Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1410: Laughing mouth often squid fish [fifth! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

Hot hand?

The steps are slightly different.

Mu Hongzi’s description of Xiao You is really a bit weird and interesting.

However, very quickly, the convenience of the step is a gaze, is it because of the small physique?

The small secluded can be called a nightmare cursing physique, but will become the source of attracting many powerful people in the dynasty?

When Mu Hongzi saw the steps, he seemed to understand the meaning of his own words, and nodded with satisfaction.

It is worthy of being a child of the heavens chosen by the system.

Comprehension is not much worse than oneself, and the blind man can teach.

"The curse rule is also a very powerful rule. It is called the top rule under the law of the universe. This little girl is a cursing god, the curse contained in the body, but it will become the **** of attracting countless cultivation curses." ... Simply put, this little girl is a good one."

Mu Hongzi said with a smile.

Ding furnace?

The eye of the step was suddenly awkward.

After taking a look at the little secluded little fox, I took a deep breath.

"Nothing, Xiao You followed me, the best, come and kill a few."

Step by step, said with no expression.

Mu Hongzi's eyes suddenly soft as water.

"Domineering, I like your little domineering, thief cute... well, let's go!"

Mu Hongzi said, then he took a light shot on the battleship.

A loud bang!

The array on the ship suddenly shook, and the next moment, the entire ship was turned into a streamer.


The ship broke through the clouds and rushed out of the darkness. It flew into the endless innocent starry sky and quietly galloped in the stars.

The speed is very fast and the roar is bursting.

But this kind of rapid movement, inside the ship, is very quiet, almost audible.

"The advanced warships are different. It is good that the general warships can achieve short-range vanity crossings. The material of this warship is so good, flying, the comfort is so strong."

Pluto Erha sat in the battleship, leisurely carrying a spicy strip, said with a smile.

Through the transparent windows of the warship, you can see the starry sky outside.

The people in the warship can clearly feel that the warship is flying fast, and in a short while it is the scope of the ruins.

In the eyes of the people, the ruins of the ruins continued to shrink, and soon they became a black spot and disappeared.

The stars around the warship are exploding at a rapid speed.

This means that as soon as the scope of the ruins leaves, the warship begins to accelerate.

In the battleship, the silence is incomparably, only the breathing sounds are lingering on each other.

The dog-in-law screamed and slept in the cabin, and the fat of the body was undulating with the breath.

Pluto is licking the hot bar and turning to look at the stars.

Xiao You is sitting quietly on the side with a small fox, the little flower stays by her side, with big eyes.

This is the first time they have left the ruins, and there is always some embarrassment in their hearts.

Even if it is the dynasty, the face is also reluctant.

After all, leaving the hometown and going to the unknown world of the gods will always give birth to a little bit of ambiguity.

Step by step, think about it, in order to break this strange atmosphere.

Stand up and walk in the cabin.

Mu Hongzi's warships are specially prepared for the chef, and the kitchen equipment is available.

The step went to the kitchen.

Fingers popped up a silver-white fire.

The flame suddenly burned, and the void seemed to be twisting.

The basalt pot is taken out and placed on it.

The pace begins to prepare for cooking.

This time he is preparing to cook a dish in his memory.

This dish, the step has been cooked long ago.

He wants to use this dish to let everyone swept away and feel happy.

The mind sank into the pastoral world.

Step by step went to the wooden house of Niu Hansan and took out a fat fish.

The fat fish is filled with pink distiller's grains, and the rich scent of wine spreads out from it.

This is the distiller's grains made from the rice containing the will of the heavens. The distiller's grains are used to pickle the fish and produce the delicious food.

Of course, to be truly delicious, you need to deal with it.

Holding the fish tail of the distiller's fish, the step back to the battleship.

The kitchen has a very good insulation and the scent of the dishes in the kitchen is not transferred to the cabin.

Holding a kitchen knife.

The keel kitchen knife suddenly spun in the hands of the step, and held the head of the distiller's fish.


Suddenly a wave of fluctuations spread.

The knife of the step is cut sharply, like a meteor.

The meat on both sides of the fish is cut, like a blooming flower, and the fishbone is dug.

Wipe those vinasse and take a few small mushrooms.

Cut the cross on the back of the small mushroom, cut it, and place it in the fish dish.

Put it into the basalt pot, pour it into the spring of life and start cooking.

In this process, the fascination of the step slowly spread out and spread into the fish dish.

You can feel the texture of the fish and you can feel the change of the distiller's grains.

