Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1455: Break the record again [first! 】

Steps are against the law.

Everyone is watching the steps, and many people are expecting the steps to create miracles. In fact, if there is no way to create a miracle, then no one else can really do it.

Although the step is only a superb spiritual chef on the surface, in fact, the cooking level of the step is not weaker than the average prefecture.

This is also the reason why the previous steps can break the task of inheriting the seal.

Above the high platform.

A woman with a silver mask stared tightly.

If the step fails, she will not hesitate to kill the step.

Even if the step has the jade of Mu Hongzi, it is no exception.

However, if the step is successful...

Thinking of this, the masked woman's eyes flashed in the eyes, the more embarrassing.

Ruins of Mohist.

The ink master of the Moh family stood quietly, and looked coldly at the house of the ruined house.

This time, for the Mohist family, it is a big injury.

It takes about a few months to rebuild the mansion. For the Mohist family, these months are absolutely difficult. The families of the dynasty in the dynasty will regard them as laughing stocks.

As a family, the most important face.

He is intolerable and he has become the laughing stock of other families.

Therefore, for the initiator of all this, the ink gun burned in anger.

For him, he was insulted by such a god, and for him, he was definitely a living face.

However, the Emperor personally ordered that it was not allowed to work on the kitchen of God, which made the anger of the ink gun's heart almost overflow.

Since he is not allowed to do it himself, the Emperor’s command of the ink cannon naturally does not dare to violate, so he can only find another way.

The ink marks are dead.

The death of a business genius is definitely the biggest loss for Mohist. This loss will even make the Mohist decline at least several layers.

The ink cannon is also qi, since the ink mark has commercial talent, then make good use of his business talent, and think about making up his own talents.

This is a good time, and I will die myself.

Even the ink was so badly hurt that my heart was blown up and I have not recovered.

Even if it is recovered, it may be destined to be a second-rate genius, not to be top-notch.

The more I think, the more angry I am in the heart of the gun.

He tightened his fist tightly and almost fired his eyes.

Suddenly, he let go of his palm, and his eyes showed a smooth color.

"I thought there was no way to deal with you in the kitchen of God's kitchen. I have a way to kill you! I don't believe that you can still squash in the kitchen of God in your life. As soon as you come out, I will kill you!"

The ink cannon is fierce.

A king of God is angry, and the whole dynasty seems to have suppressed the atmosphere.

The atmosphere of the gods in these days was really depressed, and the sky was gray, as if it was going to rain.


God's kitchen.

Inheritance of the seal.

The numbers on the seals are constantly changing.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and it is getting more and more frightening.

"It's terrible! This is a strong god!"

"More than 60,000... This is likely to really break the record!"

"The harder it gets, the more difficult it is. The back is like a scorpio... I hope Mr. Step can make a miracle!"


Each of the chefs took a deep breath and stretched their necks, full of curiosity.

They are very much looking forward to the steps to bring them a miracle.

These days, they are really hit.

This second heavy seal has hurt countless chefs.

Because of this seal challenge, once it fails, it will cause tremendous trauma to the body.

Mask female, looking indifferently.

Suddenly, her gaze condensed, staring at the figure of the step.


The body of the step suddenly released a wave of its air.


The fascination of the step is extremely active, and the vortex in the spirit sea is constantly rotating. Every time it is rotated, the power of the gods will be greatly improved!

The black pot is tight, in the array.

The steps are all soaked in sweat.

The arm is like a soldering iron, red is like a fire, sweat is conquered on it, and it turns into hot steam.

The sound of the potholes is loud.

Every time you make a pot, it will make the stars in the pot roll, rush, and fall again!

The rhythm is steady and not slow.

In fact, this rhythm is also adjusted according to the intensity of the gods.

The intensity of the gods is weak, and the rhythm naturally slows down.

But once the rhythm slows, the amount of time spent is increased, which is not good news for the task.

as time flows.

The numbers on the array are constantly changing.

The knowledge of the step is also more and more tense, almost reaching an extreme.

Once you release your hand, it is easy to make the gods collapse!

Of course, this effect is also significant.

The number on the array has reached 80,000!

The Royal Palace.

The palaces of the hustle and bustle, the red bricks, the grounds of white jade, the bricks and jade tiles, and the buildings of every place are full of artistic sense and full of luxurious atmosphere.

In the palace, the guards wearing armor are walking.

They patrol and protect the order and security of the palace.

In the temple.

A woman wearing a golden phoenix robes sat in a chair, the woman's face was beautiful, the beautiful horns rose, but with a bit of meanness.

In front of her, there are several strong men wearing robes.

These strong people have a strong breath, and most of them are medium gods.

It can be counted as a prefecture-level chef.

If the step is here, you will definitely see one of the familiar faces.

That person is Master Cheng.

After he left the kitchen, he actually joined the ranks of the Huangfu chef.

At this moment, in response to the call of Huangfu, he respectfully faced the emperor of the motherland.

Although Huangfu is only a female stream, but her body is extremely powerful, although not as good as the king of God, but Master Cheng only feels that he is facing a vast ocean.

