Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1387: Big sacrificial god? [The third! 4D update, ask for a monthly ticket! 】


The kitchen of the kitchen.


The kitchen is full of fire, the fire is shining, some cooks are cooking.

The sound of the pot, the squeak of the spatula and the iron pan, the sound of cutting vegetables, the sound of the bowl...

The sound is noisy, and the jingle is resounding.


far away.

A black cloud slowly came from a distance.

The cooks of the kitchen were suddenly stunned. Many people looked at the direction subconsciously. The movements in their hands even forgot how to do it.

"what is that?"

There was a doubt in the kitchen, and I couldn’t help but ask.

However, no one answered him, because everyone's eyes cast the past, and they all fell on the burly figure that walked slowly under the dark cloud.

Who is he?

There is a doubt in everyone’s mind.

Big and strong, squinting, walking slowly, a smile on his mouth.

He came to the clan of the kitchen, watching so many chefs cooking, the blood seems to be boiling.

There is only one voice left in my mind.

The big hand swayed, and the chopper that was inserted in his waist suddenly started, and he kept spinning in his hands.

Later, he was suddenly held by him, and the sound of humming sounded through.

The kitchen knife was held in the hand, sweeping everyone in the room, and finally locked in a distant kitchen.

"Kitchen... start with you."


Tear off!

The sound of collapse is constantly ringing.

Destroy the pot around, lingering in four arrays.

This is the food array.

The mind of the step has reached the third level, the power of the mind is strengthened, and the control of the subtle forces is also grasped.

Especially when his cultivation broke through to the level of the Great Holy Spirit, the power was strengthened again.

Therefore, there is also the courage to bring together the food array.

In the destruction of the pot, there was only one food array method [blasting], although the power is good, but it can only compete in the same level.

In the face of hearing, it is not enough to kill a pot of smashed pots.

Therefore, the choice of the step is to merge other food arrays.

[Plus], [Forbidden], [Time]...

These three arrays join together.

The power to destroy the pot is instantly increased.

The heavenly will of the pastoral world seems to be instantly enlarged.

It’s like a world that wants to really come.


The four golden arrays hovered around the pot, accompanied by the heat and scent, and flew away as you walked.

Above the sky.

Hear the suspension.

He looked at the ball of light wrapped in the step and continually shattered, and a faint color appeared in his gaze.

Can't the force of usage be able to kill this guy?

Although he did not have serious reasons, but this kind of power attack should not be the only one that can resist the great holy!

The hollow pot that is flying away, the void is twisting.

The power should be very good.


"The power of the law is above the will of heaven..."

“Is it necessary to try?”

Hearing faintly.

He stretched out his fat hand.

Later, the hand began to change, actually turned into a furry dog ​​claw.

The dog's claws were traversed, and the ruined pot that was thrown at that step was taken.

The power of the law is lingering over his dog's paw.

This claw contains the supreme power! Want to hit a hit!

He has lost patience with the pace.


The void seems to be overwhelmed and wants to be torn.

The four arrays are suspended and wrapped in a dry pot.

The rotating dry pot, which came quickly, turned into a streamer.

If the meteor crosses the sky.

Hearing his eyes and condensing.

Pull out a claw.

Suddenly, the claws and the ruined pot of the step were hit together.


boom! ! !

The roar of terror, sweeping the heavens and the earth, destroying the earth and destroying the earth, rolling and surging.


At the moment of contact with the destruction of the dry pot, the face of the listener suddenly changed.

It became very surprised.

He stared at the steps.

Until everything in front of me was shrouded in flames of explosion.

A huge energy lotus emerged in the void, first the flower bones, then bloom, a piece of lotus leaves, falling down, accompanied by roaring.

As if to follow a world, there are fairy trees in the world, and tea trees are swaying.

The majestic aura is surging.

A terrible power!

Hey, listen to a cold breath!

Can the heavenly will be strong enough to be so horrible?

Is it the heavenly will of the first-class big world?


On the claws of the hearing, countless mysterious lines swept, and the law of light was blooming, surging, against the power of this terrible heavenly will.

Even if it is the heavenly will of the first-class big world, it is impossible to crush the law!

