Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1466: Silver armor, dead! [Second more! 】

The step is also tempered.

A sword across the ages, to kill the side.

Is it true that he is a soft persimmon?

The elders of the God’s Kitchen Palace are all looking down. They never imagined that the silver arm would actually be desperate to step on the side.

In the eyes of the older generation of their strongmen, their appearance is representative of everything, which is the determination of the representative of the kitchen, the result?

Silver armor is still determined to kill, this does not put their gods in the eyes!

far away.

Huangfu’s eyes were so complicated that he looked at the silver armor that had collapsed in the void and the silver armor that was constantly floating.

Her red lips picked up, and suddenly there was some sad emotion in her heart.

The familiar figure of the silver armor seems to have been turned out from the depths of her memory.

Silver armor or silver armor, but... she is not the same as Mo Shaoji.


The silver armor was released from the silver armor, and the shape of the silver plaque crossed the void and appeared as a teleport.


The methods of attacking the elders of the Gods Palace have fallen.

The silver armor collapsed, and the silver armor was turned into a silver powder in an instant, disappearing into the void.

However, this is just a broken armor.

A sword of silver armor has already been killed in the footsteps.

This sword contains terrible emotions, and the emotions are sorrowful.

Ridiculous sadness.

The look of the silver armor has become extremely peaceful, as if it is a bearish life: "This sword... combines my laws and forgets the law."

The law of forgetting is unforgettable.

A sword roared.

It seems to be like a straight heart.

Step by step, the eyes are shining.

He crushed the gods of the gods.

There was only one drop of the gods' droplets. After the crushing, the kitchen gods and powers suddenly spread to the limbs of the steps.

Moved by the step, they are all poured into the keel chopper.

In the face of the silver armor's forgotten sword, the step is not afraid, and it is a knife.

This knife... is called a chaotic kitchen knife.

Under one knife, the void in front of the step is constantly smashing!

The silver armor is the power of the king.

And the step... is just a half-god, even if it is a enchanting demigod, it is impossible to be the opponent of the king.

When the silver armor is facing the side.

Everyone feels that the steps are going to die.

The elders of the God’s Court are angry.

The summer look is even more changeable, tearing the void between the moments.

Want to rush to the side of the step by the speed of the teleport, to stop the sword of the silver armor.

However, she thinks she may not be able to catch up.

She never expected that the determination of the silver armor is so strong.

Actually, I really want to give everything to that woman...

Ridiculous forgetting!

Ridiculous silver armor!

The emperor greeted the woman, and she did not agree in the summer. Even though the emperor was her brother, she knew very well how awful the woman was.

The feelings of how many people she used were the status of the present.

But I have to admit that this woman is really a means.

There are so many strong people who are willing to sell for her.


The collision suddenly broke out!

A terrible roar, sweeping the world.

The chaos of the kitchen knife is a supernatural power.

The power of magic power is natural and extraordinary. In addition to using the kitchen gods and gods to force the display, the power is more and more terrible.

Under one blow, ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine knives were directly taken out.

The dense knives of the knife, covering the sky.


The silver sword is also a magical power!

It is the magical power of silver armor...

The power is terrible!

When this sword came down, everyone felt the depression of emotions.

Behind the steps.

Luo Sanniang and Shao Wangye and others have already been scared by the pressure of this sword, sitting in a chair.

The king of the king level is full of blows and exerts magical powers.

Not to mention them, even if they are also gods, they will feel a despair.

In the eyes of the public.

The step back is back.

That knife has attracted everyone's attention.

A knife against the sword of forgiveness?

Don't guess, you know how the ending is...

Half-god, even if the step is enchanting, he is still a god.

Under a sword, fear is to form a god.

boom! ! !

The horrible explosion broke out.

In the restaurant.

Shaowangye and Luo Sanniang and others have long been desperate. They fell into their chairs and their fingers did not dare to move.

Outside the restaurant.

The collision broke out, making the whole world shrouded in swords and swords.

A huge sword that covers the sky collides with the big knife of the troubled world.

The summer emerged, tearing the sky and appearing outside the collision.

Looking at the terrible roar of the entanglement.

The summer suddenly tightened.


In the summer, she is desperate, and she feels that this is also the desperation of the steps...


The Royal Palace.

Outside the palace.

The body of the five emperors trembled slightly, and not far from him, an old man stood tall.

This old man is a high god, and his eyes are full of sorrow at this moment.

"Insane crazy... With a half-deal as a hard-resistant king, how could this guy be so stupid?! Where does he come from?"

The five emperors sat in the chair and took a sip of water.

"It's a pity... Your Highness still wants to recruit him, but a dead person, I am afraid that there is nothing to recruit, but unfortunately this talent for heaven." The old man said with emotion.

From the Mohist school, I learned that the five princes had moved their minds, but they never thought of it.

Has not been recruited, the convenience of the step is to provoke an increasingly strong horror.

Even the emperor was alarmed.

What is even more amazing is that if the silver armor is not killed, it may even be provoked by the emperor, and the cook can't die.

The five emperors shook their heads, and their hearts were in doubt.


There was a sensation in the palace.

It seems that there is a crack in the sound.

The face of the five emperors suddenly changed, and the old man took a breath of cold air.

"This is moving... is it..."

The five emperors and the old man looked at each other and saw the horror.

