Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1420: Medium shrine [second more! 】

Grab... caught? !

The blonde is licking her lips, her face is white, her heart beats, and she looks incredulously in the distance.

There, the step raised his hand and grabbed the slap from the prefecture-level chef.

The atmosphere was stagnant in an instant.

As if a storm is sweeping, the blonde feels like something bad is going to happen.

"Well well... you are a half-god in the district, and a spiritual chef can dare to offend me! I will teach you well for the chef's palace now!" The master of the prefecture-level chef, suddenly sneered in anger.

The blonde rushed to open her mouth: "Adult! It is dereliction of duty, and now I will coordinate with this gentleman!"

However, his words have not yet fallen, and the old man is glaring and staring at the blonde, and his mouth seems to have a roaring sound.

"What are you doing! I said that I have to teach this kid, you have to interrupt!"

The old man roared and made the blonde beautiful, but it was a god.

The blonde suddenly fell softly on her legs and fell to the ground.

The face of the step is getting colder.

I only feel that a huge force broke out in the hands of the old man, as if to break away from his own bondage.

"I am half-god, I can shoot it in one palm!"

The old man’s eyes suddenly burst into red brilliance.

The next moment, the tremors of the palms of the palms, as if to sway the arm of the step.

However, to his surprise, his move did not oscillate the palm of the step, but the more and more movements that were suppressed by the step.

"you wanna die!"

The old man’s eyes are surging.

Later, the body suddenly had a rule rune, and the power of the two laws was lingering.

When the heat was hot, the concession could not help but loosen the palm of your hand.

The old man suddenly figured out and opened the distance with the step.

Raise his hand, a cluster of deep red flames appeared in his hands, the flames burning, as if to burn everything!

"Do you know where the gods and gods are worse? The power of the complete laws of the gods is enough to crush your demigods!"

The old man sneered.

Must be sent.

The next moment, one palm toward the step, photographed in the distance.


The law of flame swept through and turned into a giant palm of fire, and the entire room seemed to be constantly cracking at this moment.

This palm, roaring, burns everything.

Has terrible power of destruction.

Step by step, standing in the same place, his eyes condensed slightly.

Is the law of fire?

It is a pity that his own fire has swallowed a flame rule, otherwise... this law is very good.

I thought of the heart of the step.

open mouth.

A silver flame suddenly spurred out in the mouth.

The flames swirled quietly in the hands of the steps, like a crystal lotus.

The petals of the lotus are spinning, just like a quiet bloom, beautiful.


The fire of God appeared.

It is the brilliance that attracted the audience.

The old man’s palm of the flame is photographed, and he wants to completely kill the step.

The shrine of the gods sweeps like a tear.

The battle between the two has already attracted the attention of many chefs in the entire VIP building.

In the VIP building of the God Chef Palace, the chefs are all gathered together.

The status is quite high, how can someone fight in the kitchen of God?

Some chefs looked at the position where the battle took place, and the faces were strange.

"It is the room location of Master Cheng..."

“Who has provoked a madman?”

"It’s terrible... The madman’s superb cooking doesn’t put me in the eye. Now someone finally dares to resist him?”


The kitchens of the gods are all floating, and they look at the whereabouts of the battle, and have a deep smile.

There are two loud noises.

Two figures skyrocketed from the explosion.

Step by step, the feather robe is floating, very indifferent.

The god, known as Master Cheng, is also a heavenly man, and he is surrounded by the law of fire.

Many people have seen the steps, they are all in doubt.

Because the step is a raw face, many people have never seen it.

The blonde girl wandered from the floor of the explosion, her face was full of fear, and her **** was angry. She was not sacred, but how can she not fear.

Looked awedly at the sky.

She hurried through the jade, calling the top of the kitchen.

At this level of competition, she is no longer qualified to intervene, only to let the high-level to solve.

However, what surprised her even more is that the step-by-step confrontation of the gods is not weak at all...

It is quite strange.

The step is just a half god...


The battle above the Scorpio seems to have entered a white heat.

The flames of the old man are constantly bombarded, and they are all easily blocked by the fire of the step.

Regardless of how the latter attacked, with the power of the gods, it was impossible to break the fire of the steps.

This makes the old man feel extremely anxious.

The white battle force is at the top of the building, the blazing flame burns, and the flag behind him is flying in the wind.


The white mechanical eyes flashed violently.

The legs are bent.


The ceiling of the building suddenly collapsed.

The white body is like a cannonball.

Whistling and rushing to the old man.



At the moment, the old man has a leisurely time and a waste of time, and it is a sudden burst of drink.

A palm out.

The power of the gods is mighty, and the law of fire sweeps over, wanting to blast the white into the earth.

