Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1461: The troublemaker, all the clothes [third! 】

Silver armor? !

The look of everyone in the restaurant has changed dramatically.

This is the ban in the palace, which is a higher level than the Guards of the dynasty. This existence is actually hands-on.

The identity of the people present was not low, and soon they wanted to understand the relationship.

There is no doubt that this silver armor is definitely a man of the emperor.

Black armor, silver armor, and gold armor are the three major escorts under the Emperor's Emperor's strength. They are strong and strong, and they are not weaker than the family owners.

The relationship between Yinjia and Huangfu is very close.

This makes everyone think of a lot.

What should I do with the step boss?

Each of these silver armored forces is a medium-level god, and the leader is the superior god.

As the guards of the guardian palace, although they are not many people, they are extremely powerful.

The top floor of the building was almost emptied, leaving only the silver armor to surround the restaurant.

Although this building is the industry of the family, but the silver armor did not care at all, they surrounded the restaurant unscrupulously.

The young prince stood up from the position and frowned.

He is very good at the senses of the step, he is strong, and he can cook a good cooking. With such a friend, he is naturally happy.

However, he also felt that the silver armor army was a bit too aggressive.

The Emperor has ordered that it will not be entangled in this matter, but the Silver Armor is now surrounded by restaurants at this moment, this is not to put the order of the Emperor in the eyes!

Da da da……

The commander of the silver armor took a step and stepped into the restaurant.

He held his hand, dressed in silver armor, and his momentum was like a dragon, and his body was full of killing.

They are all generations of war, and they are tempered by blood, so the smell of the body is much stronger than that of ordinary guards.

"Can you give me a face of Hulu, Mr. Step is my friend of Shaoyang Shaowangye..."

The young prince took the sap of the spicy blood lobster on his finger and stood up and looked at the leader.

The leader led his hand, his eyes turned, and the indifference fell on the younger brother.

There was a smile on his face.

"Little prince..."

"Silver armor service... Do you want to stop the young prince?"

The commanding eyes are somewhat indifferent and faint.

The little prince suddenly fell asleep, his brow wrinkled, and it seemed that there was a raging color.

"The silver armor ordered that the cook must be taken back to the palace. This is not only the meaning of the silver armor, but also the meaning of the emperor. Do you dare to violate the meaning of the emperor?"

The commander of the commanding heights looked down on the young prince.

He is a high god.

The breath of the body is extremely powerful, even if the young prince is a fascinating demigod, he is also fearless.

The little prince looks a little ugly, this is the rhythm of not giving face.


The breath of the young princes aroused, and the law of destruction floated above his head, emitting a horrible atmosphere.

"Silver armor... really good."

The young prince sneered.

Luo Sanniang also stood up and looked a bit serious.

This is the imperial concubine.

It seems that the position of ink marks in the heart of Huangfu is really heavy.

Of course, Huangfu may just be looking for a lost face.

"Less prince, don't force me to wait... I don't care if you can afford it, even if Pingyang Wang can't afford it."

The silver armor is still sneering.

His smirked expression made the younger lord more and more irritated.

In the restaurant.

Originally in the process of exploring the rewards of the system, the eyes flashed and returned.

Looking out of the face with a blank expression, the outside of the cockroach naturally attracted the attention of the step.

He held his hand and walked out, his face a little indifferent.

He saw these silver armor.

More than a dozen medium gods, plus a high god.

The breath is floating, as if the entire building is enveloped in such a pressure.

Silver armor, the people are not good.

far away.

The Luo family came.

"Miss, the owner will let you go back to the family."

Luo family taboo looked at the silver armor, said to Luo Sanniang.

Luo Sanniang bit his lip and glanced at the one who came.

"Go back and tell me, my Luo Sanniang is still managing this matter today!"

Luo Sanniang Road.

The Luo family's face suddenly changed.

"Oh! Bold!"

The leader of the silver armor suddenly smiled coldly, swept Luo Sanniang and gave a burst of drink.

The terrible sounds, such as the thunder, burst open and linger around the audience, causing the presence of the eardrum to appear to burst.

The pressure of the higher gods enveloped the audience.

The strength of this silver armor command is much stronger than that of the original ink peak.

The power of the rules of enlightenment should also exceed fifty.

These strengths are indeed not comparable to the ink peaks.

Shao Wang took a step and his face was cold and indifferent.

As for the girlfriends brought by Luo Sanniang, it is a little bit of fear.

In the face of the silver armor, they can't be arrogant.

The identity of Shao Wangye and Luo Sanniang is not ordinary.

The former is the young master of Pingyang Wangfu, the latter is Miss Luo.

These identities are more honorable than they are.

They can't compete with the silver armor.

"If this is the case, then don't blame it." Silver Master said, Defiant, killing innocent!"


The silver armor led the discourse.

The breath of the body suddenly broke out.

The eyes look like silver awns.

In an instant, it is hands-on.

The breath is like a dragon.

However, just when he was ready to do it.

In the restaurant, there is a faint sound.

"You dare to try it here..."

Step by step, the thin figure slowly walked out of it, holding hands and looking very light.

The silver armor leader suddenly looked down, step by step...that is the person they were looking for!

"Finally found you! The order of the silver armor, arrest you, and push into the dungeon!"

The commanding atmosphere is floating.

Stepping on one step, the figure is like a teleport, and it appears in front of the step, and a palm, like a dragon, goes out and moves toward the step.

As if the Thunder tears, the void blows!

