Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1413: Rob the chef's robber [third! 】


The terrible tearing sensation suddenly broke out.

The step felt that there was only a white light left in front of him.

The figure seems to have sunk into the sea, constantly floating in the storm, not knowing where it was blown away.

The terrible crisis brought by the **** beasts in the void crossing the passage disappeared.

But the latter seems to be as heavy as a nightmare in the heart of the step.

The kind of creature that can imitate the fighting skills, wants to kill but can't kill, is simply disgusting to die.


I don't know how long it has been floating.

Finally, the step felt that his body shape rushed out of the passage, like a shell-like rapid landing.

A roar.

When it landed in an instant, it fell on the ground, and the ground was full of a huge deep pit...

It seems that all the bones are falling apart.

The step slowly climbed up from the deep pit.

Xiao Bai is standing by his side, shining in the eyes of the machine.

I really admire Xiaobai’s copper and iron bones, so I wrestle, there is nothing at all.

Open your eyes and seem to want to adapt to the surrounding light.

After a long time, I was familiar with the kind of bright brightness.

Glance around.

The step is to discover that he actually fell into a field of wheat.

This wheat is undoubtedly a spiritual wheat, with its majestic energy growing.

"These spirits are not bad, but it is with the wheat in the pastoral world, half a catty..."

Stepping out a piece of wheat and looking at it.

Then I moved my heart and sent the wheat into the pastoral world.

There is Niu Han San in the pastoral world. This guy is known as the father of the hybrid, and he is afraid that he can make a good thing out.

I don't know where it is.

Step by step, take a step, with a little white, slowly.

The feathers robe trembled and the wolf was swept away.

All the way to the west.

Because of the sense of the step, there seems to be a accumulation of souls.

Perhaps because of the problem of the void crossing, the location where the step is now should be separated from the location where the dog is.

Perhaps the two are separated by a hundred thousand miles...

However, Xiao You and others stayed with the dog, but they were not worried.

After all, the strength of the dog's lord is undoubted.

Of course, the steps also need to find a way to meet with the dog.

Do not hurry and walk slowly.

Soon, the convenience of the step was to see a small village in the distance.

The speed is very fast, just for a moment, the step and the white are before the village.

There are many strong people at the entrance of the village, which are full of vigilance.

They sensed the steps, all waving weapons, watching coldly.

This posture, the concession side slightly glimpsed.

Are people outside the ruins so fierce?

However, for those teams with the strongest strength but the nine-turned sacred, the steps did not care and worry.

He also didn't want to do things. He just wanted to ask about the path to the Xia Dynasty to the capital.

He just asked for a way to go.

However, the step has just taken a few steps and has not yet reached the village.

Behind it, there was a loud hoof.

The hoof of the horse's hooves brought a fierce roar.

Looking at the doubts of the step, I saw a group of fierce gods, and the smirking rider of the dragon horses swarmed.

For the first time, it was a big man with a huge pumpkin hammer.

The two sides confront each other.

The step was suddenly stuck in the middle of the room, and the atmosphere was a little embarrassing.

The small white mechanical eye flickered and touched the rounded head.

The stepper looked at the villagers and looked at the group of people who were behind them.

Unable to pull the corners of the mouth, people outside the ruins... really not friendly.

A group of people riding a dragon scale horse is much more powerful than these villagers.

Among them, the first one was a half-god, squatting with a pumpkin hammer, disdainful and disdainful looking at a group of villagers who seemed to be rebellious.

As for the step, it is directly classified as a villager.

Because of this demigod, it is too weak to sense the repair of the step...

Perhaps it is the reason why the pace of the moment is vain.

After experiencing the virtual shuttle, the energy above the body has already been consumed by the Netherstorm.

The power in the body is empty.

This strong man feels that it is normal to feel weak.

Among the villagers, a young man suddenly rushed out and took the step, and he returned to the village.

The steps are full of fog, and it seems that I don’t know what happened.

"The guys on the opposite side are the robbers of Yunwushan! They want to plunder the few chefs in our village!"

The young man said that he was good at it.

“Plunder the chef?”

The color of the steps is more and more strange.

Now the robbers, do not seek for money, do not ask for beauty... actually want to **** the chef?

Is the chef so delicious outside the ruins?

Is this myself back to the fairy kitchen?

"You don't know? The gods opened the kitchen of the gods... the chefs who recruited the whole gods, as long as the talented chefs signed up in the kitchen of the gods, can make the power of the cooks get a rich source stone prize! ”

The young man saw the step and looked awkward and explained quickly.

