Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1459: Luo Sanniang and Xiao You [first]

In the pastoral world, it is actually a torment.

Xiao You didn't know what was going on outside, it was an unknown confusion and fear.

She knew that the step was to face the whole Mohist family. The family was too strong. The smell released by a person alone made him feel terrified, so she was worried about the steps.

Fortunately, the pace is fine.

Out of the idyllic world, after seeing the innocent steps, Xiao You was a long spit.

This experience is also the importance of the strength that Xiao Xiao feels in his heart.

If she has enough strength, she can help the step.

"The pace is young and young, it’s great to see you are fine!"

When the King of the Kings appeared, suddenly screamed, flew away, hugged the steps, a burst of ghosts and wolverines.

The step is suddenly speechless.

It seems that this guy is in the idyllic world, eating well, sleeping well, and actually coming out so energetically.

"It's okay, everything is solved..."

The steps are faint.

He looked at Xiao You, and the color of doubt appeared in his eyes. "You are here, what about the dog? Little fox?"

Dog ......

Xiao You and Pluto Erha looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

"We don't know. In the process of the void, we and the dog's lord were washed away. I don't know where the prince went." Xiaoyou said.

If the dog is around them, this time they will not be so miserable.

After all, the dog master is the **** who understands the law of the universe.

If it is hard to calculate, the combat power should be no problem compared to the higher gods.

After the dog fox and they were gone, they did not know where to go.

The steps are silent.

However, he is not too worried, the strength of the dog is enough to protect himself, of course... with the urinary nature of the dog, maybe it is now mixed with the wind.

Gently spit out a breath.

The square corner of the step is slightly upturned.

"Well, I opened a restaurant in this pilgrimage. I am going to open a store now. I am opening for the first time today. Let me go with me."

Said the step.

"In the future, you can cultivate in this kitchen of God, and the resources will be delivered to you on time. You will work hard to cultivate and strive to enter the realm of the gods as soon as possible, so that you will have the power of self-protection."

Step by step, watching Xiao You said, as for the dynasty, the strength of this cockroach is still far behind.

The two nodded.

As for the small flowers, we have been working hard in the pastoral world.

This time the thing gave her a lot of excitement.


Step by step with two people out of the deluxe room, walking on the avenue of the kitchen.

The surrounding chefs saw the steps, and the faces were all showing strange colors, pointing to the steps.

The step face is not red and does not jump, calm and incomparable.

Xiao You and Pluto Haha suddenly looked suspiciously, why did these people look like this?

Is there something that they don't know happened?

The three left the kitchen of God.

The step is a hand, and a warship emerges. This warship is given to him in the summer. It is said that it is the welfare of the palace, and the step will naturally not refuse.

This warship is very luxurious, and it is a bit more luxurious than the battleboat of Luo Sanniang.

Pluto was stunned, as if it were a kind of earthen buns.

Touch it here, it’s awkward.

He never thought that there were such expensive ships in the world.

Xiao You is also a bit surprised. These warships are somewhat like her Nether Boat, but they are much more luxurious than her Nether Boat.

The step sits in the control of the main position.


Suddenly a pattern of appearance emerged, and the steps of the mind moved, the knowledge of the surging, the food array was portrayed inside.

A minor modification to the ship.

"Sit steady."

Step by step to see the wangwang Erha and Xiaoyou.

Xiaoyou nodded and sat in the position.

Pluto is not convinced, and touches the flexible materials in the warship.

Step by step.

The next moment, the mind moved, igniting the formation.


After the battleship, the air waves suddenly came out.

The battleship turned into a straight meteor suddenly.

It was a long time away, accompanied by roaring.

Inside the battleship.

The ship suddenly moved, and the inertial force generated made the face of the dynasty Erha slammed into the battleship.

Intimate contact with flexible materials.

The step is very happy to drive the feeling of the warship, the old driver's blood in his body seems to boil in the process of driving.

Among the pilgrimages, various high-rise buildings rise from the ground and are very spectacular.

Flying in the air is a variety of warships.

Of course, in addition to the warships, there are dragon horses and chariots.

These are the means of transportation in the dynasty.

Xiao You saw all of this outside through the window of the warship, only to feel a fascination.

In the battleship.

The Wolverine is like a ball colliding in the left and right.

Constantly lingering on the walls of the ship.

A face is a short nose and a swollen face.

So bad?

"Slow down! Slow... slower!"

Pluto is in prison.

However, the step is controlled by expressionlessness.

The tail of the warship is sprayed thin, and various tails in the air are extremely fast.

The picture changes at a rapid pace and turns around.

Pluto Erha only felt that his stomach was tumbling, his eyes were wide, and he felt the feeling of seasickness.

Little secluded is okay, mainly she sat in the position, so she did not suffer the kind of tumbling.

After a long time.

The battleship became smooth and slow.

Parked in the parking space.

Step by step with a small quiet walked off the boat.

In the battleship, Pluto Erha climbed out like a muddy mud. He never had a fresh sense of the beginning, and even had an inexplicable fear of the warship.


“The shop is above the tall building.”

Step by step, he raised his hand and looked up at the top floor of the building.

Xiao You and Pluto Erha’s eyes are also amazing.

Step by step with two people stepped into the building, and as soon as they entered the building, many people in the building turned their eyes and locked in the step.


