Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1448: Installed forcing... just run! [Fourth! One thousand five updates, ask for a monthly

The pot comes, the knife comes, the stove comes...

Young people, you are going to make it!

Xuanwu is speechless, and then it is silent. If the small host still has to choose something to do, let the small host continue to engage.

What is the difference between a fish and a salted fish?

Although I wanted to let the small host run for a while.

However, if a small host wants to be big, he naturally agrees.

Looking at the steps suspended in the void, everyone is stunned.

Pot, knife, stove...

This is the plan... cooking?

When you are so serious, do you actually choose to cook?

Can cooking enhance combat effectiveness and counterattack high gods?

Shouldn't it?

I have never heard of chefs cooking in battle, and they can break out against the sky.

"Pretend to be a ghost! A chef in the district, this seat will definitely turn your head down!"

Mofeng said coldly.

He got up from the ground, patted the smoke on his body, and his face was dark.

He was actually smashed by a half god...

It is like the face of a high god!

At this moment, this cook, actually wants to cook in front of his face, really does not put his ink peak in his eyes!


The breath of Mo Feng climbed.

The breath of terror is like a flame, and it wants to make the heavens and the earth distorted.

far away.

The five emperors shook their heads with regret.

"I thought this step was a smart person. I just didn't escape from such a good opportunity... If he took the opportunity to escape to the kitchen of God, Mo Feng did not dare to let go, and his life would be saved. Already done, actually cooking on the spot..."

"Is this the death and keep the chef's dignity?"

"This stupid person is not worthy of being my follower..."

The five emperors said indifferently.

He is the son of the destiny, the five princes of the Xia dynasty, and the followers must also be clever talents.


Above the sky.

Everyone is concerned about the cooking of the steps.

The corner of the square is slightly picking.

Looking at the ingredients suspended in the sky, these ingredients are filled with the majestic atmosphere. As he cultivated, the level of ingredients grown in the pastoral world has also improved a lot.

Turn your hand.

A steaming piece of cake suddenly came to his hands.

Grab the cake, and bite it in one bite.

With a bang, the cake was swallowed into the mouth.

The gods of the steps suddenly became more and more stagnation...

"Look at how you will win the lottery."

Step by step.

With a heart and soul, the keel chopper suddenly rotates.

A chaotic kitchen knife is just a breath, and all the ingredients are processed.

With a shot, the fire rushed, as if burning like a fire.

The hot high temperature makes the Xuanwu pot suddenly red.

Pan pot stir fry, the step also simulates the chaotic pot method.

The rich scent suddenly spurts out of the sky...


The fragrance is skyrocketing and constantly surging.

A piece of cabbage, a piece of spirited meat, splashing oil, soup scattered.

The fragrance is diffused, and many people are indulged.

This is the fragrance that can be erupted by the dishes cooked by the spiritual chef? !


Luo Sanniang's eyes widened. As a daily dealing with the chef, she is very sensitive to the flavor of the dish.

Even if it is a prefecture-level chef, the taste of cooking is so bad.


The pot is going on, and once it's panned, the scent is a thick layer.

Although the chaotic pot method is simulated, it is not a real pot method, but the addition of dishes also exists.

A heart move.

A dry pot floats out.

With a slap in the face, the fire of the power of the rich law entered the dry pot and began to burn.

The dish was poured into the pot and the thick juice was splashing.


Everyone sucked a sigh of relief.

Because the food is over the air, the air is twisting.

The terrible fluctuations broke out from the pot.

what is this? !

Everyone was stunned and shocked.

The scent is second, why is the energy fluctuation so intense?

After the cooking is finished, the corner of the mouth of the step is tilted, and a piece of made cake is presented in the hand, and the made cake is stuffed into the dry pot.

The step is satisfied with your own dishes.

Very fragrant, people can't help but want to eat a bite.

However, this ruined dry pot can not be eaten casually.

Step by step.

Above the head, the law of reincarnation emerges.


The law rounds come out.

The law is suddenly overwhelming...

The people present are all sloppy.

Luo Hui, who is surrounded by Luo Sanniang, is even more wide-eyed, full of incredible colors!

"Impossible! His reincarnation law... How is the perfect rule? Since the law is complete... Why didn't he break through to the gods?! Unreasonable and unreasonable!"

Luo Hui shook his head and didn't believe it all.

What is the truth, Luo Hui naturally does not understand.

Step by step is a strange pick and raise eyebrows.

"It seems to be lucky..."

Step by step.

A heart move.

The perfect reincarnation law suddenly entered the destruction of the pot.


The step is very satisfied.

Although there is some pressure on the perfect reincarnation, the step does not matter.

The sinuous silver light burst out from the dry pot, blooming thousands of brilliance, eye-catching and eye-catching!


A strange wave of volatility broke out, making people feel heart-wrenching.


This is the last killing of the step?

Is this funny?

I am going to kill a high **** in a pot?

What is special about mental retardation?

The people around are a little speechless, and crying and laughing.

The cook is strong and strong.

If the cook's dishes can have terrible destructive power, will the chef become a terrible existence?

Luo Sanniang also does not know what to say.

"Sure enough, did not save him... is the right choice, this guy... there is a pit in his head."

The middle-aged man’s mouth twitched.

However, Luo Hui has a different feeling in his heart.

Complete reincarnation rules?

The law of the universe is not simple...

This means of the step is definitely not an ordinary means!


In the void.

Steps spit out a sigh of relief.

In his hand, holding a silver brilliance, dazzling.

"Do you cook?"

