Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1442: Strong rescue Xiaoyou [third! 】

The step grabbed the black pot, and in an instant it was kneeling, the speed was extremely fast, with a terrible whistling sound.

The ink marks wanted to escape, but he couldn't get away from it, but he was smashed into the face by the pot.

A loud bang.

The figure was suddenly blown out of the energy column by the pot, and with the whistling, the sky fell rapidly from the void, and the dragonfly lingered in the artificial lake.

Grab the black pot and look indifferent.

Looked at the black iron cage that locked the small body, no expression.

Raising his hand, he grabbed the past toward the mysterious iron cage.

Want to crush the mysterious iron cage!

However, the conceited side is surprised that he did not actually arrest this mysterious iron cage.

This mysterious iron cage is not the same as the cage that was used to hold small flowers in the Pingyang Wangfu.

"Damn... you dare to break my good deeds!"

In the artificial lake.

The sound of slaps is coming up.

Later, a figure, turned out from the lake, squinted, his eyes full of anger and madness!

His face was weird and twisted, and the blood flowed down, but it made his appearance more and more embarrassing.

"The curse of the goddess is mine, her strength belongs to me!"

The roar of angry ink marks, extremely unwilling!

The breath above his body continued to rise.

Climbing to the sky, killing the pace.

It is like a child who has been robbed of a toy and wants to **** his own toy.


Above the sky.

The step was indifferent and looked at the ink mark.

God knows to crush down.


The whole body of ink marks was crushed by the living, falling down from the void.

It seems that it has touched a huge stone, and even resistance can not be done.

The people around are deeply sighed.

In the face of the top enchanting comprehension of the law of reincarnation, the ink mark is too weak.

After all, ink marks are famous for their commercial talents. The strength is indeed unsatisfactory...


In the artificial lake.

The ink mark climbed up and his mouth burst into a crazy laugh.

At this moment, he also recognized the reality, on combat effectiveness, he is indeed not as good as the pace, the talent of both is too much.

Comprehend the enchanting power of the universe's strong law, high above.

He is what he can compare.

"But... how can you be enchanting, you can't break this cage! Even if you break the cage... you can't walk out of the Moh!"

Ink marks laughed, crazy and full of killing.

The snoring sounded through.

The guards of the Mohist family came one after another.

One after another, the guards of hundreds of people, almost assembled all the guards of the Mohist, and surrounded the artificial lake.

With so many demigods and gods guarding, the air machine was pulled up and almost turned into a huge sky net, which shrouded the entire sky.

The step did not look at them.

Even without paying attention to them, his attention fell on the cage.

The array method failed, and the pain of Xiao Youhui was reduced a lot.

Her eyes were dark and she stared at the steps.

Step by step, nodded to Xiaoyou, and said to Xiaoxiaodao: "Retreat a little."

Xiao You suddenly stepped back and reached the Xuan Iron Cage.

The eyelids of the step are condensed.

Above the arm, yin and yang emerged.

Grabbing the cage, slamming hard, suddenly the cage of the black iron pillars, forcefully separated to the sides...

"You can't break the cage! This is not the ordinary black iron! This is the cage created by the mysterious iron! Unless you have my key, you can't open it!"

The ink marks are snarling.

He is laughing and ridiculing the incompetence of the pace.

In order to prevent the cursing of the goddess from running away, in order to prevent the cursing of the goddess from being taken away.

He even did not hesitate to build a cage made of black iron, for this moment!

He is happy to see the scene of the failure of the step!


I heard a bit of rubbing noise.

The eyes of the ink marks suddenly shrink.

The cage built by Xuan Tiejing actually made a loud and unbearable sound, and was slowly bent by the steps!

Tearing open a hole!

How powerful is this? !

What is this power? !

The ink marks shrink and the next moment, the anger rises, and the anger is unstoppable!

"Give me a stop!"

The ink marks roared.

For the first time, he felt so violent and rude!

The guards have risen to the sky.

Among these guards, there are half gods and gods.

All of them broke out with strong strength, and they came straight to the point, trying to block the steps and tear the cage.

The arm of the step is continuing to use force.

The yin and yang airflow on the arm turned to the extreme, constantly twirling on the arm, as if it had turned into a residual image.


The roar of the roaring sounds.

There was a crack in the mysterious iron cage.

However, at this time, the attack of many guards also fell.


Just for a moment, the shape of the step is swallowed by countless attacks...

The ray of light filled the sky.

On the upstairs, everyone looked at them.

Some people are taking a breath.

Is it comparable to the enchanting prince of the princely level, so dead?

The ink marks are filled with madness. He is clearly about to succeed, but it is destroyed by a enchanting man who does not know where to run.

He is the most annoying of these enchanting sorrows, with a talent that is embarrassing, and everyone looks down on people.

