Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1440: The danger of a small secluded [first! 】

Pluto Erha seems to have been very moist.

Step by step, looking at the group of prostitutes who swallowed Yan Yan, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, then slowly, and walked out from behind the prostitutes.

These prostitutes were suddenly shocked, and they all looked at the steps.


These prostitutes are responsible for guarding the dynasty.

Therefore, at the moment of discovering the steps, these prostitutes are exposed to vigilance.

Although they are prostitutes, they are essentially guards and are the guards of the Mohist family.

The voice of Pluto Erha is also abruptly stopped.

The step saw the appearance of Erha.

The guy was tied to the bed by a large number of people, limiting freedom, and the breath on his body was blocked.

It seems that the familiar atmosphere is sensed, and Pluto is excited.

"Step by step young? Is it you?"

"This king knows you, you have a familiar spicy taste!"

"Don't be shy, come and let the king look at it!"

Pluto is screaming.

Let the prostitutes become more vigilant.

Is this man's accomplice coming?


The eyes of these prostitutes are all shrinking.

Because they felt a terrible force suddenly coming, it was like a mountain pressing down, crushing on their bodies, making their bodies seem to be somewhat difficult to move.

The repressed atmosphere makes their souls move.


A prostitute in the demigod of the gods gave a burst of drink, she is the leader of these prostitutes.

Da da da.

Clear footsteps resounded.

At the door, a thin figure came from the hand, and the speed was not slow or slow.

The eyes of the prostitutes suddenly turned, and they all fell on the man's body.

The demigod's gaze is even more shrinking, and the gods are surging, trying to break free from the shackles of the steps.

"Don't make trouble."

The steps are faint.


The gods were slightly moved, as if they were crushing everything, and they were pressed down.

The half-god's niece suddenly slammed into the ground and couldn't move his fingers.

The knowledge of the steps is far higher than the semi-god.

The same is true of all the prostitutes in the room.

Steps came over and walked over to the bed. His eyes were faintly looking at the scorpion that was **** in the bed by the five flowers.

A heart move.

Invisible fires emerged, and the ropes that burned the runes suddenly collapsed.

Pluto hurriedly broke free and climbed out of bed.

"The steps are young and young, you are coming, we have to save the stunned head!"

Pluto haha ​​shook his body and looked at the steps and said seriously.

"where is it?"

Step by step gaze.

When the words fell, Pluto Erha was the first to go out to the door.

The convenience of step is to keep up.

The moment when the steps came out of the room.

God knows suddenly like Hong Zhong, suddenly shocked.


The prostitutes only felt as if they had suffered a huge impact in their minds, and they all fainted.

Pluto is walking through the mansion, and it is extremely fast.

In a short while, Pluto Erha came to a room with a step.

"It's here! The secluded head is being held here." Pluto said, pointing to the far-away room and speaking to the step.

The brows of the step are wrinkled.

This room is just a demigod, but it is a good deal.

Step by step.

In the same way as Salvation, after the guard was stunned, he broke into the room.

However, there is no figure in the room.

When the prince of Erlang came in, his face suddenly changed.

"Impossible... the secluded head is clearly here too!"

Pluto Erha frowned.

“Is it already taken away by the Mohist people?” Pluto whispered.

That is possible, Xiao You is cursing the goddess, the small body is the curse body, the Mohist people need to deprive the curse power in the small secluded body, it is impossible not to value the small quiet.

It is very likely that Xiao You was taken away.

“We went directly to the banquet center.”

The steps are faint.

Since Xiao You is not here, it is only to go to the banquet center to find Xiao You.


The banquet center is located in the Yingbin Building of Mohist.

This is where the Mohist specializes in banquets.

Everyone’s guests are gathered here.

The Yingbin Building has an excellent view, situated on the shore of the artificial lake, in the artificial lake, sparkling.

The Mohji occupies a very large area. After all, it is one of the top three families in the dynasty. The wealth and power are unimaginable.

The two masters of the Mohist family, ink marks, although not the world, but as the helm of the Mohist business, in the cultivation of talent is not as good as the world, but in the family status, it is comparable to the world.

Recently, ink marks are very exciting, because he actually caught a cursing god.

The power of cursing the goddess is very mysterious, cursing... is a strange power.

The curse rule, some people claim to be the top rule, but some people call the curse rule also known as the law of the universe.

As long as he stripped off the cursing power of the cursed goddess and integrated into his body, the ink marks have a great chance of comprehending the curse law...

At that time, his position in the Mohist family is much higher than that of the Mo family.