The liquor in the vinasse has penetrated into the fish, which has caused some changes in the white meat.

The mushroom swells up, and the inflated mushroom is a mixture of rich fragrance and fish, giving a unique and unspeakable experience.


The lid of the basaltic pot seems to churn under the impact of the heat.

The hot air is removed from the exhaust port and the cabin is discharged along the tail of the ship.



The chaos of the void is in turmoil.

There is a meteorite burst.

A roar of resounding.

Suddenly, a figure wrapped in black air bursts into a meteorite, flies out and gallops in the sky.

This black octopus is very embarrassing, and the body is covered with mucus.

His mouth has sharp teeth and his mouth is open, seemingly absorbing the strange energy of the universe.

With speeding, his body is constantly expanding.

As the octopus flew, the octopus rushed into a starry sky.

Starry sky.

Then there is a huge transmission matrix method in it.

Above the formation, there is a strong man sitting on it, the terrible breath is pervasive, this is a god...

The force of the law around the body, put in the faintness, makes the void collapse.

Suddenly, the strong man opened his eyes sharply.

In the light, there seems to be a fine shot.

He stared at the void in the distance and saw a black shadow slowly flying in the stars.

"What is this?!"

The strong man opened his eyes and looked at the light, as if the stars had to be broken under his gaze.

The man stood up.

Raise your hand and slam.

The law of the moment's law continued to linger on the palm of his hand, and finally, he turned into a bow and arrow.

Take a bow and shoot.

A humming sound.

The arrow, which was shot out, tore the sky and shot toward the dark and ugly beast.

Boomed out!

The arrow hit the fierce beast, as if the fireworks bloomed, and the whole starry sky was filled with brilliance.

The man’s mouth showed a smile.

"The starry beasts in the area, under my law of explosion, nothing..."

"I am a **** who is in charge of the void crossing the law. It is a sacred official, and the starry beast is not enough."

The man picks on the corner of his mouth.

The long bow in the hand was scattered.

Turned around and re-sit back to the center of the formation.


Above the sky.

The fire is surging.


The flames swelled and suddenly swallowed up by a huge suction...

The man's body trembled and jerked his head.

I only see a black shadow constantly zooming in front of his eyes... zoom in...


The sound of screams, resounding through the stars...


"Smiles often open distiller's fish... finished."

The stepping party is satisfied with the unopening of the pot, the aroma of the majestic is surging from it, and the distiller's fish with the will of the heavenly will and the faint laws of the law makes people feel unwilling to sink.

Nowadays, you can do whatever you want with a dish.

This level of cooking has long exceeded the scope of mortals.

Opened the kitchen door.

Stepping on the dish, he walked into the cabin, and in a short while, the cabin was suddenly wrapped in a rich fragrance.

Everyone is in the spirit.

If you have food, everyone will naturally come together.

Even the dog-in-law who squatted on the ground, but also widened the dog's eyes, and the dog's paws were placed on the table, quite looking forward to it.

The pink distiller's fish is treated by a knife. It is like a flower of a warfare. The fish head is erected, the corners of the mouth are squatting, and there are several small mushrooms around. It is like a star. The dish is more attractive. .

"It’s really a smile, I often open a distiller's fish..." The singer of the singer was a little weird.

I didn’t think that the serious face was young and young, and I would still cook this dish.

Everyone grabbed the chopsticks and chopped them down. They didn't give the pace to the pace.

All the fish is in the mouth.

And eating the fish, everyone's eyes are bright.

The corner of the mouth rises involuntarily, closes the eyes, sinks in the fragrance of the fish and the fragrance of the small mushrooms, unable to extricate themselves.

Step by step, watching everyone eat so happy, my heart is also happy.

This is the charm of food.

Food can influence emotions, mobilize the emotions of diners, and how to make food have the ability to control emotions, then test the chef's craftsmanship and cooking.

Spit a long breath, stepped on the corners of his mouth, turned his head and looked out the window.

The speed of the warship has slowed down.

Far from being able to see a huge array of tactics in the sky.

The law is like a dream, with a fascinating mysterious, people can't help but see it.

This is the virtual cross-over method that Mu Hongzi said?

Just take this array and you can go to the big world where Xia Wei Shen is located.

Step by step.

A bang.

The battleship roared.

Turn into a streamer and fly away in the direction of the law...

Suddenly, through the transparent window, the gaze of the step suddenly condensed and stared at the far-reaching array...

He seems to have seen the center of the law, with a black ball, like a heart... beating.

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