Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1465: Awkward love? [First! 】

This change is beyond everyone's expectations.

No one thought that the token of the palace would actually move by itself.

Originally, the steps were intended to crush the kitchen gods.

In fact, the step is not clear, can the kitchen gods force the droplets to make themselves against the king of God.

However, in terms of the mystery of the kitchen **** droplets, I am really not sure.

However, with the appearance of the token, the concession party did not choose to crush the droplets of the power for the time being, and chose to wait and see.

With a tear, the token was turned into a streamer, and it was cut through the sky, and the sword light of the silver armor struck. The two collided with each other and made a roar.

The roar of the roaring sounds as if the sound of the Jin Ge Iron Horse was surging.

The sword of the silver armor swept back and flew back.

The King of God’s blow was actually resisted by this token, which made people feel incredible.

Step by step stood in the same place, squinting and looking at the picture on the sky.

Huangfu and the summer are squatting, two women have a show, not to mention two powerful women, whose breaths collide with each other and keep roaring.

However, compared to Huangfu, the summer momentum is slightly weaker.

Huangfu, after all, is Huangfu, and there are Jiufeng blessings, so it is more and more horrible.

The appearance of Huangfu is that everyone has never thought of it. After all, Huangfu’s status is honorable and he will not choose to leave the palace.

But this time, it actually appeared at the top of the Luojia Building and shot at a restaurant.

It can be seen that Huangfu’s step to the side... is hateful.

Some of the reasons may be due to the fact that the steps have killed the ink marks.

But for more reasons, the speculation may be due to Suzaku's insult to Huangfu.

The silver armor stands proudly in the void, holding a silver long sword. The silver long sword is like a silver pouring. There are round droplets on it.


However, the silver face was very serious. He stared at the floating master token in the distance, and his eyes were cold.

"A block of tokens also wants to stop me? Huangfu said that you have to die, you will not live today!"

Silver armor.

Step on one foot.

Once again, the figure was shot out, as if it had been turned into a streamer, the sword was swept away, and the swords of the thousands of swords were scattered. Every sword light contained the power of terrible laws.

Step by step.

He did not do it, but he stared at the lord token.

This thing, since you move, there are absolutely strange places.



The token is lit, the ice and the fire, spread on the token, looks very unique.

In a short while, among the tokens... there is an elegant sound and sound.

"Summer and summer quietly left a small secret, and you can't tell you at the bottom of your heart, hehe..."

The melodious and cheerful background music resounded and the concession was silent.

This familiar tone, no doubt, is that guy appeared...

far away.

I am looking at the summer with the emperor.

The power of the laws of the body is even uncontrollable, and it is like a violent explosion.

The figure is twisted...

The summer figure appeared before the token.


The figure of Mu Hongzi, blurred in the sky.

Handsome, slender, as beautiful as a woman.

There is no doubt that this is Mu Hongzi.

As always, the coquettish.

With the background music, the waist is twisted gently.

However, a slap in the summer is called up.

The virtual shadow of Mu Hongzi suddenly became blurred and almost smashed.

"I haven't seen you for so long, you are still as violent as ever? Can you be gentle? Like my background music sings?"

The figure of Mu Hongzi gradually became clear, and the beautiful face showed a touch of helplessness.

Summer graceful figure ups and downs, it is mad.

Silver armor holds a silver long sword, and it is even more violent in the eyes.

far away.

The body of the emperor slammed stiffly, and the red lips opened, revealing the color of horror.

Her eyes looked at Mu Hongzi a little complicated.

Among them, all kinds of emotions flashed past, there are tangles, complex, regrets, and grievances...

Everyone in the sky is invincible.

They looked at Mu Hongzi who appeared again, and they didn’t know what to say.

This owed guy, the guy who stirred the gods, returned again?

"Well, let's not say anything more? I just came out and took a bubble, brushed the sense of existence... In addition, openly telling everyone... step by step, will become the palace owner of the kitchen."

"I am not surprised, I am not surprised? I believe that under the leadership of the Steps, the Kitchen of God will surely lead to glory and become the supreme force in the chaotic universe!"

Mu Hongzi Road.

People around: "..."

Step: "..."

This guy is a neuropathy?

Step by step, watching Mu Hongzi talking in the void, resisting the urge to slap a palm.

It is no wonder that seeing Mu Hongzi in the summer, it is a slap in the face.

This guy is purely out to hate for himself.

Summer is suspended on the side of Muzi, and the eyes are complex.

The emergence of Mu Hongzi this time is to announce the identity of the step, then, Mu Hongzi is afraid that it will not appear again.

There is still some sadness in my heart.

In the summer, I feel that I must find this guy, and then I will smash it.

The scene was a bit embarrassing for a while, everyone looked at this scene and watched the performance of Mu Hongzi.

Silver armor suppresses the breath.

Suddenly, the breath broke out completely!

"Go to death!!!"

His resentment against Mu Hongzi, an endless explosion, seems to be a stream of light, and the moment is approaching.

A sword smashed out, and the power of countless laws, this day, the scorpio is ringing in the roar, the whole **** vibrates.

At this moment, the silver armor did not hide its own cultivation, and it broke out completely.

The king of God's full force shot, the world shook.

The people around me are changing.

The crazy shot of the silver armor, the consequences can be disastrous.

A strong man vacated, exerting his strength, transforming the barrier and wrapping the surrounding area.

