Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1475: Tianfeng 翎 and petite figure [first]

Desperate, this is the real desperate.

Even the ordinary inferior gods in this situation can only wait for death.

The step is nothing but a demigod, even if it is very enchanting, and comprehend the two laws of the universe, but he is still a god.

Being able to play against the inferior gods is already the limit.

Facing a siege of a medium **** king and an inferior god, it is basically impossible to run.

In particular, Huangfu has begun to use whatever means to deal with the pace, preferring to expose her secrets, so that the black and white of the Mohist family will be involved in the summer.

In fact, the easiest way is to let the black and white two old people directly kill the steps.

In the face of black and white, there is absolutely no resistance in the step.

Black and white, old, lived for hundreds of thousands of years, long life, existed at the beginning of the establishment of the gods, lived for so long, the strength is naturally very powerful.

The two will join hands and the superior gods will retreat!

However, Huangfu wants to kill the steps by hand and let the mind pass.

No one feels that the pace can escape.

Unless there are noble people to help, or the family owners of the family regardless of the cost of the shot.

However, as a family owner, nature is not blind and stupid, they can not offend the imperial concubine for a step.

Nowadays, the Emperor’s power, the imperial power, is the way to go, which also allows the Mohist to walk in the pilgrimage.

Who dares not to sin against the emperor?

Anyone who wants to shoot, have to measure the consequences.

Huangfu is naturally aware of this, so she is not afraid.

The step is surrounded by the middle.

The world around you has been blocked.

The terrible king of gods is under constant oppression, and the terrible atmosphere is almost blasting the world.

There is only one point that Huangfu is worried about at the moment, that is, the Emperor intervenes.

Therefore, she must be quick and quick, and can't let the old man continue to intervene!

The eyes of the Moh family are like a torch.

After receiving the news of Huangfu, the first time he rips the void and returns from the remains of the ancient gods, in order to completely destroy the boy who destroyed the Mohist House!

The void was blocked by him, and this kid could not escape.

Can only let him knead!

He will crush the bones of this kid and crush it completely!

The steps are suspended in the void, and the bird's robe is floating.

The change in the situation is really too fast. It is a bit out of surprise. He glanced at the emperor and looked at the Mohist family.

There is still a full shot in the distance, but it is still the summer that was dragged...

Gently spit out a breath.

This time, is it necessary to kill yourself?

Step by step, feeling in the heart.

He just wants to open a restaurant quietly in the capital, why is it so difficult?


Under the God Chef Palace building.

There was a terrible roar.

The next moment, a strong man in the kitchen of the kitchen rushed.

This is the strongest of the elders.

Many great gods and a **** of inferior gods rushed to the river.

Step by step is the palace of the God's Kitchen Palace. For the glory of the God's Court, they are unlikely to watch the **** splashing of the kitchen building.

The shots of these elders are naturally not unexpected.

Huang Fu’s gaze was indifferent and he blinked at the old man, and his red lips were slightly upturned.

"Go back."

Huangfu faintly said.

I was involved in the summer of black and white, and one of them suddenly pulled out.

Tear through the void, in front of the strong people of the Gods Palace elders who rise up the sky.

It was an embarrassing old man in a white robe, stacked around his face, looking like a candle.

However, a pair of eyes is shining.


The white robe is old.

When the words fell, his backhand was shot at the elders of the elders.

Suddenly, the power of the law that covers the sky and the sky suddenly vented, and instantly crushed the old man of the elders.

The head of the inferior god, suddenly witnessed the split!

He raised his hand and countered the power of the law.


The power of his laws against the laws of the old man in the white robe was instantly dissipated, and the living was oppressed to the ground.

With a bang, the ground fell and the ground cracked.

The other great perfection gods are also falling on the ground, and they are oppressed by the white robe old man...

The cultivation of the old man in the white robe is strong, and it is the peak of the middle god, infinitely close to the five hundred rules.

With regard to the single-handed combat power, there are not many people in the entire dynasty who are his opponents.

Everyone around is sucking in the air and watching this scene with horror.

The elders' group of the God's Kitchen Palace was actually suppressed by one person and crouched.

This scene is shocking.

In the distant summer, the eyes burst into astounding anger.

The force of the law on her body is entangled, and the power of the law is lingering.

The law of space broke out, and the black robe old man was suppressed in a short period of time.

The number of rules for comprehension in summer, but it can reach two hundred, facing the black and white, too hard.

People around, I feel that the kitchen of God is afraid of being scrapped this time.

Once the gods and palaces were incomparably brilliant, the major families dared to offend.

But now.

The kitchen of God is fallen to such a place, and it is impossible to fight back because of such insults.

Only one summer, it is really impossible to let the kitchen of God once again have the former deterrent.

Pingyang Wang is very emotional.

The current **** chef palace is the step, if it is still the stinky guy, the emperor dare to do it easily.

Huangfu was taught by the guy not once or twice...

The steppers watched the elders of the elders being suppressed.

The brow was also wrinkled, and there was a surge of anger in the heart.

He is also a little angry.

"You still dare to anger!"

Huang Xiaoxiao laughed.

The eyes of the Mohist family flashed and they shot instantly.

This side of the world has been blocked by him, and there is basically no possibility that the step can escape.

Therefore, the step in his eyes is waiting for death!

boom! ! !

The void is constantly bursting.

As the inferior **** king, the Moh family is very powerful and not weaker than the previous silver armor.

Of course, he is also wary in his heart. After all, he got the news. This kid has a powerful means to kill the silver armor.

He does not want to step into the back of the silver armor.

Of course, at that time, the silver armor was also holding a death slogan.

The ink cannons fell, and the emptiness trembled.

The power of more than one hundred laws is circulating, as if it had turned into a cylinder.