So ink marks held the banquet.

It is a big fanfare that lets many of the dignitaries in the capital know.

His ink marks will soon become an honorable person, even surpassing the existence of the Mo family!

Once this news spreads, he will become the next generation helm of the Mohist!

Ink marks are a very handsome man.

He held a glass of wine and clinked the guests.

The social circle of ink marks is not the family of the family, but the second-rate children of some families.

Of course, there are also the emperors of the dynasty.

Although these emperors are not emperors, there is still energy.

After all, in the dynasty, the power of the royal king is above everything else.

This time, the ink mark invited five emperors, the five emperors fancy the woman, but the ink marks do not matter, he wants only the power of the woman.

As for the woman, he doesn't care.

How many thousands of beautiful women, how can his ink marks offend five princes for a woman?

However, his heart is still somewhat contemptuous for the five princes of the lascivious.

The royal dynasty, so many emperors, the five princes do not learn the most, the most garbage.

The other princes are crazy practitioners, in order to compete with the emperor.

Only five emperors, indulging in beauty can not extricate themselves.


The top floor of the Welcome Building.

The bell rings.

The face of the ink marks suddenly condensed.

He set foot on the top floor, standing on the top floor and witnessing the sparkling artificial lake.

His mood is a little excited.

Because he was expecting something for a long time, he finally got started.

He has a lot of ink marks and spiritual talents. He can have a status in the Mohist family because of his commercial talent.

But this kind of business talent can't be eaten, and it will never be able to improve his status in the Mohist family.

Therefore, the ink mark is going to be blamed. For many years, while he is running the ink industry, he is also studying some other means.

That is to transfer the power of some talented people into their own bodies.

This means, he spent countless sources, used countless manpower, and finally the study was completed.

His talent is about to be changed, his status will inevitably rise, become the first person of the Mohist, just around the corner!

The eyes of the ink marks are full of excitement.

The surrounding guests are also staggered and look at the direction of the artificial lake.



A roar.

The artificial lake began to rise.

Like being smashed by a knife, the center of the artificial lake suddenly cracked a crack.

The lake is like a waterfall, pouring down toward the crack, flying down, roaring and tremor.

Everyone is watching this scene with horror, and the fascinating picture makes people sink.


Under the entire artificial lake, there are huge arrays of emergents.

This array of methods is the method of engraving when the ink marks the people in construction.

This method is a method he found from an ancient book, a method of deprivation from the body of a beast, absorbing the power and talent of the person, and strengthening the body.

Although the ancient books are vague, the array is still very clear.

No matter what, he has to try some ink marks.


Soon, the water in the artificial lake was rotated.

A formation is automatically formed.

The spectacular picture has attracted the attention of countless people.


The middle of the cracked artificial lake.

A cage slowly rose up.

Everyone’s eyes were a sigh, and they looked at the cage.

In the cage is a woman, a girl in a lacquered black dress, three thousand blue silk spread, cold eyes, like a fairy above nine days, proud, indifferent.

The beautiful face, can not see the slightest embarrassment.


The five emperors looked at it, and the wine glasses in their hands could not be caught. They fell directly on the ground, and the wine in the cup spilled over the ground!

Beauty, it is really beautiful!

Five emperors are sinking.

The surrounding guests are amazing.

In the dynasty of the dynasty, a woman who can compare the beauty of this woman is afraid that there are not many.

The cage is the ancient black iron, hard and incomparable.

Although the breath of the beautiful woman in the cage is strong, it is not a semi-god.

The mysterious iron cage blocked the power of the woman's body, and let the latter at this moment, it is like an ordinary woman with no force.

The ink marks were pulled out of the building.

One step is to rush to the top floor.

Grabbed the railing and stared at the small secluded body in the center of the artificial lake.

There was a screaming smile on my face!

Artificial lakeside.

Above the trail.

Pluto Erha and the step-by-step hand stand.

They stared at the center of the artificial lake, and were held in a small cage in the cage, and their eyes were flashing.



The eyes of Pluto and the steps are all shrinking.


Artificial lake center.

The array method begins to rotate.

The ink marks stepped out in a step, as if the meteor fell down.

The ripples of the dragon fell before the cage, and the splashes of water splashed.

His eyes stared at the small secluded in the cage, and a cold smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Begin! Everything about you... will belong to me!"

Ink marks are excited and laughed.

The array method rotates.


Two black beams burst.

The small quilt that was held in the cage was covered with black energy. A tearful pain suddenly filled her body, and the small face was in a moment, and it became very pale.

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