Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1482: Huangfu's end [first! 】

That piece of meat, under the white teeth of the dog, is so conspicuous.

It is the law of time that floats around, and the time becomes very slow, as if the water is flowing quietly.

Everything around it was still, and even the pieces that had broken up on the ground were slowly splashing.

boom! ! !

The time flow rate returned to normal.

The ground blasted and suddenly cracked.

Everyone around me slammed and took a breath.

All the big eyes are wide, I feel extremely unbelievable, what happened just now, why is there a feeling of heart in that moment...


A bang sounded.

The ground in the distance burst open.

Later, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the ground there was cracked.

Black and white, the old and broken body, flew out, like a muddy fall on the ground.

The black and white old chest collapsed deeply, and their bones collapsed.


Just an instant, the black and white two old will be defeated? !

"The rule of time..."

The black and white old eyes were full of horror, and took a deep breath, unbelievable.

If the emperor comprehends the law of the universe, then it is the past.


A dog, a fat black dog, comprehend the law of time...

This is a bit funny!

Is the current law of the universe's strongest so easy to comprehend?

Even a dog can understand such a mysterious rule.

Or is it better for people than dogs? !

The law of time, in the law of the universe, is second only to the law of reincarnation.

The same very mysterious, it is also very difficult to comprehend.

The black and white two old men climbed up from the ground, and they no longer look cold and proud.

Black and old is even more horrible, and his half body is knocked out.

Moreover, being broken by the bones of the gods, he has to recover, and it is very difficult.

The two of them, together, can fight for the king of the gods, what is the result?

Face a dog, instantly spiked!

"You can do anything, you can't bother the dog and I eat! This anger! You can't afford it!"

The dog is cold and cold.

The body fat is shaking.

A paw slammed on the ground, and time later stopped again.

The law of time is released.

The black and white old body once again froze.

What are the ways they face the law of time? !

Hey! !

The old eyes of the black and white turned, and the color of horror was revealed again.

Because he found that the bones of his body slammed down that day and squatted on his head.

His eyes gradually darkened, and slowly he saw his head... bursting open!

Moreover, a terrible suction was released from the bones of the day, and the black and old miserables could not be made. The soul was inhaled by the bone of the day.

Why am I always the one who's hurt? !

Black heart is mourning!

Hey! ! !

The passage of time instantly recovered.

Under the eyes of the public, the old man’s head exploded.

The black and old, close to the level of the gods, was so knocked to death by a dog that lived with bones.

White old mouth hemoptysis, full of panic, full of wrinkled face, the meat is shaking.

He saw the black and old being killed.

In order not to step into his footsteps, Bai Lao felt that he had to escape.

What is the **** of bones, what is the **** of blood fox.

No life, everything is empty talk!

This dog, like the **** messenger, is dying!

Suddenly black and old, the dog once again put the **** bone back to the back.

After the tail swayed, it was an elegant pace, and returned to the side of the step, burying the porcelain plate and eating it again.

Let’s go.

This appearance, can not be seen at all, this is the two bones knocked to death a close to the superior **** of evil.

The surrounding family members are all in the cold.

The end of the black and old, they are scared.

They suddenly had some luck, but fortunately they were not crazy because of the gods.

Otherwise, it is now killed by the bones... that is them.

Knocked to death by the bones, there is no way to escape even the gods!

The **** of bones will engulf the gods.

At that time, it was really dead.

It’s a pity that I’m looking at the dog’s singer who is eating.

That is a kind of existence close to the level of the upper king.

The law of comprehension is close to five hundred. If it can swallow its own fire, then its own fire will reach at least five hundred laws. At that time, the power is strong and the steps are not clear.

The power of the fire is actually proportional to the strength of the step.

Although the fire of today is strong, it does not form a qualitative change.

Once the steps truly understand the complete rules and accomplish the gods, then... the fire of the gods engulfs so many laws, it will be a complete outbreak

Power... will also reach a terrible degree!

Therefore, the cultivation of the fire in the current step is actually a process of cultivation.

The emperor stayed in the woods.

She squinted, and it was slap by the Emperor.

She has been blindfolded until now.

But what really blinded her was... the death of black and old.

Black and old... That is the card of her Mohist family. The Mohist family is her maiden, the real capital she can stand in the dynasty.

However, the old man was killed by a dog.

Black and white two old, complement each other, the two join hands, in order to wait for the king of the gods, because their practice of cultivation, and the rules of comprehension are complementary rules.

However, once one person dies, the other one is white, and he will not reach the level of the superior god.

The status of Huangfu in the dynasty also plummeted!

The Mohist family is dead, black and white are old and abolished...

Then what can she rely on?

The former Emperor was so indulgent as she was because the Emperor was retreating and had no jurisdiction over trivial matters.

