Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1458: Angry Huangfu [fourth more! 】


The terrible roar suddenly rang, and everything was destroyed in an instant.

The red-haired step, with a glare of gaze, seems to have turned into a suzuki that flies from above nine days.

The whole body of the plume is burning, exuding an unparalleled heat and heat.

Absorbed the power of those phoenix feathers, all counterattacked back.

Suzaku, the phoenix, is itself a different species.

There are many types of phoenix, but there is only one species of Suzaku.

Suzaku, also known as the Zhu bird, is the beast of the heavens, more rare than the phoenix.

In fact, the identity of Suzaku is more honorable than the phoenix.

And people often confuse Suzaku with the phoenix and attribute it to it.

I even think that the phoenix is ​​more honorable than Suzaku...

Of course, some people say that Suzaku is a phoenix, a nobleman in the phoenix, and the most pure blood.

Steps don't know so much, the step only knows... When these chefs took out the phoenix feathers, the scream of Suzaku Fusang looked like a ignited volcano, wanting to erupt.

This kind of emotion is very violent.

The Golden Dragon is... very happy.

Therefore, in the case that the step party did not agree, he gave up the continuation of the possession and turned the Suzaku out.

Despite being a prefecture-level chef, he has a medium-sized shrine.

However, under the burning of the hot Suzaku's fire, it was instantly turned into ash, and the fire of Suzaku was not weaker than the fire of the starting side. Even under the power of phoenix fire feathers, the power was even better.


Under the eyes of the public.

So few chefs were burned to ashes.

Master Cheng wants to resist, his eyes are wide, and he is full of unwilling grievances.

He did not expect that this time it actually became his death, he thought this time is his chance to retaliate.

Because there is a Huangfu support.

However, I never thought that this time I was completely obliterated by the steps!


He not only resentful of the steps, but also resented the emperor... because he did not want to find trouble.

He escaped far away, but it was because of Huangfu, come back to die!

These people are damned!

That **** sly woman!

Accompanied by misery, the collapse of the soul, the fire of Suzaku, the soul is burned to ashes.

Completely disappeared into the chaotic universe.


In the void.

Red hair step, holding the orchid, screaming proudly.

I cherished the robes of my body, and the next moment, slowly landed.



The location of the few chefs.

A phoenix residue was suspended and slowly burned, as if there was a force from the top of it.

Want to destroy the earth!

The power of terror covers the sky.

A graceful figure emerged.

This figure is staring at the steps.

"Boldly licking the animals! Killing the sex, seeing the palace... Why not squat!"

The noble voice, as if it had been uploaded from the nine days, is deafening, and the human eardrum is shattered!

Behind the figure, it seems that there is a flame condensing a figure of the phoenix, hovering behind her back.

With a bang, this voice appeared, everyone was crouching on the ground, everyone was showing the color of horror.

They all recognized the identity of the voice.

When the imperial concubine, the status is honorable, the master figure of the world.

It is the mother of the emperor!

Red hair step, squinting, hands clasped, raised one hand, extended his index finger, pointed his lips, looks like a charming.

"You are a fascinating goods, why do you want to kneel down?"

Red hair step opening.

A group of people around are covered.

Mr. Step is crazy? Or is your brain broken?

Why do you call yourself an aging mother?

Is this the nature of Mr. Step?

Oh my God……

Simply... too exciting!

People around them feel like they have discovered the New World.

"Let's give up! Insult the palace, sin should die! You kill the palace scorpion, it is a sin of sin..."

Huangfu said coldly.

"What sin is sin, thinking that it is really a suzaku wrapped in a phoenix feather? In front of the aging mother, you are fascinating!"

The red-haired step was suddenly unhappy, with his hands on his hips and his palms facing outwards, like a shrewd woman, shouting at the shadow of the emperor.

As if there is a wrong posture, it will be like a big break.


Haven't waited for the red-haired step to continue.

The body is a shake.

The red hair faded and turned into a dark color.

The original excited face is also re-appearing.

Step by step, the mouth of the mouth slammed, what did he do stupid things?

Was he just in the street?

The stepper glanced at a group of people who were wide-eyed and surprised, feeling that their faces were thoroughly sweeping.

"Imperial is it..."

Step by step to see the shadow of the emperor, and the phoenix behind it, faint.


The appearance of Huangfu seems to have been tempered by the red-haired step, and at this moment it is a little trembling.


The void is tearing open.

A figure stepped out of the void, and a finger pointed at the shadow of the emperor.

After a period of distorted, the Emperor's virtual shadow suddenly collapsed, and the discourse said that half of it disappeared.

"A disgusting woman..."

Summer does not know when it appears in the sky.

She licked her fingers and screamed in disgust.

The people around me were amazed.

That is Huangfu, actually being given a finger by the vice-president.

Is the vice-president not afraid of the blame?

Not afraid of Huangfu being angry and angry? Not afraid of Huangpu sent troops to attack the kitchen of God?

"For this woman... you shouldn't say so much to her, you are very good in front of you, you are so cool, this kind of glamorous goods should be!"

