Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1473: Emperor, defeat! [Second more! 】

It’s so ok...

So clever? !

What's so special?

Listening to the words of the party, the Emperor is almost mad, not only the emperor, but even the people around him have heard the words of the step, they are also speechless.

The keel kitchen knife and the Emperor Dragon's soul knife are somewhat similar in common, and it is also good to say.


The two cosmic laws of the emperor's comprehension, you also said that you are good... Can you point your face?

You are the Chinese cabbage when the law of the universe is strong, can you comprehend two?

and many more……


The people present were stiff and stiff.

They suddenly realized that the steps seemed to be... and they also understood the two laws of the universe.


Did the steps really comprehend the two laws of the universe?


Under the imperial rule of the Emperor Dragon's soul knife with two strong laws, the power of this knife is considered to be the strongest move of the Emperor so far.

Under this knife, the heavens and the earth are dead, and the void is constantly broken.

I am afraid that the gods and kings may not be able to block, and the great perfect gods may be directly killed!


The knife was lifted up and it was under the Emperor Dragon's Soul knife, so it was easily blocked.


Oh my God!

Actually really blocked?

What does that mean?

Under the building, everyone was startled, and they all stood up, and their faces were shocked and unbelievable.

The step is actually able to block, isn't he trying to force it?

Did he really understand the two laws of the universe?

The pores of the emperor's body are also blasted.

He never thought that he would kill a trick and was actually blocked by the steps.

He wants to take steps to hide him in a variety of ways, but... that is hiding, not blocking.

He never felt that he understood the semi-god of a cosmic law, and could block his killing!

Looking at the palm of the hand that is as stable as Taishan, the horror of the emperor's eyes screamed.

Listening to the words of the step, his heart is like a storm.

He always thought that he was unique.

But... the cook in front of me actually realized the two laws of the universe!

This kind of shock is huge for him.

"You... are you laughing?!"

The pupil of the emperor is tightened, and the size of the sesame is shrinking.

His voice has even become awkward.


The corner of the mouth of the step was pumped.

"Oh, you got it wrong..." said the stepless expression.

However, this words fell in the ears of the emperor, but it seems to be a big shame.

Because he really heard the sneer voice of the step just now!


He was so ridiculous that he was so arrogant.

"Even if you understand the two laws of the universe, what about it?"

The illusion of the body of the emperor, the destruction and the law of space tremble.

Above the sky.

There was a terrible roar that resounded.

There is a law round wheel emerging from it, as if tearing the sky, slowly shrouded down, bursting out terrible power!

Want to completely crush the steps and die!

The eyelids of the step are clear, and the arm holding the keel chopper is violently forced.

The beast was screaming and snarled.

Suddenly, terrible power broke out.

Open the Emperor's Emperor Dragon Soul Knife!

The feathered robe seems to burn like a flame, the sound of the gar is resounding nine times, and behind it is the flames of the two wings burning.

"You are the first person to see my second cosmic law."

Step by step to look at the emperor, said.

Step by step, the momentum of the step has changed dramatically.

The chopper is holding and the breath is rising.

A heart move.

The force of the law that floats above the recipe of the kitchen is slowly flowing out.

The power of the gray law is pervasive, and this familiar atmosphere permeates.

The people present were very stunned.

The emperor's eyes widened.

The figure is pulled back in an instant.

Summer is also a strange face, red lips open, and exclaimed.

"This little cook actually understands the law of space? How is this possible? This little cook has not realized it before!"

Summer is a bit aggressive.

Did she look away?

and many more……

I remembered that the light column was emitted in the kitchen of the Gods. Did you just understand the law of the universe? !

Not just summer.

The young princes underneath are all sloppy.

They look awkward.

Really understand the two laws of the universe?

This kind of talent actually appeared on a cook?

Can the cook promote the growth of talent?

A group of young princes are extremely aggressive.

Feel the scent of the body of the step, not weaker than the terrible smell of the emperor.

The law of space.

The gaze of the step is slightly different.

The sound of dragons and gongs resounded.

The gray space rule is integrated with the dragon.

Long Hao is ringing!

Alarmed the world.

The keel chopper is held in the step, and the fin feathers on the back are flashing.

The figure was approaching in an instant and came to the emperor's face.

"I heard that you have also understood the law of space... really good."

Step by step.

Emperor's eyes shrink, and all of them are smashed up, feeling the anger of thousands of people, all of them are shaking!

It’s so good, it’s so cute...

Who is special with you!

The emperor felt that he was about to be driven crazy...

"Give me to die!"

The emperor is somewhat ruined, which is unbelievable to him.

He has always been a calm and calm person.


This cook in front of me is really too hateful!

He finally knows why his mother is mad at madness.

He can't wait to rub the cook on the ground!

"Even if you also understand the rules of space? I have learned for decades, can you compare with me?!"

The emperor roared.

A knife smashed out, the knife shadow spread, approaching the steps.

However, the pace of the steps is awesome.

There is no slightest retreat.

The combination of the keel kitchen knife and the space law is almost perfect.

A knife is thrown out.

There is no need to cast a supernatural power, and the embarrassing thing is to collide with the knife of the emperor.

The sound of... is the sound of screaming!

The emperor's heart trembled and felt the tiger's mouth cracked.

The hand holding the dragon soul knife is somewhat unstable.


The emperor continued to withdraw in the void, which was the retreat of the oppressed by the step.