This is counterintuitive!

I heard my eyes shrink.

The power of looking at my own law is collapsing, and my heart suddenly panic!

He never imagined that the will of heaven, which he had realized, could actually crush the power of his laws...

He is God!

How could God be defeated by mortals!

"Impossible! Everything is fake!"

Hearing and roaring.

Faces are all oh!

In the next moment, all the light burst out, and the light was dazzling and dazzling.

The power of the terrible law was pushed to the extreme.


He is only a god, his law... is not complete.

boom! ! ! !

Energy instantly engulfed him.

The faces that are heard are distorted at this moment.

far away.

The steps are suspended, the mouth is full of breath, and the four arrays are condensed with the gods, and they are merged into the ruined pot and thrown out.

These means, even if it is a step, it is a little hard!

But the effect is significant.

The addition of the four arrays makes the pastoral heaven and earth cast like a will to destroy the heavenly will in the pot, and it is constantly strong.

This is the ability to confront the power of the law.

Looking at the huge energy lotus that blooms in the sky, the art of explosion, people can not help but sink.


The energy lotus is still blasting.

The terrible fluctuations are raging.


Step by step.

From there, I saw a figure flying backwards.

With a tear, it rushed directly into the rolling clouds of the sky...

Step by step.

The figure quickly followed.


Huang Quancheng.

Everyone was agitated, and they looked up at the whistling sound of the roaring sound.

There is no doubt that the battle above the Scorpio is very intense.


Their eyes were all condensed and they looked carefully.

It is discovery.

The Scorpio suddenly exploded a huge vortex.

Among the vortexes, there is a fireball falling from it, like a fallen meteorite.

Everyone listened to the sound of air-conditioning.

"It’s over... step boss can’t beat it!”

"Is this being re-bombed back to hell... Yeah, how do mortals fight with God?"

"Step boss... is it dead?"


In Huangquan City, people are worried. Many people look at the sky, and the fireballs that are falling rapidly are all hurt.

They are easy to guess the results.

Although the step has broken through to the nine-turned sacred, but... oh, but half-god!

The demigod and the great saint are completely the gap between heaven and earth.

It is as strong as the King of Heaven, and in the face of hearing, it is like a dead dog.

Step by step, a cook, is not good at fighting, and how can you fight against it?

Everyone understands this truth.


The terrible whistling sound descended from the sky, from far and near.

Very fast.

Under the Huangquan City.

Some people have already begun to flee quickly and flee.

However, some people, not afraid of death, ran like crazy outside the city, ran towards the fireball landing direction.

Even if they are likely to die, they have to take a step back to the boss's last legacy.

They are the loyal diners of the step boss!

The black smoke is raging and the fire is surging.

Whistling through the sky, constantly falling.

At last……

Under the eyes of the public, the fireball was outside the city of Huangquan.

A loud bang.

The moment of slamming, as if the whole **** is a tremor.

The terrible waves of wind came.

In Huangquan City, all the strong are condensing energy, turning into a shield to block the impact of that energy, otherwise, the entire Huangquan City may be overturned!

The hot air is rolling, the yellow sand is rolling, and the sand is flying.

The ancestors laughed, although her body was cracked by a pot.

But she still couldn't help but want to laugh.

This is an excited laugh!

Hearing the cook, she was excited when she thought about it!

The figure was traversed and flew away from the city.

Azi holding the dragon, thought about it, but also followed the past.

It’s a pity that a good chef, Azi’s heart thought of it, the more he thought, the more regret he felt.

This is a chef who is better than big and strong...


The aftermath of the explosion gradually weakened, leaving only black smoke rolling in the ruins.

Outside Huangquancheng, a big hole was directly blown up.

The flow of the Huangquan River has been changed.

The walls collapsed and the walls were cracked.

It is enough to see how terrible this bombing is.

This kind of shock, even if it is a big sacred fear, it is necessary to break the bones.

Unless there is a strong body of the ancestors, it may be able to survive.

On the wall.

It is crowded with people.

Everyone is stretching his neck and looking towards the huge pothole.

The huge potholes are very shocking at first glance.