Actually, the Thunder shot directly in the restaurant!

The eye of the step is awkward and the eyes are cold and indifferent.

Again and again, three more...

The pace is also a bit angry.

In particular, today is the day when he opened a store, and Huangfu actually sent people to do things...


Just when the silver armor commander took the shot.

A silvery ray suddenly appeared.

Xiao Bai’s figure doesn’t know when it’s in front of the step.

The palm-like palm shot, and the commander of the silver armor slammed a blow...


The palms of the two collided together, and suddenly there was an infinite wave!

The snoring sounded.

Xiaobai’s figure was pulled back one step, and the mechanical eye shone.

The figure of the commander did not move, and there was a strange color in his eyes.


“Do you dare to stop me?”

Commanded furious.

"The troublemaker... swearing to show the crowd."

The sound of the small white machine sounded thoroughly and lingered in the audience.

What is the show?

In the words of Xiaobai, the people present were all staying.

Everyone did not expect that Xiaobai would actually say such a thing.

Do you know what you are talking about?

It was a high god, and it was a high **** who understood the power of fifty laws.

A district is awkward and may be blasted in an instant!

The silver armor around them all made a sneer.


I am afraid that I will wait for it. Is it because of this embarrassing iron?

The young prince is also slightly strange.

Looking at the arrogant commander, the steps frowned.

Is this looking down on white?

Although Xiaobai’s combat power is really not as high as the gods...

But... If you really look down on Xiaobai, you will be hit hard.


Xiaobai moved.

A flag descended from the sky and suddenly inserted on the ground in the distance.

The spear emerged, as the dragon crashed, and it crashed.

The silver armor commanded the body and released the breath.

A bang, and the collision of small white means.

Xiaobaiyu stepped back a few steps.

The power of the gods broke away, but it did not cause any damage to the restaurant...

The restaurant is systematically sheltered and naturally unspoiled.

far away.

Sitting in a chair, the elegant ordinary woman who eats the jellyfish bag has a strange look at the restaurant.

Such shocks have never smashed the slogan of the restaurant.


This woman is not in a hurry to shoot, she is going to look at how to deal with the next step.

"System... can you bear this humiliation?"

Looking at the white, eating, I asked the system in the heart of the step.

Making trouble in the restaurant is not allowed by the system.

Of course, the pace can also be suppressed, but... Xiao Bai’s swearing words are released. If there is no success, it is not a laughing stock.

Xiaobai and the system are related, and this step is very clear.

The system seems to be silent.

After a long time, it was the sound of the sound.

"Considering the signing problem of the restaurant, the system will upgrade the ability of Xiaobai... The ability is improved, it takes a minute, please drag the host for one minute."

The system’s serious and serious words are heard.

Step by step.

Really come?

The system can really improve the ability of Xiaobai?



The white that is fighting is suddenly frozen.

Standing on the side of the step, motionless.

Well, this is starting to improve.

Step by step to see Xiaobai, then his eyes locked on the silver armor.

After a minute of dragging, Xiaobai will make his own name.


The silver armor led the movement, and the figure stepped out in a step. The terrible breath instantly vented and went toward the white.

He wants to blow this up!

However, the cockroach did not move.

Instead, the step is a sideways, blocking the white.

The basaltic pot floated into his hands and was blocked.

A bang.

Xuanwu pot does not move.

And that command is a step back.

"Hey... I still say what I want to wear, and I’ve learned to talk big talks this year..."

The silver armor commander sneered.

"You cook, the order of the silver armor, if you resist, you will interrupt your leg and take it back..."

"All silver armies pay attention! On the spot to catch this bold cook!"

The words fell.

If the thunder is loud.

The silver armor in the room suddenly moved!


Everyone in the silver armor has a loud voice.

They shot like silver flashes toward the steps.

For a moment, surround the steps.

More than a dozen silver armies shot, more than a dozen medium gods blockade.

Even if it is a step, I feel a lot of pressure.

The face of Shao Wangye and Luo Sanniang suddenly changed.

Xiao You and Pluto Erha are also ugly.

This dynasty is dynasty, and it is not friendly at all!

However, the step is not concerned about this.

Xuanwu pot grabbed.

The gaze of the step suddenly became extremely deep.

A heart move.

A pot of squatting, as if in a flash, a million pots.

Collided with those silver armor!

"Shentong, the chaos of the world."

The steps are faint.


A mouthful of basaltic pots flew out.

Every silver armor was smashed at this moment. They felt a huge force, squatting on the ground with their oppression, and each of them had a black pot suspended above their heads.


More than a dozen silver armies have crouched around the steps.

This scene was spectacular and shocked everyone present...

That commander is even more ugly!

It is worthy of bombing the enchanting demigod of the Mohist family. Actually, one move is to suppress all his men!

But... just that, it’s not enough!

The silver armor commander showed a sneer on his face.


The silver armor led the army.

The figure was crossed in the same place and went to the side.

Above his head, the power of the law emerged, and the fifty laws swayed and turned into a downhill.

This makes the atmosphere of this commander rise.

In a flash, it reached a very terrible level.

The horror of the horror from the top floor of the Luojia Building, the impact of the four sides...


"Please note that the ability of the white is improved..."

Serious and serious voices sounded.

The words fell.

A big fan-like hand was in front of the step, and the command of the commander slammed into the big hand like a fan.

Not moving.

The small white mechanical eye glanced at the command, and there seemed to be a streamer.

"The troublemakers... all... 扒衣."

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