Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1428: Ah, you are amazing! [Second more! 】

Rumble! !

The audience was making a sigh of noise.

That is a shocking voice.

Colorful scorpio, that is the same beast as the dragon! This kind of beast is already very scarce!

Many people present were the first to see such a beast.

Mainly compared with the gods and dragons like the dragon and the phoenix, the survival rate of the colorful scorpio is too low.

This is also the reason why the Pingyang Wangfu Shaowangye will specially hold a feasting banquet for a colorful scorpio.


Ten meters high black iron cage, each black iron is extremely cold, dark and cold.

It exudes the power of the trapping spirit that makes people's souls move.

The huge python is trapped in it, no matter how the impact can not break through the cage, but the body is injured by the impact of the cage.

The sound of screaming resounded, and there was incomparable anger in the voice.

There are tears in the snakes. Obviously, it is regarded as a plaything object, which makes this giant sorrow feel incomparable grief and shame.

“It’s not an ancient beast, it’s beautiful to people!”

"It's very beautiful, especially the scales, the scales of the beasts, and watching them makes people want."

"If this snake scale is made into a skirt, it is absolutely beautiful!"


The people around them all made a chuckle, and the laughter was very harsh.

Pingyang Wangfu Shaoye faint smile.

"This colorful scorpio is captured by wilderness hunters outside the gods. Don't look at this colorful scorpio, only the half-god is repaired, but those wilderness hunters at the lower level of the gods can Almost obliterated!"

The young princes are holding hands, as if they are admiring the most beautiful personal items, with a smile in their eyes.

"The original king wants to adjust the teaching, but unfortunately, after all, it is an ancient animal, not tamed, and it takes a lot of effort to adjust the teaching. Because the king wants to attack the gods, he has no time to adjust, so he will The bounty banquet was held."

Shao Wangdao said.

The people around me suddenly gave an envy of exultation.

"Is the rule of destruction of the young prince full of mastery?"

"It's gratifying, the young princes want to attack the gods, and the young princes who understand the laws of the universe can be the same as the king of Pingyang, and they will be the king of the king!"

"Congratulations to Shao Wang! He Xi Shao Wang Ye!"


The people around me rushed to give a congratulatory voice, and everyone showed the color of envy.

The half **** that comprehends the law of the universe's strongest, breaks through to become a god, that is a big deal!

"Don't say this, today's protagonist is the king's colorful scorpio! Everyone appreciates it... In addition, the Pingyang Wangfu's prefecture-level chef, the carefully prepared banquet will soon be on, you can have fun!"

The little prince laughed.

Obviously, the compliments of everyone made him very happy.

The young prince who is able to prepare for this kind of banquet is sure to be a person who loves face.


The colorful scorpio slammed into the mysterious iron cage again, and the entire cage was a tremor.

Open your mouth and make a noise.

People around are laughing and laughing.

The young prince took his hand and pressed one hand on the pillar of the mysterious iron cage.

"You just have to be a beautiful snake in peace."

The little prince smiled.

The words fell.

Above his body, a terrible devil exploded.

The law runes linger around his body.

The eyelids are sharp and bright.


The colorful scorpion suddenly mourned, and the body slammed on the ground of the cage.

It seems that there is an invisible chain that locks the colorful scorpio.

Luo Sanniang slightly frowned, and was somewhat uncomfortable with the actions of Shaowang.



Luo Sanniang’s gaze was condensed, and when he turned his head, he saw that the stepped fists were pinched, and his eyes were coldly staring at the young princes in the distance.

This look made Luo Sanniang’s heart suddenly jump.

Little young people don’t really want to do things?

"I have something, leave."

Step by step, looked at Luo Sanniang and said with a blank expression.

After that, it was to leave and go, Luo Sanniang opened his mouth to say something, but they could not tell.

The colorful scorpio eyes that fell in the mysterious iron cage contained tears. Suddenly, her gaze swept through one direction, and a slight glimpse, there seemed to be a flash of light in her eyes.


The little king of the gods shrouded in brows.

The emotional changes of the colorful scorpio naturally can't escape his induction.

Looking at the past in the position that the colorful scorpio looked at, it was found that there was only one enchanting beauty.

"Luo Sanniang?"

The young prince gave a slight glimpse, and then a gentle smile, nodded to Luo Sanniang.

Luo Sanniang smiled and returned.

However, in fact, Luo Sanniang’s heart has already been shocked.

She knows that it is not her who sees the colorful scorpio.

It’s just a step away from leaving.

This colorful scorpio... know the steps? !


Luo Sanniang took a breath of air.

She finally understood why the step-by-step party had to participate in the invitation of the young king to enjoy the feast, and it turned out that this colorful scorpio met with the steps.

That means that the step may be shot.

After all, when you meet each other, you will naturally not stand by.

Luo Sanniang is a little bit aggressive...

Damn, this is going to happen big!


Step by step and leave.

Far from the crowd, he frowned, thinking about how to save the colorful scorpio.

That is the small flower that is locked in the cage.

Yes, when the step-by-step sees the first eye of the colorful scorpio, it is convenient to know that the python is a small flower.

After all, the smell of the little flower, the step will not be wrong.

Xiaohua is also an old friend of the step, and seeing the old friends suffering, the steps can not stand it.

If it wasn’t for Luo Sanniang, he told him about the dangers of the Pingyang Palace.

He may have shot on the spot.

However, Luo Sanniang said that the prince of Pingyang Wangfu is a **** king...

In addition to the king of the gods, there are several great perfect gods sitting in the town.

This power is definitely not something that can be shaken by today's steps.

