Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1454: God Chef Palace Lord [Second]

This ending is beyond everyone's expectations.

Pingyang Wang shrugged his shoulders. After all, he was taken away by the people in the kitchen of God. Although he did not know that he was dead after living, he was still alive before he took it away.

Therefore, Pingyang Wang did not make too many stops and returned to his palace in Pingyang.

Luo Sanniang was carried by Luo Hui.


Luo Sanniang woke up leisurely, she did not suffer much damage, she was only shocked by the heart, the body reflected self-protection, so fell into fainting.

Now that I have adjusted it, I woke up.

She opened her eyes and looked around.

It was a mess, but... but I didn't see the figure.

"What about the steps?"

Luo Sanniang hurriedly asked, will the step party not be killed by the ink cannon?

However, Luo Sanniang really can hardly imagine how the step can escape from the ink cannon.

After all, the ink cannon is a god, and the power of the law of understanding is at least one hundred starts.

Step by step in front of the king of God, there is no difference with the ants.

Luo Hui's face is a bit strange, he did not know how to open his sister.

He himself is a bit aggressive.

Who knows, the step is actually taken away by the strong man of the kitchen.

Moreover, there is still such a presence in the kitchen of God.

Just two strokes, the newly promoted King of the Kings was defeated, almost in a crushing posture.

Of course, Luo Hui can't judge whether the woman is in the rescue.

However, if you want to come, the next step of the step should not be too good.

Did not say too much.

The Luojia family took Luo Sanniang home and did not allow her to continue to be involved in the kitchen.

Because the God Chef Palace saved the steps.

The step is that the emperor ordered the person to kill, and then the kitchen of the gods has a big problem, the owner of the Luo family, do not want Luo Sanniang into a disaster.

I don't know how to face the kitchen.

The ink cannon was furious and angered. It was necessary to play the Emperor, and the performance of a **** king was enough to attract the attention of the Emperor.

So, next, there will be a major earthquake in the dynasty!

This turmoil soon swept the entire dynasty.

After all, the news is too big to hold.

The Mohist family was destroyed, the Mohist business genius, the ink marks were tragic, the middle gods, the high gods fell.

When the news came out, everyone was shocked.

When the initiators who knew all of this were actually just a demigod, everyone was dumbfounded.

The enchanting half-devil enchanted to this, fearing that there are not a few.

Of course, this incident has also involved many confrontational issues of big forces.

Among them, the involvement of the God’s Palace is the most important thing to pay attention to.

In the dynasty of the dynasty, the kitchen of God is a giant, and it is said that it is a force that can compete with the court. It seems to be confirmed now.

The ink cannon entered the palace.

On foot, step by step into the ladder and into the deep palace.

The incident was reported to the emperor, and the emperor was furious. The entire dynasty was suddenly earthquake.

However, all of this was settled after the opening of the Emperor.

"This matter is long-term."

This is the original words of the Emperor.

When the words are out, everyone is dead.

Even the Emperor did not dare to say anything, the Emperor personally spoke, who dared to violate.

However, the Emperor actually would open the door for this matter.

This is a bit of a playfulness, and the forces of all parties are beginning to guess the identity of the kitchen.


God's kitchen.

The top floor of the building, towering into the clouds, through the transparent windows, you can see the white floating clouds floating around.

The scenery of the entire gods is all in sight.

Step by step sitting on the chair in the top floor room.

Right across from him is a woman in a long red dress.

The woman stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with a silver mask and looked down into the distance.

The step can only see the woman's back, graceful and perfect.

However, the terrible breath that the woman exudes, the concession does not dare to look around casually, this woman can defeat the ink cannon to show its strength is bound to be terrible.

The woman does not speak.

The steps are too lazy to talk, just taking advantage of this opportunity to restore the knowledge of God back.

When you rebel, you can have some strength.

Time is slowly passing.

The woman has been watching what, until the sky is dim, only the stars are left.

Step by step, practice, and restore strength.

At night, the sky is more charming and beautiful.

As if it is close at hand, raising your hand can touch the stars.

At this moment, the innocent starry sky is completely floating in the eyes of the people.

Step by step opened his eyes, his state returned to the best, and there was a stream of light in his eyes.

The step feels that his own knowledge is stronger. This time, the consumption of the deficit is beneficial to the enhancement of the gods.

There is no limit to the cultivation of the gods, so the cultivation of the gods of the step can be continuously increased.

