Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1441: One defeated the Eight Gods [second! 】

"Curse God!"

There is a flame burning in the eyelids of the ink marks.

His mind is shaking, it is because of excitement.

As soon as the formation is turned on, he will soon be able to transfer the curse of the cursed goddess into his own body and comprehend the curse!

Since ancient times, there have been many cursed goddesses recorded in the books.

But every cursing goddess is miserable. Some cursing goddesses are used as a pottery, and some cursing goddesses are swallowed up by curses.

It seems to be contaminated with curses, and the end is extremely miserable.

All of this is because the cursed goddess can't grasp the power of the curse, but he is different. Once the ink marks comprehend the curse, his power will continue to increase.

It is no exaggeration to be the top enchantress in the younger generation, and even to fight the emperor!

This is why he has been squatting and not breaking through to the gods.

He knows a lot of secrets, and half **** is an important time to lay the foundation.

Ink marks have ambitions, but now, finally let him wait for his ambition.

It is cursing the goddess!

The greedy and excited eyes stared at the beautiful woman in the cage.

A woman is beautiful, but her strength is more attractive.

Deprivation is painful, and the small wrinkles are brows, his face is white, but he barely bites his teeth, and he doesn't know what to do!

The black energy of the paint, as if it was filled with the power of corrosion, began to creep into the small body and began to erode and plunder the power in her body.

That feeling, as if crumbling the bones.

The average person may have been fainting for a long time.

The opposite is the ink mark.

He accepts strength, but it is comfortable, as if he has entered the gentle township and feels the kneading of all kinds of small hands.

That feeling, the ecstasy, made him a little intoxicated.


A burst of turbulence shocked and roared.

Ink marks can feel the curse of the mysterious curse in the goddess of heaven...

"Come on! Come on! Give me all the power of cursing!"

The ink marks are a bit sloppy.

Upstairs, everyone is watching this scene, everyone is holding their breath.

If the ink marks really complete all of this.

The position of the ink mark in the Mohist family will be re-evaluated, and even the status can surpass the Mo family.

Many people are blinking, and their hearts are filled with thoughts.

No one feels that ink marks will fail.

As long as no one is in trouble, the means of incarcerating the curse of the goddess talent into the body is sure to succeed.

After all, this is the Mohist House, the site of the Mohist family. Who would dare to make trouble?

Even if Luo Family and Zhao Family are here, I am afraid that they will not be troubled.

Because once it is troubled, it is likely to be left behind.

The water blooms!

It seems as if the waves of the sky are going to sky!


On the upper floor of the welcoming guest, some people’s eyes suddenly condensed and exclaimed.

They raised their hands and pointed to the lake in the distant artificial lake.

Many people's eyes also looked in the direction of the exclaimer.

There, there is a figure on the lake, walking on the waves.

The water flow in the artificial lake is very urgent at this moment, and ordinary people cannot control their body shape at all.

However, the appearance of the sprinter was the focus of the audience.

How can someone appear on the Mohu artificial lake?

Who is the hacker?

The people present were slightly forced.

"Is that figure familiar?!"

"Is that man crazy? Is he planning to destroy the ink marks?"

"Insane, here is the Mohist, dare to destroy the Mohist thing, isn't it looking for death?"


On the upstairs of the welcoming guest, many people are whispering each other and talking.

They saw the figure clearly.

It was a thin young man with black hair and flying in the majestic water vapor.

The eyelids are extremely sharp.

Step out.

Suddenly vacated, the waves spread out.

Step by step, unswervingly moving toward the cage.

Ink marks are immersed in the joy of absorbing energy.


He felt an exotic atmosphere.

He opened his eyes and looked away. He saw the young man who was coming from afar...

Suddenly, his heart suddenly became furious!

In the artificial lake of Mojia, how can someone dare to break into it? !


It seems to be a roar.

The ink marks instantly crushed the jade.

The ceremony was not to be lost. Fortunately, the ink marks were ready.

Crushed the jade, the Mohist, suddenly the sound of screaming resounded.

Every family has its own guards.

These guards are all generations of battles, and the combat experience is very rich!


The waves blew open.

The sound of whistling sounded.

On the artificial lake, the water waves were blown up.

A few figures walked into the air and suddenly fell, blocking the youth.

Blocked the way for the thin youth to move forward, preventing him from continuing to approach the ink mark and Xiao You.

The atmosphere has become a bit strange for a while, and many of the strong people have widened their eyes and watched.

The steps are cold and indifferent, and there is no expression on his face.

At a glance, he saw Xiao You, and saw that Xiao You was actually in a cage, and his heart suddenly became angry.

When the little singer raised his brow, the face of the step was more and more indifferent.

He is walking on the waves, wanting to break the cage!

Who can stop him!


Stepping out, the body suddenly sprints like a dragon!

However, the figure was intercepted by people.

It was the Mohist guard who stopped him.

Eight guards, eight gods, although they only understand the gods of common law, but the strength is strong enough to make the middle **** jealous.

Ink marks are suspended in the black energy column.

His eyes are superb, and the cold is locked.

"No matter who it is, kill innocent!"

