Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1449: The old driver step, has been on the line [first! 】

The terrible explosion, suddenly roared.

As if an enhanced version of the nuclear bomb was thrown away, the entire Mohist family seemed to have turned into a ruin at this moment.

Countless houses are at this moment, destroyed in an instant under a terrible explosion.

The mushroom cloud emerges, and the mushroom cloud is full of terrible explosive energy, constantly roaring and spreading.

The Mohist was shocked.

Every family is also shocked.

The whole gods are shaking!

At this moment, a mushroom cloud is like a moon in the night, attracting everyone's attention and sight.


Bang! !

This level of explosion is not allowed in the dynasty of the dynasty. It is mainly the explosion at this level. The shock caused by it is too horrible. It is a devastating disaster for the entire dynasty.

So, when this explosion occurred, everyone looked up in horror.

The strong man who sits in the dynasty of the dynasty is also rising into the sky, spreading out energy, and stabilizing the constantly swaying high-rise buildings in the capital.

This volatility is comparable to the means by which the higher gods who have condensed the power of fifty laws are fully committed.

Very scary!

The destructive power of the higher gods is incredibly amazing, so in the pilgrimage, it is basically forbidden to shoot high-level gods.

But this time, this situation will happen!


Explosive energy slowly dissipates and gradually dissipates.

Luo's second uncle stayed like a chicken, that half god, actually has this means!

Is this still a god? !

Luo Hui, also the enchanting demigod of Luo's family, suffered a shock at this moment. He never thought that the strength of the original step can actually reach this level!

The same is a demigod, he is in the hands of the step, afraid that it will be crushed into **** in a flash!

His self-confidence is broken.

The explosion was stopped.

After all, this is the Mohist, but still in the capital.

The sound of several broken sounds resounded, and the high gods shot and compressed the terrible explosive power to the extreme.


However, the explosion has disappeared.

But the Mohist has already turned into a ruin.

The Mo family fled, and looking at the ruins of the mansion, they are all a stalwart look.

Ink pale is pale, he is not dead, but it is already dying.

Under the help of the tribes, he looked at the ruined mansion, and his heart was constantly twitching.

He also wants to compete with the pace and now finds how stupid he is.

It is no wonder that it is able to defeat the enchanting demigod of the young prince.

If the step is to use this method earlier, I am afraid that it will be crushed into dross in an instant!

Taking a deep breath, Mo Cang suddenly felt the tingling of his chest.

It was a while and I was afraid.

I am not dead, but it is really fortunate!

Demigod... Can you still be so strong besides the terrible guy of the Emperor? !

The bang banged.

Among the ruins of Moh.

A wolverine figure climbed out of the ruins.

The terrible breath filled the world.

The repressed breath seems to destroy everything.

The appearance of Mofeng was very miserable, his face was **** and his chest was blown up by a big hole.

It seems as if you are going to die at any time. If it is not the horrible smell of the body, many people may think that Mofeng can't hold it.

However, this is normal. After all, Mofeng is a high god. Although it is only a first entry, once it becomes a high god, the level of life will be improved.

It is not so easy to die at all.

The injury on his body was slowly repaired, and Mo Feng took a deep breath.

"Damn guy... Even if I hide in the kitchen of God, I won't let you go! Kill me, my family, destroy my Moh... this hatred, don't wear the sky!"

The ink peaks screamed, and the terrible sounds seemed to make the surrounding world blast.


Several high-minded gods wrapped in Guanghua have some meaningful looks.

They did not think that the ink peak of the high gods was actually so miserable by a demigod.

It is indeed a little pitiful...


Stepping out, Mofeng's body shape rises to the sky.

His gaze was like a pillar, and he shot out and looked straight into the distance, as if he had seen the heavens and the earth, and saw everything.

"Escape?! End of the earth, I will kill you!"

Mofeng snarled.

A heart move.

The void suddenly split, and a golden warship floated out. Above the warship, it depicts a legendary "ink", which is the battleship of the Mohist family.

The shape of Mofeng stepped into the battleship.

The battleship's array was suddenly running at high speed, and the battleship's buttocks were sprayed out.

Suddenly, the ship smashed the world and flew away in the distance.

Chasing a warship and going.

"I still want to chase?"

The strong guys of the Luo family stayed a little.

Luo Hui’s face suddenly changed. “Two uncles, my sister is still in the warship!”

Luo's second uncle is also a glimpse of the sun. "It should be fine. As long as they enter the scope of the kitchen, the ink peak will not be able to start..."

"The Mohist is crazy, but in the face of the kitchen of God... still a little worse."

Far away from the horizon.

The five emperors had a lingering look at the ruined Mohist family. The entire Mohist family was turned into a ruin and turned into a huge deep pit.

This kind of shock is huge.

"Teacher...now the cook...is it so bad? A dish can actually kill this power, so that a high **** is so seriously injured!"

The five princes swallowed a spit, the means of the step, a little refreshed his world view.

"The old man has never seen a chef with such a means... the dishes can be used as a means of attack, which is the first time the old man has seen his life."

The expression on the old man’s face is all embarrassing, I don’t know what to say.

"Haha! Teacher, this person is the person that the prince is looking for! This method, if it can be used by me, I may be able to compete with the emperor!" The eyes of the five emperors suddenly lit up.

Imagine that the power of a dry pot is so horrible, if hundreds of thousands of pots are blown up at the same time...