Die a enchanting, let the ink mark inexplicable excitement!

But is the step really dead?

One of the guards suspended the void and stared at the cage.


They saw the light being torn apart.

The shape of the step, stepping out of it unscathed.

In the void, the quiet and quiet behind the step, three thousand blue silk spread, the face is beautiful.

"Let's go, I will take you out."

Looking at the guards around, the steps gently spit out a breath.

The hand jerked.

The mysterious iron cage in the void is a whistling sound, and the dragonfly is falling towards the ground.

With a bang, I squatted in the artificial lake and splashed thousands of splashes.

Ink marks are staring at death, and their eyes are full of grievances and hatred.

"Give me all!"

The ink marks are roaring wildly, and the whole person is crazy.

He won't allow it, and his chance to get it is like this!


A strong man came across and struggled.

After all, the step is only a person, even if it is a fascinating demigod, facing a group of gods and demigods, it will be more than enough.

The terrible power sweeps the sky.

The guests on the upper floor of the welcoming guest were watching the blood.

This scene is too exciting.

A half-god, fighting hundreds of guards!

It's like an epic confrontation.

Even if it is a emperor, even if it is a young prince, it is not so crazy!

so crazy!

Can the stepper really do it?

Even the demigod who masters the law of the universe's strongest will still die before he grows up.

Facing the dense guards.

The step was long and spit out a breath.

Turned his head and looked at Xiaoyou.

"Do you want to follow me, or enter the pastoral world?"

The steps are faint.

A small gaze moved and narrowed his eyes.

"Follow you."

When the words fall, the steps are convenient and nodded.

Twisted his head, facing forward to guard, moving his mind...

The keel kitchen knife suddenly emerged.

The breath of the body actually began to climb.

"If that's the case... then I will take you... kill it."


A silver flame emerges.

Suspended in front of the step, the next moment, instantly turned into thousands, surrounded by the body of the step, turned into a fire dragon.

The keel kitchen knife swept out.

The knife is raging with a silver flame.

Power is endless, and the void is twisting.

Meteor knife smashed.

On the sky, thousands of knives like a meteor fell.

The knife light is accompanied by a flame, and the power is terrible.


A strong and strong person resists hard.

However, the demigod faced the move of the step, and the moment it was burned by the body, the whole person turned into a fire, and was burned in order to be ashes.

The gods, though able to resist, were also repelled.

Just a trick.

The first wave of the Mohist guards was defeated.

Everyone took a sip of cool air.

Looking at the demigod guards in the sky like fireworks, I feel the chill.

Just for a moment, the number of guards was sharply reduced, leaving only a dozen of god-level guards to squat and intercept the steps.

The ink marks are shaking.

This scene greatly exceeded his expectations.

He knows that to pay for a enchanting demigod, the price paid is enormous.

But I did not expect that it would be so big.

Step by step to scan the audience.

Above the head, the law of reincarnation emerges.

The pressure is rising and the breath is rising.

When the law of reincarnation came out, the fighting power of the concession side soared.

The law of the runes condenses and turns into a huge vortex.

Bounced out.

Suddenly, the gods and guards of the coffers stepped out, and they all retreated. Under the power of the law of reincarnation, they were all suppressed!

The arm of the arm blooms brilliantly.

Step by step, a fist from the sky!

boom! !

There were several gods who were smashed and died on the spot.

Other gods, fleeing quickly.

This step of the yin and yang reincarnation boxing, even if the young princes can not stop, let alone these inferior gods.

Fighting back the guards, it seems that the body of the step is burning with heat.

He took a small quiet step by step in the void.

Gradually, it fell outside the artificial lake.

One person punches and suppresses the entire Mojia guard...

This is the power of the enchanting demigod!

In the welcome building, everyone is lamented.

The five emperors played jade beads.

"The enchanting demigod is strong, but after all, it is only a demigod... Limiting too much... I really think that the Mohist family is the top three family in the dynasty, is it casually, just go?"

The five princes’ mouths were slightly picked up, and they smiled faintly.

The old man sitting next to him slowly opened his eyes and showed a gaze in his eyes.

Although the ink marks are crazy, they have not lost their minds.

He took a deep breath.

At the moment when the stepping party opened the killing, he knew that this guy must not go out of the Mohist.

Once the killing is done, the strong man who sits in the town will also be shot.

What the family wants is the face. If you let the steps come and go, then the face of the family will be lost.

boom! !


At the time of the step with a small secluded land on the shore.

Deep in the ink home.

There was a terrible air machine that suddenly came.

A few figures, instantly vacated the void, tearing the sky, and floating on the sky.

These are three old men, behind a three old man, followed by a handsome young man.

The air machine hangs down and blocks the space around the steps.

The middle **** of the Moh family... shot!

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