Therefore, in order to save the small flowers, we must consider it from a long time.

Saving is a must, but how to save... This is a problem.

Walking in the garden, the steps frowned.


A dangerous breath suddenly approached.

The eyes of the step suddenly condensed.

The bird's robe is floating, and the figure is instantly shifted hundreds of meters.

The position where the step was originally standing was gradually distorted, and finally a slamming sound exploded like a bubble.

"Well? Actually escaped..."

A horror sounded loudly.

in the dark.

Zhao has no trace, that is, Zhao Shizi slowly walked out.

Above his palm, the power of the law is suspended.

That is a powerful law, although not as strong as the law of the universe, but the power is also extremely terrifying.

At least between shocks, let the void be twisted.

"What I understand is the law of engulfing, although it is not as strong as the law of the universe, but it is the strongest rule under the law of the strongest!"

Zhao Wuxie seems to want to understand the steps to die, so he smiled and said.

"To tell the truth, I don't want to kill you, but unfortunately... your presence threatens my status and threatens my position in Lolo's mind."

Zhao has no trace of playing the law of energy in his hands.

Step by step, watching Zhao no trace, fell into meditation.

The next moment, the corner of the mouth suddenly pulled up slightly.

"Is there a status, do you have any points in your heart?"

Steps are expressionless, faint.

When the words fell, it was like a fuse, so that Zhao had no trace of his eyes, suddenly like a blasting explosive barrel, and instantly exploded.

"Noisy! I let you talk!"

Zhao has no snoring.

In an instant, the position where the steps stand is once again distorted.

However, the pace has been moved to a distant place.

"As far as your stinking temper is concerned, Luo Guan can see you when you blame... Confidence does not matter, I am afraid that there is no self-knowledge."

The step shook his head and the corner of his mouth was slightly pulled.

This expression, coupled with the appearance of a winner, is even more exciting for Zhao’s inner heart.

"You want to drag the time, wait for Lolo to save you? Don't think about it... Lolo can't come over." Zhao Wuxie suddenly calmed down and smiled.

In the crowd.

Luo Sanniang was dragged by a glamorous lady, and she was talking and laughing.

Master Cheng is not far away, staring at the back of Luo Sanniang, with a smile of interest in his mouth.

He turned his head and looked away, there was a formation that blocked the fighting volatility.

Will not cause the guard of the Wangfuzhong guard.

In fact, Zhao Wuxie has a good relationship with the Pingyang Wangfu Shaowangye.

Even if it is discovered, there is nothing.

Just killing a half-god from the ordinary world is not a big deal at all.

It is impossible for the young prince to blame the Zhao family for this little thing.


The ground is constantly twisted, and the void is bursting like a bubble.

The power of engulfing the law is quite horrible.

Zhao has no traces of cats and cats.

He blocked the void and there was no way for the step to escape.

He is a family of the family, except for the emperor, the young prince who knows the enchanting demigod of the Xeon rule, the other half gods have no fear at all!

Although everyone said that he was not doing business, the Zhao family also hated him for not fighting.


He has talents.

Besides, he has Zhao’s backing and doing what he is doing?


In front of Zhao's invisible body, the power of engulfing the law condenses and turns into a spear.

To the step, the spear was shot out in an instant.

The eyelids of the step are condensed.

The hand trembled and the fire came out.

Resisting the twisted spear seems to have exhausted all the strength.

That feeling, resisting is very difficult.

This scene fell in the eyes of Zhao Wuxie, making Zhao no trace more sneer.

"How can Lolo see you as a waste? I don't even use one-tenth of the strength. You can't stop it?"

Zhao has no traces of laughter.

This kind of waste, Cheng master actually wants him to take his hand, and it just dirty his hand.


The twisted spear in the scorpion with the fire of God, fell in the words of Zhao Wuxie.

Blast in an instant.

A bang.

Suddenly a deafening roar!

A terrible explosion, the formation of the array is swallowed in an instant.

The fire suddenly skyrocketed and rolled, as if it had turned into a huge mushroom cloud!

The mushroom cloud sky, the power of terrible impact broke out.

Zhao has no traces of force...

what's the situation?

When is his twisted spear? Is it so powerful?

He has become so strong, how can he not know himself?

With the explosion.

The array he arranged was suddenly torn by the fire.

"Ah! You are amazing!!"

There seems to be a tragic resound.

The fire suddenly spread.

The volatility of this explosion attracted the attention of all parties.

In the darkness, the explosion of the fire is like a diamond-like and attractive eye.

Along with a tragic.

The shape of the step is like a shellshot.

Zhao’s eyes are suddenly gone, what a ghost? !

He has not taken the shot seriously!


A repressed roar.

The volatility of the explosion suddenly caught the attention of everyone.

Everyone turned around and looked over.

Luo Sanniang's face is even more changed.

"Zhao has no trace! You dare!!"

Luo Sanniang issued a long scream, straight long legs, the skirt fluttering, the shape of the sky, the pressure of the medium **** suddenly broke out!

Zhao has no traces.


The steps that flew out of the air, burning with flames, seemed to be on a black iron cage like a cannonball.

Rub it.

The mysterious iron cage that would not be broken by the impact of the colorful scorpio scorpion actually broke open!

Among them, the sneak peek at the colorful scorpio on the ground suddenly screamed.

The young prince’s eyes suddenly condensed.

The strong people around are also sucking up the air and exclaiming!

Zhao has no face, and what happened? !

The violent fire rushed into the sky and instantly shrouded the cage.

The pressure of the young prince broke out instantly!

"Bold! Colorful scorpio to escape!!"

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