Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1462: The white of the immune rule [first! 】

The troublemaker... all the clothes.

Xiaobai’s mechanical eyes flashed and said.

His voice seems to have become a bit sturdy.

Step by step, one step back, the corner of the mouth slightly lifted, a minute is really fast, but ... the inexplicable part of the step of the heart can not wait to see a picture of the white silver armor.

The eyes of the people around are slightly shrunk.

That shovel, actually can still do it?

Although this is strong, it is not the opponent of the high gods...

Just a short-lived fight, basically everyone saw it, and the ultimate combat power limit is probably the middle level.

In the face of the silver armor command, there is no chance at all.

The young prince was indifferent, and the silver armor leader did not put him in his eyes at all, which made him very uncomfortable.

Although he did not rely on embarrassment, but found that his old name is not easy to use before, the young prince is still somewhat uncomfortable.

Pingyang Wang... Is it really a tiger?

Since his father fell to Pingyang, then as a son, he naturally wants his father to regain his glory!

There are some raging fighting spirits in the hearts of the young princes.

Luo Sanniang worried about the steps.

The last time the step was made, but it was only the killing of the existence of the first high-ranking **** of Mofeng.

Moreover, it is exhausted.

The reason why the card is called a card is because of the unexpected and scarce means.

If it can be used normally, then it is not called a card...

This time, what should I do?

By the iron shovel?

Impossible... How could the shovel be an opponent of a high god?

"扒衣?" The silver armor commander blinked and stared at Xiaobai.

He felt a pressure from the palm of his hand.

He stared at Xiaobai, and Xiaobai’s feelings seemed to change very much, but... he didn’t care.

The district has a flaw.

"The big words and unspeakable things... You are in this iron body, I am afraid that it is itchy!" The silver armor led the army and smiled coldly.

The next moment, the power of the law flows.

The power of the law of terror is crushed down, and it is necessary to crush the white to the ground.

Step back a few steps, sitting in a chair, watching with interest.

Xiao You and others stood by his side and seemed to feel a little strange about the calmness and calmness of the steps.

The pace is very calm.

Since the system says it will improve the ability of Xiaobai, it will certainly not be faked.

So, next... is the performance time of Xiaobai.

boom! ! !

Facing the law of the silver armor commanding oppression.

The white eyes were suddenly bright, as if they had a glimmer of light.

In the face of the law of oppression, a punch is a hit!

The bang, directly ignoring the oppression of the law, squatted on the head of the silver armor.

The soft and tender feel brought by the steel fist and the flesh touched the audience, and the people present were slightly stunned.

That punch...

Not light!


Blood splatters.

The silver armor commander did not expect this scene to happen.

Directly smashed out of the shackles, his eyes widened, his body rotated 360 degrees, and the cockroaches fell to the ground.

He did not understand why his rule of oppression had no effect on Xiaobai.

He is a man with fifty laws!

Xiaobai kept his punching action.

His eyes were once again locked on the silver armor of the ground.

Step out and squeak.

After all, it is a high god, so you can be easily knocked down.

The latter stood up and stood up, opening his mouth and snarling.

The power of the fifty laws was simultaneously provoked by him, and suddenly the thunder was suppressed, and the whole building was shivering.

of course……

Because there are reasons for the system to exist.

Everything in the restaurant is so new that it has not been affected.

far away.

The woman who was eating the jellyfish bag was slightly bright, and she seemed to be surprised to see a little white.

"Immune law? A little bit..."

The woman whispered.

The white figure disappeared like a lightning.

When it appeared again, the flag behind it crashed down.

The long gun stabbed abruptly to lead the pick.

"Give me death!"

The silver armor led the man in the air, and the law on his hands condensed, and the sly was shot toward the white head.

With a bang, take a small white head.


Let the silver armor face change again.

His fierce blow did not ruin Xiaobai’s head.

The force of his laws seemed to be broken when he bombarded the moment in Xiaobai.

This feeling is very strange.

Isn't the law useless for this?

Impossible... The power of his laws can suppress this!

Why did you just like a chicken blood?

Do you want to fight physically?

Although the body of the higher gods is not weak.

However, the command of the silver armor is still the power of the law, which requires him to abandon the law and harden it with Xiao Bai.

He is totally the rhythm of being abused...

The white mechanical eye flickers.

The palm-like palm slammed out.

Such as a large net, all the escape positions of the silver armor command are locked in an instant.


The commander of the silver armor, such as the Ice Cave, seems to feel something bad.

He raised his hand.

The palm of the hand was oppressed by the little white.

The palm-like palm of his hand squatted, and he lived and squatted on the ground.


The silver armor on the body gave a crack.

Tear off...

The little white palm slammed up.

The snoring sounded like a crack, and the next moment, the silver armor was opened, thrown away, and fell to the ground.

The silver armor commanded the whole body and was cold everywhere.

The silver armor on his arm was stunned, giving him a slight surprise.

He has never encountered such a situation.

The power of the law can't play a role. Without the power of the law, is he still a god?

Want to collide with brutal physical strength? !

The commander was actually oppressed on the ground by a monk?

The medium gods around him are also wide-eyed.

They didn't even think that such a thing would happen, and the battle reached this moment, which was completely beyond their expectations.

"The power of the law of immunization... very naughty."

