Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1421: Seal of the ancient gods [third! 】

The oppression of the medium gods is still a little stressful.

Of course, the steps are not afraid.

His means are numerous. If he really means the means, even if he is faced with a medium god, he can compete.

However, it is just that the step feels that there is no such necessity.

This woman is actually not malicious. The other party just wants to show the power of the kitchen in front of many chefs, otherwise they will not be able to control these chefs.

Therefore, the step gave the face very timely, nodded, did not say too much.

Steps held his hand, his figure fell and fell on the ground, and the beautiful woman followed.

"Sir, in the lower Luo Sanniang, is the management of the VIP building in the God Chef Palace. If you have any doubts, you can find me. In addition, if you want to see the inheritance seal of the God Chef Palace, you can contact me at any time. ""

"Inherit the seal, always open, and open it."

The beautiful woman took the serious color on her face and smiled at the steps.

"Inheriting seals?"

After a step, the eyes suddenly slammed and shone.

"Can you go now?"

Luo Sanniang stayed, and the red lips opened. "That is natural. Will the gentleman go now? Then I will take you there."

For inheritance seals, the step is still very interesting.

So there was no rejection, let Luo Sanniang take him.

"It’s not a self-sufficient..."

"A spiritual chef, there is no help for the seal, he looked at it."

"That seal is terrible, too mysterious, too complicated... no level of heavenly chef, it should be difficult to crack."


The chef who was present, when he heard that the step was going to crack the inheritance seal, he shook his head and couldn’t help it.

That inherits the seal, they have all seen it.

However, with so many chefs, no one can crack the seal on it.

Even the top-level chefs are the same.

However, this time, the stepping party has made great achievements, and many people are very interested in him.

So he has to go to crack the seal, everyone has followed up and want to watch the fun.


The location where the seal is inherited is far from the VIP building.

It is in another building.

Walking out of the VIP building, walking along the way, you can see a round building, which is covered with masonry.

Opened the heavy black iron gate.

Luo Sanniang is swaying his waist, fascinating with a step and walking toward it.

Down the entrance is a high arc downhill.

All the way down, I don't know how far it is going deep into the ground.

In front of the eyes is the light with bright eyes.

Finally, I walked out of the downhill channel and stood on the ground.

In the distance, it was a huge black pot, where the black pot was suspended, and it was covered with a dense seal.

"That is the inheritance seal, in addition to inheritance, that black pot is actually a treasure... My family said, once the black pot is opened, the power is even better than the chaotic artifact." Luo Sanniang said with amazement.

Every time she saw this black pot, she was shocked by the terrible smell in the black pot.

The surrounding chefs have also gathered around.

In fact, there are a lot of chefs sitting around the black pot.

They are all concentrating on the method of cracking the black pot.

Some people lie on the black pot, staring at the lines on the array.

Some hold their own hair and have words in their mouths.

Some people are constantly practicing cooking and want to find a clue in cooking.

"I have been studying for so long, and my kitchen is not useless. At least I know that there are five layers in this inheritance seal... The first layer of seal has been solved by us, but..."

Luo Sanniang looked at the black pot and looked condensed. It seemed a bit disappointing.

"But the title of the first seal has not been completed so far."

"Title?" Step by step, looked at the beautiful woman with a puzzled look.

"You can now look at the seal and remember, you can't use brute force, otherwise... don't blame me for not reminding you."

Luo Sanniang said.

Can't you use brute force?

Step by step, nodded, my heart was very curious about the black pot, and ... looking at the black pot, the step can feel the familiar atmosphere of the black pot.

The sole of the foot is stepping on the ground.

The shape of the step suddenly burst out, like a streamer.

It fell before the huge black pot.

The sound of landing seems to have caused a lot of dissatisfaction with the kitchen chef who is thinking. Many of the chefs looked at the steps and sneaked a sigh, and they fell into meditation.

Step by step, slowly moving forward, and soon came to the black pot.

Raise your hand and cover it over the black pot.


Suddenly, the majestic atmosphere rushed out of the black pot.