If the body is repaired, it is necessary to complete the sales task of the restaurant and redeem it with sales.


The woman turned her hand and said lightly.

There are no other people in the room, naturally speaking to the step.

Step by step stood up and nodded, no matter what the woman agreed to disagree, went straight to the floor-to-ceiling window.

Looking at the beautiful night scene is also somewhat attractive.

"Beautiful, night sky, stars, Xinghai... very attractive."

Said the step.

The woman finally turned her head in a strange way and looked at the steps.

"You are very courageous... Do you think I am saving you?"

Woman road.

"To tell the truth, when you take out the jade of Mu Hongzi, I can't wait to crush you..."

The woman is cold and cold.

As the words fell, the atmosphere of the entire room was also freezing, and it was cold.

Step by step.

So hate it?

In the end, Mu Hongzi left behind what kind of romantic debts can attract this woman to hate.

"But...that's also that Yupei saved you, otherwise the Lord will not feel that you can live in that desperate situation."

The red skirt woman is faint.

The step can't see her face because her face is hidden under the mask, only a pair of eyes can see it.

The eyes are like chaos, full of mysterious.

“Why?” The step is doubtful.

"That jade is a token, belonging to the token of Mu Hongzi, and also the token of the Lord God Palace, understand?"

The woman tilted her eyes and looked at it.

"I hate Muhongzi, but that is my business. As a palace owner, I have to give him a thin face. So I saved you..."

Women's Road.

"Can you tell me, where is Mu Hongzi?"


In the heart of the step, perhaps this is the real purpose of the woman, that is, the purpose of saving herself.

Just want to know the whereabouts of Mu Hongzi.

Before the step, he thought that Mu Hongzi was really the frontier of the gods.

It seems now that the original frontier scorpion may have been thrown by Mu Hongzi, and it has faked the identity of the frontier.

Otherwise, with the hatred of that, can you safely walk out of the dynasty?

"If I tell you where Mu Hongzi is, are you going to find him and kill him?"

The step asked curiously.

The red robe woman looked at the steps, but she shook her head.

The face of the step showed a color of regret, and the wood Hongzi pitted him, and the step was very uncomfortable.

I thought that the woman was going to kill Mu Hongzi.

"Forget it, you don't have to say it, I don't want to know, that stinky man... Where do you want to go..."

"But I tell you, saving you is not a white rescue, even if I give Mu Hongzi a thin face, but want to live, the opportunity is in your own hands..."

The red robe woman said.

Step by step.

next moment.

The woman's show was once again pressed on the shoulders of the step.


The void is changing, this is a moment.

The woman appeared in the position of the ancient seal of the ancient gods with a step.

"Space law?"

Step by step, sucking a cold breath, looked at the woman with amazement.

"Do you see the inheritance seal? If you want to live, you will break the seal of the second layer... you can't break it, you die."

Woman road.

"Since you can't break it, I look at the face of Mu Hongzi and kill you."

Stepping out of the mouth, I always feel that something is wrong with this sentence.

After saying this, the woman will stop talking.

Just look at the steps in such a quiet way.

Invisible pressure on the step.

The step frowned, feeling that the woman was not joking.

Passing the seal is the second most important, which is the assessment of the chaotic pot.

The step broke through the first small task, but the latter task was even more difficult.

In the current situation, it may not be possible to have any choices.

Only to attack this task.

Finished, according to the woman's meaning, you can survive.

If it is a failure... The woman looks at the face of Mu Hongzi and must kill herself.

and so……

What is the use of this wood Hongzi?

Stepped up and stood up, the bird's robe swayed.

With a negative hand, it is to go to the position where the seal was passed down.

The surrounding chefs also saw the steps, and suddenly they were in doubt.

Some people are very excited, and the step is coming again. Is this going to completely break through the second pass seal?

The woman in the red dress leaned on the railing and looked at the steps far away, facing the seal.

The eyelids flashed in the eye.

She stared at it, unprecedentedly dignified.

At the moment, the mind is drawn into the inheritance seal.


In front of it, there were black pots, stoves, and countless stars in the black pot.

The face of the step becomes extremely grim.

Grabbed the black pot.

The gods were boiling and suddenly started the pot.


Every time the black pot collides on the stove, it will make a loud roar.

And outside.

On the seal, the numbers also emerged.

The numbers are constantly beating, causing the attention of the audience...

Everyone thought that the pace was just to challenge themselves.

In fact... this assessment is about life and death.

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