That power... will surely destroy the land!

The five emperors thought that they were excited and unable to suppress.

He suddenly hopes that he will become his men. He believes that with his identity and charm, the steps will surely surrender to him!

He couldn't help but want to shout.

"Five princes, Mo Feng is now angry and angry, can the cook be a problem?"

The old man looked at the excited five emperors and couldn't help but remind him.

The five emperors waved their hands.

Instruct the old man to take him with him.


Among the luxury warships.

Sitting on the square plate, licking his own eyebrows, the enhanced version of the ruined pan is quite expensive for the step.

The concession side feels that the power of God is a deficit.

However, how strong his spirit is, just recovered in a flash.

Luo Sanniang stared at the steps with amazement, like a curious baby, the beautiful face, full of curiosity and desire.

Step by step opened his eyes, a faint look at Luo Sanniang.

"What did you just throw out? A dish? How might it be so powerful?"

Luo Sanniang could not wait to ask.

Step by step, he spit out a sigh of relief, and he knew that Luo Sanniang would be curious. "That is called destroying the pot, it tastes very good. Would you like a pot?"

Step by step, let Luo Sanniang startled.

Hurry and shake your head, come to a pot? Funny!

The higher gods were almost killed by a pot.

If she gets together, she will not leave any bones that will be fried in a pot.

The corners of the steps were pulled.

"That dish, combined with the will of heaven, and my reincarnation rules and many means, is the strongest attack I have ever released."

Step by step, he is telling the truth.

Luo Sanniang nodded like a chicken and glutinous rice.

The cook in front of me is really full of magic. The first time I saw it was in the kitchen of the gods, the step and the master of the battle, I did not expect that the original cook, actually means such a powerful!

"Unfortunately... although the power is good, it still does not kill the ink peak."

The step is somewhat regrettable.

Luo Sanniang was scared, you still want to kill a high god?

"You are content, the high gods call the higher life, their flesh is almost immortal, the life is far away, if it is disease-free and disaster-free, it can live for 100,000 years... 岂 is to kill and kill!"

Luo Sanniang is crying and laughing, and feels that the ambition of the step is a bit big.

The demigod is about to erase the high gods!



The brows of the steps frowned.

Luo Sanniang’s face is also a change.

Luo Sanniang waved his hand and suddenly there was a light curtain in front of him.

In the light curtain, it is a scene outside the warship, where a golden warship flies quickly and gallops.

"That is……"

Step by step.

"It’s the battleship of the Mohist!"

Luo Sanniang's face became pale!

Mofeng caught up!

Actually catch up with it so soon!

Sure enough, after the installation is forced to run, although exciting, but the premise is to be able to run away!

"No... my warship is a comfortable business warship, and the speed of the battle is nothing compared to the battlefield of the Mofeng..."

Luo Sanniang is almost desperate.

Feeling that the distance between the two is getting closer and closer, I only feel that my heart is dark.

She is also clear, if it can rush to the scope of the kitchen, it should be innocent.

But according to this situation, it is impossible to rush to the scope of the kitchen of God!

How to do?

Luo Sanniang is somewhat helpless.

Seeing the appearance of Luo Sanniang, the brows of the steps brow.

He looked at the distance between the two is constantly shrinking, and his heart suddenly moved.

"let me do it."

Said the step.

Luo Sanniang stayed.

"What are you coming?"

"I am coming to open..." Step by step smashed his hand and eagerly tried.

Luo Sanniang: "..."

Who is the problem of sailing now? The gap in the warship is not something that can be compensated for by the driving operation.

"Have you ever opened a warship? Do you know how big the gap between our warships and the Mohist warships?" Luo Sanniang sighed.

"I have been driving."

Picking up the corner of the square, the ship he borrowed from the cloud mountain robbers is very powerful.

The battleship of Mofeng was approaching, and the distance was brought closer.

Luo Sanniang gave the driving position to the step.

Step by step and sit up.

The feeling of a luxury warship is different, and the comfort of the seat is a bit difficult.

Reaching out and pressing on the battleship's operational array.


The array was suddenly brightened.

The sensation of the step is surging, and the golden awns are blooming in the eyelids.

The gap between warships?

Isn't that the gap in the battle?

The corners of the steps are pulled.

The gods were surging, and they began to draw the array.

The food array method [blasting] was portrayed in the formation.


next moment.

In Luo Sanniang's gaze, the array suddenly flashed a bright brilliance!


Luo Sanniang a trip.

"Sit steady."

The step head did not return to remind Luo Sanniang.

The words fell.

Old driver, on the line.

A bang!

The stern of the battleship suddenly exploded!

The terrible air waves seemed to be blasting, the impulse broke out, and the arc-shaped air waves continued to impact.

In an instant, the speed of the warship increased several times and suddenly rushed out.

Mofeng stood at the bow of the warship, watching the distance that was approaching, and his eyes flashed.

The district is ruined by warships, and the battleships of the Mohist family can be run.

If it was not forbidden in the dynasty to prohibit high-level gods from flying, he would have been chasing them.



Immediately he can screw down the boy's head!


The eyes of Mofeng are condensed.

Luo Sanniang, the embroidered pillow general warship, suddenly broke out a wave.

A bang.

It’s like a fart that has been lingering for a long time.

The warship, instantly smashed out, suddenly opened the distance...

Mo Feng: "???"

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