Mo Feng stared at the step by step, showing a sneer of disdain.

"Do you think that cooking can save you?"

The breath of Mo Feng has reached its limit.

The thirty-sixth rule roars in the void, and the rule of the golden wheel rotates, as if to crush everything!

He stepped out of the air step by step, suspended in the void.

The whole world is roaring.

At this moment, the shape of the ink peak seems to have turned into a huge giant in the sky!

The black hair of the step is full of fluttering, faintly watching the ink peak.

The step does not know whether this upgraded version of the destroyed dry pot in the hands can injure the high gods, but the step can look forward to it.

Incorporate a perfect reincarnation rule, plus the will of heaven... plus the power of the fire.

This is the strongest measure to date.

Of course... unless the steps are crushed by the gods.

However, the step feels that there is no need to crush the droplets of the gods.

After all, he only left a drop of divine power, and he was not in a desperate situation and could not be used easily.

"Dish is finished?"

Mofeng looked cold.

"Then you can die..."

Mofeng opened his mouth and made a long scream.

The body suddenly bursts into the golden mans, and at this moment, the power of the high gods is completely destroyed to the limit!

boom! ! !

The law gold wheel is spinning and slamming out.

The collapse of the void, across the sky, the void is constantly breaking...

Above the sky.

It seems that there are thousands of horses in the galloping, and the law of King Ge is roaring at this moment!

This means of killing is extremely terrible!

The outbreak of this move.

Shocked the entire dynasty.

At this moment, the divine dynasty is full of enthusiasm.

Everyone is turning to look at the direction of the Mohist family, and the eyes are incredible colors.

Pingyang Wangfu, the young master who took the practice of sitting up, suddenly widened his eyes.

Frowning and looking at the void.

Every family, every palace, has a strong eye.

How long did it take for the gods to go all out in the dynasty? !


The snoring sounds the sky and destroys the earth!

Under the high gods, all the strong people are instigated and unable to move.


It is hard to imagine how pitiful the front steps of this power will be!

Luo Sanniang's face is white.

She was anxiously looking at the middle-aged person on her side.

"Two uncles..."

Her charming face showed an anxious color and wanted to ask for help.


The middle-aged man still shook his head.

Resolutely do not want to shoot.

The color of the step is the same, faintly watching the step by step, and blocking the ink peak around his body...

This time, Mo Feng is really going to kill him completely!

Do not hesitate to cause the earthquake in the entire dynasty!

The high gods shot, it will indeed cause the earthquake in the capital...

That being the case.

Step by step, I glanced at the silver ruined pot in my hand.

"They seem to look down on you a little... don't let me down."

The steps whispered softly.

The next moment, looked up and looked at the ink peak in the distance.

The line of sight of the two approaches in the void.


Step by step.

The silver ruined pot, like a star, slowly flew toward the ink peak.

“A dry pot? It’s ridiculous!”

Mofeng laughs happily!

His heart was furious, the old man was killed, the ink marks were killed, and the world was abolished...

In front of the cook, they completely put their faces on the ground.

If the strongmen of the Mohist family returned, they found this situation, fearing that they would shed their blood on the dog!

Therefore, he must kill this cook on the spot!

Take the first level to calm the anger of the Mohist!

A dry pot!

Mo Feng sneered.

Raise his hand and slap it to the ruined pot.

The silver dry pot was instantly shot by the palm of the ink peak...


Mo Feng's face suddenly changed, and his face trembled fiercely.

All of them are shaking.


Mofeng opened his mouth and wanted to say something.


boom! ! ! ! ! !

An explosion!

The terrible silver flame broke out instantly!

The endless energy explosion instantly swallowed his body.

Countless energy is vented from all directions...

A huge mushroom cloud broke out, as if to wipe the entire Mohist family.

"Oh my God!!!!"

"What is this?! This kind of explosion! This power..."

"Damn! Run away!!"


All the people watching the game are crazy.

Crazy in the direction of all directions, the embarrassing escape.

The five emperors were also horrified and glaring, the power that made his heart tremble.


The old man's face changed dramatically, and the energy wrapped around the body of the five emperors was an instant vision.

In an instant, it disappeared in place.

The power of this explosion...comparable to the full power of the high gods who combined the power of fifty laws...

This power!

Simply metamorphosis!

Hey! !

The Mohist suddenly exploded, and everything was broken!

Luo's second uncle, quickly released the energy, wrapped in Luo Sanniang and Luo Hui...


A figure appeared in front of Luo Sanniang.


Step by step saw Luo Sanniang, faintly asked.

Luo Sanniang is still in shock at the moment.

I was asked by the step, and I was delighted to win my eyes!

She turned her head and glanced at the devastating explosion that was still spreading!

Nodded without hesitation.

Don't go at this time, when will it be? !

A dish... actually has such a power!

Is this the card of the step? !

Step by step, nodding, nodded, and looked at Luo Hui and the middle-aged.

Afterwards, the fire feathers behind the cheeks robe emerged, with Luo Sanniang instantly overlooking and flew away from the Mojia.

Luo Sanniang whistle, a luxury warship flies.

Step and Luo Sanniang got into it, and the luxury warship sprayed a thin exhaust, which turned into a streamer and suddenly disappeared into the sky.

Luo Hui looked dull, and then his face shook. "I wipe! Let go of my sister!"

The middle-aged man is also a face-lifting, what happened? !

In the battleship, the steps closed, and Luo Sanniang was excited to control the ship's mind is shaking.

"Installed and forced to run... really exciting!!"

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