Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1464: Huangfu travels! Hao Dao murder [third! 】

God Chef Palace Lord?

Oh my God! How could this little cook be the head of the kitchen?

The people present are a little bit forced, whether it is the enemy of the step, or the acquaintance of the step, they are all looking dull.

Of course, except for the summer, the woman shrouded in the shackles.

The woman's red lips are upturned and seem to be very satisfied with the posture of these people. What she needs is this shock, so that these people are shocked by the identity of the step.


The breath of silver armor is soaring, exuding the power of incomparable terror.

His eyes were bright and silvery, and his eyes were like a sharp sword.

"How could the Lord of the Gods Palace be him? That guy?!"

The silver armor is low and almost roaring.

Step by step with the token, Yang Yang, this token made of strange materials, feels very good in the hand, there is a kind of ice like ice, and the volcanic stone is generally warm.

Spiritual power flows into this token, and through the combing of tokens, the mental power becomes very stable.

I can feel the steady improvement of my mental strength.


The step can feel the anger of the silver armor. This kind of anger, the concession side is a little puzzled. Is it the **** of the palace, which is the guy in front of him?

The summer figure floated down and fell in front of the step, blocking the steps and isolating the breath of silver armor.

"That man! Did he do the tortoise and the tortoise escaped? That **** guy!"

The silver armor is very angry, and the smell of the whole body seems to be uncontrollable and overflowing.

His breath turned into silver mans, silver dazzling, and the king's level of breath broke out.

Above the top of the head, the law of the law of the dense force of the law is turning round, as if it has led to the emptiness of the void.

This is the power of the king of God.

A god's top fighting power.

"Where did the guy go, I don't know, but... the step is now the palace of the God's Kitchen, which is beyond doubt, so the step represents the kitchen."

"If you are catching the pace, you are fighting against the kitchen of God, this is against the instructions of the Emperor. Do you have to violate the instructions of the Emperor? Are you dare?!"

The summer is very exquisite, and if you say it, it will sound like a thunder.

Leading to the tremor of the void.

Silver armion took a step back.

There seems to be bloodshot in his eyes, which is unwillingness.

"Damn! Damn!!"

"He escaped! Did he actually escape?!"

The irritated silver armor screamed in his eyes.

"How can you let the guy escape? He ruined everything and ruined my beloved woman... so ran now?!"

Silver armor roared constantly.


Raise the palm of your hand, the rule of the silver armor is rounded up, and the horrible power of the gods is flowing, turning into a drop of water, heavy and heavy.

The water droplets swept out, and suddenly the emptiness of the splash.

This blow came straight.

Ignore the summer in front of the step!

This blow contains the idea of ​​the king of God and wants to completely kill the steps.

As if, the resentment of the silver armor to the master of the previous generation of the kitchen of the palace was transferred to the body of the step.

Standing in the back of the summer, the corner of the square was suddenly slammed.

Mu Hongzi... What did you do with this silver armor?

Why is the silver armor’s resentment against Mu Hongzi so deep?

Sure enough, the identity of the Lord’s Palace is not a good thing...


In the summer, the eyes are clear, and the eruption of the cockroaches, the perfect hand rises, and there is a law force on the body.

Transparent space rules, constantly piled up.

The space in front of the summer is constantly shrinking and shrinking...

The distance between her and the silver armor has opened up numerous times.

The silver armor's blow completely disappeared.

The law of space is extremely esoteric and used for fighting. It is also extremely powerful.


The silver armor has taken a few steps back.

That is angered.

"Silver armor, silver armor, you have changed, actually dare to violate the Emperor!"

Summer bursts, the word is hearty.

Let the silver armor retreat continuously, the emperor is like a boulder that suppresses the heavens and the earth, pressed against the heart of the silver armor.

The people around are silent.

I am amazed by the strength of the summer, and there is also a feeling of madness in the silver armor.

The step is also a sigh.

This silver armor... is a person with a story and courage.

"The guy ran... I will find him, kill him again! But... God's kitchen, oh... even if I changed the palace, I still can't cover up the fact that it should be destroyed!"

The silver armor smiled coldly.

"The county magistrate... There will be a period of time. I don't believe in the silver armor. The man ran away. The county magnate will not look for it. As long as the county magistrate is not there, the chef's palace... will be flattened by me!"

The sound of the silver armor, the word 铿锵, as if the heavy metal, fallen into the void.

It caused a roar.

The relationship between the silver armor and the kitchen of the gods is actually so bad.

"Where is the silver armor!!"

The silver armor stepped back and opened his mouth and roared.

The silver armor who was shackled by the white sergeants had straightened their spine, and everyone’s eyes were screaming.

Their eyes are filled with pride, which is the pride of their silver armor.

"Retraction! He will come again in the day... stepping on the kitchen!"

The silver armor slammed the words in the moon, and then turned around and wanted to leave.


At the moment when the silver armor turned.

Above the sky.

There is a roaring sound.

There was a sound of phoenix screaming for nine days.

The rolling flames swept through, as if there was a ray of light!


As soon as this vision appeared, the audience was shocked.

In the dynasty of the dynasty, the fast-moving warships, the dragon-drawn carriages were suddenly stagnant, and everyone raised their heads and looked at the void.


There are terrible existences coming out.

Nine phoenixes, like the phoenix wrapped in a burning flame, slowly floated.

The phoenix spread its wings, flapping its wings, and sprinkling the burning fire feathers.

The fire feathers fall, and they are scattered in the air, turning into pure energy and blending into the void.

The sound of the phoenix sounded through nine days.

A line of prostitutes is flying in the void, and the long skirt flutters.

A low-ranking **** is slowly moving.

"Welcome to Huangfu!!"

A sharp voice is like tearing the sky.

