Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1395: Invisible fire, the beginning of the kitchen! [Third, the 4D update, the monthly tick

The words of the spirit of Xuanwu, like the Hong Zhong, resounded in the ears of the steps.

Let the attention to the step of the flame, a slight glimpse.

There is a hint of doubt in the eyes of the steps.

It seems to be in the meaning of thinking about the spirit of Xuanwu.

Taking divine power as a guide, blending with Shenhuo?

The meaning of Xuanwu is to let yourself consume a drop of kitchen gods and droplets into the flame?

A drop of divine power droplets, very precious, the previous spirit, seeing the waste of a drop of divine power is a painful sorrow, did not think this time, Xuanwu actually can not wait for the concession to consume a drop of divine droplets.

This illustrates the seriousness of the matter.

In the trust of Xuanwu, the step did not hesitate for too long, and God read a move.

The spirit of the sea tumbling, and then a drop of divine power is surging, rushing into the white flame that is consuming the fire.

Mori white flame seems to be boiling.

When the divine droplets enter into it, it is diffuse and diffuse, but in an instant, it is dispersed into the whole flame.

The divine droplets escaped, as if they were made into small particles. Under the burning of the flame, they steamed up like a spider's web and covered with flames.

The white flame of Sen, soon began to change color.

Various colors are constantly changing.


Suddenly disappeared and disappeared, becoming gradually transparent, without color.

Invisible flame?

Even if the steps are all a little dazed, looking at the palm of their own empty, the naked eye can not see the flame.

But... In fact, the step can feel the hot air floating on his palm.

In other words, it combines the flames of all the kitchens of the whole kitchen, plus a drop of divine power.

The flame of oneself seems to have evolved. As for why it has become colorless and transparent, it is probably related to the divine droplets.

at least……

This invisible fire is very mysterious.

The spread of the minds of the steps is not so much, as if there is nothing in the palm of your hand.

This operation is very sloppy.

It is counterintuitive to not be inspired by the flames of God.

However, after all, it is a flame that has evolved from a drop of divine droplets. It is not natural.

Opposite the step, the big suspension suspended in the void, with a disdainful smile on the corner of the mouth.

Everything around him is shrouded in the realm of his god.

Therefore, the flame in the hands of the step gradually disappeared, which made him feel ridiculous.

Although I don't know why the flame that swallowed the fire was disappearing.

However, Da Zhuang only thought that the step might be to choose something that could not be done, and the flame would be dissipated.

So many flames are swallowed in an instant, even if the fire of his law does not necessarily bear.

Not to mention the fairy fire in the hands of the district.

However, it is not this that the big and strong care.

Whether the flame disappears or not.

As long as the step chooses to fight with him, everything is not important, because...

Step by step, choose the kitchen, he is already the same as death.

It takes a price to pay for the kitchen with him, and that cost... is life, and everything that belongs to the step!

The steps are suspended in the void, and look at the empty hand.

Although I could not see the flame, I felt that there was a flame burning.

And... the temperature is very hot.

This kind of blazing... is far beyond the previous fairy fire.

Although it is invisible, but the steps can be felt, and the manipulation, such as the arm fingering, is better than the previous Sen white flame.

This is a bit magical.

Xuanwu said that this is a fire of the gods, stepping into the flames of the realm of God?

Steps are full of doubts at the moment, I want to ask.

However, the mind sinks into the spirit sea, but before he asks, Xuanwu is open...

"Small host, guided by the gods and gods, the flames of the fusion are the fire of the gods, the fire of the fire needs to be strengthened by the law of fusion. Today's fire is pure as white lotus. The host needs to find the law of fusion in the following days. The more the law is fused, the stronger the power of the flame..."

Xuanwu said.

The fire of fusion law?

The color of the steps is eccentric.

"Don't ask me why I know... I have lived for a long time, and I have seen more things..."

Xuanwu spoke again, and then he closed his eyes and stopped speaking.

Step by step, crying and laughing...

Was this basalt infected by the white tiger? It has become so proud.

However, the step is still convinced of Xuanwu. If it is the golden dragon, the step may be hesitant, but Xuanwu... has always been very stable, so the step chooses to believe him.

Five fingers are beating, the invisible flame is like an elf.

The steps can't be seen, but they can feel it.

Others, can’t see, can’t feel it...

A heart move.

The invisible flame is wrapped around the body.

The steps are suspended in the void, faintly looking at the big and strong in the distance.

Although the invisible **** fire can be unmatched, but after all, it is born with a combination of fires. These fires contain the obsession of the kitchen.

As Da Zhuang said, there is a causal relationship between the followers.

These causal relationships cannot be left unchecked.

Therefore, this kitchen fight must be carried out.

Slowly suspended.

The steps fell on the ground, and the feet were on the solid ground, as if there was a sense of peace.

Looking around, I saw the invisible force shrouded the surroundings, as if to isolate everything in the heavens and the earth.

"This is the realm of God. In this case, you will lose no doubt..."

Big and light, laughing and standing in the chest, looking at the steps, it is as if looking at a prey that is bound to gain.

"Do you know what God I am?"

The step shook his head and it was really a bit puzzled.

"I am the **** of the kitchen, in charge of the order of the kitchen... The **** that was originally believed in the kitchen is me. They betrayed me, so I was obliterated."

