Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1427: Enjoy the feast, start! [First! 】

One million yuan a month.

Step by step, looking at the top floor of the grand building in the distance.

That is the shop that Luo Sanniang found for herself?

"How? Satisfied? This is a shop with the best location except for a few shops opened by the local chefs!" Luo Sanniang squinted, and the charming and beautiful face seemed to show some small smugness.

"Did you see that building?"

"That's all sister's industry, so ah... you don't have to worry about it, the store rent problem, the sister gave you the exemption, it is a reward for repaying the first heavy return of the seal."

Luo Sanniang Road.

Compared with the achievements made by the step, the one-meter shop rent of 10,000 yuan in the district is simply not enough.

Of course, these little money, Luo Sanniang also did not look at it.

"Your industry..."

Stepping into the corner of the mouth, I didn’t see it. This Luo Sanniang is still a rich woman.

"What do you think... Of course, the sister's industry is also a dozen houses in this building and residential area." Luo Sanniang said with a little regret.

Step by step, I don't want to talk to Luo Sanniang.

Take the steps and walk towards the building.

Enter the ground floor of the building.

The building is very hot, and people come and go, and various shops are open in the mall.

Luo Sanniang came to the bottom of the array with a step.

The array method flashes.

It was with the steps to the top floor, which is where the shop is ready for the step.

The area of ​​the shop is not too big, but it is more than enough to open a restaurant.

Here is the top floor of the building, with transparent crystal walls on the outside, which can be seen through the walls.

Half of the landscape of the gods is full of sight.

A variety of strange buildings are in sight.

Step by step finally knows why the store rent here is so expensive, and it is natural to have expensive reasons.

For the position, the step is still quite satisfactory.

This kind of location, the number of guests attracted should be a lot, the concession party to find it yourself, certainly can not find such a good location.

"Please note that the location of the store is locked. Now the decoration of the shop is started, and the decoration time is two days."

The system sounded serious and serious in the mind.

Suddenly, a strange energy fluctuation spread from the body of the step.

Luo Sanniang, who was next to the step, suddenly felt puzzled and seemed to feel a different power from the step.

"Okay, let's go..."

Step by step to Luo Sanniang said.

Is this optimistic?

Do you have to discuss what to decorate? When she was preparing the store, she had already thought of many kinds of renovation plans.

As a result, the steps did not say anything, but this was somewhat unexpected.

"I will solve the decoration, don't bother with the management."

Step by step, nodded.

Since the step is in his own mind, Luo Sanniang is not busy.

"Let's prepare, let's go to the Pingyang Palace now, and the animal banquet is about to begin."

Luo Sanniang said.

She is very interested in going to the Pingyang Wangfu.

Upon hearing this, the eyes of the step suddenly lit up and nodded solemnly.

The breath on the side of the step, let Luo Sanniang's heart glimpse, some strange looking at the steps.

The attitude of the step is a little weird.

Do you want to go to the Pingyang Wangfu to do things?

Re-entered the ship.

The battleship roared and began to gallop quickly in the gods.

high speed.

The location of the Pingyang Wangfu is located in another area of ​​the Shinto.

There, there are no high-rise buildings.

Some are low-rise luxury buildings.

The building is quite garden style with vermilion walls and golden bricks.

Luo Sanniang’s warship galloped and soon stopped.

It is not the arrival of the destination.

It was stopped by people.

Step and Luo Sanniang got out of the battleship, and in front there was a guard wearing armor.

The atmosphere of these guards is very strong.

For the first one, it is more powerful.

Everything is in sight, and people are aware of a sting.

"If you are a resident, please show your invitation."

The head guard's face is extremely serious.

Even in the face of Luo Sanniang's face that charms all beings, there is no tolerance.

For the urinary nature of these guards, Luo Sanniang is naturally clear, so she did not care.

The invitation was taken out and handed over to the guard.

After the guards looked at it, his eyes swept the sweeping Sanniang and the pace, and then his tight face showed a smile.

"It turned out to be the management of the God's Court. The young prince has been waiting for you for a long time, please."

The guard guarded the side.

Luo Sanniang nodded.

Holding the arm of the step, he took the step and walked toward the palace.

Step into the palace.

The atmosphere suddenly changed.

First of all, the step can feel a strange energy in the palace.

This energy comes from the array method, and the power of this method makes the concealed side feel guilty.

“Pingyang Wangfu is a normal place. Here is the place where the emperor’s family lives. Pingyang Wang is a generation of gods, and the Megatron is...”

Luo Sanniang leaned sideways and whispered in the ear of the step.

The brow frowned and nodded.

"You were not qualified to enter here, but seeing that you broke the seal of the face, the top of the God's Court Palace let me bring you."

"After all, it’s ok to say..."

"But you have to promise me, you can't do things in the Pingyang Wangfu, otherwise... even if it is me, I can't keep you."

Luo Sanniang is very serious.

The step did not say anything, but this attitude made Luo Sanniang feel a little uneasy.

This little young, wouldn't I really want to do something in the Pingyang Wangfu?

far away.

