Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1424: lucky? [Second more! 】

Step by step to continue cutting tofu.

However, because the rhythm was broken, the emotions were brewed again, and it was the knife again.

The number of knives that had been stagnant was also beginning to change again, and began to continually beat.

Five thousand, five thousand five, six thousand...

By now, it has basically stabilized at the rhythm of five hundred knives.

And as time goes by, with the familiarity of the step-by-step knife, the number of knives is slowly increasing.

From one hundred and five hundred knives, one to six hundred knives, and one to one thousand knives.

The speed is very fast!

The breathing of the people was also rushed as the pace of the knife increased.

His knowledge is followed by the traction of the step knife, and he wants to simulate the knife that the stepper performs.

However, with the deduction, some people only felt that their gods were torn apart, and then they were sullen, and there were blood flowing down in the mouth and nose.

This makes everyone very incomparable.

I dare not continue to deduct.

I can only watch the steps in amazement.

The same is the demigod, why the gods of the step can bear the deduction of this level!

The enchanting can not be used to the common sense.

Just for comparison, they can guess, how strong is the knowledge of the step!

At least... compared to some of the top enchanting deities of the gods, they are not weak.

Perhaps it will be worse than the emperor.

However, compared to the Wangfu less lord, the family of the family, the fear is not weak.

Luo Sanniang returned.

Swaying the waist and urging a return of the fragrance.

She caressed the soft palms and looked pale.

After returning, continue to kneel on the railing, stare at the steps, or stare at the number of knives displayed on the law.

She doesn't know what a knife is, but... She knows how the number of knives changes, which is a step closer to success.

"It has already been 10,000!"

Someone around you made an incredible breath.

“How long did it take?!”

Luo Sanniang looked at a chef around her and asked urgently.

The chef had been calculating the time and found out that Luo Sanniang asked, and quickly said: "It took about a quarter of an hour! The second task is expected to be completed!"

It is hopeful!

Luo Sanniang’s eyes suddenly brightened.

She licked her red lips and stared at the steps with some excitement.

The movement of the step is not stopped, the chopper is waving, and the knife is flickering.

The tofu is constantly vibrating, and as it trembles, there is no piece of tofu falling out.

Steady, no hurry or slow...

"Look at it! One in one!"

"One thousand three!"

"One thousand five!"


The surrounding chefs looked at the ever-changing numbers, and the eyes were full of shock.

At this moment, the pace of the step is basically stable at around two thousand knives.

This is already the limit that the step of the gods can bear.

If you want to break through again, the knowledge of the step should be unbearable.

The chaos of the kitchen knife is very enchanting, but the step of the party wants to reach the peak of the chaos of the kitchen knife, that is, a knife down, 19,999,000 knife with the hair, fear is difficult.

Unless the step breaks into the realm of the gods.

Step by step, the power of the gods can make a breakthrough.

Master Cheng came in, but this time he did not dare to yell.

His face was cloudy and staring at the steps in the field.

The young man who broke his record.

What makes him more unbearable is...

The young man was actually the young man who gave him a meal!

"It is him!"

Master Cheng’s heart rushed, watching the numbers on the law continually beating, and the bonfire in his eyes became more and more intense...

Once the step has completed the second task, that step will replace him as the real focus of the chef's palace.

The resources of the God’s Palace will be tilted in a crazy way.

Those things that belonged to him will be replaced by the steps...

This is for him, never!


Master Cheng’s eyes flashed slightly, and he was not in a hurry.

The second task, he can do it now.

So he is not in a hurry.

Because the distance of the step is successful, there are still some distances. If the step fails, then he is playing and breaking through the second task.

Maybe... he can get more resources from the God Chef!

In the eyelids flashing brilliance, Cheng master stared at the step.

Luo Sanniang glanced at the master of the eye and seemed to be guessing the thoughts in the heart of the old man.

She is not very good at Master Cheng. This old-fashioned guy has spent a lot of resources in the kitchen.

Source treasures are used a lot.

If the step can replace this old man and become a VIP of the God's Court, it must be excellent.

At least... Facing a cute little younger, it is much more comfortable than facing a bad old man!

So... now she only hopes that the steps will not let her down!

"One thousand eight!!"

There is a slap in the kitchen, and it’s shocking!

One thousand nine!

One thousand nine thousand nine!

Only the last nine knives are left...

Everyone's breathing is a stagnation, staring at the steps in the field.

Do not dare to have big moves.

Even the Master of the Master was blind and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

The last knife, gently squat down.

The number of knives above the formation is finally the final beat.

With a bang, I jumped to 19,999, knives...


"My God! He is actually finished!"

"The second task... is this broken?!"


The surrounding chefs are a bit worried, they are all looking at the steps.

Look at the thin figure standing in front of the array.


On the array, Guanghua was surging.

