Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1409: Leaving [fourth more! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

"Temporary mission: Please host the Xia dynasty to the dynasty, and open a branch in the dynasty dynasty. The mission rewards: one rule, one drop of the gods."

The serious and serious voice of the system rang in the head of the step.

The concession side is slightly stunned.

Going to the Xia Dynasty to the dynasty?

This task... Is it difficult for some strong people?

How big is the meditation, how big is the Xia dynasty?

A god, but it is made up of many big worlds, and there must be many first-class big worlds.

The ruling market is just a three-tiered world. It is in the dynasty, and even a fart can't turn.

At this time, the system actually wants to let yourself go to Xia Wei Shen?

This task... looks simple, but it's actually hard.

It is equivalent to letting a villager in a cultivated land go to the north to open a city, and the difficulty factor is not that big.

But the return is not bad, it is actually a rule of fruit and divine droplets!

The benefits of the law, no doubt, can make the stepper feel the power of the law.

However, the step-by-step also really should go out of the ruins, and the ruins are now unable to meet the pace.

Steps need a broader world and more turnover.

Step by step.

After the system issued the task, there was no sound.

The departure of Mu Hongzi made Huang Quancheng regain its calm.

I continued to continue, the hot night city of Huangquan City, as always, began his popularity.

Close the door of the restaurant.

Step by step.

Came to the pastoral world.

As the pastoral world is as calm as ever, with the improvement of the steps, the area of ​​the pastoral world has once again expanded, and it has already been endless.

And there are Niu Han San, the opening of the pastoral world does not need to worry about the steps.

The entire pastoral world is full of life and lush.

All kinds of spirit beasts live leisurely among them,’

In the river of life, there are fish and shrimps swimming.

Blood lobsters are waving their paws.

There are octopus motionless in the same place.

The small skin is turned into a streamer in it, constantly flying.

It seems to be the arrival of the step.

The small skin blasted from the river and turned into a golden light. It instantly appeared on the side of the step and squatted on the shoulders of the steps.

Stepped up his hand and rubbed his head.

The steps fall.

The apprentices also came around and they looked at the steps curiously.

After the step guides the apprentices, they leave the place and walk slowly in the pastoral world.

Before he came to the fairy tree, he took a seed.

This is the requirement of the fairy tree before the step...

After taking the seeds, the steppers continued to move for a while, leaving the pastoral world.

His pastoral world is getting bigger and bigger, the aura is more and more intense, the high-level creatures, and the top ingredients are gathered together.

Instead, let the pastoral world turn into a back garden.

But this is not enough. The steps still need to be filled with more advanced creatures and ingredients into the pastoral world.


Out of the pastoral world.

The step of the gods is surging.

Teared the void.

When I stepped out again.

The convenience of the step is to come to the fairy kitchen.

The fairy kitchen world is endless, the fifth floor.

The Ditai kings crouched on the ground, and they were blind.

There is a huge hole in his side, and the hole is originally the location where the fairy tree grows.

Xianshu is the pillar of the culinary world, but even if there is no fairy tree, the culinary world is still prosperous, the concentration of reiki, not falling, it is a bit weird.

Of course, although the aura did not fall, but lost the fairy kitchen of the fairy tree, after all, lack of point.

The Ditai landlord seems to have heard the coming, slowly raising his head.

The original Juntai Ditai landlord seems to be a lot old.


Di Di's lips licked and opened.

The step nodded.

He has learned from Mu Hongzi that the fairy tree was received by Mu Hongzi.

However, losing the fairy tree is also a blow to the Ditai landlord.

In fact, the Ditai kings are blessed in disguise.

Because the fairy tree was taken away by Mu Hongzi, Mu Hongzi must warm the fairy tree, which will raise the level of the fairy tree.

The Ditai border master and the immortal tree are integrated into one, as long as the fairy tree becomes a god, the Ditai landlord can also become a god, so this is the opportunity of the Ditai border master.


The Ditai landlord is still stunned.

Losing the fairy tree seems to have lost its support.

The step did not mean to persuade.

This kind of thing requires the Ditai landlord to slowly come out.

Before coming to the huge hole.

The hole is not deep, and you can't see the limit at a glance.

The step took out the seeds of the fairy tree and gave it a shot. The son suddenly shot and then fell into the hole.

A loud bang.

The caves in the kitchen of the kitchen suddenly squirmed.

Afterwards, the branches are flying.

The kitchen of the fairy has shook.

Many people are cheering and excited to see the sudden appearance of the vision.

The fairy tree has returned!

Ditai landlord stared at it.

At the end of the day, the tears flowed down. This fairy tree is not a familiar fairy tree after all...

The leaves are leafy and swaying.

The saplings that grow from the seeds of the sacred trees in the idyllic world sway over the scorpio and bring hope to the celestial kitchen.


The step did not return to hell.

It went directly to the prison.

The master palace of Mu Hongzi was built in prison.

The vast imprisonment, the central city, originally belonged to the ethnic group, and now there is a tall building.

On the side of the tall building, there is a huge warship that is like a mountain.

Mu Hongzi carries a glass of wine and stands on the edge of the battleship, feeling the wind blowing.