The next moment, the sound of the air broke through.

The five emperors and the old man suddenly burst out.

The Royal Palace is deep.

A stone door suddenly opened.

Clear footsteps spread.

A figure, step by step, came out of it.

Above the head of the man, the terrible law is falling, and people are seeing it. They are all shocked.

Step out, instant, burst.

The five emperors looked up in horror, and they saw the figure that was going through the air.

The old man shuddered and became a high god. When he saw this figure, he could not afford the slightest resistance.

"Em...the emperor..."

The old man trembled and said.

The five emperors squinted.

On the Scorpio, the Emperor indifferently swept the five emperors, and the eyes seemed to be watching an ant.

In the next moment, the figure broke out and went to the position where the war broke out in the distance.

"Take me the mother and kill the innocent."

The figure disappeared, leaving only the cold words in the void.

The five emperors fell to the ground.

Emperor, this is the emperor, just a look, let him move the imperial son.

Originally he thought that the gap between him and the emperor was already very small.

But now it seems... the gap is still huge like heaven and earth.

It is terrible to comprehend the enchanting demigods of the two laws of the universe.


boom! ! !


The terrible sword and the knife are entangled.

The emperor’s eyes are lost, and at this moment, she also feels the colic of the heart.


A figure fell from it.

A silver long sword crossed a curve in the void, rotated for a few weeks, and then stabbed on the ground.

It seems that there is a sound of a sword.

Above the long sword, a little silver light began to quietly dissipate, constantly dissipating in the void...

This silver sword is also disappearing after all.

The knife and the sword began to slowly dissipate.

Gradually, the picture of the void is revealed.

The two figures are proud.

The silver armor that lost the silver armor became less embarrassing and sharp.

Although his face has a knife, it makes him look ugly, but if there is no knife, this silver armor may also be a rare beautiful man.

Silver armor looked at his hands and his eyes trembled slightly.

In the void.

The face of the step was white, and the back of the step was a few steps back, and the **** sat on the ground.

He gave a long breath.

Still too reluctant, against the king of God, even if there is the addition of the **** of the gods, he feels stubborn.

Mainly his strength is too weak, so it will be difficult.

Fortunately, it is still blocked.

Steps spit out a sigh of relief.

The breath that stagnate in the void has broken apart.

The big stone that pressed in the hearts of everyone seemed to land.

Everyone around is incredibly staring at the steps.

"Is it blocked?!"

"This is a fake... God's king is a sword, can the half **** stop it?"

"That is the supernatural power of the king of God, giving the magical power of feelings... The power is simply destroying the earth."


The unscathed steps of the step were stunned by everyone and refreshed the worldview of all of them.

Summer appeared in the side of the step, and when I saw the steps, my face was a little pale, and I suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, in response, summer is a bit bleak.

This kid actually blocked the attack of the king of God?

Half God to stop the king?

This is too horrible!

In the summer, I looked up and stared at the silver scorpion in the distance.

She vented her anger on the silver plaque.

"Silver armor, silver armor... You are really getting more and more depraved! Do you think you have any qualifications to be the guard of the gods?!"

Summer is almost in the tone of questioning.

Silver armor stayed up and looked up.

Sigh a sigh.

He glanced at the summer and looked at the steps.

Turned around and looked at the emperor in the distance.

The eyes are gentle.

The line of sight turned and fell on the black armor.

The gold armor at the head of the ban did not appear.

"I really don't deserve the trust of the Emperor... But since I have done it, how can I still have no way out?"

Silver A smiles.

Later, he once again locked his sights.

Afterwards, the corner of the mouth was slightly lifted.

Hey! !

The body of the silver armor suddenly burst open.

A knife, two knives, spread from his body, constantly cracking...

In the blink of an eye, the body of the silver armor was completely broken.

The chaos of the kitchen knife is, after all, a supernatural power, coupled with the addition of the goddess of the gods, the power is endless.

In the previous collision, the step was completely forgotten by the sword.

However, there is the invincible resistance of the bird's robe, so the step is safe and sound, but it consumes a lot.

Silver armor is not invincible.

Therefore, under the attack of the chaos of the kitchen, the company continued to collapse.

A bang banged.

Under the eyes of the public.

The body of the silver armor is completely blown up...

This scene shocked everyone.

How can this be?

The body of the silver armor was bombarded?

A half-god blow, can actually blast the king of God?

The gaze of the step flashed.

For the death of the silver armor, there is no sympathy for the step.

Give a shot.

The invisible fire suddenly broke out.

Going to the explosion.


The fire is shining.

The power of the law of the road is under the burning of the fire, the rapid fusion...

The rule of a king of the gods is merged, enough to raise the fire to a very terrible level!

"Do not!!!"

far away.

The Emperor’s eyes narrowed and roared.

Is the silver armor so dead?

How could it die? How can you kill the silver armor?

Everyone around is silent.

I do not know what to say.

The emperor was in a state of confusion, and a sorrow rushed in her heart.

The next moment, like a crazy roar!

boom! ! !


A horror to the extreme pressure spread in the sky.

Covered the audience.

The people present were sucking up a cold air and looked up at the void.


Slowly there is a golden stalwart figure condensing out.

Everyone is shocked.

Without hesitation, they crouched.

"The Emperor?!"

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