Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1423: Broken, broken! [First! 】

Do not rest, start the impact of the second small task directly!

For this practice, people around are not very optimistic.

Knife work is a practical test of the skill of the chef. It is not a small burden for mental strength and muscle strength.

After a difficult knife operation, it is full of load for the mind and body.

It is easy to cause physical fatigue and mental weakness.

Therefore, they can hardly imagine why the steps are not resting. After every small task, there is a period of rest. If you take this time and restore your mental strength, you will be able to take the second task. Finished better!

The pace of the steps to refresh Master Cheng’s record has already exceeded everyone’s imagination.

Even Luo Sanniang is also a very unexpected accident.

She feels that the pace is very extraordinary, although it is only a demigod, but it is able to defeat the god-class chef of the gods.

Therefore, she took the concession side to try the mentality of the test, concession side to impact the inheritance of the seal.

However, I did not expect that the step would actually give her such a surprise.


It is really very interesting.

Luo Sanniang's red lips slightly tilted up.

Her gaze fell and fell on the side of the step, seeing a palm of the hand holding a piece of tofu, the eyelids are more and more surprised.

Can this young man create a bigger surprise for her?

The cockroach suddenly fell.

The step broke Master Cheng's record and completed the first small task in twenty breathing hours, but everyone did not.

After all, the step immediately began the second task.

In the unlikely event that their mission fails because of their embarrassment, it is their sin.

God's Kitchen Palace will not let them go.

Some people are excited to leave.

Some people are very surprised to spread this news.

Some chefs may have a very good relationship with Master Cheng, so quickly go to find Master Cheng and tell him the news.


VIP building.

Master Cheng’s residence.

Master Cheng sat in a chair, and the room was filled with a rich fragrance of the **** tea.

This kind of **** tea is a kind of enlightenment tea that grows in the big world of the pagoda. After drinking, it can enhance the human consciousness, and it can make the gods become more active and enhance the power of the soul.

Master Cheng is also not willing to drink casually.

Mainly this kind of tea... is too precious.

But this time, he was interrupted by a young man, cooking, and he was beaten by the young man.

This is a huge insult to him.

This insult can't bear it.

Anger made his inner feelings unable to calm down and remained in a hot state.

Therefore, it is rare for him to take this **** tea out and soak it, just to calm down his heart.

Taking the teacup, Master Cheng narrowed his eyes and sniffed the tea. The heat of the cockroach filled the cup.

Enjoy a deep breath, Cheng master's mouth slightly hangs a smile.

The inner peace is like water, as if entering a realm of Zen that the Buddha said.

"My heart is like a mirror... I am not shocked."

Master Cheng’s beard was slightly curled up and whispered softly.

Later, open your mouth and prepare to have a cup of tea.


When the lips just touched the cup.

There was an exclamation from outside the door.

"Master Cheng... Broken!!"


This sound, the tear is full of shock.

I was dissatisfied with Master Cheng’s brows.

"Broken...what broke! Can you calm down a bit...the heart doesn't understand the water!"

Master Cheng looked at the friend who pushed the door and suddenly roared.

The chef who pushed the door, the face suddenly a little embarrassed.

However, his calmness towards Master Cheng is more and more admired.

His own records have been broken and still so calm, and this kind of mentality has really exceeded him.

I can't afford it, I can't afford it...

"Your record has been broken! It is incredible... You have 30 breaths to complete the first mission, and you will be broken."

Master Cheng’s friend sat down and breathed a sigh of relief.

Master Cheng Yiyi.

I took a sip of tea in my mouth, squinted and looked at my friend unexpectedly.

The eyes are full of surprises, it seems to be asking, what do you say.

"Your record has been broken! Surprise?!" Friends said.

puff! !

At the next moment, Master Cheng suddenly couldn't help, and the tea in his mouth spurted out and sprayed on the face of the friend, spraying the tea of ​​the friend's face.

The friend has a slap in the face.

"If the record is broken, you don't say it earlier! Who can break the record of the old man!!!"

The heart is like water, like water, your sister!

Laozi records have been broken! Still quiet fart!

Master Cheng is anxious, 30 breaths complete 9,999, the record... Can anyone break? !

Who is it, broke his record!

I haven't waited for my friends to react. Master Cheng has already rushed out of the room and is rushing to the location where the seal is located.

Friends are very sluggish.

Say good heart like water?


The second small task.

It is cut tofu.

The same is the use of chaotic kitchen knives, but unlike the first mission, the second mission is more difficult.

A square of soft tofu, crystal clear as white jade.

The assessor needs to cut a thousand nine hundred nine hundred and ninety-nine knives on the tofu...

More than 10,000 knives compared to the first assessment!

And, can not destroy the tofu, tofu to the end, must be a whole!

When the step first sensed this task, the brows were crumpled.

This assessment is really too difficult.

