, the convenience of the step is taken.

Rumble! ! !

Step by step, the heart is shaking, want to traverse, want to avoid this palm.

It was a sudden discovery that everything in the sky was blocked.

He wants to hide and can't hide.

Being forced to the extreme, can only resist this trick...

After all, the demigod is a demigod, and the power of the law is a level of power higher than the will of the heavens...

The steps also felt a little weak.

Where the palm of the light fell, everything was collapsing and dying, as if it was integrated into the light...

Silence everything.

Hey, watching it indifferently.


The words fell.

That one palm, moments shrouded the steps...

boom! ! !

The sound of the explosion was resounding, and the starry battlefield was ravaged.


Even the **** is trembled by the explosion.

It seems to be destroyed.

This feeling is very terrible...

Countless people looked up and looked up at the Scorpio, as if they were going to wear the Scorpio and look directly at the battle in the Stars.

A light ball is shrouded in the stars.

As in the hot sun, it is extremely ridiculous.

Hearing and floating outside the ball of light, the clothes are floating in the air.


Hearing the light ball surging by the power of the law, faintly, even if the step is in the sky, it is impossible to escape from the light ball formed by the power of the law.

That is a gap in power.

The power of the law is stronger than the will of heaven.

Even if his law of light is not the law of the universe, it is not a step that can be blocked.

This is why the gods are above the Great.

Hearing and gently vomiting a breath.

Even if ... the step is the inheritor of that person, the same.

He listened to his hand and revealed a lovely dimple.

Turning around is slowly floating towards hell.

The battle ended too fast, making him feel uninteresting.

At the level of the demigod, it is the ability to feel the loneliness.

Perhaps only the **** dog can compete with him one or two. Without the feeling of an opponent, it is indeed lonely.

But... very quickly, even the **** dogs will disappear.

The **** of the ruins of the world, just need him one.

He is the real **** of the ruins!

Hey! ! ! !

A loud noise!

The ball of light suddenly exploded.

The horrible air waves came from the middle.

I have already turned around and listened, and my body suddenly became stiff.

Slowly twisted his head and looked over.


The light ball is slowly collapsing and bursting.

Among the light balls, there is a figure that slowly emerges.

The cheongsam robes on the side of the step are reddish, and the fire feathers behind them are stretched out.

His mind is shrouded.

Around the body.

The four arrays are constantly suspended...

In the hands of the step, it is holding a dry pot.

In the pot, the soup is boiling and it makes a loud noise.

Around, it is the light of silence, the constant collapse, and the constant surge.

Step by step, look at it with no expression.

In the latter's incomparably gaze.

God is surging.

The yin and yang two gas entangled one by one, and rushed into the destruction of the pot.

Food array method [addition], [blasting], [forbidden], [time]...

The four are completely integrated!

Later, on top of the head of the step, the shadow of the pastoral world is projected, and the terrible heavenly path will come...

"Can the heavenly will not fight the law?"

The eyelids of the steps are slightly lifted, and the eyes are squinting, and the corners of the mouth are slightly pulled.

"Do you want to try?"

The words fell, wrapped in the destruction of the three foods, and suddenly stepped out.

Turned into a streamer, heading for the speed!

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