"As the palace owner of the kitchen of God, it is such a domineering!"

Said in summer.

Step: "..."

Is this woman serious?

The shrews are still very shameful...

Anyway, the step is like this.

Simply take care of the summer.

However, the domineering of this woman is indeed shocking to the concession.

This woman is the owner of the county, the emperor's sister, and I really don't like the emperor.

This is a bit strange.

It seems that this must be a secret that is unknown.

The step suddenly became a bit curious.

"This woman is a Mohist person. You killed the Moh ink mark. It is the most caring voice of this woman. You are afraid that it will be very dangerous..."

"However, nothing, in your capacity, the old lady is going to have a look... who dares to move you!"

Summer hands on hips, road.

The steps are somewhat speechless. He feels that this summer is afraid of being influenced by himself. How can he even imitate Suzaku?

Summer has left.

Mastering the space array, she came and went.

It was only a moment that it disappeared.

The step is also a light cough.

"What you just saw... are fake."

Step by step, seriously to the surrounding chefs, said.

The surrounding chefs rushed and nodded, saying yes.

Step by step is very satisfied with the attitude of these chefs, holding hands and walking towards their luxurious room.

After a while, it disappeared.

After the disappearance of the steps, the surrounding chefs sucked in the air and suddenly got up.

"My God! Mr. Step... It turned out to be a sissy!"

"The cold and proud look is out of it, you are jealous of him!"

"If Mr. Step is a woman... it must be a generation of people."


The surrounding chefs talked a lot, and the face was even more smirk.

For these.

The step does not know, he is too lazy to know.


Royal Palace.

A crazy sly, sharp voice seems to tear the sky!

"The **** hoof!! I dare to break the part of the palace! Who gave her the courage!"

The emperor's anger is unstoppable, and the whole beautiful face is a little distorted!

In the eyes, it is even more crazy!

"Go! Bring me the silver armor! Go!"


The eunuchs and prostitutes around have already been scared and scared.

Some eunuchs walked out of the side hall with a roll of climbing.

Not a while.

A silver armor worn by a man, even a man with silver armor on his face slammed into it.

When Huangfu saw this silver armor, the shackles on his face dispersed a lot and became much milder.

"Silver armor, immediately bring 3,000 Guards, and give me the end of the kitchen! The following crimes do not need to exist again!"

Huang Fudao, the tone of madness.

Silver sighed, but shook his head.

"Huangfu... There is no command from the Emperor, and the minister can't be a good soldier." Silver armor, the voice is gentle and gentleman.

"I command you!" Huangfu eyes sternly.

Silver armor shook his head and watched Huangfu’s eyes softer.

"The emperor ordered that he would not dare to follow, but it is natural not to attack the kitchen of God. But if you just kill the little cook, it is not a bad thing..."

Silver armor.

“Wei Chen has already discovered that the little cook opened a restaurant in Luojia Building. The restaurant is going to open soon. The little cook will definitely go out of the kitchen and go to the restaurant... When the time comes, send the soldiers and catch the little one. The cook...does not provoke the kitchen of the gods, nor does it violate the order of the emperor, killing two birds with one stone."

The silver armor of the gentleman's body, the words, but the Huangfu's eyes suddenly brightened.

The emperor slowly moved, dragging the long skirt, and the skirt was paved from the top of the main hall to the hall.

"That... you can do it according to the silver armor, the heart of the palace, let the silver armor rule out this palace."

The emperor's gentle smile, in an instant, the entire hall is eclipsed!

The glamorous moment of that moment, the glory of generations.

The face of the silver armor is a bit embarrassing, looking at the beauty that is close at hand, as if recalling the once tender face.

Suddenly, the face under the silver armor mask was gentle.

"Huangfu...you can rest assured, everything is handed over to the minister, all the people who make you unhappy...all have to die."


In the deluxe room.

Stepped to rest for one night.

His knowledge of the gods was fully cultivated, his eyes opened, and there seemed to be a golden mangling in his eyes.

The step can feel the enhancement of the body and the enhancement of the gods.

In the chaos of the pot, for the step, although the danger is alive.

But the end result is good, not only to understand the magical powers, but also to enhance the strength of the gods.

Nowadays, the gods of the step are afraid to be able to compare the level of the strongest who entered the higher gods.

This is very enchanting.

As we all know, the power of God is related to the power of the law.

The stronger the rules of comprehension, the stronger the knowledge, the more the rules of comprehension, the stronger the knowledge.

The current knowledge of the step is comparable to the existence of two laws of the universe.

Gently spit out a breath.

Step by step raises his hand, and there is a group of golden awns in the palm of his hand.

That is a highly concise power of God.

Substantial knowledge is extraordinary.

Dissipated the power of God.

Steps stand up from the position.

"It's time to open the store, and the system's mission rewards should also be collected..."

Stepping in the heart, spit out a breath.

of course……

Before that, the step party needs to release Xiao You and others.

A heart move.

Xiao You and Pluto Erha, who were placed in the idyllic world, were suddenly released.

As soon as Xiao You appeared, his eyes were tightly locked on the steps.

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