At that moment, the step only felt that there was a vast chaotic world in front of him...

Everything is born and destroyed!

The mind is shocked by this picture.

"This... this is..."

Step by step, take a breath of cold, familiar feeling, the spirit of the sea is churning up.

Above the kitchen recipe, golden radiance, oh.

Above the black pot... has the same flavor as the kitchen recipe!

Belong to the atmosphere of the kitchen god!

The eyelids of the step suddenly lit up.

The knowledge of the gods surging, as if boiling up.

He sensed the seal's breath, and the seal array... is the food array.

Although it is more complicated than the food array of the starting side.


In the heart of the step, it is an unprecedented excitement. This black pot is related to the kitchen god!

Step by step, take a deep breath, and then slowly spit out.

far away.

Luo Sanniang looked at the excited appearance of the step, but also could not help but lift the red lips.

“No chef can resist the charm of this black pot. The secret of the black pot is like a magic box for the chef.”

Luo Sanniang Road.

"Now, just look at this young chef, what kind of surprises can I bring to my kitchen."

Luo Sanniang leaned on the railing, lazy to stretch the waist, the grandeur of the chest, as her body stretched and constantly trembled.


Her movements were stiff, her eyes suddenly condensed, and she looked incredibly into the distance.

There, the movements of the steps have changed.


As Nalo Sanniang said.

The sensation of the stepping rushed into the formation, after almost five breaths.

The step is finally to break the line.

The same is the food array, although it is a lot more complicated, but many of them are similar.

Therefore, it is not difficult to crack the steps.

Five... five times of breathing?

Luo Sanniang is stunned.

Not just Luo Sanniang.

All the kitchen chefs behind her are also stunned...

Five breaths of time broke the first seal?

Did this kid know in advance how to crack the seal?

It’s incredible to think about the surrounding chefs.

This first method, but by them so many chefs, studied for several years, it is cracked open...

If the step does not know the way to crack in advance, then it is really...

Somewhat scary!

Can it be said that they have so many chefs, how many years of hard work can not compare with the time of this boy's five breaths?

Oh my God!

That is simply the face of these gods and red fruits!

It seems like a broken sound...

The front of the step was suddenly empty.

A golden text with a turn of the road emerged.

"Congratulations to break through the first array of methods, each method is accompanied by a task, and the task can be completed to open the second array of methods..."

A magnificent voice resounded in the mind of the step, which is above the gods.

The steps are bright.

With a heart and heart, I began to sense the task.


A message of information poured into the minds of the steps.

The body shape of the step suddenly took a step back and became clear.

A stream of light fell from the flashing array of patterns and fell on the body of the step.

“Hey? Someone accepted the challenge!”

“It’s really bold! This challenge is not easy. Once it fails, it will cause great trauma to God!”

"The young people nowadays really dare to fight and fight."


The surrounding chefs, seeing the golden light shrouded in the step, could not help but laugh.

There are ridicule laughs and regrets.

The beautiful woman’s eyes stared at the steps.

The surrounding chefs are also inconspicuous, and their breathing has become rushed.

Five breaths broke the battle, can you complete the task after the battle?

"In half an hour, learn the knife in the subject, and complete the cutting task of the ingredients... Once it fails, the memory of the knife is completely erased, and you must start all over again."

Luo Sanniang has a word, and her eyes are shining.

For so many years, this topic has been blocked in front of many chefs, as if a deep abyss.

Even the prefecture-level chefs may not be able to complete.

Can this young man be able to create a miracle?

The light is shrouded.

The step of the eye opened his eyes.

There seems to be a continuous flow of gold in the pupils.

"Knife: A chaotic kitchen knife..."

In the mouth of the step, there is a new knife in the mind...

It seems to be very familiar with this knife.


In front of him, three kinds of ingredients emerged.

The first ingredient is a fat white radish.

The second ingredient is a round white and white tofu.

The third... is a small round rice.

These three ingredients are the key to this task.

Luo Sanniang and many of the chef's breathing are a stagnation, tightly grab the railing.

"it has started……"

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