Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1411: The crisis is coming [first! 】

The atmosphere in the battleship is very good.

Step by step with a dish, the people's emotions were mobilized, and some people who were sad because they left the ruins, have become happy.

On the dining table, there was only one solitary fish head, and a little scented soup.

The fish covered in the vinasse is basically eaten by everyone. The dishes cooked by the step are delicious, and they have special functions.

After everyone has eaten, they can feel the breath of boiling in the body. If they sink their minds to practice, they can even gain a lot of improvement.

We must know that the weakest people in the presence are the nine-turned sacred, and the difficulty is to be upgraded. The difficulty is very huge.

However, the dishes in the step are the ones that enable them to achieve the growth of cultivation, which is incredible.

Packed up everything on the table.

The pace is quiet sitting in the cabin, quietly watching the fantastic array outside.

That is the virtual cross-over method that Mu Hongzi said.

Through this array, they are able to travel to the big world where Xia Wei Shen is located.

With this array of methods, but they can save a lot of time, if there is no such method, simply rely on the warship to fly, do not know how many years to spend.

After all, the distance between the big world and the big world is too far.

In the cabin, everyone was talking about distiller's fish in full swing.

The faces are full of joyful smiles, and from time to time they still lick their lips.

The ship flew past, leaving a white air in the stars, flying away from the position where the law was.

"Look! We are about to arrive at the battle!"

Pluto eagle screamed excitedly on the window and shouted at the crowd.

His eyes were bright, staring at the fantastic array of windows, curiosity and appreciation.

The array method is huge, and there is a silver-white brilliance in the starry sky. It is like a star, and it is glamorous.

People's minds are not attracted.

Just when I was intoxicated by Pluto.


A bang.

On the window of the ship, a black shadow suddenly came.

With a bang, he squatted on the window of the warship and shocked the prince Erha.

The spicy strips in the mouth are almost falling to the ground.

"What the hell?!"

Pluto Erha took a breath of cold air and his eyes narrowed.

Suddenly found that the squatting on the window is actually a hand bone.

The bones are full of cracks, like what the beasts are chewing and cracking.

Step and others are also paying attention.

A gust of wind blew, but it was the blow of the palm of your hand.

Only one afterimage was left behind.

"Is that a bone? Suddenly, the scared old man's spicy bar almost fell off..."

I was afraid to say after the dynasty.

"The starry sky is innocent. Here is the battlefield above the Great Holy Spirit. Isn't it normal to have bones here? There are often big saints or gods here to kill."

The dog said lazily.

For the fuss of Pluto, some look down.

"But..." Pluto haha ​​hesitated, he saw the residual flesh on the palm of his hand...

It’s not like weird body that has been dead for a long time. It always feels weird.

But seeing everyone is a very normal look, Pluto Erha can only hold the words in the mouth.

a bang...

The battleship shot out.

It is like a streamer, flying quickly toward the center of the law.

In a short while, it fell on the law.

This method is carved on a huge disk-shaped meteorite. The brilliance of the brilliance of the brilliance, obscuring the meteorite, so far from the past, people feel that the formation is as if it is set in the starry sky.

The people walked out of the battleship, and at the foot was the Yingying array.

The formation seems to be some years old, some run down, some old atmosphere.

The stepping party will collect the warship.

When you are going to cross the sky, you need to use a warship.

"Isn't that mother gun not to say that someone in this law is in charge? We can just cross the person, but we can't see any figures?"

The arrogance and doubts of the face of Pluto.

He glanced around, and the array was empty and there was no life.

The steps are also a bit weird.

But in the end, his eyes locked in the center of the law.

It is the ball that looks like a heart beat.

It is indeed a bit awkward to see this ball appear here.

"found it!"

far away.

The sound of the dog's magnetic sound is full.

The people went over.

I saw the star map drawn on it.

The star map shows the location where the array arrived after the shuttle.

"Since no one is there, we can only start this battle by ourselves, so that we can leave here."

Said the dog.

After that, his dog's paws were licking a golden color.

This is the **** of the dog, the golden dog claw.

The dog's claws fell.

Gently shot over the formation.

Suddenly, the array of methods made a roar.

A beam of light rises from the array above and merges into a huge circular arch in the void.

Among the arches, it is full of mysterious power.

There is no doubt that this is the entrance to the void.

The steps were called everyone, and the group entered the battleship. With excitement, they started the battleship and rushed into the circular arch.


What they didn't notice was.

Just as they stepped into the battle.

The ball that beats like a heart, the surface suddenly starts to crack.

It seems that there is **** mucus flowing down.


Above the ball, a scarlet eyeball emerged.

The eyeballs are constantly rolling.

Finally, slowly tearing open, the ball is climbed out by a one-eyed **** figure.

One-eyed person, the eyeballs turn.

Finally fell on the battleship that poured into the transmission array across the void.


Behind this figure, a tentacle of a root emerges.

The next moment, like a teleport, disappeared in place.

The circular arches of the transmission array also began to slowly disappear.

At the last moment when the arch disappeared.

That **** figure instantly penetrated into it...



Even a highly comfortable warship is a bit overwhelmed when it comes to the void.

The tearing power of the void is very powerful, and the average person can't bear it.

However, the material of the warship was good, but it was not broken and pulled.

At the window, the scene disappeared at a rapid speed, leaving only a stream of flying lights.

There is no doubt that they are crossing the void.

Steps can feel that they are moving away from the big world of the ruins.

The induction of the big world of the ruins is getting weaker and weaker, and it almost disappears...

This time, it is really going to leave!

Step by step sitting in front of the window, drinking a steaming nine-turn Tiandao tea.

Looking at the picture of the passage outside.

There are stars, there are stars, and there are black holes...

The suffocating beauty of many stars and stars is a rapid retrogression at this moment.

They are like a passer-by, enjoying the beauty of the universe.

Step by step.


A bang.

The gaze of the step suddenly shrank, and the pores were tight.

On the window.

With a bang, it seems as if there is a dark smudge on it.

The windows are densely cracked like spider webs.

Ok? !

The brows of the step are wrinkled.

The next moment, the group was dark, and suddenly opened his eyes.


The eyes were filled with tyranny and killing, and the terrible tyrannical atmosphere instantly spread.

Inside the cabin, everyone is in a moment of emotional tension.

Even the dog squatting on the ground and screaming and screaming also raised his head and felt a terrible killing.

"What is this stuff?!"

Pluto looked at the eyeball and was amazed.

However, what is even more creepy is that the eyes are moving.

Swinging left and right, there is mucus left.

It seems that everyone in the cabin is locked.

At last.

The figure broke open, and the mouth was like the mouth of the devil. It made a terrible horror...

Bang! !

The ship suddenly swayed sharply.

Step and others were all shocked.

Look up.

Only found cracks around the ship.

The next moment, a tentacles of a root smashed out of the middle of the battle, and burst into the air in the cabin.

A terrible atmosphere filled the audience.

Actually, it is not weaker than the gods!

What kind of creature is this? !

Why is it in the passage of the void? !

Step by step and take a breath.

Feel a little incredible!

at last……

A bang.

The entire warship was blasted.

The horrible tearing force of the void crossed suddenly broke out.

And the terrible figure that floated in the void crossing channel also sent a sharp laugh.

Turn into a streamer, and rush toward the step and other people!

A terrible crisis, an instant!

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