19,999, nine hundred and ninety-nine...

This is not to say that it is playing!

And it is a knife on the tofu, a little careless, it is possible to make the whole piece of tofu split into two halves.

This is the master's strength, mental strength, and the mastery of the knife, strictly to the extreme!

Take a deep breath.

The gaze of the step is more and more sensitive.

The gods are tightened to the extreme, as if they were made into a tight string. Once they are forced, it is very likely that the whole string will break!

Many people also know what the second task assessment is.

So no one thinks that the pace can be completed.

In fact, so far, no one has completed the second task assessment.

Even if Master Cheng broke the first task, but in the face of the second task, he eventually failed.

After all, three tasks must be completed in half an hour, and while the second is completed, the time is reserved for the third.

This difficulty, have to say, is not that big.

Not to mention the prefecture-level chef, even if it is a heavenly chef, I am afraid that it will fail!

"Begin! His knife... Move!"

Someone was sharp-eyed, and when they saw the sudden steps of the indulgence, they all excited and gave a low voice.

This sound spreads out.

Everyone's eyes are locked in the step.

Luo Sanniang glanced at the audience and raised a crystal finger against his red lips, indicating that the people around him were quiet!

The people around me suddenly chilled.

However, they are all looking at the strange side.


The keel kitchen knife is spinning and playing with a knife.

But the palm of the step is stable like a meteorite, and does not move at all.

With a bang, the kitchen knife was held.

At this moment, the knowledge of the step is like a flood!

The palm of the hand is horizontally gripped, and the kitchen knife is also horizontally gripped...

Chaos kitchen knife...

The knife worker has made countless times in his mind, and the final step of the eye has shone.

The kitchen knife slammed down.

A knife goes down.

Suddenly thousands of knives and shadows, followed by the kitchen knife...

The kitchen knife fell slowly.

Touching the tofu, the soft tofu is broken at once, but before the crack road is enlarged, the hand of the step is slightly shaken, it is lifted in a very small range, and it falls. Another place.

The gap between the knife edge and the knife edge is not even a millifurther distance.


This scene fell in the eyes of the surrounding chefs, everyone sucked a breath!

"Unbelievable! This micromanage! Too fine!"

"Where is this young man's enchanting! Knife out, almost free!"

"Awful and terrible! Just a knife, I am afraid that there are hundreds of knives at the same time!"


The surrounding chefs have sent incredible arguments.

Luo Sanniang excitedly extended her pink tongue and licked her red lips, and her eyes were more and more surprised.

She feels... there is a play!

Maybe this young man, really want to break the record and complete the assessment of the second task!

On top of the array, once again, the numbers emerged.

The numbers represent the knife workers under the steps.

The beating of numbers is very fast.

And they are all beating hundreds of hundred.

Five hundred, one thousand two, one thousand eight...

Although the amplitude of the beating is not regular, it is very fast!

Everyone saw, the tofu in the hands of the step was shaking at a slight amplitude, slightly trembled.

The kitchen knife is constantly on the rise and fall.

Into the eye, it is incredible to the ultimate knife light!


The kitchen knife of the step suddenly slammed.

The brow of the step was wrinkled tightly.

Everyone is stunned and stunned.

what happened?

Why not continue?

This is the doubt in everyone's heart.

Continue with this rhythm, the step is likely to complete this second task, and even have the opportunity to impact the third task, completely breaking the first weight of this heritage seal!

The emotions of everyone are mobilized.

However, at this moment, the step has actually stopped!

Stopping means that time is passing...

For the task, time is very precious every second!

Luo Sanniang clenched her fists tightly, and her eyes seemed to be coming out.

"Continue..." Luo Sanniang made a low embarrassment.


A muffled sound.

There was a bang in the distance.

Afterwards, a figure was rushing in.

"Who broke the record of Laozi! Who is it!!"

The sound of an old explosion is loud, and the sound is full of fire!

The sound was all over, everyone was a bit, and then they turned their heads, and they looked like they were going to stare at the fire.

They finally understood why the step did not continue.

This kind of blast, once the step is still cutting tofu, it is very likely to be mistaken because of fright.

So the step has stopped!

Luo Sanniang also wants to understand this point. While admiring the cautious steps, there are also some people who are angry and confused.

"No matter who... I will get out!"

Luo Sanniang’s gaze turned, and it was the master of Cheng who came in and broke out.

next moment.

The enchanting waist was instantly teleported and appeared in front of the Master of the Master.

The latter still wants to marry.

However, it was Luo Sanniang, who gave him a neck and couldn’t put one in his fart.

Master Cheng looked at Luo Sanniang, who was holding his neck, and couldn’t understand what happened...


A muffled sound.

Luo Sanniang squatted on Cheng’s neck and strode out of the room.

And the step of stagnation action, and finally continue to carry out the task...

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