Everyone is stunned, staring and watching the battle in the void.

The emperor was suppressed? !

The emperor who broke out in full force was actually suppressed?

"Isn't it enough?"

The corners of the steps are slightly sloppy.

If you can't do it, then two knives...

The keel kitchen knife broke out with a knife, and the dragon's virtual shadow wrapped the space rule.

Instantly disappeared in place.


The emperor continued to retreat, and tens of thousands of knives lie between the breath of the Emperor Dragon's Soul knife in his hand.

The palm of the emperor's palm is bloody, bright red blood, floating in the void!

The last knife.

Accompanied by the horror of the dragon.

Step by step, squatting.


The emperor's mouth coughed up blood, and counted hundreds of miles in the void.

The Emperor Dragon Soul knife rises to the sky.

The keel kitchen knife is also free from the constraints of the step, straight into the sky.

Both are entangled in the air.

Knife and knife collision!

The emperor shouted.

Lose your knife, then fight it!

Step by step, the emperor cast space rules, teleported to the front of the step.

Shaodi’s fists blasted again.

As a emperor, how can he easily yield, he does not believe that he will lose.

From birth to the present, he has never lost his time in the past 100 years...

Younger generation, he is invincible!

Step by step.

Looking at the imperial rushing emperor with a blank expression.

The latter's mood is a bit chaotic, which is not a good thing for the strong.

Of course, as an opponent.

The step can only express sympathy in the heart.

Emperor... I am afraid of being stupid.

I really thought that he only had a keel kitchen knife, really thought he would fight?

Step by step, watching the waving fist, the emperor who came from the impact... shook his head and shook his head.


Step by step.

This whispered, let the eyes of the emperor shrink.

He seems to understand what else.

I was embarrassed on the spot.

"you dare!!"

However, the words just fell, a black pot is an instant!

When your head squats!

If you are a black pot of a mountain, you will directly fall into the void like a prince.

The emperor was miserable.

A face is twisted by the beggar!

"The chaotic world... the pot method."

The step seems to be laughing...

boom! ! !

In the void, suddenly a dense black pot emerged.

The emperor was surrounded by a black pot.


A mouthful of black pot squats.

Every hit is in the head of the emperor...

Everyone is trembled, only to feel that there is a sting on the top of his head.

Nima... This is too embarrassing!

The head of the emperor broke his blood, and he could not hold his flesh.

"It's a supernatural power?!"

The numb blood in the mouth of the emperor is full of incredulity in his eyes. Of course, more is grief!

His imperial son, the son of the Emperor, was so miserable by a cook.

I don't know when it started, his momentum instantly collapsed, and it would not be able to fight the pace.

On the other side of the battle, the momentum collapsed and basically it was unable to return to heaven.

But the emperor is unwilling!

He does not want to lose, nor can he defeat. He is a divine, an invincible disciple!


A black pot squatted on his face, and the emperor looked dull.

Thousands of miles down, smashed into the void, and slammed into the distance.

He wants to get up.

However, I felt that my body seemed to be filled with lead.


The sequela of the two laws of the universe appeared.

The emperor is desperate in his heart.

He rolled over and sat in the void, shaking and grabbing a jade bottle, but he did not grasp it, the jade bottle fell, and the spread of the scent of the gods spread.

The appearance of the cloak looks mad.


The Emperor Dragon Soul knife and the keel kitchen knife are constantly colliding.

However, the Emperor Dragon's soul knife was actually suppressed, and every collision made the sound of the Emperor Dragon's soul knife scream.


The golden light is spreading.

Everyone is jealous.

It seems as if two golden dragons rushed and entangled each other.

At last……

The two dragons are plunging into the keel chopper...

The golden light is dim.

The Emperor Dragon Soul knife fell from the air and squatted in front of the emperor.

The keel kitchen knife is in the hands of the step, and it is constantly rotating.

Between the hustle and bustle, the step seems to have heard the fullness of Nicholas Shuailong...


Xuanwu pot is also flying back.

In the void.

Step left-handed knives, right-handed pots, standing in the void, with the wolverines... the lost emperor... formed a sharp contrast.

There is no doubt about this battle.

Emperor... lost!

Everyone is very incomparable.

It was still a stalemate before.

But... but a few breaths, the stalemate is broken, and the emperor is completely defeated.

Under the building.

All the onlookers are dreaming.

The young princes are all looking up and don't know what to say.

The five emperors who were crying were also stunned, and their faces were full of tears, but they seemed to be stupid.

The emperor lived.

I was stunned in the summer.

Pingyang Wang’s face is also slamming.

The families of all families are sucking in air.

The invincible emperor has lost, the situation in the capital is... It has to change!

Step by step, he took the hand and put away the Xuanwu pot and the keel kitchen knife, and came to the front of the lost emperor.

The body of the emperor sitting on the ground trembled fiercely.

Slowly raise your head.

His mouth was bleeding, his eyes tightened and he stared at the steps.

On the other hand, it is a faceless look at the emperor.

The line of sight of the two.

The emperor’s heart shook as if he had thought of something not so good.


The emperor opened his mouth and his voice was hoarse.

At this moment, his faith seems to have been completely defeated.

The square of the mouth of the step is slightly picking up.

Look at it.

Reaching out, slowly provoked the chin of the emperor.

"From today, you are the waiter of my restaurant... oh... no salary."

The step of the words fell.

Under the building... Instantly boiling!

The emperor’s body trembled like a madman!

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