Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1477: Ah! [The third! 】

The little fox develops into nine tails.

And can it change the color?

This is what the step has never expected. I didn't expect to see it for a short period of time. Little Fox actually has such a huge change.

This change, the concession side is somewhat overwhelmed.

The change of the little fox is so big, what about the dog?

The change of the dog's lord should not be small.

In the past, the step-by-step feeding of a small fox has a lot of bursting bovine pill. This bovine pill has been blessed by the body of the little fox, and the power can at least increase by several times.


This kind of powerful bursting bovine pill should not be the opponent of the day.

However, seeing the appearance of Xiaohu, the inexplicable choice of the step is to believe in Xiaohu.

A golden bursting bovine pill was spouted.

But in the golden color, it is entangled in blood.

The blood color spread on the bursting of the bovine pill, making the bursting bovine pill seem to be full of evil colors.

Huangfu didn’t care much about the bursting of a fox’s bursting bovine pill. Say it... Beef balls, is it funny? !

Because Huangfu knows it very clearly, the strength of the fox is nothing but the gods in the area...

Inferior gods... What is that concept?

Did not comprehend the law of the universe, the fox of a lower god, the emperor is afraid that it can be crushed by a finger!

Does the little fox have a strong understanding of the law of the universe?

Naturally there is no.

Therefore, no one feels that the little fox can stop the sky.

Therefore, in their view, the step is dead this time!

However, the Mohist family did not think so.

This fox...

He has dealt with many times and he knows the horror of this fox.

Of course, the dog is even more horrible!

He still remembers how weak the fox was when he first saw the fox, but it didn't take long for the fox to be tuned by the black dog... to make himself scream.

Then later...

This fox is more and more horrible.

Every time this kind of golden energy ball is ejected, the power of incomparable horror will erupt!

Later, when he met the fox, he could only be run around...

He understands why.

Therefore, he was scared!

In the eyes of the public, the power of the energy ball and the phoenix phoenix collide.

boom! !

A terrible pressure suddenly spread, and the energy ball exploded.

A **** ray of light filled the sky and covered the sky, making everyone feel a horrible creep.

When the power of Tianfeng's dynasty approached the **** light, it actually rolled back.

Huangfu’s disdainful expression froze.

The next moment, I quickly played a series of Tianfeng.


After continuous bombardment, the **** ray is only dangerously and dangerously broken.

Huangfu was somewhat fortunate, but fortunately, he had Tianfeng in his hand, otherwise... she was afraid to plant it in the mouth of this fox.

The feeling of turning over the ship in this gutter is very bad!

Let Huang Fu’s face become very ugly.

The ink cannon spit out a breath.

Fortunately, blocked...

Tianfeng is not the artifact of the town, this fox has been drinking the blood of the gods, the talent has become very enchanting.

In the remains of the ancient gods, the fox and the black dog, but with a lot of gods running.

Of course, they also don't understand.

At first they were running with foxes and black dogs.

But when I got to the back, I didn't know when it became a black dog and a fox running around them.

The black dog definitely found something good in the ruins!

After squirting a **** bursting bovine pill.

The little fox is weak and squatting on the ground.

Her blasted tail slowly squirmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in a short while, it re-grows.

This strange concession was slightly surprised.

So arrogant?

Can you grow back again after the explosion?


The step does not know what happened to Xiaohu, but the little fox has become stronger. This is beyond doubt.

The little fox was in shape, and the **** little fox was on the shoulder of the step.

The tail is swaying.


The little fox sent out the voice of the girl.

Step by step.

Later, I understood the meaning of the little fox.

It turned out that just bursting out a burst of beef pills, it is the last inventory in the belly of the little fox!

Step by step, I took a breath of cold, knowing that before the departure, the step was to feed the little fox, and the little fox was stuffed with no idea how many bursting bovine pills.

However, when I meet now, Xiaohu actually has only one bursting bovine pill.

It is enough to see how fierce the battle has been in the days when the little fox and the dog are disappearing.

Step by step.

The Xuanwu pot suddenly emerged.

The keel kitchen knife rotates and the ingredients fly out.

The brilliance of the eyes blooms in the eyelids.

The chaos kitchen knife is displayed, the ingredients are processed in an instant, the ingredients are cut into meat, and the bursting bovine pill is made again.

After the initial shock, Huangfu was angry and angry.

The ink cannons widened their eyes and saw the appearance of the weak fox, showing the ecstasy!

"Shao Ji, speed shot! Grab the fox! The fox is flowing in the body... the ancient **** blood!" The ink gun almost screamed.

The eyes are red.

The ancient gods and blood, the two traces in the ruins, their group of gods have been looking for so long, but the result is a cheap dog and a fox.

Now this fox is on the order.

If you can catch it, extract the blood of the gods!

Will be the biggest gain!

They can even cultivate a strong person close to the gods!


Ancient Heavenly Blood?

When the words of the ink cannon came out, the people present were slightly glimpsed.

Afterwards, many people's breathing has become rushed.

Ancient Heavenly Blood?