However, the white mechanical eye flashes.

The flag suddenly fell from the sky and slammed into the back of the old man.

The spear pierced.

Like a dragon impact, the figure was made into a silver long dragon, roaring past.

The old man’s eyes narrowed.

The body was suddenly hit and flew high.

The silver ray splashed, revealing the appearance of white.

The small white-like fan-like hand slammed out and squatted on the old man.

Tear off...

The clothes burst.

The clothes on the old man's body were torn apart.

The clothes are flying.

With a bang, Xiaobai fell on the side of the step, holding a spear and swelled.

The steps are quirky.

In the distance, the old man was full of anger and glared at his body.

The law of fire swept, wrapped the body of the red fruit, and what about the skin? Actually tearing his own clothes.


The old man only felt a guilty heart.

The figure of the step suddenly appeared in front of him.

For a while, a fist suddenly enlarged in front of his eyes.

A bang.

A fist hit his eyes.

The old man screamed and squinted, feeling that the flesh seemed to be torn, falling from the void.

The power of the whole body is spread out, and the wolf is incomparably slammed on the ground, and the ground is pulled out of a deep pit...

The old man who is a **** is actually turned over by a step by step.

The people present were shocked.

Half-god, dry gods... These things have been seen, but they are all enchanting sons in the dynasty, the genius of the young prince, or the imperial palace emperor can do it.

This young man can actually do it.

The power of God's law has not been motivated.

Is this young man in front of him a son of a great family in the capital?

Or is it the young prince of the palace?

The blonde has long been a cock.

She did not think that the step is actually so powerful...

Actually, a hard-won person will turn over a god!


A heart move.

In the hands of the step, a flash of gold awns suddenly appeared, and the keel kitchen knife fell into his hands.

Step by step, holding the kitchen knife expressionlessly, looking indifferently at the old man underneath.

Raise the kitchen knife.

The terrible knife is suddenly gathering at a rapid speed.

Prepare to display a knife and sorrow, and give the old man a slap.

However, when the pace is ready to condense the knife.

The entire space seems to be stagnation.

A force that is strong and powerful is instantly shrouded.

The color of the steps has changed slightly.

Medium god? !

The heart of the step is a condensation.

I saw the sky slowly cracking, and a beautiful woman in a red veil skirt strolled out of the void.

The latter is barely crystal-clear, and the eyebrows are branded with plum blossoms, white skin, delicate red lips, and charming eyes, all of which exude charm.

"Mr. Please stop, this time it is my God's kitchen palace, I don't care, I want to be angry."

The beautiful woman looked at the steps and smiled softly.

A smile, it seems to involve people's minds.

The wrinkle of the brows felt a terrible pressure from the woman.

The latter's power of conscience is also a bit jealous.

Medium gods... Today's steps are afraid that they can't cope.

Become medium or even, at least to understand the power of the five principles.

Every time you comprehend the power of a law, the strength is multiplied, the medium god, the absolute crush and the gods.

Steps can fight against inferior gods, but in the face of medium gods, fear is still stretched.


The beautiful woman’s finger flicked.

Suddenly a jade symbol flew to the front of the step.

"Sir, this is a new room for you, and it will definitely meet the needs of the gentleman... In addition, there are a thousand source stones in Yufu, and a source treasure. These are the compensation of Mr. God's Palace. ”

"My chef's kitchen is widely recruited by the chefs, and naturally will give you the best service and life of the chefs, but... there is a natural need to pay back. I hope that the chefs can make more impacts when they pass the seal. Divided."

The beautiful woman said softly, the sound was soft, as if it was a massage.

The old man underneath, there is already a strong man in the kitchen of the kitchen to come and appease him.

And leave with the old man.

However, before the old man left, he was staring at the steps.

He was a real-grade **** chef who was actually blown up by a hairy boy, which made him very unscrupulous.

This time, he must be back!

Step by step naturally does not care.

Since the beautiful woman has opened her mouth, the steps are too lazy to be aggressive.

Anyway, people have also played, and the gas has also come out. It’s cheap to own, and it’s the way to find things.

After all, the kitchen of God is also to face.

"You are a hero who is a young man, defeating the lower gods with the power of half god... This talent is also a enchanting stream in the dynasty of the gods! The little girl admire... You can come to my **** The kitchen palace is the fortune of my god's kitchen."

The beautiful woman smiled softly, her eyes looked at the steps.

She was shocked by the strength and cultivation of the steps.

"But... sir, I am in the kitchen of my god, but I have to keep the rules of my kitchen. After all, I am a chef's palace...not a place to be free."

The beautiful woman looked at the step, and her face smiled softly.

But a terrible sensation of the gods was suddenly shrouded in the steps.

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