"You are the prefecture-level chef in the imperial kitchen. You are honored. You should have a name in the kitchen of God. It is very easy to enter the kitchen of God. So... you need to sneak into the kitchen of the kitchen... Killed the little beast!"

The face of the imperial concubine is cold, but the beautiful face is full of meanness.

Although the Emperor ordered, she would not let her flagrantly attack the God's Court.

But she can go back.

"Huangfu... God's kitchen is heavily guarded, and there are countless strong. Although we have a medium level of gods, if we enter it and want to kill the little beast, it is impossible. Moreover, the cultivation and combat effectiveness of the small beast. ... very terrible! Even the high gods can kill, if I face it, I will not die in vain."

Master Cheng naturally understands the horror of the step, how many times he has been sanctioned by the steps, and the fear of the step is also in his heart.

"This palace allows you to enter the kitchen of the Gods, and naturally has the principle of the palace... Although the strength of the small beast is strong, but before the first battle, it has already consumed a huge amount of money. It should be difficult to play in a short time, and the means to kill the high gods... This palace will give you secret means, under the high gods, you can kill! You only need to meet the little beast, and immediately kill."

"The method is strong, but it can only be used once. I hope you don't let the palace disappoint."

"If you succeed in killing the little beast, this palace will let him be the chef of the imperial kitchen!"

Huang Rongrong is sitting on top of it.

She swayed her hand and suddenly floated out like a flame-burning plume.

It fell in front of every chef.

"This Feng Yu contains the power of the ancient phoenix, but only one blow...you can use it well, and you can kill it under the high gods."

Huangfu Road.

Master Cheng took over the feathers and played with it.

There is also a color of grievances in his eyes.

He had stayed in the kitchen of God and enjoyed the resources provided by the kitchen.

However, as soon as the step appeared, he fled the kitchen of the gods like a house dog.

This hatred, he will not give up easily!


Huangfu was too lazy to say too much. She only hoped that these cooks could kill the little beast who killed her favorite nephew.

This hatred, she will report!

If it wasn't for the Emperor's order, she might have ordered the silver armor to kill the God's Court with three thousand guards!

That **** old man... actually guards the kitchen of God!

The emperor’s eyes were slightly stunned and the horrible atmosphere was floating.


boom! ! !

The entire heritage seal is trembled.

Everyone looked incredulously ahead.

The body of each of them is shaking, it is because of excitement.

The numbers on the array are constantly changing, and now they have jumped to 90,000!

They know that as long as they reach 99,999, it means the completion of the task.

At this moment, the distance from the task is already close at hand!

However, there is not much time left in the mandate.

Can the Steps really finish the remaining 9,999 times in less than a quarter of an hour?

It's hard!

The more difficult it is to get to the back, the harder it is, because the pressure is greater, the pressure on the gods is stronger.

The probability of failure is also high.

So this is why everyone is excited.

However, the woman wearing a silver mask is still very calm.

She looked at it quietly.

I don’t know what I’m thinking.

In reality, the forehead of the step is overflowing with sweat.

This is incredible. Obviously, the pressure on the gods at the moment is very huge.

Star sand is more than 10,000 pounds, and every time it is, it is inherently difficult.

The pace can reach the level of today, and it is far more than ordinary people.

Even if it is the peak of the prefecture-level chef, I am afraid that it will be at this level.



Under the eyes of the public.

The numbers on the law stopped beating.

It was stuck in the position of 99,999.

Not moving!

Everyone is wide open.

"Almost! Move!"

"Come on! It’s going to break the record!"

"Don't lose it!"


The kitchen chefs are all unable to help themselves, and their emotions are involuntarily driven by the behavior of the steps.

Everyone can feel that the steps have reached the limit.

It turns out that he also has limits, many people are jealous.

However, it is really unwilling, just a little...

The woman in the red dress is cold and indifferent.

She lifted the jade-like palm, above the palm, and the terrible power was surging.

Once the step fails... she will wipe out the steps with Thunder!

Her anger at Mu Hongzi will be vented to this guy.



The woman’s gaze is stagnation.

The mind is shrinking.

I saw that the number that was stuck changed, and it jumped like it was breaking the last barrier, and the last pot was broken!

Rumble! !

The entire kitchen of the Gods is shaking at this moment.

The second pass was sealed and sealed at this moment.

Broken arrays, turned into thousands of golden light, have poured into the minds of the step, the eye of the concession is flashing gold.

At the end of the moment, the spiritual power of the toughness was wrapped up in a group of warmth.

It seems to be infiltrated in the nutrient solution.

The spirit of the step is swallowed up, and the intensity of the gods is constantly increasing.

Successful? !

The last change was stunned by everyone.

Everyone's face is exposed with a wrong color.

Some people reacted and instantly revealed the ecstatic color.

Difficult to count the number of people's inheritance seals second... broke open? !

The palm of the mask raised by the woman was also slowly falling, and spit out a sigh of relief.

She seems to have made a solemn decision, and the face under the mask seems to reveal a smile.

She raised her hand and grabbed her silver mask.

Then gently pick it up.

The mask was taken off, revealing a greasy chin and red lips on it...

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