After reading the look of the step, the eyes are more and more weird. Actually, some people don’t know the news?

The court of the gods issued this news. As soon as the news came out, the entire Xia Dynasty was sensational!

The world around you is constantly sending excellent chefs to the kitchen.

The robbers also found business opportunities, plundered the talented chefs in the village and sent them to the kitchen.

They don't need every village chef to be recruited, as long as they are accepted, the rewards are enough for them to return!

Because the reward is the source stone!

A source stone is enough for one to turn to the Great Saint to practice the nine-turned Great Saint!

That is all resources!

"Well... this is the spring of the chef."

The stepping party pulled the corner of his mouth and said with a blank expression.

"You should be a passerby? There are often passers-by in front of our village, but your luck is really bad... It happened to be a robber to plunder our village." Young people said with emotion.

"Unfortunately, all the chefs in our village have been looted... This group of robbers still forced us to come out with a chef. How do we get it? We can’t get out of the village... so we can only resist. ""

The step is also a little speechless.

This robber is hard for some strong people. Culinary skills are talented. Not everyone can be a chef.

Just when the youth and the step talk.

The robbers in the distance finally moved.

The villagers are shivering.

Those great saints are roaring and want to protect the village.

Unfortunately, in the face of a half-god robber, the strongmen in the village are opponents.

They vomited blood and flew out.

Along with the laughter of the robbers, the people in the village suddenly looked pale and pale.

The young man who spoke to the step-by-steps was also an indignation of the gimmicks on the ground, rushing out of the village like crazy, wanting to join the battle of resistance.

The steps were slightly staying.

The world outside the ruins seems to be somewhat different from what I imagined.

Not all of them say that outside the ruins, the gods are walking around, how many gods are like dogs?

How do you use the original tools like hoes for fighting now?

The battle presented a one-sided situation.

The robbers undoubtedly suppressed everyone in the village.

They got off the horse, took the hand, and the figure of a winner, leisurely stepped into the village.

The eyes disdain and indifference scan the entire village.

"Hey, hand over the hidden chef...so I will leave the dogs in your village, otherwise...all of them will be slaughtered, my brothers in Yunwushan, the village of Tu is more than the salt you eat!"

The demigod robber sneered.

"Adults, our village really has no chefs, and all the chefs have followed the team to the dynasty, or have been plundered by other bandits!"

An old man said bitterly, not humiliating and humiliating.

If you grab money or something, they will recognize it, but you have to grab the chef, there is no chef to kill the village, this is not difficult for the strong!

Do you want them to call out the village women?

However, the cooking level of the village woman’s half-hanger is simply not a chef.

"Oh... old man, you still have a hard mouth. If you find out that there are cooks in your village, you must let your village, chickens and dogs not stay!"

The demigod robber is cold and cold.

The gods of the body suddenly spread, and the people present felt tremble.

The head of the village, that is, the face of the old man’s grief and anger.

The crutches are cruel.

"You look for it! If you find the cook, I have this old bone... just..."

The village chief still wants to say something.

But the half-god robber was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, raised his hand, and a suction broke out.

The village chief was suddenly inhaled and his neck was caught by the half-god robber.

"The chefs in the village can't come out? Don't come out... We'll start slaughtering the village, start with this old man... Don't blame us for not being human, as long as you come out, everyone in the village can live."

The demigod robber is cold and cold.

However, no one is out of the village.

Step by step, looking at the young man's constantly shaking body in the distance, his face suddenly showed a strange color.

Wouldn’t the youth who brought themselves closer to the village be a chef?

Is the chef that the robbers need?

The young man was dragged by a young woman, and the face of the young woman was full of pleading, while the young man’s face was struggling.

"The old man said... There is no chef in the village!"

The old village chief looked red and said hard.

However, the half-god robber was indifferent.

His eyes turned and fell on the young man who was dragged by the young woman.

As a demigod, he is not stupid. This young man is strange, and he naturally feels it.

The corner of the mouth is slightly upturned.


His curled corners solidified.

The air is filled with a strong scent, and the scent... is not from the youth.

The demigod thief turned his eyes and landed on the far side of the step.

At this moment, the step of holding a piece of jellyfish bag in his hand, biting a bit, steaming, scent.

"Hey... you are busy first, I am eating a sea bream bag to add a state."

The step seems to have sensed the gaze of the demigod, and raised the sea otter in his hand.

People around are all awesome.

Eat a sea bream to fill the state? Where is the sea otter? This guy is actually a chef?

No one thought of... This young man who just entered the village is actually a chef?

In this chaotic era, he was a chef... dare to sway everywhere? ! 8)

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