The energy that causes the silver armor to attack does not vent to the surroundings, ruining the entire dynasty.

That sword mans came from heaven, and countless laws permeated.

The void collapsed, the dark cracks lingered, and swallowed everything.

The token exudes warmth.

There was a gentle smile on the beautiful face of Naoko.

The next moment, a finger was raised, as if it were separated by a distant distance.


The sky is sweeping, and all the swords are blown up.

It is as dazzling as fireworks.

After a move, the Mu Hongzi breath in the token began to slowly dissipate.

"Remember... From today, the Lord of the Gods Palace is the ... step by step."

Before Mu Hongzi dissipated, he solemnly said this sentence.

The words fell.

It seems to have caused the resonance of the supreme being.


The direction of the kitchen.

A stream of light rises to the sky.

A strong and strong man came to the air, and the terrible breath was floating, as if it had become a shackle.

"I am waiting for the elders of the kitchen, and I welcome the Lord of the Gods!"

The horrible atmosphere spread.

The elders of these kitchens, cooking, and of course, are also more powerful, most of them are made by the great consummation, and even a strong king of the gods.

These are coming out of the air.

Breathing is suppressed.

Everyone in the divine is discolored.

The emperor's face suddenly changed.

The face of the silver armor is also a condensation.

With a bang, the silver armor fell back to the side of the emperor.

By the side of the step, an old man walked into the air, entrenched in the void, and a strong atmosphere spread.

Almost all of the high-rises of the God’s Kitchen Palace are behind and behind the steps.

Luo Sanniang and Shaowang are staying in the woods.

How did the identity of the step become so honorary?

How is the gap between people, so big?

Jiufeng soars.

Huangfu’s beauty and beauty are exposed to jealousy.

The chef of the palace of the gods, this step is really the master of the palace.

The honor of identity is definitely not something she can easily handle.

Even if she dares, the Emperor will not let him go.

The relationship between the Emperor and the God’s Palace is very good and will not allow her to do so!

"Damn Muhongzi!"

The face of the emperor was distorted, and the beautiful face also lost grace and luxury.

She didn't dare to do it. If she continued to do it, it would really be that the Emperor was in the dark.

Once the Emperor is awakened, what she is facing will be the Thunder of the Emperor.

But let her give up like this, she is a emperor, can not afford to lose this person.

It’s a huge blow to her imperial majesty.

She... can't stand this grievance!

Silver armor also understands this truth.

So I regretted a sigh, and I still wanted to squat just now, the moment of killing.

Unfortunately, he was wrong.

This time, if he does it again, it is really a big rebellion.

The emperor stood in front of the phoenix car and his face was cloudy and uncertain.

Her eyes locked the steps above the building.

She personally came and did not kill the cook who offended her majesty.

Her emperor's face is about to be lost...

Really want to retreat like this?

Huangfu is very reluctant.

Her unwillingness is unrequited and she has a panoramic view of the silver armor.

The look of the silver armor has become gentle, and the picture in the mind is constantly changing. It is a memory picture of the past.

The girl in memory is human, pure and has a heart-rending smile.

He once silently told himself that he would spend the rest of his life guarding the girl.

I don't want girls to suffer a little wrong.

So he used all the way to stay with the girl...

Huangfu’s brows are wrinkled.


The silver armor on her side moved, and the latter's eyes seemed to be somewhat blurred, raising her hand and slowly stroking her face.

It seems to smooth her frowning brows.

The emperor lived.

Watching dull.

If you really let the silver armor do this, the whole world will be lost.

After all, there are so many eyes around you staring at it.

Finally, when the silver armor’s hand was about to heal the emperor's brow, the silver armor's gaze became clear.

The outstretched hand is also stagnant.

The old days are no longer.

However, his silver armor, or silver armor, did not change his mind.


The look of the silver armor suddenly became sharp.

next moment.

The shape of the body suddenly disappears like a teleport, and it instantly pulls the distance and moves toward the step.

This move, want to completely obliterate the pace!

Everyone stays alive.

The strong man of the God’s Court is also stunned.

In the summer, I licked my mouth.

"Protect the palace!"

The elders around the kitchen of the kitchen are all bursting, and the atmosphere is rising and rising.

The terrible atmosphere is continuous, as if to hit the sun and the moon.

One silver man, facing dozens of elders of the kitchen.

There is a momentum that is unprecedented.

I am willing to sacrifice my own body, only to eliminate the good people.

The buzzing sounds.

The silver armor on the silver armor collapsed.

In the sound of cold breath of everyone, the silver armor finally revealed its true face.

It was a silver-haired man with a narrow sword on his face. His eyes were firm and his eyes were smiling.

A sword spans the ages, only for the killing party.

He turned to look at the emperor, his eyes were gentle, a sword crossed the sky, a silver rule burst...

Step by step, looking like a teleport, I escaped the silver armor of many elders of the kitchen, and the corners of the mouth were slightly pulled.

"Is it a sad love?"

"Are you sure you are not funny?"

Step by step, a little mouth.

The next moment, suddenly crushed the divine droplets in the spirit sea.

Even if it is a sad love, then it should not be his way to pay!

The sound of dragons and gongs resounded for nine days.

The keel kitchen knife fell into the hands of the step.

The golden dragon's virtual shadow rises to the sky.

The power of the goddess of the gods is pouring in instantly...

In the face of a sword killed by the silver armor.

Step by step a knife... suddenly smashed out.

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