A figure looked at Luo Sanniang and the stepping side holding the arm of the step.

"Zhao Shizi, I am right, Luo Luo is pulling with this little white face, it is simply insulting."

Master Cheng held a glass of wine and said with a smile.

He glanced at the handsome man beside him, and he opened his heart.

This time, I can see that the steps are still dead.

This Zhao Shizi is the son of the Zhao family of the family.

Can be called the world, it is a strong talent, is the focus of the family.

The law of comprehension is also a strong law.

A spiritual chef in the district is not pinching to death.


Zhao Shizi glanced at Master Cheng and snorted.

At the back end of the wine glass, walked out of the garden shade, and walked toward Luo Sanniang and the step.


Zhao Shizi, a gentle smile on his face.


Luo Sanniang suddenly turned around and wondered Zhao Shizi.

Her face changed slightly, and she did not expect that Zhao Shizi would be here.

When she saw Master Cheng, who was followed by Zhao Shizi, she understood that all this was the ghost of this old man!

"Oh, well, are you interested in the colorful scorpio?"

Zhao Shizi said gently, in front of Luo Sanniang, the image is very handsome.

Step by step, glanced at Zhao Shizi.

"Although the colorful scorpio is an ancient sacred beast, but the mystery has been obtained, the colorful scorpio that the young prince caught this time has not yet evolved completely, but it has evolved into a multicolored... comparable to a half god."

"If you can catch the top colorful scorpio, that would be fine..."

"Lolo, if you like it, I can buy this colorful scorpio from the young prince, as a gift for you, you know my heart."

Zhao Shizi looked at Luo Sanniang's eyes extremely gentle.

The steps leading to Luo Sanniang’s side are all covered with goose bumps.

"Zhao has no trace, you still save the province, try to understand the law of the universe, and attack the gods. The Zhao family of the province said that you are not doing business every day."

Luo Sanniang turned a blind eye and had no good attitude towards Zhao Shizi.

Zhao Shizi was taught, and his face was still with a gentle smile.

His eyes fell on the steps.

Slightly sharp.

"Oh, this brother is?"

Zhao Shizi was slightly stunned, and a strong sense of oppression was released from it.

Although he is only a demigod, his complacency is strong because he understands the rules of the top.

"This is a VIP of my God's Kitchen, and has nothing to do with your Zhao."

There is no waiting step, Luo Sanniang directly answer.

Later, when I took the step, I left.

Zhao's face was suddenly gloomy, and he could see that Luo Sanniang was in the Guardian.

This kind of protection, let him kneel.

Let him seem to have a flame in his chest to spray out.

"Master Cheng... Your request, I promised, no matter what identity of this kid, dare to touch Lolo, must die."

Zhao has no trace, the words fall, and the cup in his hand suddenly bursts.

Master Cheng’s mouth smiled and slammed the wine in the cup into the mouth.

Step by step... This time, you are dead!

Take everything I have, I will let you spit it out!

A half **** in the district, dare to fight with him!


It is getting late.

Soon, it was dimmed and darkened.

On the sky, thousands of stars are circulating.

The melodious music resounded in the garden, and a variety of noble people stepped into it.

Say hello to each other and chat with each other.

The terrible breath pervades the entire garden.


A beam of light plummeted down.

The direction of the palace in the garden.

The crowd separated a road.

A figure from the direction of the palace, slowly came over.

The man was wearing a robes, wearing a golden crown, and his face was mild, but his eyes were unusually sharp, like a crouching beast.

When people around see this man, they are all reluctant to say hello.

Even Luo Sanniang is slightly in the body.

"This person is the king of Pingyang Wang Shao, one of several enchanting gods in the dynasty of the dynasty, comprehending the law of the universe to be strong, the law of destruction, although only the strength of the demigod, but in addition to the law of the universe, it also comprehended The top kendo law, the combat power is not weak compared to the ordinary lower gods."

Luo Sanniang said softly in the ear of the step.

In fact, so far, Luo Sanniang still does not know what the rules of the step are.

Luo Sanniang’s heart is also slightly curious.

Looking at the side of the step, I found that the step listened to her introduction, but it was very calm.

The young master is slow.

Going to the middle of the crowd and giving a speech.

There was a round of applause around.

The words fell.

He is taking a step back.

Raise your hand and take a picture.

“Next, our ‘beat banquet’ officially started... Let’s taste the food, enjoy the beast, and everyone will eat well!”

The young prince chuckles.

The words fell.

There was a sound of screaming around.

The eyes of the step are also violently condensed.

I have to start.

That colorful scorpio... is it a small flower!

Step by step, take a deep breath.

With the applause of Shao Wang Ye fell.

Suddenly, the direction of the palace, there is a roar.

A 10-meter-high black iron cage was carried by the shoulders of the four gods.

That mysterious iron cage is heavy.

Step by step, the ground is shaking.

In the cage, there is a huge five-colored python in the shackles, roaring in the impact, the impact of the cage!

Seeing this giant, the audience was exclaimed.

Luo Sanniang is also looking at the confusion.


She felt the steps on her side and the breath suddenly changed.

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