Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1396: Tea and Shrimp [First, I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival~~]

A lively shrimp is suspended around the body of the step.

The bodies of these fresh shrimps seem to have the brilliance of glazed brilliance, and it seems that there is a passing power in it.

Unlike Dapeng meat, which is chosen by Da Zhuang, this time the choice of the step... is actually a shrimp.

Take shrimp to meat?

Many people around are silent.

Many of them don't know how to cook, but food is not accurate. Shrimp and meat can't be said to be good or bad.

The main thing is to look at the chef's skill.


The big choice is Dapeng meat, although it is only silver-winged Dapeng meat, but no matter what the wings, after all, it is Dapeng...

The ingredients that can be compared with real dragon meat are comparable to several fresh river prawn in the district.

Although they can see it, the fresh river prawn chosen by the step is not ordinary, at least in terms of the properties of the ingredients, it is a high-grade... shrimp that everyone has never seen before.

However, no matter what shrimp, there is no way to compare with Dapeng meat?

The dog is even more annoyed.

He feels that the step should not choose shrimp, you should choose the dragon meat, directly to a dragon meat drunk ribs, destroy the air and destroy the air!

But the step chooses the shrimp... Where can the shrimp compare with the drunk ribs!

The gap is too big!

Da Zhuang is also a choice for some asynchronous parties.

As a qualified chef, it is impossible to understand the excellence of Dapeng meat.

He even did a good job of choosing Dapeng meat, and he was competing with a cooking skill...

However, in the end, the step actually chose a few clams of fresh shrimp.

Is this... floating? !

Can't look down on his cooking skills?

He is a **** of kitchen... The art of cooking is comparable to this mortal!

"You are looking for a dead end!"

The big cockroach opened his mouth, and the palm of his hand held the Dapeng meat suspended in the air. His face showed a sense of excitement.

That is a smile that wins.

The kitchen is a smatter... He is killed by all, but he is not killing without reason, but choosing a kitchen. The chefs are killed by him after the failure of the kitchen.

of course……

Some people know that they have failed, they don’t want to cook, they choose to escape...

But what?

Can you escape?

For this kind of violation of the rules of the game, Da Zhuang naturally does not hesitate to obliterate...

This is the result of a sacred kitchen, a corpse across the wild.

However, it is a dead mortal, there is no burden in the heart of the kitchen, he is a god!

A powerful god!

The heart is firm and strong, and it cannot be moved by a group of mortals.

It is...

The cursing of the goddess and the steps of mastering the mysterious power make the heart of the great and turbulent.


Around the body of the two, the power of the law is shrouded, the laws of the mysterious law are constantly entangled, and there is a constant entanglement of the power that seems to be entangled with the soul of the step.

This feeling, the concession side slightly raised his eyes.

For this kitchen, he must also be serious.

boom! ! !

far away.

The breath of the big body broke out.

It seems that there is a huge illusion of ghosts that emerges behind his body. It is a figure that stands out from everyone, a terrible and oppressive atmosphere, and a terrible horror!

The dog’s gaze suddenly condensed.

Looking at the shadow behind the big man, spit out his tongue.

"What about the **** of the kitchen? A little bit of meaning... There are at least two rules of force in it. One may be the force of the kitchen rule that he relies on, and the other should be a variant of the flame law... ”

Dogs said.

He understands the law of time, one of the laws of the universe, so the eyes of the dog are extraordinary.

There are also strengths in the gods.

Just like a dog and a listener.

The dog snoring, it is completely sling, because the strength of the dog is stronger than the singer.

And the strength of this strength is based on the strong power of the dog's law.

At the level of the gods, it is basically to calculate the strength according to the number of comprehension rules.

Like listening to this, comprehending the power of ordinary law can only be regarded as an ordinary inferior god, because the first law he comprehends is the power of ordinary law, so from the inferior **** to the medium **** The upper limit of the number of rules for comprehension is very small, ranging from three to six.