The ink marks are cold and open, and the fingers point straight to the steps!

The words fell.

Those Mohist guards started.

Eight inferior gods at the same time, how strong the power, the Scorpio seems to be in a slight change.

The terrible roar is like a thunder running!

boom! !

Eight-shot long gun, eight gods!

boom! !

The power of the gods filled the sky, and in an instant, the eight-shot rifle was broken and shot toward the step.

The sound of whistling, tearing the sky, is like a thunder.

Eight guards, look indifferent, with the same kill!

This scene, let the people present are sucking a sigh of cold, they are feeling horrified.

Some people have goose bumps all over the place.

These well-trained guards are much stronger than ordinary gods.

The people present are heartfelt.

The youth who want to destroy the ceremony are dead.

How do he compete with these forces?

Because they all discovered that the breath of the young man was nothing but a half-god repair...

How do you resist the eight well-trained family gods?

Soon, this half-god, I am afraid that blood will be splashed on the spot!

Eight long guns sprinted low and the water bloomed.

Step by step indifferently watching.

The eight-shot rifle seemed to block all his roads in an instant...

Want to kill him on the spot!

The ink marks are sneer.

"Although I don't know who you are, but want to destroy my ritual... you must die!"

Ink marks are incomparable.

Excited laughter.

In the cage.

The brows are small and faint, his face is very white.

She saw the steps and gave a slight glimpse.

I did not expect that she could see the steps here.

Is it an illusion?

No... not an illusion!

The small black eyes were suddenly condensed, and the cursing power of the green green began to emerge from her body.

Slowly blending into the body of the ink mark in the distance.

The pain made the only blood on her face fade.

The excitement and expectation in the ink marks are more and more intense!

The step is naturally seen, and the inexplicable anger in the heart.

He stepped down step by step.

A cicada was centered on his body and spread out.

The boiling and sultry lakes are quiet and can't afford the slightest wave.

Everything around is also very quiet.

Only the sound of an eight-shot rifle instantly broke.

The power of horror is released from the body of the step.

The eight **** guards who are shocked by this power of knowledge are a little embarrassed...

The buzzing sounds.

Eight shots collided together.

Between the electric and the flint, the eight-shot long gun was actually taken over by the steps.

Each hand caught four long shots.


The long gun suddenly came out.

Rolling up the river water, turned into a long dragon rising from the sky.

Stepped on the ground, the figure was suddenly vacant.

He must be quick and quick, and he can't waste time.

The keel kitchen knife started, and the terrible sound of the dragon slammed the world and shouted for nine days.

"In the chaos... kitchen knife."

The breath on the side of the step climbed up, and suddenly it seemed to be transformed into a body.

The kitchen knife squats.

The golden knife suddenly rips out.

For a moment.

The eight gods suddenly became creepy.

I dare not have the slightest scorn.

There is a burst of power and want to resist.


Faced with this knife, the eight gods resisted at the same time, all of them vomiting blood and flying backwards.

There are all kinds of knife marks on the body, and they are bowed by a knife and crouch in the artificial lake.

A bang sounded, the lake sprayed into the sky!

The eight-barreled rifle, turned into a long dragon, suddenly fell, pierced their body, nailed them in the lake...

Under one trick.

Eight gods are defeated at the same time!


On the bank of the river, Pluto looked at the incomparable steps, and took a sigh of relief.

How long has it not been seen, the young and young fighting power of the step... How has it become so terrible?

The realm of demigod, one defeated eight gods...

So enchanting?

Upstairs, many strong people are also shocked.

"Half **** demon?!"

"This is comparable to the voluptuous family of the family!"

"A single defeat to the eight gods, but the self-cultivation is still only a half-god, afraid that the family of the family has only this level!"


The strong guys are wide-eyed and unbelievable.

The strongest of each family is also changing face.

The five emperors played with the jade beads in their hands, and their eyes were condensed. The old people around him closed their eyes and meditated.

"I know who he is, in the Pingyang Wangfu... defeated the cook of the Pingyang Shaowangye! Cast a handful of swordsman!"

"Understanding the law of the universe, the enchanting law of reincarnation!"

Someone exclaimed, sucking in the air and recognizing the steps.

But why did the cook come to the Mohist to do things? !

The last time the Pingyang Wangfu thing, this cook was just lucky to escape, there is a **** kitchen palace to support him, so innocent.

This time, he came alone, there is no God's kitchen to support, if the Mo family wants to kill him, how can he stop? !


Blood stained the lake.

Eight gods flew out and blew through the lake.

Stepping into the air, skyrocketing, going straight to the cage.

The ink marks are cracking.

"Bold! Let me be a fascinating god, dare to be a murderer in my house! It is also a crime of death!"

Ink marks are stunned and roaring.

He wants to suppress the pace with the power of the Mohist family.


The stepless expression of the ink marks a glimpse of the ink, a slight glimpse of the corner of the mouth.

His hand is raised.

Above the palm, a black pot emerged.

Xuanwu pot rotates.

Finally, I was caught by the steps, and the head that slammed toward the ink marks was kneeling.

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