Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1414: The demigod of the gods... invincible [fourth more! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

In this chaotic time, do you a chef dare to sway everywhere?

This is the moment, the thoughts of everyone in the village, whether it is the villagers or the robbers, are all awesome.

They never imagined that this cook could actually appear so calmly in front of these robbers.

Although the robbers need a chef, they don't respect the chefs who are robbing them, and they don't have a good drink.

Because no one knows whether these chefs sent to the kitchen of God can really be accommodated in the kitchen.

More, still turned into a corpse, tragic death in a foreign land.

The God's Palace is good for the welfare of the chefs who are actually included, and even provides the source stone resources.

But for those who have been eliminated, there will be basically no oversight.

Those who are eliminated are the losers. For the losers, no one will care about their end.

However, I have to say... the taste is so delicious!

The people present were unable to shake the nose, and the rich fragrance burst out, as if the snake had penetrated into their nose.

Inciting their taste.

smell good!

The people present were unable to win their eyes.

The young man who had originally pulled the step into the village was also shocked. He sniffed the sea bream in the air and the throat rolled up.

"Good... good incense... I want to eat!"

The youth is a chef, but it is not a very good chef.

He only loves cooking, so learning to cook is the current level and become a famous chef in the village.

Do a good job.

His wife, because of this, married him.


He has been cooking for so many years, but he has never smelled such a fragrant smell. It is a taste that goes deep into the soul.

Rubbing, rubbing, card wiping...

Stepping on the jellyfish bag, slowly chewing, the action is not urgent or slow.

Still quite rhythmic.

The robbers are greedily wiping their saliva, how can they tolerate this fragrance.

"Boss, this guy is definitely a chef! You see what he eats, it's too sweet!"

A robber wiped the saliva in his mouth. If he was not afraid of the boss who was present, he might rush to go up and grab the sea bream bag in the hands of the step and eat it himself.

Wrap the last piece of sea bream in the mouth.

Step by step, exhaling a breath.

The jellyfish bag can restore the strength of his body, the kind of continuous, the feeling of breeding energy, the face of the concession is a sense of ease.

Very comfortable.

Oh la la...

I poured myself a cup of steaming nine-turn tea.

The step was to take out a sea bream bag.

Drink while drinking.

The half-god robber finally couldn’t help it.

When the figure flashed, it instantly appeared in front of the steps.

Condescending to look at the steps.

The terrible breath burst out of his body.

"You kid... is a cook?!"

The half-god robber said with a smile, his eyes fell on the jellyfish bag, and he could not help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

He reached out and grabbed the bag on the sea bream.

"Come on, let me have a taste, if it is delicious, then you are the chef..."

The half-god robber, actually did not say anything, began to snatch.

The other robbers around are envious.

The young man who walked into the village was even pale.

This is a bad step for him!

I knew that I wouldn’t pull the steps into the village. In this case, the steps would not be involved in the storm.

However, soon, everyone was stunned.

Because, in the eyes of everyone.

The terrible pressure of the demigod was overwhelmed, and the outstretched hand was actually lost.

Did not grasp the sea otter bag caught in the hands of the step.

Step by step, slightly sideways, faintly pulled the corner of the mouth, stuffed the jellyfish into the mouth.

Under the bite, the teeth bite the skin of the jellyfish bag, causing the oil juice to splash out of it, as well as the warm soup, flowing together.

The rich aroma is mixed and sprayed out.

"Do you dare to hide?!"

The half-god robber was suddenly angry.

"I am the second in the cloud! Who dares to disobey me!" The anger of the two masters is unstoppable, and it seems that the eyes are horrible.

Raise your hand and slap it to the face of the step.

These days, his aunt's chef, there are no eight hundred, there are a thousand.

I didn’t think it was that I’ve found out that these cooks are so proud.

But then arrogant, under his power to crush, can only tremble!

Therefore, he learned that the stepping party dared to resist, habitually hesitated without hesitation.

This scene makes the people around us show the color of sympathy.

There is no doubt that he has offended a half god.

This young man is afraid of suffering from the flesh and blood.

Some villagers could not bear to look at it and held their eyes.


A crackling sound.

That is the sound of close contact between the palm and the face.

In the next moment, in the eyes of everyone, a figure flew out, instantly bursting and falling in the distance.

However, what makes everyone wrong is.

It’s not the step that falls in the distance.

It is the half-god robber, the cloud mountain is the second home!

Oh my God……

what happened? !

Many people are so determined that they don’t know what happened.

Who helped the move block the move and replied with a slap.

The robbers around have already had an unbelievable look.

They just saw it really, and it’s not someone else who slaps them to fly in the house. It’s the step of eating the jellyfish bag and drinking tea!

