Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1394: Devouring the fire! [Second more! Seeking a monthly ticket wow]

boom! !

The repressed roar resounded throughout the audience.

It sounds like the sound of the air bursting, and the next moment, a figure is flying backwards, crushing the void, and constantly smashing.

The whole kitchen of the kitchen was suddenly broken, cracked and filled, and all the stoves that were not destroyed were broken.

The big and powerful figure flew out and rolled for a few weeks on the ground, and then it was stable.

He kneeled on the ground and raised his head slowly.

The fire dragon around Xiaoyou was annihilated by the palm of his hand.

The latter squinted at the steps, and the dark eyes were restored and reinvented.

The little fox is jumping in the arms of Xiao You, waving a small fist, showing incomparable excitement.

It seems that I am very happy that the stepping fist will bully his big and strong.

Step by step, Xiao You and Xiao Hu retreat, and they are standing in the same place, indifferently looking at the distance, one knee crouching on the ground.

When the fist touched the big body, the step was to feel the weirdness.

Da Zhuang should have died.

It is not the original greatness that controls the body at the moment.

far away.

There was a deep laughter coming back.

Big and strong, looked up slowly.

His entire face collapsed and presented a weird twist.

The face is full of quirky colors.

As if it were inflated, the face of the big and strong collapsed was slowly inflated and regained its appearance.

That way, it is like a rubber man.

This is definitely not what an ordinary person can show.

It is like the flesh, not the human body.

"God power... You actually have divine power, this breath, this repressed power..."

Raised his head sharply, his pupils were only sesame in size, and his face was full of crazy colors!

I don't know if it is laughter or anger.


A gust of air spread from around his body.

Afterwards, he raised his hand sharply.

Point your finger to the position of the step.


A fire dragon reappeared, and the four circles circled and rushed toward the step.


The fire dragon rises into the sky, and the power of the law flows like it is to be destroyed.

Standing on the ground, he took a deep breath.

Holding a keel kitchen knife.

God wants to sweep, and the heavens and the earth seem to be suppressed for this.

Crushed the droplets of the gods, the power of the droplets of the kitchen **** filled the whole body, making the step feel the self at the moment, a punch can seem to smash the world!

How strong the power of the kitchen gods is, and the insights of the steps are not so deep.

The fire dragon is approaching.

The keel kitchen knife turned.

A tear is heard, as if there is a sly power covering the kitchen knife, so slamming down, the knife spread, and instantly cut the fire dragon into two halves.

"One knife... 斩仙!"

The steps are faint.

The next moment, the knives of the sky are gathered in the void, and a knives in the void are condensed.

The knife is glaring and dazzling, covering the sky.

"This power..."

The big eyes are full of madness.

The blue veins on the muscles are constantly appearing, just like the insects are creeping.

Later, he slammed into the void, the ground collapsed, and there was a booming sound.

The huge fire dragon rushed and collided with the knife of the step.

The dragon that contains the power of the law, and the sword that envelops the power of God.

The collision between the two seems to be indistinguishable.

The roaring sounds, the waves are raging, and the terrible power is constantly sweeping.

The battle here, at the moment of the explosion, has caught the attention of all parties.

It’s a big thing that the kitchen of the kitchen is destroyed. Nowadays, in the family of the kitchen, there is such a battle, which naturally attracts the attention of all parties.

Countless strong men rushed toward it.

Far away.

Countless strong men are suspended in the void.

The ancestors of the Nine incarceration also emerged.

of course……

Today's ancestors of the Nine Incarceration are just newly elected.

In addition to the fire demon, the ancestors of the Shadow Magic and other ethnic groups are the same as before, and the ancestors of other ethnic groups are newcomers.

But the repair is not weak.

Suspended in the void, in the shadows of the clouds, looked at the position of the kitchen.

This is a shock to everyone.

"Who is that big man?! So strong!"

"It seems to be the breath of the power of the law... Is it possible to listen to the ancestors and the **** dogs in the land of the ruins, and the existence of the power to master the rules?!"

"Look! That's the owner of the Huangquan store! How could he be here!"


Everyone is shocked.

This battle made them never think of it.

It is mainly the great man who masters the power of the law. The existence of a force to master the law is absolutely the peak in the ruins!

The owner of the Huangquan store is not only Dasheng, but also can fight against this kind of existence to madness!

Really scary!

“Don't the big man be the chief culprit in destroying the kitchen?”

Some people think of it like this, and this idea is quickly agreed by everyone.

The battle in the battlefield is also nearing heat.

Big and excited, the body seems to be shaking.

Originally his goal was to curse the goddess, but when he stepped his power and exerted his strength, his goal was to become a step.

That kind of power...

Although it is still uncertain, but once it is determined... it is enough to make his blood boil!


The ground around it is constantly shattering.

The steps are suspended in the sky.

There are thousands of knives everywhere.

Big and smirk, his eyes are full of sharp colors.

The fire dragons of the road emerged, roaring and roaring, and the fire dragons were full of terrible laws.

The gaze of the step is faint.

There are souls floating around, countless remnants are roaring, they are unwilling, they are jealous.

These souls are the will of the deceased.

They are surrounded by big and strong, like a ghost crying.

The cooktop collapsed, but the fire was still burning.

Among these fires are fairy fires, fires, and various strange fires.

It’s all the flames that the kitchen chefs have.

Their physical and mental cultivation is the key to helping them cook delicious food.

Now, when the kitchen is dead, the flame is not destroyed.

Step by step raises his hand, and Sen's white flame rises in his hands.

The fire is burning.

Step by step eyes stared at the big and strong underneath.

Afterwards, countless fairy fires and smoldering around him seemed to feel what they thought and flew.

