Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1483: Xia Yuhe on the shore of Tianshen Lake [second! 】


This look, this name...

Step by step, a glance, looked at the Emperor and the dog, this person a dog ... seems to know.

The Emperor and the Dog Lord... Is there any ulterior relationship?

The eye of the step flashed, and I was a little curious.

In the arms of the step, Xiaohu has recovered a lot of energy.

There is a **** of blood in her body, so the resilience is very strong, and suddenly it becomes alive and kicking, and the nine tails behind it are constantly swaying and flashing.

The little fox's eyes stared at the Emperor, and his body shape smashed out. He actually jumped to the shoulder of the Emperor.

The tail continued to sway and beat the face of the Emperor.

The Emperor smiled and touched the head of the little fox. "It’s rare for you to remember this little thing. I still remember Xia Yuhe on the shore of Tianshen Lake..."

Dog and little fox... Is it so familiar with the Emperor?

The square of the mouth of the step can not help.

All along, the pace has always thought that he is the best mix, and now it seems that he is still too young.

Little fox and dog, mixed is much better than him.

Even the top leaders of the Xia's dynasty are familiar with it, and it seems that the relationship is still very good. This background is much more powerful than him.

The Emperor of God smashed the head of Xiaohu, and there was a faint favor in his eyes.

The gold armor behind the Emperor, and the emperor are a horror.

Jin Jia was surprised that the Emperor had not shown such a smile for many years.

The horror of the Emperor is because the Emperor is actually so approachable.

The majestic Emperor, just standing, let the Emperor feel the terrible pressure.

"This old man, in the ruins of the original, was dying, or the little fox found him, and then the dog took the shot and saved the old man..."

The dog's tongue swallowed his tongue and seemed to be relishing the taste of drunken pork.

Of course, the mouth is explaining the relationship between the Emperor and him.

"Yeah, after all, Xiaohu is still my savior..."

The Emperor said with a smile.

Step by step.

The people around are also staying.

Isn’t the Emperor always retreating? How could it appear in the remains of the ancient gods...

Besides, the Emperor of the Emperor will still be dying?

In the entire chaotic universe, besides the gods, who would make the Emperor dying?

The golden armor reveals the color of doubt. As the personal guard of the Emperor, he is very aware of the horror of the Emperor.

Is it the catastrophe of the Emperor? So is it going to be dying in the ruins?

That is also possible.

To the extent of the Emperor, the robbery is very horrible, and every robbery will threaten life.

This is also why, many people know why the Emperor's life is not long.

But... did not feel the emergence of the world? !

"It’s also because the old man was saved. The trace of my dog’s ruins was exposed. I started a big escape with Xiaohu. If I didn’t find the blood of the gods, and this leg bone, my brother’s first name must be lost. ""

The full-fledged dog is lying on the ground, lazy.

"The location of the relics of the gods is what the emperor told you, and this is also to thank you for your help."

The Emperor's Road.

"I didn't think of Xia Yuhe, the chaos of the universe for so many years, and finally was saved by a dog and a fox." The Emperor shook his head in a cry.


Even if the dog is now holding the **** of the gods, it is still too weak in front of the gods.

In front of this old man, Megatron, the strength of the strong, is unprecedented in the step.

"The Emperor of God..."

The gold armor showed concern.

When the Emperor of the Emperor entered the relics of the ancient gods, he did not know, what is important is that the Emperor of the Emperor was seriously injured? !

It’s really not enough for him to be a bodyguard.

As a personal bodyguard, you can even sacrifice your life for the Emperor when necessary.

This is their duty to ban!

However, today, he is a serious default.

"Do not blame you, this matter is not expected by the emperor... This emperor is limited, intends to impact the gods to bury the bones, want to find the last chance, impact the gods, but unfortunately... the opportunity has not been found, but was buried by the gods The ban on the ground hurts... But... it’s not the gods who banned the Emperor’s serious injury, but... a weird creature!”

The Emperor said, and when he said this, his eyes suddenly smashed and there was a horrible atmosphere.

"The creature is very weird... able to replicate and devour the gods... The most important thing is that it breeds very fast and grows fast!"

The Emperor took a deep breath and he was almost stunned by the creature.

However, he is a **** emperor after all, and he has been seriously injured by the life, but that thing is a hidden danger.

There are unknown and terrible creatures in the scope of the gods.

In case, the creatures are multiplying...may be a disaster.

The Emperor frowned.

But the step and the dog are looking at each other.

The dog lord never knew that the Emperor was seriously injured because of the creature.

At the beginning, the step and the dog were separated because of the terrible creature...

Is it...

The creature also followed the transmission array and sent it to the Xia Dynasty. !

The step took a deep breath and suddenly covered a haze in his heart.

The creature is actually able to seriously hurt the Emperor, how terrible it is!

"This royal family ordered the arrest of this creature... I don't allow these uncertain factors to exist within the scope of the Xia's dynasty."

The Emperor touched the head of the little fox.

"You cook, inherited the wooden kitchen of Mu Hongzi, the character and Mu Hongzi are similar. Just after inheriting the kitchen of God, they dare to fight with Moh."

