Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1457: Demon smashing goods... all have to die [third! 】

Murderous, swept away.

The steps frowned slightly, looked up and looked at the distance.

It was to see a blazing scent that swept through.

It was a group of chefs, a group of prefecture-level chefs, and their gods were soaring and intertwined into a terrible big net.


Step by step, what do people like to do?

There is also the first one... acquaintance.

Master Cheng, who almost gave him to the pit in the Pingyang Wangfu.

I did not expect this guy to dare to return to the kitchen of God.

Didn't he escape?

Also carrying a group of prefecture-level chefs?

"This is Zhang Shenchi. Didn't he be recruited to go to the imperial dining room? How did he return to the kitchen of God?"

"That is Chen Shen kitchen! He also went to the imperial kitchen!"

"And Zhao Shenku... What kind of wind has blown them back? Unbelievable!"


A group of people opened their eyes and felt unbelievable.

These arrogant chefs, although famous in the kitchen of the kitchen, are basically rooted in the Imperial Palace, and it is rare to see them on weekdays.

Today, all of them have appeared in the kitchen of God.

Is there something big happening?

The surrounding chefs are all chilling.

Most of the surrounding are just spiritual chefs, and dare to have the slightest arrogance.


They are all wide-eyed, because they found that these prefecture-level chefs are actually moving toward the step.

In a short while, it was in front of the step.

The horror of the atmosphere is like a dead man!

The killings are released from them.

All the chefs breathe in air.

Sure enough, something big is going to happen!

A group of chefs, all felt a panic.

If the step is really dead here, this kind of thing is enough to call the big thing that shakes the gods.

Are these chefs sent by the strongest in the palace?

The ability to send these chefs, the identity in the palace is certainly not ordinary, is it ... Huangfu?

Many people think of this growing fear.

Huangfu started, this step... I’m afraid it’s dead.

of course.

Some people also know the record of the step, so they are very excited to stare at the picture.

Master Cheng is very proud, eager to stare at the steps.

This guy... yes! It is this guy!

He must kill him!

Step by step took away everything that should belong to him, and the stinky woman, waiting to kill the step, he sat on the head of the imperial kitchen, Luojia that stinky woman must also die!

"You haven't escaped yet, dare to come back?"

Step by step stretched out, faintly watching Master Cheng.

Does not this guy know that he was wanted to hit him?

This kind of pit stuff.

Master Cheng smiled coldly and dared to be crazy...

Although the step can kill the high gods, it is in a state of prosperity.

He also knows the previous battles, but the means, one and a half gods can still use without stopping?

It must be afraid.

Therefore, he is sure that this time he will definitely kill the pace!

Moreover, the chef's palace has saved the pace once, can it be guaranteed for the second time? This **** kitchen is not a step open!

The emperor’s adult is going to kill him. Can’t God’s kitchen palace not give face again and again?

So... this time, no one can save the party.

"Everyone, let's do it together. Who killed him first? Who is the credit? How?"

Master Cheng looked at the people around him and said.

The surrounding prefecture-level chefs, each with a look of appearance, nodded.

The next moment, the breath of one by one is an explosion.


They turned into a stream of light and came to the forefront.

The step space is compressed to a very small extent.

They did not dare to use their means thoroughly, fearing that they would be killed by a slap in the face of the top of the kitchen.

But... even if you don’t use the means of terrorist killing, you can kill the steps.

Not to mention, there is Feng Yu from the Emperor Huang.

When Feng Yu is out, the steps will die!

These chefs, instant shots.

Stunned a group of people around, they never imagined that these chefs are so shameless.

Does the step party provoke hatred?

Step by step standing in place.

The air wave hit his hair and was constantly drifting, and the steps looked faint.

His eyes stared at the master Cheng, staring at the latter.

"Small gold, come out and breathe."

The step is faint.

"Remember, give me the master of the process to death."

The words fell.

The eyelids of the step suddenly flashed the golden mans, and then a dragon screamed, as if there was a golden dragon...

The breath of the step is rising.


In the blink of an eye, the hair of the step is made of gold and gold.

Behind the steps, it was like a golden dragon circling and emanating.

"a ha ha ha!!!"

"Your great Nicholas Shuai Long... came out!"

The blonde stepped, and the face suddenly showed a big smile. He raised his hand and covered his half face.

Suddenly, the figure was moving.

It was like a golden stream of light that instantly disappeared into place.

The golden hair is floating.

Master Cheng stunned because he found that the step appeared in front of him.

It was a punch at the door to him.

"court death!"

Cheng master shouts.

However, halfway through the tsunami, the blond stepped on the head and squatted on the ground.

"The small host said, let this handsome dragon say hello to you..."

The blonde stepped open his mouth and showed a big smile.

The surrounding chefs are a glimpse.

The blonde is churning, as if a golden dragon was flashing through the air.

The atmosphere of the surrounding chefs is actually invalid.