And the gods like the dog lord who understand the law of the universe, from the inferior to the middle of the law, the upper limit is ... nine.

After becoming God, I will understand the importance of the power of the law.

The so-called **** of the kitchen has at least realized two rules, which means that the fighting power of the **** of the kitchen is much stronger than that of the hearing.

"Step boss is a **** chef... Can you win?"

Everyone took a deep breath and whispered.

The kitchen in the field has already begun.

The sound of sneer and screaming resounded through the void, and the movements in his hands did not decrease.

A stream of streams of light came out and floated around his body.

Kitchen knife, stove, pot...

Each of the kitchen utensils is sparkling with a brilliant brilliance, demonstrating the nobleness used by God.

The spirit of the body exudes a strong breath.

On the other hand, the pace is naturally not empty.

The keel kitchen knives, the basaltic pots, and the geese robes are all shaking up. The white tiger days are emerging, accompanied by the tiger screams, and the concession’s momentum has climbed to the top.

Big and strong, looked at the steps and looked at it.

The sneer and ridicule on his face did not disappear.

boom! !

A green flame was burning, wrapped around his body, and rushing over his palm.

The divine meat of the divine spirit is sturdy on the palm of his hand.

Suspended above the flame.


It is the constant sound of warm oil splashing.

He used the fire of the law to process the piece of meat.

The divine material above the meat is dissolved and slowly penetrates into the meat.

This method is very powerful, and the mastery of the fire has reached a level of supernatural.

The golden pot is shiny.

There is a kind of food in the hands of Da Zhuang, and these ingredients are his own.

The self-prepared ingredients he took out were some vegetables, which were stained with crystal clear droplets.


On the other side, the stepping party also started cooking.

Many of them are paying attention to what dishes the culinary will cook.

Although more people are concerned about how Da Zhuang handles the Dapeng meat, many of them also want to learn about Dapeng meat.

The spirit of the step is concentrated.

It is also a technical activity to start the treatment of fresh shrimp.

Holding a lively shrimp, the index finger and thumb of the step hold the position of the first section under the shrimp head.

However, the keel chopper is rotated, the shrimp head is removed, and the shrimp tail is cut.

The chopper is cut across, the shrimp line is picked, the shrimp shell is peeled off, and the shrimp is left behind.

This set of actions is flowing, and there is no stagnation of any oysters.

It’s hard to see.

Many people who follow the steps of the party suddenly exclaimed.

Regardless of the ingredients selected by the step, at least, the skill of the step boss is there.

Step by step, the step is not urgent or slow to give a shrimp to the head and tail to peel the shell.

In a short while, the blue and white porcelain plate was filled with a full plate of processed shrimp.

This shrimp is really very good, looks crystal clear, like a crystal, and it makes people feel shocked.

And then the most important part is.

Cooking allows the use of ingredients that the chef brings.

Therefore, the move of the step of the mind is to sink into the pastoral world.

Pick a young leaf on the nine-turned tea tree.

Place the young leaves in cold tea and soak them to form a tea soup.

Step by step all the shrimp meat into the tea soup, add the ingredients to start processing, grab the constant, knead those slippery shrimp in the hands, feel the tightness of the shrimp in the palm of your hand.

Wash the shrimp and drain the water from the shrimp.

Then, it is starting to pickle.

After pickling for a while, add egg whites and seasonings, and after a while, continue to marinate.

After doing this, the step is to open the palm of your hand.

In the palm of your hand, there are several blades lying quietly.

The leaves above the green leaves seem to have a grainy flow.

This is the tea of ​​the nine-turn Tiandao tea.

It is also the key to this dish.

The step must be handled well, the quality of the tea, affecting the taste of the dish.

The source of the fountain of life is boiling in boiling water.

Put the nine-turned Tiandao tea into a blue-and-white porcelain bowl and then soak it in hot water.

The clear tea is suddenly filled.

The tea soup is a green color, quite delicate.

Tea is soaking.

On the other side of the step is to continue processing.