The terrain is changed by potholes.

In Huangquan City, everyone is silent, some people are sad, and some have regrets.

Some people think that they will not be able to eat the food of the boss anymore, and they will be blocked in a while.

No one feels that the step can still be spared. After all, there is no way for Dasheng to compete with the demigod...


The ancestors of the dynasty leaped from the wall, and the broken spider spear emerged from the roots, and slammed on the ground, and the spider spear slipped.

Speeding away from the position of the deep pit.

Her eyes are tight, full of excitement, and her strong killings are surging in her eyes...

"Dead...death...must kill you..."


Eight spider spears lie on the ground.

Suddenly the ground collapsed.

The shape of the ancestors of the dynasty jumped up.

The spider spear reflects the cold luster in the air.

Towards the center of the deep pit is to go.

Her god's thoughts did not sense the smell of the cook. Did the cook die?

It’s dead! Even if you die, you have to make up the knife to vent your hatred!

On Huangquan City, everyone is in vain.

I didn't think that the ancestors were so vicious.

The most poisonous woman's heart, it really makes sense.


Everyone on the wall is a glimpse.

They looked at the whirlpool of clouds that had been blown up on the scorpio.

From there.

A figure, slowly floating down.


The figure seems to be somewhat familiar.

The people were slightly sluggish.

Everyone's eyes are all condensed, carefully looked at the past, this time... it is really clear!

This is clear, everyone is sucking in air.

Everyone has a face on his face.

I looked at the figure in the clouds and looked at the huge pit on the ground...

A look of arrogance, a look of horror!

what happened? In the end what happened? !

Azi’s incredible stunned mouth and looked at the figure that slowly slid down, and the heart seemed to have turned up the storm.

Step... no death!

Actually walked away from the void without any loss.

Who is it that falls to the ground?

Who is from the starry battlefield like a meteorite? !

Who else can it be?

It’s not a step...it’s only... half-hearted!

Half-god against the Great Saint, the demigod was bombarded to the ground?

Is this a joke?

boom! !

The ancestors of the dynasty smashed out, and their faces were stunned. The spider spears suddenly swelled and suddenly stabbed.


There was a roar of anger to the extreme in the deep pit.


boom! !

An energy peg was suddenly slammed on the ancestors' ancestors, and the latter's eight spears burst instantly.

The figure was also like a cannonball flying backwards, and the bang slammed on the wall.

The wall was almost collapsed and it was deeply sunken.

Black smoke is surging.

Deep pit ruins.

There is a sound of gravel screaming.

Slight footsteps permeated.

After listening to the little boy’s body, he slowly walked out of it...

The icy eyes are locked in the vacant steps in the void.

The atmosphere was a little stagnant in an instant.

It’s very miserable to listen to the moment.

The body is black and the one-piece dog clothes are ruined.

The original cute appearance has long since disappeared.

"good very good!"

Hearing and glanced at the steps, he took another look at the beam of Huangquan’s shop.

He can feel that the beam connects to the chaotic universe, as if there is a presence, and is slowly watching.

He wants to break the breakthrough of the Helldog, but he can’t do it...

Since it can’t be destroyed, then...

The stunned gaze is surging.

The next moment, raise your hand.

The singular ancestor inlaid in the wall of the city was slammed by a huge suction.

A bang, suspended in front of the audience.

Hearing half of his face was covered by the body of the ancestors, leaving half of his face staring at the steps.

Staring at death...

Later, the palm of Fei Dudu lifted up and slammed into the chest of the ancestors.

I extracted the source stone embedded in it...

The palm of the hand is holding the source stone.

The power broke out, and the source stone was suddenly crushed.

A little bit of brilliance emerged from the source stone and plunged into the body of the singer...

The body of the ancestors was violently shaking, and the eyes were full of incredulity, staring at them...

Later, the vitality slowly disappeared from her body, passing...

A bang.

The body of the ancestors squatted on the ground.

And listening to the body, the breath is constantly rising.

The next moment, a shout.

It seems to correspond to the breath beam of the dog in the restaurant.

On his body, there is also a beam of light bursting out!

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