Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1476: Nine-tailed fox! [Second more! 】

The advanced version destroys the dry pot.

The power is not clear, but one thing is certain, that is, the explosive power of terror will surely destroy the land.

Although the consequences of the explosion, the steps are not necessarily clear.

However, the step is not a good-tempered person. After all, it is forced to this level, and the pace is also a little angry.

The emperor has repeatedly oppressed, and the concession has to resist.

Therefore, the step showed a thunder and threw out the ruined pot.

This time, the destruction of the pot is not ordinary, combining the two laws of the universe to the strong, more powerful than before.

The previous destruction of the pot, but only the integration of the step of the cycle.

But even then, it is also directly let the high peaks of the ink peak, the power of no resistance is to obliterate.

So this time the destruction of the pot, the power should be good.


Compared to destroying the dry pot.

What is even more surprising is the artifacts that the scorpion put in the hands of Huangfu.

That is Tianfeng.

Like the Emperor Dragon's Soul Knife, it is the artifact of the Xia Dynasty.

Have the power of against the sky.

These artifacts have always been in the hands of the mother of a country.

No one thought that Huangfu could actually come out.

The power of Huangfu is motivated.

The day the phoenix came out.

In the air, it seems like a real phoenix that has come back to life.

A plume came out from the middle.

It’s like tearing up the sky, and it’s approaching, and it’s going to kill the pot.

The two collided in the void, not at all fancy.

The explosion suddenly occurred.

The sound of the bang was resounding and thoroughly filled.

A loud bang.

The night turns into white, the fire and the phoenix are spreading their wings, and the flames are burning. It seems that everything is burned, and the power is terrible and amazing.

Of course, the explosion that destroyed the pot was not bad.

The rolling flames were thoroughly diffused in the sky.

The fluctuations of the power of the law spread out.

A lot of people around are flying backwards and rolling.

Pingyang Wang took a breath of air.

There was only a terrible explosion in the eyelids.

The homeowners of the great families also showed the color of fear, and opened their mouths, revealing deep horror.


The storm swept.

The sound of humming sounds.

It is like a tornado that has been around the sky.

The imperial concubine is suspended in the void, sacred, and the squats in the eyes are deep.

She took a slap in the air and the energy of the phoenix was entangled in her fingertips.

"The chef's means, the power is not bad... Unfortunately... in front of the palace, it is ridiculous behavior."

Huangfu faintly curled up his mouth.

The explosion that destroyed the pot was suppressed.

The thing called Tianfeng is really strong.

Actually, it can suppress the explosion of the destroyed pot.

The eyelids of the step are all unacceptable.

Destroying the pot has always been his unfavorable means of killing, but this time it was actually suppressed.

The concession side is also a bit worried.

On the sky in the distance.

The owners of the major families have spit out a sigh of relief.

The step can play the emperor holding the Emperor Dragon Soul knife, which can also be called the talent enchanting.

However, if you can even play with the Emperor of Heaven and Phoenix, it is really unreasonable.

A medium-sized king holds the town's artifacts, comparable to a medium-sized king who understands the laws of the universe.

The fighting power of the step and the emperor is not in direct proportion!

This time, the step is really hard to escape.

God's kitchen palace... is really terrible.

The determination of Huangfu, everyone sees, even the hidden cards, black and white are all taken out, which is to explain that she is necessary to kill.

Killing the steps, in addition to the emperor's demons, can smooth the grief of the death of the ink marks in the heart of the emperor.

Step by step, the body of the bird feather robe is hunting.

His brows are wrinkled, and the pace can feel the crisis. This time is a real big crisis.

Of course, unless the steps are crushed by the gods.

However, there is only one drop of divine power droplets left in the step. It is not a last resort, and the step will not choose to crush.

If you have crushed the droplets of divine power and encounter a bigger crisis, isn’t that bad?

For example, the black and white in the distance...

Steps need to leave a back road for themselves.

Compared to the calm of the step.

Other people around have long been unable to calm down.

Holding the Emperor of Heaven and Phoenix, how do you fight?

Not at all equal strength.

Luo Sanniang, Shao Wangye, etc. are all showing the color of worry.

Unfortunately, they can't do anything at all. If they are first-rate, they may be able to help.

But today's level of combat has already involved the king of God.

And it is a medium god, or a royal emperor.


They have more than enough strength.

The imperial concubine's momentum is soaring. At this moment, it seems to be wrapped in the general trend of half of the gods, to oppress the steps.

To squat on the ground with the pressure of the steps, Tian Fengyu is helping, she can do it.


At the moment, it has been turned into a powder.

The ground under the foot of the step is constantly broken.

The terrible power is falling from the sky.

The sky at the moment is as white as it is, but every star is so conspicuous.

There is a phoenix hovering, howling and surrendering.

This is the power of Huangfu.

The mother of the world represents the general trend of Xia Wei.

Step by step, how to resist the general trend of Xia Wei Shen.

Don't talk about the steps.

Even the superior gods may not be able to do it.

Unless the Emperor, or the gods of the heavenly level, can resist.

The phoenix under the stars is hovering.

The power of terrible laws permeates.

The Emperor Dragon Soul Knife, Tian Feng Yi, Shenhuang Yin.