That kind of thing, actually on a fox.

At this moment, everyone understands what this fox means. This fox means talent. As long as it extracts its blood, it will certainly be able to cultivate a close to the gods in the younger generation!

If you are not good enough, you can also extract the magical power that belongs to the gods from the blood of the gods!

The blood of the gods is in a fox, it is a violent thing!

The step is also to hear the words of the ink cannon.

The brows wrinkled more and more.

However, the movement in his hand did not stop.

The fire is surging.

Soon, golden golden beef **** emerged.

On the surface of the beef ball, there is a brilliance, and the force of the law is floating.

That is the power of the rules of the step into it.

This makes the beef ball more powerful and powerful.

Compared to the bursting bovine pill that was eaten before the small fox, this bursting bovine pill is an advanced version!

"Little fox... open your mouth!"

Step by step, watching the little fox on his shoulder, faint.

The little fox suddenly straightened up and his tail swayed.

Later, under the command of the step, the little fox jumped up.

Step by step, a finger.

The bursting bovine pill suspended around his body was ejected by the step.

A tear was made and turned into a golden streamer, which was swallowed by the little fox.


The little fox stretched his neck and spit his tongue, and he was so excited that he swallowed the bursting bovine pill.

Every burst of bovine pill will be roaring, and then it will be full...


The step is actually feeding pets in such an urgent moment? !

This cook is really a big nerve!

The people present are speechless.

Luo Sanniang and Shao Wangye are also crying and laughing.

The ink cannons widened.

He finally understood where the horrible attacking means of the fox came from. The original energy cannons were provided by the cook!

It turned out that from the very beginning, their Mohist and the step are not dead!

I don't know how many I have eaten.

The frequency of the fox's fullness is also getting faster and faster.

After the step of feeding a pot of bursting bovine pill to the small fox, it stopped the action in his hand.

Little fox is satisfied.

Its small belly eats round and swaying in the void.

The little foxes returned to the shoulders of the steps.

The steps are all feeling that the little fox has a lot of weight.

I hugged the little fox and hugged it in my arms.

Step by step blinked and licked the head of the little fox.

What do you want to do? !

People around are a little circle.

"God of God?"

Huangfu looked up.

On the beautiful face, the greed of color suddenly emerged.

God, the supreme existence of the chaotic universe.

Even the old man in the palace could not reach the realm of the gods, and now, the fox containing the **** of the gods actually appeared in front of her.

This is her chance!

If the blood of the gods can be given to the emperor, then the talent of the emperor will reach a more enchanting level.

It will even make the Emperor break through the realm of the gods.

At that time...

Her identity of Mo Shaoji will rise!

So... this fox will surely catch!

Huangfu’s gaze glimpsed, holding the heavenly phoenix, the sensation of the gods, and the divine power rolling.

Suddenly, Tianfengyu made a sound of screaming, and the smashing of the smashing occurred.

A sound.

Tianfeng Suihua made nine Fengfeng, which is the origin of Fengfeng.

That Feng Yu is a golden color.

The imperial concubine moved as if dancing in the air.

Suddenly, Jiufeng Fengyu burst into flames.

It seems to have turned into nine phoenixes, and it is coming to the bottom of the steps and the little fox!

There are emperors, and everyone around them feels a pity.

When they learned that the little fox actually had the blood of the gods, they were somewhat moved.

However, there was a presence of Huangfu, and there were black and white two old people present.

They are not in turn.

Nine roots were burned and turned into nine phoenixes, hovering in the air.

The temperature of the whole world is extremely high.

far away.

In the summer, I was entangled in black and white, and I couldn’t get away.

In fact, if it is not black and white, the old man will not kill the summer, it may have been killed in the summer.

After all, the repair of these two old men is... unfathomable.

It’s a good old monster that has lived for countless years.

"Little fox."

Step by step touched the head of the little fox.

The little fox looked up and blinked.

The clever shackles are in the hands of the steps.

Looking at the nine feathers flying down the sky.

The gaze of the step is condensed.


Raise your palm and gently pat on the little fox's ass.

"Spray her!!"

Step by step.

The words fell.

The little fox made a scream and opened his mouth.

The milky white hair turned into a **** color again, and it was terrible.

A fox tail suddenly exploded!

The slamming sound turned into a **** fog.

And the little fox’s mouth...

It is a lot of **** brilliance...


The small head of the little fox moves up and down like a garlic.

The **** bursting bovine pill in the mouth shot out...

Densely smashed toward the nine phoenix feathers on the scorpio.

Covering the sky, dense and dense.

I don’t know how many bursting bovine pills.

There are steps in... Xiaohu is not worried about the stock of bursting bovine pills.

and so……

Little fox, let's spray it!

Huangfu originally won the prize.

However, when I saw the sky-covered, densely popped beef balls...

A beautiful face suddenly became bitter and bitter.

Nima... Isn't it good to have only one? ! So many simultaneous sprays, cheating? !

The ink cannon is cold...

It turned out... this fox...and this kind of operation? !

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