The **** headed by the head, tearing his head and tearing his voice.

The nine-headed phoenix flies and flies, pulling a magnificent phoenix car and wandering.

It’s like Jin Wu’s sky, rolling through the sky.

The terrible energy fluctuations are constantly surging.

The silver armor that was preparing to look back, suddenly raised his head, and there was silver flashing in his eyes.

"Shao Ji..."

Silver armor seems to be whispering.

The phoenixes are emptied, and the sky is covered by visions.

The strong men hidden in the void have all shown their physique, and respectfully bowed to the void.

In the divine, the honor of identity represents everything.

When Huangfu travels, they must show the necessary respect!

Just like Huangpu’s nine-headed phoenix pulls...

Phoenix, living and proliferating in Fengchao, and Fengchao and Longgu are famous big worlds.

Moreover, the most important point is that Fengchao does not belong to the big world under the jurisdiction of Xiayu Shen.

Therefore, it is possible to have a Jiufeng cart, which is enough to represent the Emperor of the Emperor.

Oh la la...

The silver armor has been crouching.

Luo Sanniang, Shao Wangye and others are also crouching on the ground.

Seeing the emperor, you must salute.

This is the basic etiquette of being a minister.

Stepping into the eye, staring at the Jiufeng on the Scorpio, the heart moved slightly.

In his spirit, the sea has already been incited.

Whether it is the Golden Dragon or the Suzaku...

Both are restless.

The instigation of the golden dragon is a simple incitement, it is the incitement to see the opposite sex.

Suzaku’s instigation is anger.

However, the steps are also somewhat doubtful. Suzaku is also a female. Why does the Golden Dragon do not shake the Suzaku?

The prostitute **** was in the air and had petals falling.

At least, this trip to the emperor is indeed a good scene.

The phoenix car is open.

A figure that radiated golden light walked out of the phoenix car.

This figure, once appeared, the glory of the genius, glamorous and incomparable.

Everything is eclipsed.

In the summer, the hand was standing, and the red lips were slightly stunned. For the woman who stepped out of the phoenix car, the glamorous awe.

"This is a fascinating stock."

Summer is ridiculous.

"The Lord of the Gods Palace, why don't you see this palace?"

The emperor’s eyes were proud and high, and Jiufeng was lingering around her body, setting her back like a real supreme queen.

Step by step, turn left and right, it is clear that this woman is calling him.

Step by step, thinking, no expression, not talking, indicating that he did not hear anything.

The audience: "..."

On the scorpio, an **** grabbed the orchid and pulled the scorpion, pointing his finger at the step.

"Bold! See the emperor, don't worry, look for death!"

The **** said.



The eunuch’s eyes showed a horror.

A terrible breath spread instantly.

The void around the eunuch's body is actually cracked like a square...

This eunuch's flesh is also turned into pieces, and is swallowed by the twisted void.

In the summer, the hand is held, three thousand blue silks are scattered, and hunting in the wind wanders.

"Who gave you the courage to talk to the **** of the palace?"

Summer is cold.

The **** who was open was dead and was killed by her.

In the summer of mastering the law of space, the strength is strong and incredible.

"In the summer, you are the owner of the county, why is it against the palace? This palace is about the cook, what to do with you..."

Huangfu eyes are cold and indifferent, watching the summer, the road.

"I am not a county lord. I am the deputy palace owner of the God's Court.... The **** insulted the Lord of the Palace in front of me, and sinned."

Summer road.

She slowly stepped on the air, step by step, rising above.

In a short while, it was vacated into the void.

Confronted with Huangfu.

The people present at the scene are ashamed.

It’s a temperamental county magistrate... really domineering!

Even the emperor dared to swear directly.

The eyes of the emperor are cold and cold, and the towering chest is ups and downs.

"Summer! Are you really afraid that this palace will punish you?!"

"You are so glamorous... I am afraid of you?" Shake his head in the summer and laughed.

"Oh... very good! This palace is going to catch this cook today. I want to see this palace, who dares to stop!"

Huangfu is cold and cold.

"Silver armor!"

"In!" Huangfu shouted, and the silver armor stepped out in a step and instantly vacated.

"Catch the cook!"

Huangfu continued.

The silver armor flashed.


The words fell.

The silver armor shouted, and the breath of the body broke out completely.

At this moment, as if the real crouching dragons were awakened, the whole dynasty was shaking.


Turned into a silver streamer, bursting out in an instant, and heading for the pace.

He raised his hand.

The silver light in the hands condensed and turned into a long sword.

The long sword is also a silvery ray.

This sword contains a terrible murderous murder.

Representing the killing of the king of the king level!

A sword is emptied, and the void is broken in inch.

In this silver ray, there is at least one hundred laws!

This blow shocked everyone!

The summer eyes are condensed.

"Do you dare to violate the order of the Emperor?!"

Summer anger.

However, the imperial atmosphere of the imperial concubine, the back seems to emerge a supreme phoenix.

The repressed breath makes summer, the body is stiff...

"Silver A... Kill! The Emperor, the Palace is holding! This little cook must be killed!"

Huangfu’s voice, the earthquake!

Everyone's face is changing dramatically.

Is the emperor crazy? !

Actually dare to face the face of so many people in the dynasty... blatantly disobeying the will of the emperor? !

Silver nails do not change color, a sword comes!

Wrap it up!

Step by step, he spit out a deep breath.

In the spirit of the sea, the palm of the body of the gods has been caught on the droplets of the **** of God, as long as it is a moment, it is to crush the droplets of power and fight against the silver armor!


At the time when the steps were ready to be shot, the master token of the God’s Palace Palace suddenly flashed Guanghua.

Turned into a streamer, and shot toward the sword of the silver armor.

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