She has the phoenix, even the highest ruler of the dynasty.

Now that the Emperor is out of the customs, she will never be mad again...

The only thing she can rely on is the emperor.

Huangfu is not stupid, she now understands that she can only be low-key.

Otherwise, once the Emperor blames, she will die.

In these years, what she did, the Emperor just didn't want to control it, but it didn't mean that the Emperor didn't know.

The Emperor, once the emperor, commanded many great worlds.

If it is not the aging of the emperor, she will face a big robbery, and she does not dare to let it go.


The emperor’s tears are full of tears, and the beautiful face is matched with this charming gesture.

It is quite pitiful.

Summer is just a sneer look...

The Emperor prevented her from killing this woman. She didn't understand, and she didn't bother to understand.

"To shut up."

The Emperor turned his hand and said faintly.

The breath of his body spread, incomparably magnificent and powerful.

Huangfu suddenly shivered.

The eyes of the Emperor are indifferent, and a glance at her heart will make her heart break into the nine secluded ice caves.


Huangfu opened his mouth.

The Emperor raised his hand and suddenly felt that the surrounding world was blocked.

"Black armor, gold armor... grab this woman and put it in the dungeon."

The emperor said indifferently.

After that, it is too lazy to pay attention to the emperor, this woman ... in his eyes like an ant.

However, it was a spouse that he was free to find in his long years.

Nothing at all.

Even if his emperor is late, but ... the ruler of the Xia Dai god, is still him.

A district of a Mohist, a woman in the district... what counted.

"Father of the Emperor..."

The emperor looked respectfully in the void.

The Emperor of Megatron for nine days, the Emperor is very respectful to nature.

The void is broken.

The black armor wrapped in the black armor slowly walked out.

Gold armor is also a step forward.

The emperor's hair was scattered and full of unwillingness.

Once she was taken to the dungeon, she knew she had no way to live.

Therefore, she must struggle.

"Mu Shaoji... offended."

Black armor looked at the shawl, crazy incomparable imperial concubine, faint.

"You can't catch me... I am Huangfu... I am the mother of a country!"

Huangfu struggled.

Her face is full of madness...

"Huangfu...please be self-respecting, I am not a silver armor."

Black armor indifferent.

A hand, opened the hand of the emperor holding his armor.

Then he pointed to a bullet.

boom! !

The lacquered black chain, with the cold mist blowing in the air, squeaking, and immediately wrapped around the body of the imperial concubine.

Huangfu’s eyes are full of despair.

Slowly solidify.


Huang Fu’s body shape did not move.

After the black armor salutes the Emperor, it is taking the imperial concubine to vacate.

Everyone is ashamed.

The end of Huangfu, so that everyone is afraid of the atmosphere.

They know that the situation in the divine world has changed.

The imperial concubine completely collapsed.

Because of a cook, because of a dog... the power of Huangfu collapsed.

The gods are going to change the sky!

The emperor's face is full of tangled colors, and Huangfu is his mother. He can't be indifferent.

"Yes, your talent is good, you have to live up to your talents and practice well before you have the chance to touch the road of God that day."

The Emperor glanced at the emperor and said.

"Your heart must be cracked... I am willing to gamble and lose, but it is a rule. From today, you are the waiter of the restaurant... The identity does not mean everything, as long as the mentality is correct."

The Emperor looked at the Emperor and said.

The emperor suddenly feared.

From birth to the present, the Emperor first spoke with him so much, he was flattered.

Although the Emperor is his father, but for a hundred years, he has never seen the Emperor.

"Yes... the children are obedient to the Father."

The emperor was full and serious.

The Emperor suddenly smiled softly.

He is still very satisfied with this son.

Comprehend the two laws of the universe, and he has his demeanor.

Next, that is the dog... and the cook.

Solved the matter of Huangfu.

The Emperor raised his head.

The figure was distorted.

When it reappears, it is in front of the dog and the step.

It’s like taking an understatement.

The steps frowned, and the old man’s breath was too strong.

It is like a scorching sun, dazzling and dazzling.

The Emperor took the hand and stood slowly, faintly looking at the steps.

The Emperor's eyes are very turbid, but there are still fine flashes in it, just like chaos is floating in it.

It seems that the spiritual sea and all the secrets of the step are all seen as transparent.

The Emperor looked deep into the steps.

In that gaze, there is expectation and appreciation.


The dog played a fullness and put out his tongue and licked the dog's mouth.

The taste of drunk ribs is too intoxicating.

Opening the dog's eyes, the dog's gaze collided with the Emperor's gaze.

"Hey, old man, I haven't seen you for a long time. It seems that you are recovering well."

The dog looked at the Emperor and snorted.

The face of the emperor suddenly showed a smile.

Looking at the dog's gaze is extremely gentle.

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