These three artifacts are the artifacts of the Xiazhen gods, and they are the roots of the gods in the chaotic universe.

Among them, the Emperor Dragon's soul knife is the weakest, but Tianfeng and the Emperor's seal are the supreme power.

The Emperor holds it, can capture the potential of the chaotic universe, and fight the gods.

Therefore, the average person can't compete with these towns.

Today's steps...not work.

The bird feather robe is deeply attached to oneself.

The step felt a terrible pressure.

The void is tearing open.

A petite figure burst out and pulled through the shadows in the void.

The speed is very fast.


The stepped side of the forehead has sweat flowing down the forehead.


The petite figure fell in front of the step.

Nine white tails opened and swayed in the air.

Step by step.

It was a white white fox, a nine-tailed white fox, and the hair of the body was spotless, emitting a white enamel.

"Well? Little fox?"

The steps are slightly different.

His eyes narrowed and he stared at the figure.

Little fox?

No... it should not be a small fox.

When the little fox walked away, it only developed into three tails. Now how do you open the nine tails?

And the momentum of this body.

It seems to be very different.

The void around the little fox seems to be collapsing, and the force of the law in the eye is spreading.

If it is not a small fox, who is this little white fox?

The step is immersed in contemplation.

And the little white fox was put to the side of the step, the furry head, licked the cheeks of the step.

"Really you? Little fox?"

The familiar feeling, the corner of the mouth of the step is slightly, some happy said.

The little fox suddenly grins, just like a peerless beauty, revealing the smile of the country.

Very charming.

The little fox put out his tongue and licked his face.

It actually ignored the power of Huangfu.

Step by step to lick the head of the little fox.

Xiaohu should be the one who stays with the dog.

It appeared in front of him at the moment.

Did the dog dog appear?

Thinking of the fat dog's dog, there is even a little excitement in the heart of the step.

I haven't seen the dog master for a long time.

Still some nostalgia.

Dogs should also miss themselves very much, um, miss the drunk ribs of his cooking...

Since the little fox is here, then the dog...

Steps raised his head and glanced around, looking at the void around him. However, he could not find the trace of the dog.


The steps frowned, did the dog did not appear.


Just as the steps are around.

A gentle little girl sounded up.

Although there is only one word, it is a surprise to the concession.

The little fox actually talks.

Looking at the white little white fox in front of him, the steps were amazed.

The little white fox squinted and licked the face of the pacing side.


Huangfu saw that the step was actually under her power and was stuck with a fox.

This made her face look blue.

This cook, really did not put her emperor in her eyes.

Oh la la...

Tianfeng was once again suspended in her hands.

The sound of squeaking sounded.

Tianfengyu is slowly rotating, and its golden scorpion blooms in the cold.

Give a shot.

On that day, a little bit on the phoenix.

Suddenly a fire feather came out from the sky and the phoenix, as if it had become a meteor, and went to the position where the step was.

To kill the steps in an instant!

The family around them are sighing.

I thought that there was a rescue in the step, but only a fox, how can I hold the Emperor of Heaven and Phoenix?

There is no suspense in this battle.


Someone noticed the face of the Mohist family, but they were all a glimpse.

far away.

The Mohist master ink cannon suspended above the Scorpio is wide-eyed and shakes like a sieve.

His creeps, his head constantly turning in all directions.

What seems to be looking for.

"This... this fox appeared here, that... that black dog... I’m afraid it’s not far away!”

The ink cannons widened.

Take a deep breath.

In the mind, there is a picture in the remains of the ancient gods.

The fox and the black dog, the whole group of gods and gods turned around, and even... the superior gods were stunned by the play.

He never imagined that this fox would actually appear here!

The imperial concubine used the power of the eruption of Tianfeng, which made the void blocked.

She wants to kill this step.

She is going to take advantage of this attack and rule out the emperor's heart.

Didn't Step and Emperor make a bet?

Even if the Emperor is defeated, but as soon as the step is dead, the demons will naturally disappear.

Because the cause and effect of the step and the emperor disappeared...


The void is broken.

The hot high temperature spreads.

Above the ground.

The fin feather robe on the side of the step is hunting.

The white hair on the little fox is also constantly being blown by the blow.

It seems to feel the position.

The little fox jumped out of the step.

It fell to the ground.

The nine tails spread out and licked their mouths.

It bursts into the hair and feels an unparalleled crisis.

The little fox licked his mouth and his eyes showed a fierce color.

The next moment, open your mouth.


The screams teared the sky and swayed...

The white hair of the little fox has changed in the naked eye, and it is actually stained with blood.

The nine tails exploded.

In the small fox mouth, a golden beef ball appeared.


Small fox's **** hair is dip.

Above the head, the power of the law is soaring.

Later, the golden beef **** in the mouth are shot out...

Turned into a streamer, and shot toward Tianfeng on the sky.

Terrible attack... Instant collision!

However, everyone is not optimistic...

How does a fox resist the power of Tianfeng?

Huangfu even sneered with no scruples...

"This is not a self-sufficient fox... I will definitely wear fur to make clothes!" Huangfu cold and cold.


The Mohist master ink cannon, but at this moment, the face changed greatly!

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