Surging toward the position of the step, such as moths.

This scene is very spectacular.

Numerous fairy fires and smoldering fires rushed into the flames of the steps.

Just like a beautiful flower bone blooms, the flowers are clustered.

Da Zhuang is also suspended.

The fire of the law of the whole body is lingering. He looks disdainful and disdainfully seems to absorb the steps of the innocent fire. The flames are in the strong and strong, and the inferiority is not good.

“Do you feel the unwillingness and anger in those flames?”

Big and strong.

"Do you want to absorb these flames? It is to bear their cause and effect... Do you dare?"

“What is the cause and effect?” asked the stepless expression.

A flame of a group, surrounded by his white flame.

Big and strong mouth.

"They died because of my kitchen... And if you swallow these flames, it means...you have to help them win me in the kitchen...this is the so-called cause and effect."

Da Zhuang said.

He put his tongue out and licked the lips around him, seemingly greedy.

Kitchen fight!

Come on... the kitchen!

Once I have a kitchen, I can know your secrets and I can determine everything about you...

As long as I win the kitchen, everything belongs to me!

The thoughts in the big heart are roaring in madness.

He is greedy and longing.

The divine power of the stepping body attracts him like a nightmare.

"What about kitchen?"

Steps lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

The step can feel that all this seems to be a big trap, just to force him to cook.

How do you know if you can step on the kitchen?

The system has also provided kitchen buckets, and there is also a kitchen bucket in the kitchen.

Da Zhuang... I want him to fight now.

The remnant souls around him are in the call sign, lingering in the sky.

The sky is like a beautiful flower, and the blossoming blooms are beautiful.

But the more glamorous, the more it contains a terrible crisis.


Xiao You and Xiao Hu are both holding their breath and not speaking.

Around, the strong guys are also sucking in air.


In the void, there is a constant sound of breaking through the air.

The strongest of the prison, the strong of hell, and even the strong around the small world are coming quickly.

Big and suspicious is like a god.

But what about God?

The sky is shredded.

A enchanting black dog took a cat's step, and the fat of the whole body trembled and walked out of the crack.

Behind the black dog, it is a well-behaved dog with a short leg.

Both appear, making the audience all chilling.

No one dares to speak.


A powerful **** in the ruins!

Even the singers have become the **** slaves of the **** dogs, and they dare to let go!

Even the ancestors of the Nine incarceration, all at this moment, nodded to the **** dog.

The dog is very lazy, his eyes are lifted lazily and landed in the distance.

It fell on the big and strong body that confronted the step.

"Well? The power of the complete law... Is it a god?"

The fat on the dog's face was trembled and whispered.

"It's not a real god, it just comes with the flesh... but with this kind of means, this **** is afraid of it."

Hear the opening.

Everyone around them is sucking in air.

It is really a god!

The step boss is actually confronting the gods!

The sound of the sound is loud and steady.

Suddenly, someone’s eyes condensed and looked carefully.

The complexion was once again condensed.

boom! !

Before the body of the step, the white fire suddenly flourished, and the fires of the fairy fire, the smoldering fire, and the strange fires that were originally suspended like flowers bloom were swallowed up by the flames of the steps.


The white flame of the forest constantly devours the flames around, the terrible power begins to climb, the feeling is very weird and unusual!

The big eyes are shrinking.

The next moment, Zhang mouth made a loud laugh.

"You accepted it! This cause and effect... you can't afford it!"

Da Zhuang made a crazy laugh.

He is the **** of kitchen, kitchen... How can he lose? !

It is impossible to lose!

As long as he wins the kitchen, all the secrets of the step will be returned to him!


It may be too exciting.

In the big eyes, a sudden burst of **** light.

The glory of the glory, turned into a **** array on the Scorpio, the method of encirclement, and all of a sudden it was shrouded in the steps...

far away.

The dog's brow suddenly wrinkled.

"The field of God?!"

"Oh... the steps are finished! If I expected it to be good, then the guy should be the avatar of the **** of the kitchen, the **** of the kitchen... is the **** that the kitchen is believed to be, the kitchen is destroyed. It should also be related to the **** of the kitchen." It seems that there is some gloating.

"The **** of the **** of the kitchen, the only way to win in the kitchen can break free, otherwise ... only a way down." Hearing chuckle.

"The **** of kitchen?"

The dog’s dog’s face trembled slightly.

Then he raised the exquisite dog claws, hehe...

Above the dog's claws, the law of time is circulating, the rules run by the entanglement, and the void is twisted and collapsed.

"Take him what God, a paw to dry." The dog faint.

But listening was shocked.

"You are crazy! You can go down this paw, maybe you can break the field of God, but... you will die!"

"Now, only the pace of the party can win in the kitchen."

Hearing to the distance, the road.

The dog’s paws were put away, and a cold color appeared in his eyes.

"What a **** kitchen god, if the step is a hair loss, the dog lord I will kill the gods, will definitely cramp his skin!"

The dog is holding the exquisite dog's claws, cold and cold.

Hearing is blinking.


Countless flames are swallowed by the white flame.

The step has once gained the ability to devour the flame from the system, but the step is rarely used.

Now that I have swallowed so many flames at once, I feel a burst of pressure on the steps.

There is a sense of expansion.

When the last flame is swallowed...

The white flame of Nathan was finally beginning to sway, with some changes.

Spiritual sea.

Xuanwu, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes.

It seems to have sensed something...

The bang voice suddenly came out of his mouth.

"Small host, fast! Quickly drop a drop of divine power into the fire!"

"It's rare... Take the kitchen god's divine droplets as a guide, and gather the magical fire that can fuse the law! These opportunities... can't be missed!"

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