A slap in the air and a half god?

Is this chef's repair so strong?

Still... just lucky?

Step by step, the last bite of sea bream was stuffed into the abdomen, and it was easy and free to clap your hands.

The infuriating in the body has finally recovered, and the knowledge of God has recovered.

Under the moisturizing of the jellyfish bag, the recovery speed becomes very fast.

At this time, the step is to have a leisurely look at the robbers.

Plunder the chef?

The step is very curious about this.

What is the kitchen of God... what comes to the head.

What do the chefs do to plunder?

"You dare to hit me... I didn't see it, you have some strength in this cook!" The half-god robber said coldly.

A chef in the district, even if it is a demigod, what about it?

Can you still compare with his robber who is struggling in the sea of ​​knives and mountains?


A heart move.

The pumpkin hammer of this demigod robber was suddenly held in his hand.

With a bang, the pumpkin hammer is coming to the head of the step.

It’s just like it’s gone, the air seems to be collapsed by the smashing inch!

"Even if you are a cook, it is not your unscrupulous reason, I will kill you half and then drag back!"

Second, the family roared.

The gods on the body suddenly rushed out, and it was easy to move forward with a hammer.

On the hammer, there are rules and runes that appear, and the power of the law is surging.

The power of this law comes out.

The pressure suddenly made the strong people in the room all suppressed and could not even breathe.

"Oh? Power Law?"

Step by step, looking at the force of the law on the pumpkin hammer, the corner of the mouth rose slightly.

Stopped the white that was ready to be shot.

Showing a hint of interest.

Facing the pumpkin hammer, he raised his arm.

The bandage is dissipated, and the yin and yang are turned.

The pumpkin hammered down.

Step by step, take a palm and shoot at the pumpkin hammer.

"The empty hand wants to pick me up? You are a thin-armed stovepipe cook! Where is the confidence!!"

Second, the family laughed.

The robbers around them also showed sarcasm.

The second step of their understanding is the law of power. When a hammer goes down, a mountain is to be smoothed!

Looking at the thin face of the step, I dare to pick it up by hand.

This hand is afraid to be broken!

The villagers also sucked in the cold and were astonished by the arrogance of the steps.

Hey! !

Under the eyes of the public.

The pumpkin hammer collided with the palm of the step and made a roaring sound.

next moment.

The picture that everyone imagined did not appear.

The pumpkin hammer... was caught.

Step by step, grabbed the pumpkin hammer with one hand, and looked at the second face with a blank expression.

After the five fingers forced, the pumpkin hammer was actually pinched down.

Rubbing, the fine lines are densely covered.

After a while, it was pinched and broken!

Glancing, all the way!

The second home was stunned.

The robbers and villagers around are also very unbelievable...

Is this thin cook a master of the law of strength?

Otherwise, how can the stepping party crush the two pumpkin hammers in the flesh!

How strong is the strength of the step?

At least in the semi-god's realm is basically invincible, even if it is the son of the arrogant **** in the dynasty, I am afraid to drink hate before step.

Master the fire that devours the power of the two laws, plus the rule of reincarnation.

God knows that there is a increase in the kitchen recipes...

As well as the strengthening of the spirit sea of ​​the yin and yang, basically crushing the peers.

Even in the face of the gods, even a battle!

The pumpkin hammer broke, and the second person suddenly looked down.

Take a step back and crush a jade.

The next moment, burst into a burst: "Retire!"

These robbers suddenly went crazy outside the village.

The strength of the step is beyond their expectation.

I am afraid that it is the son of a certain imperial court member of the dynasty, or the top disciple of some large-scale schools.

In the face of the existence of such a whole body of advanced equipment, the second home is very wise to choose to withdraw.

His little brothers ran faster than him.

After all, as a robber, if you don't know how to save your life, you are afraid that the bones that have already died are gone.

It’s a consistent rule for robbers to run.

Step by step licked the palm of your hand.

After all, the law of power is the power of the law, and the power of the earthquake makes the palm of your hand a bit stinging.

"Little white, stop them..."

"You can get **** and I have questions to ask them."

Stepping on his fingers, faint.

The words fell.

The white mechanical eye is flashing.

The buzzing sound, the three flags behind it suddenly opened, and a long gun swept out.

The surrounding villagers are stunned.

The sudden and sudden changes made them somewhat unprepared.

Looking at the situation, is this going to leave these robbers behind?

"and many more!"

The face of the old village chief suddenly changed.

The head of the cloud fog mountain robber is a **** who truly understands the power of the law. If the step is to really leave these cooks, I am afraid that it will be a big disaster!

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