Put the marinated shrimp into the oil pan. After the warm oil juice, the shrimps will become pink and white, and the bombs will be broken, like jade.

The rich flavor of the shrimp is also diffuse, lingering in everyone's nose, and people can't help but breathe deeply.

Feel the spread of the fragrance.

The front of the step is also a fierce light.

Cut the onion and scallion, cut into green onion, pour into the pot, start to stir fry, stir fry the onion, then pour the oiled shrimp into the stir fry.

The shrimp poured into the pot has already drained the oil juice, and it looks more and more crystal clear, as if it is flashing.

It made a loud noise.

After a stir fry, it is convenient to pour tea and tea into the pot.

There are not many tea soups and there are not many teas.

After entering the pot, a squeaking sound was made, and a few drops of the best Huangquan Nai wine were dripped, and the wine was mellow and mellow.

Many people are exclaimed.

This wine is very familiar to many people, so they are all exclaimed.

Pour in the wine and stir fry a few times.

The tea in the pot is crystal clear and round, and after the bluish color, it ends the cooking.

The heat of the ups and downs.

Step out to take out a fish mouth blue and white porcelain plate.

Step by step to go to a fruit fruit, gently throw it up.

The keel chopper in his hand jerked.

Suddenly the flesh residue quickly splashed.

After smashing the floor.

A delicate lotus flower blooms in the hands of the step.

The middle of the lotus is hollowed out, and the fried nine-turned shrimp is poured into it. The slightly mellow soup has a little sticky meaning. It flows out from the lotus petals and slides into the blue-and-white porcelain plate. .

Very pleasing to the eye, just like the summer lotus is different.

The palm of the step is violently held, and there is an invisible fire burning slowly.

The hot temperatures caused the air to become distorted.


In the palm of the palm of the step, it seems that there is a white whirl of white air like a fairy mist, wrapped in the palm of your hand.

Step by step, God thought.

Suddenly launched a palm.

The white air above the palms suddenly spread out and poured into the blue-and-white porcelain plate, as if it was like a fairy, surging under the lotus, like the blue wave cold pool.

From the beginning to the end, the cooking of the steps seems to have no flame.

Many people are amazed, after all, it is an invisible fire.

However, the shaping of the dishes has gradually attracted everyone's attention.

A dish of scented scent...

Nine turn to the heavenly shrimp.

Cooking with Tiandao tea and shrimp...

Visually, giving people an unparalleled experience.


I don’t know how it tastes.

With the completion of this dish, there is no such lustrous dish, and some have only a slight fluorescence, just like this dish... fresh and elegant.

far away.

A roar!

The spatula in the hands of the big man collided with the gold pot and squeaked, attracting the audience's attention.

Among his golden pots, the blazing fire is lingering.

The fire spread, as if the sound of howling was resounding, turning into a Dapeng bird with wings!

Very dazzling, amazing!


Big and crazy laughter, his arm slammed hard.

A pot.

The piece of meat in the pot is covered with sauce, and the scented, plump pieces of meat are flying out, and countless sauces are floating around.


It seems as if there is a roar.

The piece of meat suddenly collapsed and fell into the plate that was prepared in the early morning.

Under the plate is a piece of fresh vegetables, and the vegetables are crystal clear, like jasper.

The meat pieces fell on the vegetables and seemed to be elastic, and they were constantly beating, accompanied by the hot air.

a bang...

Above each piece of meat, there is actually a surge of fire.

In the end, all the fires converge, and over the top of the meat, they gather into a Dapeng bird that flies in the wings!

A bang.

The huge plate fell into the void.

It seems as if the void is a hole.

"Flame Dapeng meat... complete!"

Strong and grin, excited and said.

far away.

Step by step with a clean white cloth, wipe off the impurities on the plate, and gently spit out a breath.

His eyes looked up and looked great in the distance.

Big and strong is also the eyelids lifted up.

Both line of sight collide.

It seems as if there is a roar in the air...

"Nine turns to the heavenly shrimp... finished."

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