Master Cheng climbed up from the ground, and his anger was unstoppable. He was a medium-minded deity, and he was stepped on the ground by a half-god.

This is humiliation!

"damn it!"

Although he knows that the pace is strong, but he is so enchanting, he is also shocked.

However, he will not admit defeat, he has means.

Master Cheng has widened his eyes.

However, he just took a breath, and the convenience of the blonde was once again in front of him.

A slap is a fan on his face.


It seems as if a tooth has been thrown out of it and fell to the ground.

The blood spurted out and was very miserable.

Master Cheng was miserable and took a few steps back.

"Cheng Xiong, I will help you!"

A prefecture-level chef was furious and moved to the front of Master Cheng.

In the face of this prefecture-level chef, the blonde stepped into a beautiful blond hair, and his body shape collapsed, just like the Qianlong Dragon, disappeared in place.

To the master's ass, he came to a foot.

The blond step of laughing and laughing is arrogant.


Several times to fight.

Every step of the blond step, every punch, fell on the face of Master Cheng, and the master of the game crashed for a while!

Master Cheng’s body shape is stunned, his nose is swollen and his **** is high and he is afraid to let go.

He was filled with anger and anger.

"Why just hit me?!"

The surrounding chefs are also face to face, but they can't laugh when they want to laugh.

Demon and demigod, really worthy of the name.

It is worthy of being a demigod who can kill high gods. These prefecture-level chefs don’t know what the wind is.

Actually want to kill the side.

Where do they come from?

"Why are you hitting you, are you not mentally motivated? Do you want this handsome dragon to tell you?"

"I have never seen such a stinky person, do you have an accurate understanding of your identity?"

The blonde stepped with his hands on his hips and chattered.

This image makes everyone feel awkward.

Is this still the cold stepmer before?

Master Cheng’s cheeks are swollen and angry.

Gas to madness, angry to crazy!

He stepped out in one step, and his body suddenly rushed out like a dragon, and suddenly appeared in front of the step.

He released the breath of the whole body and showed this trick.

This is his murderous means, and he is the place where he came here.

This is the means that Huangfu adults gave him!

Must kill the side!

As long as the step is dead, he can enjoy the appreciation of the emperor, become the chef of the imperial kitchen, honorable and enjoy the resources of the dynasty.

By then, he will definitely be better than when he was in the kitchen of God!

"Go to hell! Little beast!"

Master Cheng broke out.

In his hand, a feather suddenly emerged.

It was a scarlet feather, and it seemed to have a flame burning, and a blazing atmosphere filled it.

A phoenix body.

The feather suddenly disintegrated, and the flaming ignited and turned into a phoenix.

Flying high and hovering in the air.

Lock the body of the step,

A bang.

The phoenix hit the next moment, and the horrible crisis spread instantly.

The blonde stepped aside and the golden eyes narrowed.

The next moment, above his arm, there is a dragon appearing, and the dragon is stunned.

A dragon.

The golden dragon sprays out thinly.

Actually entangled with the flame phoenix.

Tangled... to the end of the world!


Sure enough, it is a fascinating demigod.

This kind of means can't kill him!

The chefs from the imperial kitchen all took a breath.

The Emperor Huang said that this Fengyu will be killed under the high gods.

The steps are not half-god, can you stop?

"Get together!"

The surrounding gods looked at each other.

Later, their hands also showed a root of fire feathers.


The fire feathers flew out.

A single phoenix rises into the sky and entangles in the void.

The terrible breath is like a meteorite falling from the void, letting the blonde step wide open.

"I rub... so much, I can't stand a dragon!"

The blond step is eccentric.

next moment.

The dragon and the phoenix are good, but too many phoenixes, the dragon can't stand it.

"This stuff... let the old woman come!"

The blond step is blond and blazing.

After that, my heart moved.

The figure suddenly skyrocketed.

The golden hair suddenly retreated and turned into a red color.

Red hair step, show up!

As soon as the red-haired step appeared, it was holding the orchid fingers and sneer on his face.

"The feathers of the fascinating goods are also dare to force in front of the old lady?"

The red hair step is cold and proud.

He pinched the orchid finger and slammed it.

The feather robes on the body suddenly burst into a hot flame, and the flames swept.

Behind the step, hover.

Soon, it was turned into a Suzaku hovering up.

The flames and the Suzaku slammed together, as if they were swallowed up, and they were integrated into the Suzaku.

The flames are flourishing, and the power is more and more terrible!

Red hair step, holding the orchid.

Staring at a group of stunned chefs, I smiled coldly.

next moment.

A bright gar.

The huge Suzaku went to the bottom of the kitchen.

Demon smashing goods... all have to die!

"No, no... can't kill me!"

"I am the prefecture chef of the God's Kitchen! I am the chef of the Imperial Restaurant!"

"I am the chef of the Emperor Huang...you dare!"


A group of **** chefs were stunned and trembled, feeling that death was approaching.

Suzaku came... wrapped in the glory of Feng Yu, and they swept across.

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