The steps were slightly stunned and seemed to feel a weak hostility.

This hostility, the brows of the concession can not help but wrinkle.

Of course, I don’t care too much.

Step by step, I came to the top floor.

The restaurant's door is closed.

The step opened the door and slammed into it.

The brand-new gorgeous decoration makes Xiaoyou and Pluto Erha sigh a few points, and the heart is also filled with a sense of familiarity.

Sure enough, it’s still a step-by-step restaurant that makes them feel comfortable.

Opening the door of the restaurant, naturally it means that it can be opened.

However, because the shop was opened for the first time, no customers came to the door, so the step was also a little bored to pull the chair, placed in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, lie in the chair, through the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the scenery of the capital outside the building.

"The younger step is younger, the location of the restaurant you chose this time... It’s great! This view, the king is fascinated."

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Pluto is fascinated by the gods and the mouth.

The scenery outside is neon, and various colors are flying.

The warship and the dragon horse are flying.

Clouds are awkward.

The restaurant opened quietly.

There is no sound, no propaganda, so there are not many people who know.

Sitting in a quiet and quiet position, feeling the quiet restaurant, there is a calm mood inside.

The opening of the restaurant, of course, is also concerned.

Some people who wandered in the building looked at them.

The next moment, they rushed away.

Send this message out.

Nowadays, the identity of the step-by-step is as good as it is in the dynasty.

The top powerhouse in the demon gods, the semi-god power can fight the high gods, and even the high gods will be wiped out.

Comprehend the supernatural powers and have superior combat power.

One person's power has blown up the Mohist family.

It is unstoppable to lead the emperor.

These various achievements have made the identity of the stepper rise.

Nowadays, some people even compare the step and the emperor.

The son of the Emperor, the Emperor of the Emperor, the strongest enchanting.

At the age of less than one hundred years old, I realized the two laws of the universe, and no one knows how strong the semi-god is.

But... at least there should be no problem with the high gods.

Luo Sanniang soon knew the news of the shop opening.

Although she was forbidden to enter the kitchen of God, she still allowed to walk in the gods.

Therefore, she yelled at her group of sisters, and the wind and fire came to the Luojia Building.

As soon as you enter the building, you are heading for the restaurant.

Not just Luo Sanniang.

Many people in the capital are aware of this news.

Many people are smirking, only to think that the step is really looking for death.

In such a sensitive moment, he actually dared to go out of the restaurant, is not afraid of the imperial concubine killer?

Pingyang House Shaowang, Tiger Lu, also called a guard, took the warship and left the Pingyang Wangfu, went to the restaurant.

Of course, more people are waiting for the pace with the gloating mood.

Step by step left the kitchen of God, he offended so many people, will never be easily let go.

At least... the Mohist will not let him go.

The Mohist master ink cannon has left the Mohist family. He entered the remains of the ancient gods. He was in a hurry to come out, and the things in the relics are also very important.

Especially the **** black dog!

Agitated many strong chickens fly the dog.

For a time, the gods dying in the dynasty, the situation changed, and the wind was rising.

Many strong people are secretly watching the newly opened restaurant.

In the kitchen of God.

In the summer when I changed my clothes, I walked out with my long legs.

Her red lips rose slightly, reminiscent of the deliciousness of the jellyfish bag, and the heart moved to the Luojia Building.

One step to tear the void, one step is to come to the building.

She can still remember that the step party said that if she wants to eat sea bream bags, she can only go to the restaurant.

So she won't come.

In the palace.

The emperor sat on the high position, glaring at the eyelids, and his mouth showed a hint of coldness.

"I really told the silver armor that this kid really dared to come out to open the store... This is not to put the palace in the eyes! You can't take it in the kitchen of God's Kitchen, outside the kitchen of God's Kitchen, You can't go through the sky!"

The breath of Huangfu’s body is so heavy that it’s terrible.

The silver armor standing next to her is also a gentle smile.

The shape is slowly hidden.

The palace is banned.

Dozens of silver armies received the order, left the palace and went straight to the Luojia Building.


In the restaurant.

The sound of Yan Yanyan is very loud.

Xiaobai stood at the door of the kitchen and touched his head.

The mechanical eye is constantly blinking.

The step is to cook in the kitchen, the scent of the dishes is constantly floating, very rich.

Opened today, the step is naturally hands-on, to cook a satisfying dish.

In the dynasty of the dynasty, the competitiveness is very great. If the dishes of the step are not attractive to the diners, it is difficult to compete with the restaurants of the prefecture-level chefs.

In the kitchen, the steps are studying new dishes.

Outside the kitchen, the atmosphere was a bit stagnant for a while.

Luo Sanniang sat in the position, the long, greasy legs were lifted up and stacked on the other leg, pressing out the amazing arc. She held her chest and squinted her eyes.

Staring at the next-door table, wearing a long black dress, light makeup, beautiful and thrilling cold woman.

Luo Sanniang is watching Xiaoyou, Xiaoyou is also watching Luo Sanniang, the air seems to have a silent spark in the collision, roaring.

Around Yan Yanyan, Pluto Erha like a fish, talk to these rich girls, but ... from time to time, Pluto Erha will still blink, looking at Xiao You and Luo Sanniang.

It seems that something big is going to happen.

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