Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1412: Disgusting unknown beast [second more! 】


Within the passage of the void.

The terrible storm swept through the condensate, and the slashing waves of the knife slammed on everyone's body, causing everyone to feel a trepidation.

The dog swelled the dog's claws, and the gods spread and spread, covering the small secluded, small fox and small flower body, so that they were not bombarded by the Netherstorm.

However, Pluto Erha is not so good, he can only open the energy shield of the whole body so that he will not be strangled under the energy storm.

The steps are suspended in the void.

The cheongsam robe flashed red red brilliance.

It was quite easy to withstand the terrible energy storms around, but at least it was much easier than the blushing face of Pluto Erha.

Of course, Xiaobai is more direct. He doesn't even bother to open the shield. Even if the energy storm hits him, it just brings a sizzle of iron.

far away.

The **** silhouette is suspended, and behind it is a single tentacle that is swiping in the squatting, as if to slam at any time, and to smash the void.

Unbeatable horror!

This is without a doubt a very terrible creature.

The breath of the body is not weaker than the gods, and the storm hits him.

The warship was bombarded by this creature!

What is this creature?

What is the beast of the universe?

The eye of the step is awkward.

Mu Hongzi once told him about the dangers in the universe. The cosmic beasts of the universe are very terrible. They choose to take things and are the locusts in the sky.


This is somewhat different from the cosmic beast that Mu Hongzi said. The beasts of the universe that Mu Hongzi said are basically social groups.

An action is a squad of people. Wherever they go, the planet is dead and the soul is smeared.

However, there is only one guy in front of me...

"System... What kind of creature is this?"

Step by step took a deep breath and asked the system.

The system is definitely known.


However, after the inquiry, the step did not immediately get a prompt from the system.

This concession is slightly strange.

Don't the system know what this creature is?

"The host level is too low to be explored."

The system is serious and serious.

Step by step, stay a little.

It seems that I did not expect to get such an answer.

Is your level too low?

Can't you know the origin of this creature in front of you?

There is no doubt that this creature is definitely not an ordinary starry beast!


The passages of the void seem to be tremors.

The next moment, the creature that is full of tentacles is turned into a stream of blood.

Very fast.


A tentacle slammed like a spear, and the target pointed to the step, wanting to pierce the head of the step.

The strange lines in the tentacles are flowing, emitting a lethal feeling that makes people feel heart-wrenching.


Step by step.

A heart move.

Suddenly, the silver fire rose into the hands of the steps.

Give a shot.

The fire suddenly jumped out and slammed toward the tentacle.

Collided with the tentacle.

A loud bang.

The fire of God was actually extinguished...

And the tentacles of the beasts are also burnt black, giving off a strange smell of meat...

It seems that because of the pain, the beast has screamed.

The body is suddenly huge, and it is almost necessary to blast the passage of the void.

Oh la la...

A drop of mucus dripped from its body.

Splashing in the channel actually makes the channel corroded.

Really a disgusting and terrible beast.

The dog guards Xiao You and others, faintly watching the huge beast.

He did not move.

The step and the fierce beast are together, it seems that you are coming to me.

Although in pure power, the step is completely inferior, but the power of the fire and the power of the law is very powerful.



A rule of law rune emerges from the tentacles of the beast.

Then he slammed toward the step.

The location where the step was located suddenly exploded, and the terrible roar swept.

The steps were blown up and flew out.

"This breath... is the black ball in the law!" Step by step takes a deep breath, this thing actually will exert the power of the law!

The step can sense that the power of this law does not belong to the beast itself, but to the foreign object.

Seems to think of something.

Combine the bones of flesh and blood that hit the warship before the sorcerer.

Is the shrine responsible for the formation of the law smashed by the beast?

Moreover, this beast will also combine the power of the gods' laws.

Is this beast so terrible? Devouring the gods can also feel the power of the gods!

If you let him swallow more gods, then you still have it? !

Who can stop this living creature?

Fortunately, this creature was discovered in this ridiculous starry sky.

If you go to the center of the gods, it will definitely form a nightmare!

The dog is finally unable to sit still.

A dog's claw, instantly across the sky.

Towards the fierce beast is the past.

A bang.

The beast suddenly exploded.

The body seemed to have turned into thousands of silt and collapsed.

The smell of stench is pervasive.

However, the murderous beasts soon reunited together and made a fuss.

Actually can not be killed!

The dog's gaze condensed, although his power crushed the fierce beast, but the resilience of this beast, the dog is also a headache.

"Step by step boy... We have to go quickly, otherwise we will drag it down, it will probably lead to the channel collapse. At that time, we can't go anywhere!"

The dog is very dignified.

Step by step, nodded seriously.

I don't want to get too much entanglement with the beast.

But the steps are not entangled, but the beast will not let him go, the beast has been eyeing the steps and others.

In the eyes of this fierce beast, step and other people are the most delicious food!

As long as he eats, his strength will continue to increase!

Oh la la...

The tentacle slammed in the void, and the next moment, the beast was once again madly shooting towards the step.

The speed is very fast, and people can't keep up with sight.

If it is not the step of the gods, the moment is released.

It is very likely that the step will be pierced by this fierce beast!

The keel kitchen knife starts.

A sigh.

The keel kitchen knife suddenly blooms thousands of brilliance.

A knife and a fairy.

A knife that tore the sky was suddenly shot.

Going to the fierce beast, wanting to completely smash the beast into two...

However, the knife mangled into the body of the beast, but it did not destroy the body of the beast.

Instead, the fierce beast opened his mouth, and he took out a **** knife...

This guy is actually mimicking the moves of the step!

The meaning of horror suddenly spread.


The passage began to tremble as if it were going to collapse at any time.

The dog has once again shot a dog's claw.

This dog claw fell.

The beast blasted again.

"Step by step! Go!"

The dog screamed.

He was wrapped in the shape of Xiao You and others, and he was hidden in the void. In an instant, he followed the transmission of the passage and disappeared.

Pluto Erha was bloody, and he followed it up. Under the effect of tearing force, he followed the pace of the dog and entered the void.

Within the passage, only the steps and whites, and the beast that was smashed by the dog's lord and slowly recovered.

Fierce beast.

Once again, I am going to kill the steps.

Want to tear the steps thoroughly into pieces, terrible killing, filled the world.

Look at the beast that is approaching.

Step by step, spit out a long breath.

The gods are surging.

Suddenly, the cremation of the fire was invisible and violently spread.

The beasts suddenly made a noise.

The fire of God and the beasts collide.

Make the beast slowly burned...

However, although the fire burned the other side, the beast was still recovering very quickly.

As always, it is difficult.

The **** eyeballs lock the steps.

Tear off.

Cracks appeared around the passage.

It will soon collapse.

The step knows that you can't be entangled with this fierce beast.

A heart move.

Suddenly destroyed the pot and floated it to the hand.

In the destruction of the pot under the burning of the fire, a shot.

Turn into a stream of light.

The fierce beast opened his mouth and actually swallowed the ruined pot.


The channel began to collapse.

Do not hesitate.

Step by step with a small white, flying towards the transfer position.

A bang banged.

The channel inch cracked.

The white and the step are dangerously rushing into the transmission vortex in the passage. After they enter it, the explosion spreads and the transmitted energy is engulfed.


The ruins.

Above a tall building.

Mu Hongzi sat cross-legged, holding a wine glass and having a drink.

His eyes are profound.

Look up and look at the innocent starry sky.

Suddenly took a deep breath.

The brilliance flowing in his eyes slowly dissipated, the picture disappeared, and the eyelids recovered.

"The disgusting thing... has it appeared again?"

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