When the step arrived, he talked a lot with him and told Mu Hongzi that he had to go to Xia Wei Shen.

Mu Hongzi is not surprised by this.

It seems that I have long known that the step will definitely go to the Xia Dynasty.

The genius of the genius, compared to the woman who wants to be beautiful in the wood Hongzi, is to take out a piece of jade from the arms, handed Yu Pei to the step.

This is the kind of token that Mu Hongzi gives to the stepper, and is also one of the ways to protect the stepper.

Mu Hongzi said that as long as the step to the Xia Wei Shen Dynasty, take out the token, as long as it is a person, will give him a three-point face.

The steps are eccentric, and I feel that it is not reliable.

But the mystery of Mu Hongzi's laughter, the step can only be opened, no longer say anything.

I learned a little about the Xia Yu Shen dynasty from Mu Hongzi, and after I got a star map, it was convenient to leave.

Go back to hell.

And done these things.

The sky is already bright, and a little bit of radiance spreads out at the edge of the sky.

The Venus has risen.

The step is to open the door of the restaurant.

Ready to start the day's business.

This may be the last day when the step is open in hell.

After today, the convenience is to leave for the Xia Dynasty.

Of course, the business of Hell Huangquan shop will not end, and the step is to select one of the former apprentices to open a shop in a small shop in Hell.

The former apprentices have now reached a very good level under the exchange of cooking skills.

As a chef of Huangquan shop, it is still possible.

This is also the reason why the step can be assured to leave.

On this day, the Huangquan shop was still hot, and the team outside the door was arranged at the gate of Huangquan City.

far away.

Mu Hongzi held his hand and stood on his face with a gentle smile on his face. He listened to him in his arms and squinted his eyes.

"The hot restaurant is really a nostalgic taste..."

"I really hope that after you arrive in the Xia's dynasty, can you continue to continue the enthusiasm of the restaurant... The chefs there are not good at it."


The night is deep.

The restaurant's business is over.

The steps closed the door of the restaurant.

Called the people over.

Pluto Erha, Pluto Heaven, Huang Quan Dasheng, Dog Lord, Xiao You, etc...

Everyone sat in the chair of the restaurant and looked at the steps in confusion.

Xiao You’s eyes are deep and she can feel that the steps seem to tell them something important.

So everyone is sitting in danger, not in hippie smiles.

When the step told them that they were going to the Xia Wei Shen Dynasty, everyone was shocked.

Only the dog is not surprised.

With the knowledge of the dog's step, the step-by-step kid will not be huddled at the ruins, so this news is not unexpected.

In fact, when Mu Hongzi appeared, the priest knew that the step would leave the ruins one day.

"The dog lord still wants to get drunk and ribs, step by step, where are you going, where are the dogs, where are I going to go... Isn't it the Xia Wei gods? The dog is gone, and the waves can be turned up."

The dog yawned and the fat was all trembled.

"Where is the step, where do I go." Xiaoyou nodded. The little fox in her arms also held a small fist and nodded seriously.

The corner of the mouth is slightly upturned, which is very good.

His eyes turned and fell on the dynasty Erha and Tianzang.

Tianzang shook his head and took a deep breath: "Let you go with you, my old man will not go out and toss, the person who has died once..."

Pluto Erha is frowning.

Tianzang took the head of Patha: "Go out and follow the boss, mix well, and mix it up like a god... let you call me, proud and proud."

The prince of the prince looked at the sky, and he stopped talking, and finally silenced, no longer said anything.

Huang Quan Dasheng does not want to leave. He has lived in the martial arts for tens of thousands of years and has long been reluctant to do so.

"Okay, then everyone is ready to prepare now. At dawn, it is when we leave..."

Said the step.

The people were silent, then turned and left.

Pluto is the one that goes away with Pluto.

The dog squatted at this time, squatting under the tree of enlightenment, and slept for a while.

Xiao quieted upstairs and began to mess with some luggage.

The day is not yet bright, it is waiting in the restaurant.

She is holding a small fox, sitting on the board of the ship of the Nether, swaying her white legs.

Xiaohua is cleverly behind her.

Step by step in the kitchen, with Xiao Xiaolong to introduce some things to pay attention to, and teach cooking precautions.

Finally, time is up.

Step out of the kitchen.

Xiao Bai followed behind him.

With a bang, the restaurant's door opened.

Outside the door, on the Scorpio, the Venus star is shining brightly...

Mu Hongzi came to the air and was not in a hurry.

Soon, it was before everyone.

"Ready?" Mu Hongzi smiled softly, and everything that was laughing was bleak.

Step and others nodded.

Later, Mu Hongzi turned his hand.

Suddenly a warship flew out, rising from the air, and finally turned into a house size.

"I have already set the coordinates of the nearest transmission node in this battleship. You can go to the battleship and arrive at the coordinate location, then you can make a virtual transmission..."

Mu Hongzi chuckled, and suddenly his eyes turned and fell on Xiao You.

He squinted and looked at the steps: "Don't blame the old man for not reminding you, to the Xia Wei Shen, this little girl... but it will be very popular."

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