Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1474: Desperate! [The third! 】

Pingyang Shaowang is somewhat sluggish.

He felt that everything in front of him seemed to be illusory.

The emperor... actually lost?

The man who once trembled and felt that he could not surpass his life, was defeated?

Looking at the man who fell in the void and lost his soul, the man who was once in a lifetime, the little prince of Pingyang had only one sigh.

The emperor was defeated, and the other legend was slowly rising.

That legend... is actually a cook.

If you step by step, it will ring in the void.

Not loud, but the people on the scene are extraordinary, naturally they clearly heard the words of the step.

Everyone is in awe, just thinking that it is incredible.

"This cook... crazy!"

"He really wants to accept the emperor as a restaurant waiter? Is it so crazy?!"

"The Emperor will not agree, the Mohist will not agree..."


The people around me are very upset.

They feel that the pace is really crazy, and it is very good to defeat the emperor. He still wants to accept the emperor as a waiter.

Although both made a bet before the battle.

But who will really take this bet seriously?

Even if the emperor is defeated, he is still a prince, his identity is supreme, and it is confirmed by the Emperor... the future heir to the Emperor.

I can be a waiter for a cook.

If the Emperor really became a waiter, I am afraid that it will become the stain of the entire dynasty, become the fairy god, the smile of the Titans!

Therefore, the emperor is impossible to become a waiter.

Don't think about it.

The emperor stared at the steps, and the next moment, his eyes gradually became clear.

He lost, he never thought he would lose, but he could not be a waiter.

He can't, everyone will not allow it!

The color of the steps is very light.

Originally picking up the chin of the emperor, gradually point to the eyebrows of the emperor.

"What? Do you want to play?"

Step by step, no expression.

The emperor opened his mouth.

What should he say?

Step by step to look at the Emperor, raised his hand and took a picture of the Emperor's head.

"Take me your conscience and tell me if you want to lie."

The people around me suddenly disappeared.

Didn't the step have a little consciousness? Really think that the Emperor went back to the restaurant in the step to be a waiter?

No... impossible, this life is impossible!

The emperor opened his mouth and he wanted to refuse.

But he suddenly found himself unable to say anything, he was holding his own chest...

Why does an opening hurt?

Isn't my own conscience really not allowed to refuse?

The corners of the steps are slightly twisted.

Hold hands and stand.

A faint look at the emperor.

“Is it really just a bet? If you promised a bet and lost, you will respect it, respect your own conscience, and respect the heart...”

Step by step.

The Emperor's eyes tightened, licking his chest, his mouth wide open, and his body trembled.

Is it...

"You are farting!!!"


A burst of blast, blasting from the void.

Above the phoenix car is Huangfu, which made a shocking day.

This voice broke the thoughts of the Emperor.

The emperor turned his head and looked at the emperor and looked at his mother.

He has never tasted a defeat since he was born. This is the first time...

He suddenly became a bit stunned, so he needed guidance.

And his mother, perhaps the light that guides his direction.

There are hopes in the eyes of the emperor.

The emperor’s anger is unstoppable.

The emperor is her pride, the capital she is proud of, and now, even the emperor has lost to this cook.

If it is really the waiter of this cook, her emperor, afraid of being completely destroyed.

All of this, her natural mother will not agree.

Killing her nephew, marrying her old man, ruining the Mohist family, and now she has to mess with her son's mind.

This cook!

Sin must die!

The phoenix car surged, and Jiufeng soared, and it was instantly floating in front of the step.

The emperor stood in the phoenix car, and covered in the glow of the sun, like a real god, glamorous can not be square.

The eyes are filled with terrible murderousness.

She stared at the steps and murdered.

I can't bear it, I really can't bear it...

Dignified, you can be reduced to a restaurant waiter!

The emperor is very chaotic, his heart is very chaotic...

The surrounding family powers did not move, they did not blend into it.

The identity of the step is not ordinary. Now it is defeating the emperor and becoming the first person of the younger generation of Xia Wei Shen. They dare to offend at will.

So they choose to wait and see.

Stepping out in the summer, the figure is on the side of the step, she is graceful, although she can not see the face, but absolutely glamorous.

She stood beside the steps and stared at the emperor in the distance.

"I am willing to gamble and lose, can you afford to lose as a prince?"

Summer road.

"The Emperor can be a waiter... This cook, what does he wear?!"

The emperor is cold and cold.

The breath above her body is constantly rising and constantly surging.

Summer frowned.

Step by step in the void, faintly looking at the emperor.

"You can take the emperor, but if you take him away, he will never enter this life, because he does not respect his own heart."

"The strong twisted melon... not sweet."

Step by step.

"To shut up!"

The emperor burst into a burst.

There is an endless killing in the eyes, this cook... sin is dying.

"Dao Xin? As long as you kill you... The heart of the Emperor will naturally return!"

Huangfu is cold and cold.

A step by step, this woman said that it makes sense, he is speechless.

The people around you are ashamed.

I only feel the top of the God’s Palace building, and the terrible atmosphere is spreading.

Pingyang Wang did not blend into it.

In fact, this time, they are not qualified to blend.

After all, it is about the future of a emperor, and they dare to help.

Emperor, after all, is the heir appointed by the Emperor, and the Emperor should not agree to the Emperor as a waiter?


On the emperor's body, the terrible breath spread and spread all over the place.

The sound of the screaming of the Phoenix is ​​skyrocketing.

The breath of the king level spread.

The strength of the imperial concubine is good, and there is also the power of the king of the king. It is natural to be able to sit in the position of the emperor.