Da Zhuangdao, there seems to be some jokes in the discourse.

"You choose to cook with the **** of the kitchen, do you think you can still live?"

It turned out to be the case.

Step by step, nodded, it is understood that the truth of the kitchen is destroyed.

After understanding the truth, the step side also felt a little distressed.

It is a sorrow to spread such a god.

Let me end your obstinacy.

The color of the step gradually became cold and firm.

"If you want to cook, then come on... What about God? The kitchen is a culinary skill... even God can't break the rules," said the step.

The rule is the law, and God understands the law, but at the same time, it must obey the law. This is also the reason why the steps are very calm.

If it is a problem that can be solved by making a dish, it is not a problem for the step party...

"You are crazy... It seems that you are confident in the power you have. I like your confidence... I appreciate your confidence." Big and light.

The next moment, he made a snap.


Above the Scorpio, a rule round appears.

The law round wheel hangs above the scorpio and exudes endless luster.

This law round wheel is somewhat similar to the ruled gold wheel of the former dog-in-law, but the power is much weaker.

But even if it is a lot weaker.

The power of the law of rotation is still creepy.

"This is the wheel of the law, which contains the pure rules of the kitchen... You and my kitchen, witnessed by it, the beginning of the kitchen, life and death is controlled by the wheel of the law."

Da Zhuang said.

He was obsessed with the wheel of the eye, and saw the wheel of the law slowly rotate.

There are rules and runes that spread out.

They came to the big and strong steps.

Wrap around the two...

"Now you and me are controlled by the wheel of the law, the kitchen begins...".

Great road.

"The rules of the kitchen are simple and rude. You and I cook a dish, which is assessed by the wheel of the law. The wheel of the law will determine the winner, the winner, the loser, the loser... die."

Da Zhuang squinted, and some greedy and eager to stare at the steps.

Suddenly, he laughed. "Oh, I forgot to tell you that this body is not mine, so even if it is defeated, it is only this body that is ruined. I will not have a little bit of things... Of course, I will not Lost, angry?"

Da Zhuang laughed, and the sound of laughter resounded throughout the world.

Everyone around me changed his face and fainted.

Is God so shameless?

The dog priest even snorted, and the exquisite dog claws were suspended, and the terrible time rule was entangled on it, causing the void to continually collapse.

I can't wait for a dog to go out.

But I thought of listening to the words, or gave up on this idea.

The steps are very calm, and I don't care about the big sneer.

Psychological tactics?

Useless to him.

He can feel the vigilance in the big heart. It seems that the other side knows his cooking skill very well. Since he is eager for the secrets and strength of the step, he will not despise the steps.

All this is the illusion of giving to the step, wanting to shake the mind of the step.

"let's start."

The steps are faint.

The sound is very calm and the waves are not shocked.

The big laughter came to an abrupt end, and the look on his face became cold.

"it is good."

The words fell.

Everyone's breathing is a stagnation.

Staring at the kitchen above the sky.

A battle that belongs to the chef is equally exciting and draws the hearts of everyone.

boom! !

The wheel of the law rotates.

Below the wheel of the law, the void seems to split.

There seems to be a **** floating in the crack, and the fairy is swimming.

It is like a brand new world.

From there, there are ingredients that slowly float out.

This ingredient is the ingredients of this kitchen.

A variety of ingredients are scattered from it, suspended in the heavens and the earth.

There are meat pieces that exude auspicious aura, vegetables that bloom in the colorful glow, and more like the spirit of the waterfall...

All kinds of ingredients, it is necessary to brighten the eyes of everyone.

Everything is top-quality ingredients.

In the ruins of the world, even the top ingredients are rare.

The big mouth is cracked.

The hand is raised.

Suddenly, a piece of suspended meat in the dazzling array of ingredients floated toward his position, and in a short time, it was suspended in front of him.

"Do you know what this piece of meat is?"

The big stretched out and gently stroked the meat, as if the emotions were all bet on it.

Step by step, I saw the meat piece, and the color of the dignified color appeared. The meat... is the best meat that the step has seen so far, which is much better than the three-claw real dragon meat!

"This is the Peng leg meat of the silver-winged Dapeng meat. It is not weak compared to the five-jawed golden dragon meat. The Dapeng is a powerful race in the chaotic universe, and the silver-winged Dapeng and the Golden-winged Dapeng are more It’s rare, and with this meat as a guide, the food that is cooked will surely shake the world...”

The big eyes are full of gentle colors, gently touch, whisper.

This is his most serious kitchen fight, he does not dare not be serious, after all, the secret of the body inside the step, even if he is very jealous.

Silver-winged Dapeng meat...

The audience was shocked and very incomparable!

They haven't even heard of Dapeng, how to see the silver-winged Dapeng meat!

Dapeng meat comparable to the five-clawed golden dragon meat is bound to be extraordinary.

Step boss... dangerous!

What will the boss choose to deal with?

Everyone is suspicious.

Step by step, looking at the sky, the dazzling array of ingredients, the atmosphere of the top ingredients, making the sky is full of light.

Step by step, look for the ingredients you need, and be able to cope with the ingredients of Dapeng meat.


The gaze of the step is condensed, locking in one of the colorful ingredients...

Finally, I waved at the ingredients.

A crystal clear, like a crystal shrimp, is suspended around him.

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