The pace has stagnated.

As the steps stopped the time, the audience was screaming!

The sound of the sound, the entire venue will be submerged in an instant.

Luo Sanniang's excited chest is towering in constant ups and downs, giggling and laughing.

The step turned and spit out a long breath.

The brow is crumpled.

The consumption of God is a bit huge.

This chaotic kitchen knife is comparable to the magical powers, but with the spirit of the step, I am afraid that it can only be used once.

The consumption is really too big.

It is worthy of the inheritance of the knife left by the ancient gods.

Gently spit out a breath.

Step by step, took out a teapot.

Among the teapots, there is steaming tea.

The rich tea fragrance instantly filled the audience.

Drink a bite of nine-day tea and restore your mental strength.

With the improvement of the step by step, all the levels in the pastoral world are also improving.

This nine-turned Tiandao tea is now a goddess!

A cup of tea goes down, and the knowledge of the step is like the dry land is moistened by the timely rain, and the mouth and mouth are taking the water and recovering quickly.

Luo Sanniang quickly fell.

She grabbed a fruit in her hand and handed it to the step.

"Sir, this is the returning spirit, it is the best medicine to restore God's knowledge. I ate it quickly."

Luo Sanniang smiled.

Looking at the steps with some excitement.

Back to the fruit?

Step by step took over the fruit, looked at Luo Sanniang, then bite down the green and shining fruit in his hand.

With a bang, the juice in the flesh is splashed and sweet.

The essence of the flesh is poured into the body.

Mixing with the effect of the nine-turned tea tree, the spirit of the concession side is running in a flash, and the mental strength of the concession is restored.

"This fruit... very good!"

The step is also amazed to see the return of the fruit.

After eating the fruit, leaving a core, the step of throwing the fruit into the idyllic world, let Niu Han three cultivated.

Planting a seed today, he will have an inexhaustible return to his fruit.


"Mr.'s appearance is the fortune of my god's kitchen. The second task has hindered my God's kitchen for almost five years. I didn't think that when the gentleman arrived, it broke the record." Luo Sanniang winks her eyes. .

"But it's a pity... Although the second task is completed, it takes too much time. Today, only one hundred breaths are reserved for the gentleman. It is impossible to complete the third task with one hundred breaths. ""

Luo Sanniang has some regrets.

Secretly hateful, he took a look at Master Cheng who came from afar.

If it weren't for the bad old man's intrusion, the step would stop for almost ten breaths.

The step can take ten more breathing time to lick the third mission.

Perhaps the ten breaths are the key to completing the mission!

Master Cheng walked over with a gloomy face, staring at the steps.

"I didn't think that your bunny's understanding of the knife is so deep! The old man looked away from the eyes... A spiritual chef in the district can actually do this! It is not easy."

Master Cheng is cold and cold.

"However, you are like this... The old man has already researched the way to crack the second task..."

"Well, you don't want to talk...I am thinking about how to think about the third task."

However, there is no such thing as a master of the process, and the step is easy to interrupt.

Master Cheng suddenly stagnate, his eyes wide open, and his face is red.


Master Cheng is very angry.

His stinking temper can not be tolerated as a step.

"Well, Master Cheng... If you want to watch, please stay. If you are disturbing Mr.'s emotions, please leave here..."

Luo Sanniang interrupted Master Cheng’s words coldly.

For this stinky old man, Luo Sanniang did not have the slightest affection.

"Luo Guan, do you really think that this kid can complete the third task? The second task is completed so lucky, you still hope for him? The old man can also complete the second task!" The beard is blinking, and the chest is like a burst.

He who understands the law of fire, his temper is very violent.

Luo Sanniang face suddenly stagnation.

The heart is more disgusted with Master Cheng, but he also understands that Master Cheng is telling the truth.

Three missions that inherit the seal, one is harder than the other.

The third one is almost as close to impossible to complete the task!

One hundred breathing time, the step to complete the third task is simply a dream.


Luo Sanniang still feels that she should not be too guilty of Master Cheng.

After all, the top of the chef's palace is still very important to the master.

He is considered to be the key person who can break the inheritance seal.


Step by step looks like an idiot looking at Master Cheng.

This gaze makes Master Cheng and Luo Sanniang both stay.

"There is never a lucky word in the real chef's dictionary. If you have a good job in the chest, you can get a knife...I don't understand such a simple truth?"

"It’s a shame that the two words are spit out from the mouth of the chef."

The step is indifferent.

The next moment, the keel kitchen knife appeared again.

Glittering golden light, rotating in the hands of the step.

Step by step holding the keel kitchen knife, holding hands, the bird feather robe floating in the wind, is to go towards the formation.

"Luo Guan things, I want to start to impact the third task, let the idlers wait for away..."

"He will soon understand how lucky he is... what a ridiculous thing."

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