"Is it necessary for the Emperor to move on to the steps?"

"The imperial concubine... this may have lost its system."

"Mr. Step is too cow."


There are many people talking about it.

They are all staring at the void.

The emperor got up from the emptiness of the sky, and his body was floating.

Huang Fu’s figure passed by and fell to the emperor’s side.

"After the mother..."

The emperor's eyes are complicated.

He wanted to solve the worry for the emperor, but the result... it was a defeat.

After making a bet, he did not dare to perform... At this moment, his heart seems to be shaking, and he is going to collapse at any time.

Perhaps he should be a waiter.

"Don't think too much... everything is behind."

Huangfu Road.

She raised her hand and gently stroked the face of the emperor.

Let the prostitute help the emperor into the phoenix car.

The next moment, Huang Fu’s gaze was a turn and fell on the side of the step.

"Today... This palace will bring you this cook!"

The emperor is cold and cold.

The words fell.

The void trembled.

The bang sounded.

The void was torn, and the two figures walked out of the void, and the terrible breath spread over the sky.


The summer eyes standing next to the steps suddenly felt a threat.

"The black and white of the Mohist family?!"

Summer red lips slightly open, whispered.

The steps are slightly stunned and there are some doubts.

"Black and white two old? Is it strong?"

Asked step by step.

"Black and white two old, is the ancestors of the Mohist family, did not think that they are willing to hide in the side of this fascinating goods. It seems that the picture of the Mohist family is not small... The repair of these two people is very powerful, the two are united, afraid of Reach the level of the superior king."

There is no hidden step in the summer, just say it.

The family around the home has long been stunned.

Black and white two old? !

The top powerhouse of the Mohist family...

Are these existences still alive in the world?

Doesn't it mean that this black and white old man has fallen in the previous war of conquest?

The ink home hides such terrible things.

Behind many family members, there is a cold sweat.

Especially the owner of the Luo family and the owner of the Zhao family...

They used to want to work on the Mohist family. Now I want to come. Once I get started, this black and white two old ones will intervene. Luo Jia and Zhao Jia are afraid to be one-pot.

Moh... It’s too cloudy!

"You go back a bit...the two old men...very strong."

Summer frowned, her head, the law of space has begun to flow.

Black and white are old, their eyes are cold, they are very old, but the breath is extremely scary.

The two can join hands to fight the gods, and these strengths are terrible.

Summer is just a medium-sized king who has grasped the power of two hundred laws. It may be able to entangle with black and white.

However, it is basically impossible to overcome.

Black and white have lived for so long, and the number of rules of enlightenment is infinitely close to five hundred. Both are the peaks of the middle gods.

A great consummation is to understand a hundred rules.

And the understanding of more than one hundred laws is called the inferior king.

Comprehending the two hundred laws to the five hundred laws is called the middle god.

Above the five hundred rules is the superior king...

The understanding of the law takes countless hours.

Summer is much younger than black and white. Her talent is good, but in terms of accumulation, it is a lot worse.

"You stopped that summer... this cook, hand it to the palace!"

The emperor is cold and cold.

In her eyes, the killings are surging, and the black and white is always her bottom card. Even the cards are displayed, this time the killing party.

When the last silver armor died, she almost couldn't help but call out the black and white.

But she held back.

Now she can't stand it!

Black and white two old faintly glanced at the emperor, sighed.

The figure wrapped in the robes suddenly disappeared.

The next moment is to wrap the summer in it.

"Little county owner... don't let the old man be embarrassed."

The two old men, as if they were not awake, said.

The face changed slightly in summer.

The air machine of both of them locked her, and her brows frowned, and the law of space fell, which blocked the horrible air.

However, if you want to save the step, it is very difficult.

This made her heart anxious.

The step is now the head of the God’s Court, but you can’t die here.

I want to move in the summer.

However, the power of the laws of terror is pervasive.

Black and white two old hands out, the law on the palm of the hand seems to be filled into the ocean, wrapped in the summer.

"Little county lord, we are watching you grow up, you have no choice but to start with you."

Black and white two old faint roads.

The summer suddenly looked pale.

The imperial concubine did not care about the summer, and in fact did not have to take care of it. The black and white two old people used her as a card to kill the summer. It was only easy to be involved.

Without the summer block, she wants to kill the step, it is very easy.

Even if the steps comprehend the two laws of the universe, even if the steps defeated the emperor...

But... I am Huangfu, but I am a medium god.

Killer, this is no suspense!

Rumble! !


The void suddenly tears open.

A madman's figure took a step from the void.

A terrible breath spreads to the world!

The ink of the Mojia family's main guns filled the atmosphere, blocking the world!

"Small beasts... This time, you can't escape the wings! Destroy the revenge of my Mohist family, you must pay for it!"

There are emperors in front, and there are Mojia masters!

Under the building, everyone is upset.

"It’s over... this cook is dead!"

"The Moh is too overbearing! This cook has provoked the Mohist family and has already been destined for the end."

"Desperate! Really desperate! Although this cook is strong, defeated the emperor, but after all, it is only a demigod, even if the combat power is comparable to the lower king, but it is killed by this, it must die!"


The people around me are all upset.

I did not expect that such a change would occur.

The determination of the emperor to kill the step... is really too strong!

In the phoenix car, the emperor's eyes are complicated.

Under the building, Pingyang Wang eyes tangled, do not know if you want to shoot.

The Luojia family shook their heads and chose to wait and see...

Luo Sanniang and Yang Yang Shao Wang are all pale.

This time, it is really desperate!

Steps... What should I do? !

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