The Emperor looked at the steps in a strange way.

In the eyes of the Emperor, the body of the step is blooming with golden light.

The golden light seemed to be turned into a pillar.

This is air transport.

Only a **** of the king can see the air.

The air transport on the side of the step made his gods feel scared.

This is also the reason why the Emperor gave the emperor the waiter of the restaurant.

Air transport is able to infect each other.

At the moment when the Emperor promised to ask for it, the column of the air transport on the Emperor's body grew a little.

This makes the Emperor determine and make a good step.

At the beginning of the wood, the column of the air transport was not as strong as the gas of the cook.

After all, the Emperor is the Emperor of the Emperor.

Because the retreat was too long, everything in the palace was messed up by the emperor.

When the Emperor returns to nature, he must reorganize everything.

So, after walking for a while with the step and others.

It was with a gold armor and others.

The Emperor is also following the Emperor. Of course, he has already confirmed with the step, and will go to the restaurant tomorrow, and willingly be a restaurant waiter.

In this regard, the step is naturally undecided.

The emperor now belongs to him, and he is not willing to do it.

The storm is over.

The family around the family looked awkward and boiled up after the gods left.

They know that there will be something big happening in the capital.

The step is actually so good with the Emperor...

The position of the next son of the kitchen in the dynasty is going to rise.

No one dares to offend the kitchen of God.

As long as the Emperor is still alive, God’s Kitchen Palace is afraid that it will force many families, and its status is higher than when Muhongzi existed before!

The kitchen of the kitchen is destroyed.

However, all of this is a ghost of the Mohist family.

Nowadays, the Mohist family is falling apart. The Mohist family's main ink cannons are killed by a dog's bones. The Mohist black and white is old and old, and one death and one escape. The emperor was also beaten into the dungeon by the Emperor.

The Mohist faction that once ruled the capital, at this moment... completely collapsed!

The property of the Mohist family has also been included in the shrine of the God’s Kitchen.

No one dares to encroach on it. No family can dare to offend the god-like kitchen in the sky.

Unless the Emperor is fallen.

However, in a short time, the fall of the Emperor is impossible.

Luojia Building.

Top floor.

Among the restaurants.


The steps pushed the door of the restaurant.

The little fox on the shoulder of the step seems to be back in the familiar environment, the little fox jumped down and began to jump.

The dog is stepping into the restaurant with an elegant catwalk.

The nose is swaying.

“It’s still a familiar restaurant, or a restaurant is comfortable.” Dogs said.

After that, it was to twist the buttocks and came under the tree of enlightenment. Under the tree of enlightenment, I woke up and slept.

In the ruins of the gods, the waves have been so long, and the sergeant feels physically and mentally exhausted, and has lost a pound of meat.

He needs to make up his sleep and make up the lost meat.

The little fox is alive and kicking, the body is flowing with the blood of the gods, and the little fox is now full of energy.

Xiao You and Pluto Erha are staring at the little fox and the dog.

Pluto Erha is heartbroken.

He regrets why he did not follow the dog.

Even the little fox, the stupid fox, became a **** with the dog. He was handsome and handsome, and the sorrowful sorrow of the sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows.

This is simply...

Day of the dog!

In addition to eating spicy strips, there is no little help for repairing!


It was time to hold the dog's thigh.

It seems to feel the sad eyes of Pluto.

The steps are just cold and tearing the corners of the mouth.

Then he turned and stepped into the kitchen. After a big battle, the best thing is cooking food and sharing it with everyone.

Everything in the restaurant is like the venue.

In today's restaurants, who dares to provoke.

Everyone has a bad time.

Luojia also no longer obstructed Luo Sanniang to find a step, and Pingyang Shaowangye was greatly stimulated, decided to close the death, not to achieve the gods, not to go out.

Outside the restaurant, the major families learned the news.

They all gathered outside the restaurant.

Line up the team.

This restaurant... now it’s covered with a god, and it’s absolutely right!

The restaurant opened by the God Palace Palace, plus the background of the Emperor...

Which prestige chef's restaurant can compare?

Although it has not yet opened, the business of the surrounding class chefs has all been robbed.

In the kitchen.

Step by step to wash the pot and process the ingredients.

When the dog returns, it is natural to have a good celebration.

As for what to do.

There are already a few in the heart of the step.

The ingredients were taken out of the system space bag. Of course, there are many ingredients, which are taken from the pastoral world.

Aspirate the soil, clean it, and place it on the stove.

Ostrich eggs, fat sea bream, and some simple ingredients, piled up.

A kind of fruit fruit that will be dug out of the idyllic world will be placed on the stove.

The fruit is not ordinary, it is full of aura, and the steps peel the fruit, revealing the flesh, and smashing.

When preparing for cooking in the steps.

The Emperor also returned to the Imperial Palace.

The night has passed.

The sky turned up the white belly, and the star was shining.

And the Imperial Palace, after a hundred years, once again started early...

The Emperor of the Emperor took the high position, and all the great families and the great courtiers came to the DPRK.

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