When it comes to the realm of the gods, the law is fundamental. Whether it is a **** or a god, the importance of the power of the law is self-evident!

The ink cannon is very fierce.

However, the pace will naturally not be ready.

The eyes flashed through the eyes.

In the spirit sea, terrible tremors are surging.

"White Tiger..."

The steps are whispering.

The next moment, violently looked up, the hair was spread, and the black color was white between the moments.

It seems that there is a tiger shouting in the world!


The ink cannon was shot down.

The white hair stepped up his hands and resisted the punch.

The power of the law of terror is venting, and the robes on the body of the impact are close to his body.

The cycle of reincarnation flashes on the palm of the step.

Resist the force of the law of the ink cannon.

The step is constantly oppressed from the void.

The hustle and bustle is on the building of the God's Palace.

A bang banged.

The top of the God’s Palace building bursts open instantly, and the entire building is rickety and densely cracked!

Everyone is sucking in the air!

These people are really unscrupulous.

This crazy battle in the dynasty.

Fortunately, the heavens and the earth were blocked, and the fluctuations of the battle were difficult to spread, affecting the entire capital.


The shape of the ink cannon exploded from the building of the kitchen.

That was taken out.

A white figure is like a flexible white tiger, rushing to the sky.

The shape of the white hair step is very flexible, like a spring, and suddenly blasts, it is a void burst!

The breath of the white hair step is completely different from the pace.

If the step is cold, calm.

The step at the moment is violent, arrogant and fierce.

His fighting power seems to have been improved, fierce and fierce, even if it is an ink cannon, it is pressed.


In the void.

The ink cannon and the big fight, this scene shocked everyone.

Among the phoenix cars, the Emperor's eyes are also tightened, and the door frame of the phoenix car is tightly grasped.

Although it is understood that the two laws of the universe can be the king of war, but all of this is in the theory of existence.

In fact, in the face of the king of God, the enchanting demigod will still be suppressed.

This is because of the power and pressure of the laws that the king of God has realized.

Under this kind of suppression, the combat power that the enchanting demigod can play is not one.

Therefore, the **** king is the king of God after all.

Hey! !

A punch out.

The ink cannon and the white hair step were simultaneously bounced.

Both are reversed in the void.

Step by step, empty, violently looking up, proudly holding his chin...

The ink cannon is constantly retreating in the void, the blood is tumbling, and the body shape is stabilized. The force of the law around him is as if it is a god.

"One and a half gods, it is very good to be able to do this. Give you time, you must succeed, but unfortunately... offended me, you can't wait for the day of growth!"

The eye of the ink cannon is full of fierceness.

The strength of the step is beyond his expectation.

However, no problem... There is a Huangfu here, and the steps have not been able to turn the sky!

Huangfu is a medium **** king...


Huangfu did not watch the battle again, she shot.

A bright wind, as if straight into the nine.

Heaven and earth are like silence.

Behind the imperial concubine, there is a phoenix circling and the flames spreading.

The white hair step suddenly felt a horrible pressure, and this pressure made his swords jerk.

With a long scream, the white hair is scattered.

In the void, the emperor seems to be descending from the sky, behind the glow of the sun, a finger, and the power of more than 200 rules.

The shackles are suppressed.

The void is broken.

The white hair step was suddenly pressed onto the ground.

A bang.

The entire Shenchu ​​Palace building, at this moment, collapsed and completely ruined.

In the ruins, the gravel rolls.

Steps turned from the middle.

The white tiger has returned.

The step also did not let other spirits continue to work...

He knows that even if it is replaced by a golden dragon, the dragon spirit that fits well with the space law may not be the opponent of Huangfu.

Just a hand in hand, the convenience is to know that the middle king, he can not beat.

However, this does not mean that there is no means to step!

Forcing him, the advanced version destroys the pot and pulls it out!


The emperor is tall, his eyes are cold, and there is no emotion.

Her orchid refers to a yang, as if a flower is smashing, and it slams in the direction of the step.

The horror of breath is filled in an instant.

The void is bursting.

The pace only feels that a crisis is approaching.

Step by step, his eyes narrowed.

Start with a silver dry pot.

The silver fire burned and fell into the bottom of the pot, as if it were all in one.

There was only a reincarnation rule in the original dry pot, but this time... the steps were also inserted into the space law.

Two strong laws were put into the pot, and the terrible unstable energy suddenly surged.

It is like a big windmill, spinning up.

The waves are skyrocketing.

Step by step, hold the dry pot, and stare at the imperial concubine on the sky.

"To hurt each other, come on!"

Step by step, said with no expression.

His words resounded and the people around him changed completely.

The horrible power of the ruined pot in the hands of the steps made everyone feel amazed.

Ink guns, Pingyang Wang and other gods are all gazing.


The emperor disdainfully laughed.

The dry pot in the hands of the step is very powerful, but... she is fearless because she is stronger.

Her hands were sealed, and the next moment, the void in front of her body was shocked.



It seems that the Chinese artifacts that are combined by thousands of golden phoenixes are floating in the void.

The people on the scene were shocked and their bodies trembled.

"Xia Yu Shen Chaozhen is the artifact of the gods... Tianfeng翎!!!"

The gaze of the step is also a condensation.

He spit out a sigh of relief.

Whether you are a phoenix or a peacock, destroy the pan, all blow up!

The art of the explosion will be amazing!

Step by step eyes flashed.

The arm slammed from the back to the front.

The ruined pot in the hand suddenly spoke up and screamed with tearing air, galloping toward the emperor on the Scorpio.

And at the moment when the steps broke out to destroy the pot.

On the scorpio, it was suddenly torn apart.

A petite figure quickly smashed out of the cracked mouth!

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