The corner of the mouth of the step is slightly touched, and it is also the place where the system has improved the ability of the white, and the main improvement.

The power to lose the law, the combat power of many gods is a straight line.

This kind of improvement is very good.

In the flesh, the white is fearless.

Tear off! !

The silver armor commander is somewhat desperate.

The silver armor on the body was once again smashed.

A thin gown under the silver armor was exposed.

"You dare! I am the commander of the silver armor of the Emperor!"

The silver armor commander gave a roar and witnessed the splitting. He could hardly accept this end!

The medium-sized gods around were not watching, and they all started to push toward Xiaobai.

There was a long gun in his hand, a silver rifle, and the gun was like a dragon, and it was almost white.

The force of the law surged, causing their shot to be turned into a real silver dragon tear.

Xiaobai’s palm pressed the silver armor, and the other hand slammed it, and suddenly a group of silver armor’s long guns were scattered.

Pu fan palm slammed out.

A medium-sized god-level silver armor, suddenly gaze.

Was shot on the ground.

Tear off.

The silver armor on the body was suddenly stripped off by the hard.

The silver armor issued a tragic humiliation, stood up and wanted to resist.

However, it was like a small white chicken, pinched up and threw it out of the door...

After crossing a curve, it is falling outside...

One silver armor, all so, no resistance, grabbed and thrown out like a chicken.

They have fallen outside.

The commander of the silver armor was stunned.

"Dare dare..."

He turned to look at the chair and watched his steps.

"You cook this way... dare to openly resist my silver armor... you will be judged!"

The leader roared.

A physical fight is almost invincible, the problem is that the power of the law is not valid for this.

This is very embarrassing...

"I am very annoyed... Xiaobai, awkwardly thorough," said the step.

The white mechanical eye flickers, and the subsequent motion is accelerated like a cyclone.

Tear off.

The last piece of silver armor on the silver armor was also knocked out.

The thin shirt on the body, under the big white hand, is like a nothing, a touch of light, it is the dawn.

The silver armor commander of the naked body only felt a burst of anger into the heart.

He was a commander of a silver armor, when he suffered such humiliation!

Cover your own shame with your hands.

The silver armor commander again roared.

It is a pity that Xiaobai grabbed one leg and casually thrown it out.

With a bang, it fell with a pile of silver armor.

The decent silver armor, at this moment, was all lighted out of clothes, a group of people with red stripes, rolling on the ground in horror.

A shackle, a team of silver armor!

This scene shocked everyone in the restaurant.

far away.

Luo Sanniang’s girlfriends have already seen their eyes.

They stared at the mighty white, the little stars in the eyes, it was worship.

The whites that are good at men's clothing are powerful and majestic, which makes them inexplicably excited!

Xiao You squinted, Xiao Bai or Xiao Bai, as always, the madness of the clothes.

Pluto haha ​​sat down on the ground and lost his soul.

Once upon a time, he was able to compete with the madness of the robes, and the princes pointed out that no one could resist.

And now...

He has been smashed by the singer.

After the waves of the Yangtze River pushed the waves, his Pluto Erha has been killed on the beach by Xiaobai.

Somehow inexplicable in my heart.

He can't be motivated, he must practice well... fight for the gods!

He wants to restore the honor that once belonged to the prince of the robes, and the princes of the princes must reproduce the world!

Luo Sanniang and Shao Wangye were stunned.

So ferocious, so explosive, so... cool? !

Looking at the silver armor that was still arrogant at the moment, it was a wolverine dog at the moment.

The young prince only felt a sense of refreshment spreading from under the feet and instantly spread to the whole body.

What are you doing at the madness of the special?

"System, what is your ability to improve Xiaobai?"

Steps can't help but ask the system in my heart.

"In the restaurants under the jurisdiction of the system, the basics of Xiaobai will be completely rectified, and the overall parameters of Xiaobai will be greatly improved and have the immunity of the law."

The system sounds serious and serious.

The overall parameters have been greatly improved. Isn't that a significant increase in combat effectiveness?

There is also the ability to rule immunity.

In other words, in the restaurant, even if it is a big god, I am afraid that it can only be close to the small white body!

This improvement is indeed horrible!

The madness of the clothes, finally returned again!

There was a smile on the corner of the square.

Unless the god-level powerhouse comes to the restaurant to do things...

However, how can the gods and kings be so busy, come to the restaurant to do things?


The idea of ​​the step has just fallen.

A terrible pressure is suddenly approaching.

Completely enveloped the entire building!


The faces of the people on the scene are suddenly changing!

The woman who was eating the jellyfish bag, wrinkled her brow and glanced at the door.

There, there are clear footsteps, and a meal rang out.

Da da da……

Clear footsteps, as if from the nine secluded.

A man wrapped in a silver armor appeared, his body was slender, and his silver figure made his body look taller and taller.

There is a long, slender sword at the waist.

Above the long sword, the sword light flows.

"Hey... Huangfu said that you are a gallbladder in the kitchen. I still don't believe it. Now I have a look... It really has a well-deserved reputation. It is indeed a big dog."

A faint voice came out.

With a chill, the restaurant was covered in an instant.

Under the silver armor, a sharp gaze bursts out.

The power of the king of God has spread completely.

"The Emperor's Guard... Silver A?!" Luo Sanniang, Shao Wangye and others looked abruptly changed.

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